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identify the various

forms of written
business communication
2. describe key writing
principles that affect
business letters and
3. discuss the role of
business letters
Enduring Understanding
Business Letters and
Memos in Organizations
 Business letters and memos are two
of the most common formal
communication documents which
contain information.
 Such type of documents are forms of
information dissemination within and
outside organizations.
Enduring Understanding

 However, these said documents have

similarities and differences in terms of
goal, types, format etc.
Enduring Understanding

 Business letter’s goal is typically to

exchange messages ranging from
routine, informational matters to
complex, and even controversial
 It may further convince readers to
take a particular course of action.
Enduring Understanding

 It has types ranging from sales and

inquiry letters to adjustment and
follow-up letters.
 The most common business letter
styles are the block style and modified
block style.
Enduring Understanding

 On the other hand, business memos

are somewhat short, informal and
semi-formal documents. E-memos are
business memos which are sent via e-
 These are utilized to trade
information within and beyond
Enduring Understanding
 As far as professionalism is concern,
transactions within and outside the
organization - formality should not be
forsaken in choosing the most
appropriate form of written
communication in every writing
 Written documents and messages are
commonly viewed in three ways as
formal, informal, or semiformal.
Enduring Understanding
 Letters are considered to be formal
 Most documents and messages that are
developed and/or transmitted
electronically (e.g., e-mail messages, text
messages, tweets) are considered to be
 Awareness of such differences in
perceptions is important because
readers’ formality expectations vary and
should be taken into consideration.
Enduring Understanding
 A substantial portion of internal
communication in the business place
is accomplished via memos.
 Memos most frequently contain
routine information.
 Like letters, the goals of memos range
from sharing neutral, good, and
negative news to persuading readers
to take a specific course of action.
Enduring Understanding
 Today’s memos come in one of two
forms—hardcopy memos and e-
 On the surface, one might think that
all memos should take the form of e-
memos due to e-mail’s efficiencies.
 Despite the convenience and ease of
developing and sending e-memos,
they have their shortcomings ranging
from general writing quality to privacy
Enduring Understanding
Principles in Writing Business Letters and Memos
 Observing the principles in writing business letters and memos are
the key to help writers attain the objectives.
 These are important elements to be considered so as to convey
messages or information effectively.
 The following are the writing principles which are considered to be
significant when drafting letters and memos as suggested by Insley
Enduring Understanding
A. Word Choice
 The correct choice of words provides
clear and effective letters and memos.
 On the other hand, insensitive usage of
words can lead to unclear messages
which would lead to frustration,
miscommunication, and other possible
 Hence, writers should be careful in
choosing words to be used when writing.
Enduring Understanding
 Since writers purpose is to relay
messages, the use of familiar or
everyday words helps your reader
comprehend your message.
 Writers should avoid wordiness, slang,
clichés, and pretentious words.
 The formula in writing effective
business letters and memos is to
express complicated ideas with strings
of words that readers can easily
Enduring Understanding
B. Emphasis and De-emphasis

 The ability and willingness to use

emphasis and de-emphasis
techniques can make the difference
between average and exceptional
letters and memos.
Enduring Understanding
oIn a sales letter you would use
emphasis techniques to highlight your
central selling point. If your central
selling point is some feature other
than price, then you would use de-
emphasis techniques to downplay
your price. There are many
opportunities in letters and memos to
emphasize and de- emphasize
Enduring Understanding

 Common emphasis techniques

include italicizing and boldfacing
words, phrases, and sentences.
 Other examples include placing
material you want to emphasize in
emphasis positions in short sentences
within short paragraphs.
Enduring Understanding
 (Emphasis positions are near the
beginning and end of sentences and
 Still other examples include writing
extensively about something and
placing material you want emphasized
in active voice sentences.
 Common de-emphasis techniques
include not italicizing and boldfacing
words, phrases, or sentences.
Enduring Understanding
Other examples:
o Placing material you want to
de-emphasize near the center
of long sentences in long
oWriting briefly about the
material you want to de-
emphasize and placing it in a
passive voice sentence.
Enduring Understanding
C. Writing Concisely
 In today’s business place, employees
who write concisely and clearly are
 So be careful not to include
unnecessary details. Know the depth
of detail your reader needs.
 In addition, use short words instead
of long words when short words can
get the message across.
Enduring Understanding
 If necessary, challenge yourself to
write a greater number of short
 Finally, avoid using surplus words and
Enduring Understanding
 Well-written, concise messages
promote clarity and save people time.
 However, in your quest to write
concise messages, be careful not to
leave out details necessary for
message clarity.
 Message clarity is always more
important than conciseness!

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