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By: Rex Romero


It was Monday morning when I prepare myself to go to school.I ate my

breakfast,brushed my teeth,combed my hair and wore my uniform.I was so happy going
to school since it was Monday.I must start the week full of positivity.
I enjoyed the discussion at the morning.I ate my lunch with Niña,Ally and Ella
whom I considered as my genuine friends.It was fun eating with them and sharing stories
that happened during the weekend.As the afternoon classes passed by,nothing special
happened.As classes ended,I went home with my friends and separated. It was also fun
having accompanied by them.We talked about issues in the school,in the society and even
sharing personal matters and secrets.It was a good day for me.

I got home safely.I looked around, searched for my Mom and Dad to give
respect,but i could not find them.I found out that they are at my Auntie's house.I just
thought that there was just a simple event in there,until my sister texted me saying that
my Auntie passed away already due to her illness.The curve in my lips was gone easily as
the tears in my eyes went down.I was shocked,devastated on what I heard. I could not
move or think.I feel like was paralyzed all of the sudden.All the happy thoughts in my
head were gone.

I thought that day was supposed to be happy,but something unexpected showed

up.Life is unpredictable.Life is uncertain.One second,you're happy and after a second
something unfortunate might happen.I guess i just need to learn the concept of reality.

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