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1.1 Background and Nature of the Project

The use of computers and robots in societies around the world is becoming more
prevalent. Through their lessons and curricula, more schools incorporate basic robotics
and programming principles. Such initiative is true not only in advanced countries but
also in third world countries like the Philippines.

"Robotics must be integrated in the schools. It is one of the skills 21st century
learners need in order to succeed in life," De La Salle Santiago Zobel School International
Robotics Coordinator Genevieve Pillar told Philippine News Agency (PNA).

Unlike in some science high schools nationwide, Pillar explained that robotics
started in their school as a club.

"Like in most private schools, it started as club in 2002. Since it's just out of
interest or passion, when the students grew up and graduated, the robotics club died. In
2013, the school started integrating robotics in the curriculum and we're teaching it to
grade three pupils and up," she said.

Pillar shared that they teach robotics in a fun and easy manner to young grade
school students. She said they start with simple bricks building and they transition to
designing, drag and drop programming and coding as they go up the grade levels.

"Come junior high school, the students themselves create everything from the
raw materials, electronics is taught by the coach and they also do the cases through the
3D printing," she said.

According to Anthony Gabitan, president of the Philippine Robotics Team, the
study of robotics is vital in solving the current and future problems in the country.
"Study of robotics and related conventions, competitions creates an awareness of
technology... that we have to use equipment and tools to reach our objectives. Almost
everything now are automated, there are machines we use and robotics is not exclusive to
the idea of humanoids only, all innovations are all part of it," Gabitan told PNA.

For Pillar, robotics prepares learners for future employment. "It is the
application of technology, computer, mathematics, science and promotes
innovation...mahuhuli ang mga estudyante natin sa ibang bansa if we don't integrate it,
ayaw man natin ito na ang hotcake sa ibang bansa (our students will be left behind if we
don't integrate it, we may not like it but it is the hotcake in other countries) robotics is in
their curriculum," she said.

Department of Education Undersecretary (DepEd) Anne Sevilla told PNA that

robotics as subject is applied or taught in science high schools only but it has become an
elective in other high schools because of the K to 12 program.

"The science high school is a special class -- the cream of the crop -- their
curriculum and the period or class hours are different from the common or general class
hours. So the science high schools have enough time to adjust and incorporate the
robotics curriculum in their class," she said.

Sevilla explained that the concept of robotics is new to the department and that
they are looking into strengthening the current program on it and incorporating it in the
DepEd curriculum.

"We have observed that a lot of participants and even winners from the robotics
Olympiad are from the public schools so we are really looking forward to enhancing our
support to the program of robotics," she said.

Sevilla added that the products of robotics are valuable to human existence and
quality of life; hence, its study must be encouraged among all learners.

"Like computer and smartphone, they're a necessity. In fact, without your phone
communicate properly...traveling is now a choice because you can engage, deal and finish
a transaction even without leaving your table or your home because technology is now
helping us to have more prompt, efficient decisions," she added. (with reports from Lyda
Gail Suyu-OJT/PNA)

These statements led the researcher to propose a training center for robotics that
will benefit the people and can enjoy from all ages.

1.2 Objective of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to support the technological

advancement in the country by determining the required facilities and designing an
efficient robotics training center by incorporating necessary architectural principles and
providing a well-planned spacing of buildings that will give an exciting learning
experience for all people that has interests in robotics.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The proposed project will play a vital roles in today’s society as Robotics
technology influences every aspect of work and home. Robotics has the potential to
positively transform lives and work practices, raise efficiency and safety levels and
provide enhanced levels of service. Even more, robotics is set to become the driving
technology underpinning a whole new generation of autonomous devices and cognitive
artefacts that, through their learning capabilities, interact seamlessly with the world
around them, and hence, provide the missing link between the digital and physical world.
Robotics is already the key driver of competitiveness and flexibility in large scale
manufacturing industries.

The purpose of the study is to raise awareness that robotics nowadays is one the
key potential to the brighter future of our country. This study will define robotics and
explore its benefits, especially as it pertains to the enrichment of skills especially to
young people who are interested in it. Robotics can prepare the students for the

competitive workforce especially in science technology which will be in great demand
and they are creative ways to keep the learning going. The goal of this study is to stress
the importance of further studies in robotics and automation on how it is demanding in
today’s generation especially in the Philippines.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

Recently, the Philippines climbed to the 55th spot out of 82 economies tracked
in the latest Technological Readiness Ranking published by the Economist Intelligence
Unit (EIU). Across the world, the pace of industrial automation is steadily accelerating.
According to the International Federation of Robotics, there were 66 installed industrial
robots per 10,000 employees globally in 2015 and that increased to 74 in 2016. Broken
down by region, average robot density in Europe is 99 units per 10,000 workers, while's
it's 84 in the Americas and 63 in Asia. Even though China has recorded the most dynamic
development of robot density in recent years, South Korea has the highest level of density
of any country on the planet.

In 2016, South Korea had 631 industrial robots per 10,000 employees and that's
primarily due to the continued installation of high volume robots in the electronics and
manufacturing sectors. Singapore comes second with 488 robots per 10,000 employees,
90 percent of which are installed in its electronics industry. In Germany and Japan, two
countries renowned for their automotive industries, the robot density is just over 300 per
10,000 workers. Japan is actually the world's predominant manufacturer of industrial
robots, accounting for 52 percent of global supply.

China has long been the world’s factory, but as labor costs rise, manufacturers in
the Philippines have the opportunity to establish themselves as a larger manufacturing
hub. To seize this opportunity, the country needs to look towards automating its
manufacturing sector through new technological advancements such as robotics.
However, the Philippines is not adopting automation fast enough and trails behind its
regional counterparts. This directly contributes to the shortage of skilled workers as
employees are not exposed to automation and new technology.

The International Federation of Robotics ranked the Philippines among the
lowest in the region for automation adoption in 2016, with a robot density of three
industrial robots installed per 10,000 employees, behind Singapore, Thailand and

Leveraging on the country’s position as the fastest growing ASEAN economy,

the Philippines needs to focus on adopting automation and equipping workers with the
right skills to stay competitive. While companies in the Philippines have the potential to
rapidly increase technical awareness and competencies, there is still a long runway ahead
to mould the country into Asia’s top manufacturing hub.

From these statements, the problems of the project are determining what
facilities are appropriate in creating a training center for robotics that will showcase and
signify the advancement of technology in the Philippines.

1.5 Project Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research focused on architectural solution, beauty, utility, strength,

circulation and function of the facility or spaces. This project was limited to the facilities
that will provide learning experience through training and workshops about robotics and
even automation.

The proposed project does not include intensive structural and/or it mechanical
aspects but its structural conceptualization are made.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Automation – the technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by

highly automatic means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a
minimum. A mechanical device, operated electronically, that functions automatically,
without continuous input from an operator.

Development - An extension of the theoretical or practical aspects of a concept, design,
discovery, or invention.

Innovation - the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated
needs, or existing market needs.

International Federation of Robotics (IFR) - is a professional non-profit organization

established in 1987 to promote, strengthen and protect the robotics industry worldwide.

Research - the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order
to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Robotics - The field of computer science and engineering concerned with creating

robots, devices that can move and react to sensory input. Robotics is one branch
of artificial intelligence.

Science - the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the
structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and

Technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in


Universal Robots - is a Danish manufacturer of smaller flexible industrial collaborative

robot arms (cobots), based in Odense, Denmark. The business volume in 2018 was USD
234 million. The company has 670+ employees (June 2019) and 1,100+ partners around
the world.

AIM – Asia Integrated Machine, Inc.

PRA – Philippine Robotics Academy

PRO – Philippine Robotics Olympiad

DOST – Department of Science and Technology

SEI – Science Education Institute

ASEAN – Association of Southeast Asian Nations

EIU - Economist Intelligence Unit

DepED – Department of Education

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