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FdSc Supporting Innovation in

Health and Social Care

Work Related Research Level 5, 20 credits
202204 WRR Assessment Brief

The assessment for Work Related Research has two component parts

Task 1. Build a reflective journal that focuses upon your performance within a work-based
context. You will critically evaluate the skills you have used and identify areas of
improvement directly linked to work-based activities. Utilise a range of feedback to identify
your strengths, achievements and distance travelled.
(weighted 25%)

(500 words)

Assessment Criteria

Task 1. Build a reflective journal that focuses upon your performance within a
work-based context 500 words.

LO1. Engage in a period of work-related research.

Based on your experience, you are expected to write a reflective report from the
experience of work-related experience.

You will critically evaluate the skills you have used and identify areas of 80%
improvement directly linked work-based activities. Utilise a range of feedback
to identify your strengths, achievements and distance travelled.

Choose a model of Reflection in writing your reflective report. 20%

Overall 100%
Task 2. Produce a Journal Article (weighted 75%)

Based on your placement practice or work-related experience, identify a subject for research
relevant to working in the Health and Social Care Sector and produce a journal article that
could be submitted for publication.


 Shows evidence of engagement in a period of work-related research.

 Uses scientific models of research to produce a Journal Article.
 Demonstrates competence in academic writing, by applying critical analysis in the
form of a Journal Article.
 Synthesise the recommendation for service improvement.

(2000 words)

Assessment Criteria

Task 2. Produce a Journal Article (weighted 75%) 2000 words.

During the completion of work-related experience,

Identify a subject for research relevant to working in the Health and Social Care 20%
Sector to produce a journal article that could be submitted for publication.

•Show evidence of engagement in a period of work-related research.

L02. Apply scientific models of research to produce a Journal Article. 25%

LO3. Demonstrate competence in academic writing by applying critical

analysis in the form of a Journal Article.

LO4. Synthesise a recommendation for service improvement.


Accurate Research citation and list using Harvard reference style, and appropriate

Overall 100%
All assignment will be submitted in electronic format and uploaded to LSC Portal on Turnitin

Date assignment set April 2022

Submission deadline Task 1 Reflective Journal 13/06/2022

Return date to Students 11/07/2022

Submission deadline Task 2 Journal Article 11/07/2022

Return date to Students 08/08/2022

Module expectations

What can you expect from your lecturer?

 High quality teaching

 Accessible academic support
 Fair and accurate assessment of your work
 Assessment feedback within 4 weeks of the submission date
 Provision of detailed feedback on your assessment that clearly indicates where you
have met or not met the criteria
 Provision of detailed feedback that helps you identify what you can do to improve
future assessment performance

What is expected of you?

 Attendance at all taught sessions

 Active participation in teaching, learning and assessment activities
 Make effective and timely use of the available academic support including the module
tutor, the Student Intranet, Learning resources, online resources
 Make effective use of formative assessment opportunities
 Submit assessed work on time (unless you have an agreed extension in place)
 Read and make use of the assessment feedback provided on summative work to
improve your future assessment performance
 Make sure that you understand the assessment regulations that apply to your course.
They can be accessed via the Student Intranet.
 Early identification of any concerns or issues you have with the module leader/course
leader, curriculum manager of head of school.
 Contribute to the module evaluation

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