National HerOES

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Sir Alexander Bustamante

 Marcus Garvey.
 George William Gordon.
 Norman Manley.
 Nanny of the Maroons.
 Samuel Sharpe.
Paul Bogle
Alexander Bustamante founded the Bustamante Industrial Trade
Union (BITU) in 1938 and was also founder of the Jamaica Labour
Party (JLP).
He became Jamaica's first Prime Minister in 1962 and died in 1977.
The house in which he was born in Blenheim, Hanover is now a
National Monument.

Born in 1887 in the parish of St. Ann, Marcus Garvey was famous
worldwide as a leader. His call was for the improvement of black
In 1914 he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association
(UNIA) which grew into an international organization that still exists
in Jamaica, the United States, and a number of other countries.
Marcus Garvey was a Black Nationalist and politician, and though he
never won a seat in the Jamaica Legislature (1920s), he never
faltered as a spokes person for the poor and oppressed.
George William Gordon, the son of a planter and one of his female
slaves was born at Cherry Garden Estate inSt. Andrew. Gordon was
self-educated and became a successful landowner and businessman.
He was one of the original founding members of the Jamaica Mutual
Life Society, an insurance company. Gordon was an exceptional "free
coloured"; he championed the cause of poor blacks. As a member of
the Jamaica Assembly, his defense of the social and moral rights of the
oppressed made him an enemy of the Colonial establishment,
particularly Governor John Eyre.
In 1865 when the so-called Morant Bay Rebellion broke out, Gordon
was arrested for conspiracy, probably because he was a member of the
same Baptist Sect that Paul Bogle belonged to. Gordon had actually
ordained Bogle as a Deacon in the Baptist Church. When Gordon was
arrested, the Government could find no evidence to support his arrest
Norman Washington Manley, founder of the People's National Party,
was born in 1893 in Roxborough, Manchester.  He was a brilliant
scholar, athlete, lawyer and politician.
He, along with Alexander Bustamante, played a great role in
advocating for full Universal Adult Suffrage in 1944.
In 1955, he was elected Chief Minister of Jamaica.

Norman Washington Manley, founder of the People's National Party,

was born in 1893 in Roxborough, Manchester.  He was a brilliant
scholar, athlete, lawyer and politician.
He, along with Alexander Bustamante, played a great role in
advocating for full Universal Adult Suffrage in 1944.
In 1955, he was elected Chief Minister of Jamaica.
Nanny of the Maroons is the only female National heroine in
She is remembered for the inspiration she gave to her people in
fighting the English Oppressors in the early 18th Century.
Nanny was a leader of her village, Nanny Town in the parish of
Portland, Jamaica. According to Beverley Carey -
"The Maroon Story", Nanny died sometime between 1758 - 1762.
Legend has it that she possesses super human power.
Samuel Sharp also called 'Daddy' Sharpe, was a Deacon at the Burchell
Baptist Church in Montego Bay.
He spent most of his time travelling to different estates in St. James
educating the slaves about Christianity and of freedom.
Sharpe had formed a Secret Society among the slaves and many of his
meetings were held at night.
In 1831 he led the Christmas Rebellion which started at Kensington
Paul Bogle was a Deacon of the Native Baptist Church in Stony Gut, St.
Thomas, Jamaica.
His belief in the teachings of the Bible inspired him to become involved in
the peoples' struggle for justice.
Paul Bogle spent much of his time educating and training the members of
his congregation, and is credited with initiating the so-called Morant Bay
Rebellion in 1865.
Edward Eyre, the then Governor of Jamaica, offered a £2,000 reward for the
capture of Paul Bogle for his alleged role in the unrest at Morant Bay.

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