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Learners Material

S5FE – Ivg – 7


Using the model, it shows the apparent changes in the shapes of the moon to its
position to the earth and the sun.

The moon goes through different phase. Just like the earth it does not have its
own light. It reflects light from the sun. The phase of the moon you see defends on
where the moon is in relation to the sun and the earth.

When the moon comes between the sun and the earth, the side that faces the
earth is dark. This phase is called new moon.

The moon does not change its shape. As it revolves around the sun we see more
of its lighted part. Then we see less and less of it. That is why its shape appear to
change. This is what we called phase of the moon.

Day I

Activity I – Apparent changes in the shape of the moon

Objective :

Observe the apparent changes in the shape of the moon

What you need:

2 small ball 1 medium size ball

1 big flashlight 1 tall jar

What to do :

1. Place the medium size ball on top of the tall jar.

2. Align the small ball with the bigger ball
3. Focus the flashlight on the small ball.
4. Move the small ball around the bigger ball make a complete revolution.

Guided Question:

What do the following represent?

Small ball ______________________________

Bigger ball _____________________________

Flashlight ______________________________
Did the moon change its shape? What was really changed?

Day 2

Activity 2 – How we see the moon in its different positions?


Describe the change of the moon as seen from night to night

What you need

Manila paper Colors

Pentel pen Pencil

Model ( teacher )

What to do:

Color the parts of the moon visible from earth yellow and those not visible black.

Day 3

Activity 3


Show through a model how the relative position of the observer on earth and the
moon and sun cause apparent changes in the shape of the moon.

What you need:

Pictures/ Illustrations
What to do:

a. Darken your room,

b. Place a lighted lamp on one side of the table.
c. Hold a ball infront of it.
d. Look at the lighted part of the ball.
e. Turn the ball counterclockwise slowly.
Note the lighted part of the ball.

Guide question:

1.Why does the moon seen to change its shape?

2. Describe its changes.

3. Describe the different phase of the moon.

Day 4

Activity 4 – More things to do.

1. Draw the different phase of the moon from new moon to full moon.
2. Label and describe each phase

Day 5 – Checking up

Activity 5

Label the different phase of the moon show below. Rearrange the drawing in
their order of appearance beginning with the new moon. Write the answer in your note
Learners Material
S5FE – IVb - 2

Lesson 2 – Effect of Soil Erosion

Activity 1 “ Erosion Changes the shape of the land ”

Day 1

Objectives: Demonstrate how erosion changes the shape of the land

What you need




What to do

1. Build a mountain of soil in the pan

2. Pour several dippers of vwater slowly on top of the mountain
Observe what happen.

Guide Questions
Describe what happened in the shape of the mountain.
What kind of landform was formed? _______________

Was there a change to the shape of the mountain. What kind of landform was
formed? __________________________

If you continue on pouring water to the soil, what do you think will happen? Why?
Remember these What is being shown in this activity?__________________________

Everytime erosion happens in some places it affects people, plants and animals.
It also affect the land.

Note: for activity 2 (Look for place that show evidences of change in shape)
Lesson 2 – Effect of Soil Erosion
Activity 2

Day 2

What you need ( Home work )

Manila paper Pentel

What to do

1. Go around your surrounding at home, in school and in the community.

2. Look for places that show evidences of change in shape due to erosion.
Describe their present condition. Follow the suggested format in presenting your

Place Description

Ex, Street Full of Potholes

Day 3 – Activity 3 “ Condition of the soil ”


Explain how erosion affects the condition of the soil

What you need:

Water hose electric fan

What to do

1. Go to an open space in the school

2. Plug the electric fan then switch it on. Focus it on the ground surface for 5
minute. Observe what happen to the soil.

Guided Question:

1.What agent of soil erosion were shown in the activity?

2.What does the topsoil contain which are necessary for plant growth?

3.Explain How erosion affect the condition of the soil.

Remember these:

Erosion affects the land. It means the loss of the topsoil where plants grow.

Plants grow well on topsoil. The soil becomes less fertile when topsoil is removed.
Day 4

Activity 4 – Inferring the effects of soil Erosion on plants, Animals and People


The effect of soil erosion on plant,animals and people

What to do:

Answer the following briefly,

1.What will happen to food production it large amount of rich topsoil is eroded to
the sea?

2. When seaments or silts accumulate in the bodies of water what will happen to
the following?

Transportation ___________________________________________________

Fishing Industry __________________________________________________

Low lands along coastime and riverbanks_________________________________


3. When flood waters cover rice fields and agricultural lands with silt or sand,
what will be its effect to farmers?



4. What will happen to fish in the sea when their gills are clogged with line
sediment brought about by erosion


5. What happen to plant in a place that is frequently eroded


6. When the fine and white sand in beaches is washed away what happen to
tourism industry?

7.How does a river with accumulated sediment affect people who love swimming



Remember these:

Everytime erosion happens in some places it affect people,plant and animals

It also affect the land.

Erosion happens whenever rocks are carried from one place to another.

Day 5 – checking up

Answer the question:

Write the answer in your notebook.

1. How does erosion affect the land Give three ways.




2. How does erosion affect plants. Give three ways.



3. How does erosion affect people and animals?

Give three ways




4, Where does erosion usually happen ?



5. How does flooding cause soil erosion?



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