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Development refers to growth, adaptation and change that occur over the course of a lifetime

(Papalia et. al, 2007). The human being is never static, from conception to death, physical and

psychological change is constantly taking place in all of us. The process of development has

been thought of in terms of stages that each of us must go through. These stages are

characterized by certain behavioral or developmental characteristics that each of us goes through

at different rates and even at different ages.

Among the stages of development, no other aspect of the life cycle has commanded as much

attention as adolescence. The teenage years are also called adolescence. In this stage it can easily

describes as the best of times and worst of times. It is the time when one goes through the worst

so as to reach out to the best. It is the most precious and memorable part of one’s life, and also

one of the most difficult stage of an individual.

Teenagers are currently period of time for maturity and character development. It involves the

improvement of a person to have a pleasing personality. The generation is aiming to have an

acceptable behavior and attitudes. This process is very adventurous and crucial because the

teenager has a distinct and strange character that needs improvement.

This study will outline changes that occur during adolescence in three domains: physical,

cognitive, and social. Within the social domain, changes in relationships with parents, peers, and

romantic partners will be considered. It will summarize sources of diversity in adolescents’

experiences and development.


Adolescence is an important period

Adolescence is a complex and often difficult period in development both for adolescence and for

their families because of rapid physical change, psychological and cognitive changes and by an

accelerating succession of urgent societal demands, adolescence faces formidable challenges in

the essential task of deciding who they are, what they are going to be and how they are going get

these. Thus, this is an important period of human life.

Adolescence is a transitional period

Adolescence is a period of transition and rapid change. Neither the person is called a child nor an

adult because the individual has crossed childhood and yet to reach the stage of adulthood. Thus,

the status of the individual is vague and diffused and there is confusion about the roles he/she is

going to play. Sometimes his innocent behaviour is either called ‘childish’ or ‘too big for his age.

Adolescence is a period of change

It is a general characteristic of the adolescence period. During this stage, there is a change in

physical, psychological and sociological aspects of an individual along with values, attitudes,

interests and behaviour. Thus consistency and inconsistency are found in the life cycle. This is

also called the Storm and Stress period.

During adolescence, both the girl and the boy, grow very much conscious about their

appearance. As physical changes are very rapidly taking place, affecting the appearance of the

adolescent, “how do I appear?” becomes his or her haunting concern. An adolescent would do all

that he or she can to develop and maintain an attractive look. One grows very particular

regarding one’s dress, hair-style and so on. One may have to come before a mirror many times a

day, just to know how she or he may be looking now. It is the period when the narcissism of the

psychoanalysts becomes relevant; narcissism stands for self-love, when one becomes enamored

of one’s own appearance. But this state of feeling is not to last long; the adolescent feels a strong

pull towards the opposite sex. Now, his or her main concern becomes how he or she must be

looking in the eyes of the opposite sex. The obsession of appearance would, naturally, make the

adolescent very uneasy at times. Its side-effect may be jealousy against someone that he or she

cannot compete with. This persistent concern for one’s appearance may distort one’s behaviour.

One may grow shy or withdrawn in case of physical defect or lack of attraction, imagined or real,

is there. If the defect is innate or developed postnatally but to the level of incurability, in general,

the development of personality would be adversely affected. Such a one cannot behave in a

normal way.

Adolescence is a period of egocentric and problem age

The sudden and rapid change of physical and psychological aspects during this stage create a

problem for the adolescent. Adolescence youth are interested to solve their problem

independently and try to achieve independence from parents establishes, cooperative and

workable relationships with peers and preparing for a meaningful vocation. But sometimes they

cannot solve the problem, which itself creates a problem for them.
Adolescence is a time of the search for identity

Each of the periods has its problems that must be solved if the individual is to enter the next

period without handicap. Adolescence is perhaps no more important stage of development than

any others, but it is the last stage before adulthood and it, therefore, offer to both parents and

teacher the last opportunity to educate a child for his adult responsibility.

During this period adolescents begin to search for their identity and try to develop individuality

in their way which sometimes leads to an identity crisis in some adolescence.

Adolescence is a period of unrealism

During this period the aspirations, thoughts and achievements etc are more idealistic rather than

realistic. Young boys and girls think the more unrealistic, false and illogical ideas which

sometimes hurt and disappoint them in life. It is found out that the false idealistic ideas disappear

gradually and adolescence sees their life, family and friends more realistically.

Adolescence is a period of Hero-worship and sexual maturity

During this period the boys and girls consider themselves they are heroes and heroine of the life

cycle. They think that they can do and undo everything during their life span without

understanding the reality of life. The above feelings take place due to sudden sexual

development on the part of boys and girls.

Hero Worship:

Some living character, maybe, some hero of the screen, a member of his peer-group, or someone

among the acquaintances, or of the family, may have caught the imagination of the adolescent,

and he starts emulating him keenly. What attracts him, may be the physique—good height and

well body-build plus good appearance; may be the skill in games or sports; adventurous nature;

outspokenness and so on are also the qualities for which the adolescent may choose his hero. The

adolescent may choose his hero from history or from some piece of literature; or an imaginary

character may also occupy the place of a hero in his mind. Sometimes, because of the influence

of a bad company, some gang leader or someone who is boisterous and belligerent, may become

an ideal for him to emulate. Psychologists also say that the hidden motivation in such an

emulation, happens to be self-security—for the sake of security, a member of the gang tries to

emulate one who is very aggressive and assertive.

Elderly members of the family and teachers in school may be instrumental in the development of

the desired type of personalities by way of presenting great characters before the students. The

character may be someone living, or may be from the recent or past history or myth. In some

instances, even the teachers are emulated by their students. Presenting ideal characters for

emulation is a holy duty of the teachers. In most of the cases, heroes are changed with age. The

hero of the middle childhood may be replaced be someone else with characteristics more

appealing to an adolescent’s imagination. One with some inclination towards arts is likely to

emulate some artists of excellence. The family background also affects the choice of a hero.

Adolescence is a period of intensely emotional

During this period the youth often results in intense excitement and deep depression. Sometimes

he/she may exhibit a ‘know-it-all’ attitude. Boys like to be thought big strong and healthy. Girls

desire prettiness. In both the sexes, there is interest in an emphasis on physical attractiveness and

good grooming.

Adolescence is a period of sexual delinquency

During this period sexual manifestation may cause self-consciousness and desire for other ties. It

is a period of mutual liking; thus, homosexual and heterosexual feelings create confusion among


Adolescence is a period of high moral values and sacrifice

During this period high moral values are seen. The adolescent youth like to serve in fairs,

festivals, social gatherings etc and sacrifice their conveniences for social service due to their high

moral feelings.

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