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According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the definition of a Characteristic is
something that expresses, distinguishes, or is typical of an individual character. In fact, a
characteristic applies to something that distinguishes a person, thing or class. According
to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Characteristics are signs, features, or features
that can be used as identification. Characteristics can also be interpreted as something
that can distinguish one thing from another.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the definition of a Client is someone who gets
legal assistance from a lawyer. Meanwhile, according to the Oxford dictionary, the
definition of a client is someone who uses the services of a professional organization such
as a lawyer or bank.

Key Vocabulary:

1. Expresses 5. Client
2. Distinguishes 6. Lawyer
3. Typical 7. Services
4. Signs
Task 1
a) What does the client characteristics mean?
b) How we can see client characteristics?
c) What is the purpose of a client in business?


a. Voluntary Client

Voluntary clients are clients who come to the counselor on

their own consciousness because they have certain intentions and
goals. This can be in the form of a desire to obtain information,
seek explanations about the problem, about careers and further
studies and so on.
The characteristics of voluntary clients are:
1) Came of their own accord.
2) Adaptable to the counselor.
3) Easy to open, as in talking about the problem.
4) Be serious in following the counseling process.
5) Try to state things clearly.
6) Friendly attitude, expecting help.
7) g. Willing to reveal secrets even if it hurts.

b. Forced client
Forced clients are clients who come to the counselor at the
encouragement of friends or family.
The characteristics of forced clients are:
1) Clients are closed.
2) Reluctant to speak.
3) Be suspicious of the counselor.
4) Less friendly.
5) Gently decline counsellor's assistance.

c. Reluctant Client
Reluctant clients are clients who come to the counselor not to be helped to solve the problem, but
because they like to talk with the counselor. There are also some reluctant clients who just stay silent
because they don't like being helped with their problems.
Efforts that can be made to deal with reluctant clients are:
1) Realized his mistake.
2) Provide opportunities for clients to be guided by a counselor or other interlocutor.

d. Hostile / Opposing Client

Hostile / opposing clients are a continuation of forced

clients who have quite serious problems. The characteristics of a
hostile / opposing client are: closed, opposed, hostile, and
openly refuses.
Effective ways to deal with these clients are:
1) Kind, friendly and empathetic.
2) Tolerance of visible client behavior.
3) Increase patience, waiting for the right moment to speak
according to the client's body language.
4) Understand the wishes of clients who do not want to be
5) Invite negotiations or time contracts and explanations about

e. Crisis Client
Crisis clients are clients who have experienced disasters such as the death of those closest to them,
house fires, and rape. The counselor's job here is to provide assistance that can make the client stable and
able to adjust to new situations.
The characteristics of a crisis client are:
1) Closed or closed off from the outside world.
2) Very emotional.
3) Helpless.
4) Some experienced hysteria.
5) Inability to think rationally.
6) Unable to take care of themselves and their family.
7) Need someone to trust.
 Example of a conversation between a company agent and a client

Supliyer (Clien) : "Hello, good afternoon, is it true that this is from the Mac Mohan Company?"
Agent : "Yes, right, who is this from?"
Supliyer (Clien) : We, from a sewing machine supplier, would like to inform you that our
machine delivery was a little late due to a traffic jam on the Bawen Toll Road.”
Agent : Yes, then when will the goods arrive?
Supliyer (Clien) : "Sorry for the inconvenience, we can't predict yet but the fastest the goods will
arrive tomorrow afternoon. We are solving this problem as soon as possible”
Agent : “Okay, we will wait until the goods arrive”
Supliyer (Clien) : “Thank you for understanding, good afternoon”
Agent : “Yes, good afternoon

Task 2
a) How to understand client characteristics?
b) Which characteristics of clients are good to business with?
c) What client characteristics should be maintained in business?

Definition of Characteristics:
Client Definition:

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