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Students are unable to use ‘Present Past Participle’ and ‘Participle Phrase’ to explain
things and manner

Learning’s Goal 16.1:
Use ‘Present Past Participle’ and ‘Participle Phrase’ to explain things and

Frequently, Participial phrase modifying a noun or pronoun. The position

of Participle is various, it can be after the noun being modified, at the beginning of
the sentence (modifying the subject), and at the end of the sentence (modifying the
Let’s take a look in the following examples of the position of participle:
1. After the noun being modified
a. Noun as subject
 The girl talking to the teacher is very diligent.
 The new President, supported by all the people, felt confident about the
b. Noun as complement of verb
 The person to see is that girl talking to the teacher.
 This is a good government, supported by all the people.
c. Noun as object of verb
 Bob knows the girl talking to the teacher.
 They now have a good government, supported by all the people.
d. Noun as object preposition
 Bob is interested in the girl talking to the teacher
 They long for a good government, support by all the pople.
2. At the beginning of the sentence (modifying the subject)
Supported by all the people, the new President felt confident about the future.
3. At the end of the sentence (modifying the subject)
The new President felt confident about the future, knowing that he had the
support of all the people.
Moreover, the kinds of position of participial phrases within the
sentences can be restrictive phrase or nonrestrictive phrase. Restrictive phrase is a
participial phrase which narrows down the reference of a noun an pronoun.
Nonrestrictive phrase is a participial phrase which does not narrow down the
reference of a noun and pronoun. Let’s compare the restrictive phrase and
nonrestrictive phrase in the table below:
Position of
Restrictive phrase Nonrestrictive phrase
Noun as subject The girl talking to the teacher The new President, supported by
is very diligent. all the people, felt confident about
the future.
Noun as complement The person to see is that girl This is a good government,
verb talking to the teacher. supported by all the people.

Noun as object of Bob knows the girl talking to They now have a good
verb the teacher. government, supported by all the
Noun as object Bob is interested in the girl They long for a good government,
preposition talking to the teacher support by all the pople.

Present Participle And Past Participle

The present participle serves as and adjective with an active meaning. the
noun it modifies performs an action. Meanwhile the past participle serces as an
adjective with a passive meaning. Let’s see the following sentences:
-The problem confuses the students.
a. It is a confusing problem.
-The students are confused by the problem
b. They are confused students.
-The sotry amuses the children
c. It is an amusing story.
-The children are amused by the story.
d. They are amused children.
In (a): the noun problem does something, it confuse. Thus it is described
as a “confusing problem”. In (b): The students are confused by something. Thus,
they are described as “confused students”. In (c) the noun story performs the action,
and in (d) the noun children receives the action.

Participial Phrase to Express Manner

Participial phrase used in final position may express means or manner
with respect to the subject.
She caught cold sitting on the wet grass.
By sometimes precedes the participle. Such participial phrases are especially
common after sit, stand, lie. Let’s see the following example:
He sat there staring at the wall

Part I
Direction: Complete the sentences with the present or past participle of the verbs in
the parentheses!
1. The (steal) jewelry was recovered.
2. Success in one’s work is a (satisfy) experience.
3. The dragon was a (terrify) sight for the villagers.
4. The (terrify) villagers ran for their lives.
5. I found myself in an (embarrass) situation last night.
6. No one appreciates a (spoil) child.
7. We all expect our (elect) officials to be honest.
8. The invention of the (print) press was one of the most
important events in the history of the world.
9. That (annoy) buzz is coming from the florescent light.
10. The teacher gave us a (challenge) assignment, but we all
enjoyed doing it.

Part II
Direction: Use the words in parentheses to form a participial phrase of means and
1. He earns a living (drive, truck)

2. All night long he lay awake (think, his financial problems).

3. We spent the whole evening (watch, movies of our hosts’ trip to Africa)

4. The injured man lay on the ground (bleed, profusely)

5. The Moslems pray (kneel, rug, and face, direction to Mecca)

 Azar, Betty S. 1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar Third Edition.
New York: Longman
 Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English Exercises for Non-native Speaker. New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

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