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Jhazlyn Rose N.

Delos Reyes

Answer the following . Questions.  Minimum of 100 words per questions. Provide supporting
examples to support your answers.

1.Discuss the extent to which strategic-planning concepts would be applicable to individuals

managing their own lives.

The concept of strategic planning is applicable to everyone because you should be the
leader of your own life. As a leader, you must envision your future if you have strategies in
place to achieve your mission and vision. You, like the company, will require someone who
can contribute to your growth. Understand your purpose, contribution, weaknesses, and
strengths that can work to your advantage or disadvantage in achieving your goals. As a
student who enjoys procrastinating, I admit that I lacked strategies because I couldn't
manage my time effectively and prioritize what should be prioritized. In business, Admitting
that you’re wrong will not change anything, but knowing what you can improve to minimize
the things you did was a great contribution to your strategy not just to manage your time
well but to spend your time effectively and efficiently.

2. Explain Drucker’s statement “I believe in intuition only if you discipline it.” Do you agree
with it? Give reasons for your answer.

I agree to Drucker’s statement, It just emphasize the importance of disciplining your intuition
in terms of decision-making. You cannot rely on solely intuition, your gut feeling or hunch
can be right but its not possible for it to be wrong. Intuition should be backed-up with facts,
critical thinking, and analyzing the situation. Decision-making shouldn’t be drive by emotions
this can have potential errors and biases that may lead to have negative consequences.
Possible ways for gathering data include a lot of questioning, observation, alternatives and
SWOT analysis also can be helpful to be more objective and well-informed decision that can
lead positive outcomes.

3.In order of importance, list six benefits of a firm engaging in strategic


Strategic management enables an organization to be active in shaping its image and

influencing activities to be productively inclined. I believe that the success of your strategies
is dependent on the management that is in charge of them. The six potential benefits of
strategic management, if properly managed, are as follows:
 Provides a Path to follow for decision-making which helps all the staff to understand
day to day operative. It ensures everything have the same objectives and moving in a
single direction.
 Increase of profit
 Some issues and threats are anticipated and possible solutions/alternatives are
 Improving Decision-Making that decision are aligned to overall strategy of the company.
 Analyzing the external environment ahead of time which enables the company to
understand the operations including the market, competitors, factors.
 Strength and Weakness of companies and competitors. It enables the firm yo improve
overall performance .

4.What is the most important activity in the strategic-management process?

For me, the important activity of strategic management process is the strategy formulation,
where it will be you overall strategy foundation. The formulation is the basis of all the
stages, they’re dependent on what you formulate. It includes developing your mission( what
is our business?) and vision (what do we want to be in future) of your organization, external
opportunities and strengths that can be economic, social, technological etc. which will
affects your success and adapting the environment, and establishing long-term objective
which is to stay in business profitable and serving it purpose to the consumers while
pursuing to achieve your organizations mission and vision.

5. Create a diagram illustration how to gain and sustain competitive advantages.




 The ability to adapt to change is crucial for organizations to continue to succeed in the
commercial world. Because change is inevitable, the only thing you can do is embrace it.
As a business in a market that is undergoing constant change, you should develop your
ability to be adaptable and deal with unexpected circumstances.
 Provide high-quality products that satisfy or even beyond the expectations of your
customers to assist your company gain attention and reputation.
 Build strong customer relationships to keep customers loyal and to encourage more
customers to support your business. To do so, you must serve your customer by meeting
their needs through excellent customer service.
 Innovation helps to develop a product that is unique to the customer which cannot be
found to your competitors but it should also be relevant to your customers preferences.
 Above all, competitors are a major factor and disadvantage for your business, therefore
monitoring their products, strategies, and services will help us distinguish ourselves from
the competition and maintain an advantage.

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