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Pertemuan: SKS : 2


Hari/ Tanggal: Ujian Tengah Semester Waktu : 60’
Senin 3 oktober Bahasa Inggris Lanjutan


NIM : 7211210007

Answer the questions no 1-4 based on the text below!


Companies are involved in many activities, for example buying, selling, marketing
and production, in a range of different industries, such as information technology,
telecommunication, film and car manufacture. Many well-known companies are
multinationals, these are companies which operate in a number of countries.
Multinationals often have a complicated structure. There is a usually a parent or
holding company. This company owns other companies or parts of other
1. Write the definition of multinational company!
2. Write 4 companies which have global market!
3. Write the synonym of manufacture, complicated, well-known!
4. Write three activities of business!
5. Write a simple paragraph (at least 10 sentences) telling about your plan in the future!
6. Create a short dialog talking about Mark Zuckerberg as one of the success businessman!

1. A multinational company is a company that has offices and business operations in two or
more countries in the world. These companies are often managed from a head office
headquartered in the home country. Just exporting goods for sale abroad does not make a
business a multinational company.

2. Companies that have a global market are:

1 Walmart Company (WMT)
2 Amazon Company (AMZN)
3 China Petro Companies (PTR)
4 Apple Company, Inc. (AAPL)

3. synonym
 manufacture-invent-think up
 complicated-complex-intricate
 weel known-famous-noted

4. there are business activities buying, selling, marketing and production

5. 1. Get a good job in the company.

2. Another hope is that I can be the boss of my own company by cutting up my own
3. I want to continue my S.2 studies while working.
4. My hope is to open a culinary business in my hometown.
5. My dream is go to umrah for my parents
6. My hope is to open several branches of my culinary business, in several areas.
7. My dream is to build my own house
8. I want to help my younger siblings go to college.
9. I want to marry a pious man so that he can guide me
10. I hope that my children can excel in their respective fields.

6. Mark Zuckerberg is a person who is a pioneer of Facebook, born with the full name Mark
Elliot Zuckerberg, who was born in Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, New York,
United States (US). He is the son of Edward and Karen Zuckerberg, who work as a
dentist and psychiatrist
Mark Zuckerberg, is one of the most entrepreneurs, knows how to turn ideas into reality.
He has faith in his products and works every day to build the best user experience. He
does business for a higher purpose, to make the world more connected and open. Luck
had a lot to do with it, he said. "You can't be successful like this just by working hard or
having a good idea," Zuckerberg admitted during a Facebook Live on Sunday, which was
filmed smoking bacon in a Palo Alto, California, backyard.

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