SIH504 PSS Assessment Brief July - October 2022

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FdSc Supporting Innovation in

Health and Social Care

Psychological and Social Science, Module Level 5, Term 2, 20 credits

Assessment Brief

(April 2021 intake, LSC London)

Assessment Brief

In order to pass this assessment, the Report needs to cover the following module learning outcomes:

Module learning outcomes

LO1 – Explore sociological and psychological perspectives in Health and Social Care.

LO2 – Apply perspectives to cultural and ethical issues in Health and Social Care.

LO3 – Analyse assessment of needs and develop a Service Care Improvement Plan.

Your essay should address the following areas.

LO1 Explore sociological and psychological perspectives in Health and Social Care
To meet this assessment, you are required to -
• Analyse and interpret key at least two sociological and psychological theories and apply them to Health and Social Care

LO2 Apply perspectives to cultural and ethical issues in Health and Social Care.

• Discuss cultural and ethical issues and their impact in health status
• Apply ethical perspectives to the diversity of values associated with health and well-being

LO3 Needs assessment

Analyse the assessment of needs and discuss the requirement to develop an improvement plan to meet the needs of a service
user in Health and Social.

Report 2500 words (100%)

Ensure the use of not less than 10 Academic references to support your essay.

All assignment will be submitted in electronic format and uploaded to LSC Portal on Turnitin
Date assignment set August 2022

Submission deadline task 1 4th November 2022

Return date to Students 2nd December 2022

The following assessment criteria will be used to mark the assessment activities.

Learning Outcome / Fail Pass Merit Distinction Distinction*

Assessment Criteria
0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-100

LO1. Explore The work examined The work examined is The work examined is Very good, the work The work examined is
sociological and provides insufficient sufficient to display good and examined is coherently excellent and
psychological evidence of the basic knowledge and demonstrates sound structured, demonstrates
perspectives in knowledge and understanding but is understanding, with demonstrates a comprehensive
Health and Social understanding, there is largely descriptive. some interpretation substantial knowledge knowledge and
Care. 33 marks limited understanding There is an attempt to and comparison and understanding, understanding. There
weak in several bring together included to explain with a clear is coherence of ideas
indicators, lacking different aspects to health and illness. understanding which which analyses and
Knowledge and development. The compare perspectives Competent use of analyses and compares theories,
understanding of work is heavily but with little evidence source material using a compares theories illustrating
cultural and gender dependent on of analysis of relevant variety of recent demonstrating an understanding of
discrimination and the description with poor factors and limited use literature. Review understanding of health and illness,
determinants of health, evidence of linking of references to study guides related to health and illness, with supported with
which analyses and analysis to the factors. support points. essay planning and some evidence of compelling evaluation
compares two There is barely Review study guides critical reading which evaluation. Very good and interpretation with
psychological and adequate use of related to essay are available to use of source material effective use of source
sociological theories. literature or reading planning and critical improve and develop using a range of material and accurate
Demonstration of around the topic to reading which are higher order skills. 17- sources to support referencing. >24
health and illness with support content. available to improve main points. 20-23
Learning Outcome / Fail Pass Merit Distinction Distinction*
Assessment Criteria
0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-100

evidence of evaluation. Review study guides and develop higher 19 marks marks marks
related to essay order skills. 14-16
planning and critical marks
reading which are
available to meet LO
academic support
could also be accessed
to review your work
prior to submission.
<14 marks

LO2. Apply The work examined The work examined is The work examined is Very good, the work The work examined is
perspectives to provides insufficient sufficient to display good and examined is coherently excellent and
cultural and ethical evidence of the basic knowledge and demonstrates sound structured, demonstrates
issues in Health and knowledge and understanding. There understanding and demonstrates a comprehensive
Social Care. 33 marks understanding, weak is some attempt to discusses links substantial knowledge, knowledge and
in several indicators, discuss links but is applied. There is some with a clear understanding. There
which would have largely descriptive. interpretation of understanding which is coherence of ideas
been required to meet There is little evidence relevant perspectives analyses relevant with analysis of factors
Learning Outcome / Fail Pass Merit Distinction Distinction*
Assessment Criteria
0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-100

Knowledge and this LO. The work is of analysis of relevant with competent use of issues. There is a good with compelling
understanding of heavily dependent on factors with limited source material using a attempt to evaluate evaluation and
cultural and ethical description with poor use of references to variety of recent these factors interpretation which is
issues and their impact evidence of linking the support points. The literature. 17-19 supported by very supported with
on health status, with factors included. There development of these marks good use of source effective use of source
analysis of issues is barely adequate use points would need to material using a range material and accurate
relevant to values and of literature or reading be included to improve of sources to support referencing. >24
beliefs, data patterns around the topic to grade. Review study main points. 20-23 marks
and trends, and support content. guides related to essay marks
structural perspectives. Review study guides planning and critical
Evaluation of the related to essay reading which are
factors supported by planning and critical available to improve
source material. reading which are and develop higher
available to improve order skills and
and develop higher academic support. 14-
order skills and 16 marks
academic support.
<14 marks

LO3. Analyse The social care The social care The social care Very good, the social The social care
Learning Outcome / Fail Pass Merit Distinction Distinction*
Assessment Criteria
0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-100

assessment of needs improvement plan improvement plan improvement plan care improvement improvement plan
and develop a Social examined provides examined is relevant examined is good, plan examined examined is excellent
Care Improvement insufficient evidence to but largely descriptive, demonstrating demonstrates a and demonstrates
Plan. 33 marks meet this LO. The displays a basic evidence of sound substantial knowledge comprehensive
work demonstrates a knowledge and understanding to to produce wide range knowledge and
weak knowledge base understanding to formulate a relevant of developmental understanding to
Knowledge and and limited produce a plan to range of interventions. There is produce an extensive
understanding of the understanding. The develop some relevant developmental evidence of range of
psychological and work is heavily interventions. There is interventions. There is formulation of a good developmental
sociological descriptive, with poor an attempt to bring some interpretation analysis containing interventions. The
perspectives in order to evidence of linking together different and analysis but some independent evaluation of this plan
formulate a relevant analysis to the factors, ideas and concepts sometimes prone to thinking evaluating demonstrates
range of containing many with little evidence of description or theory and the coherence of ideas and
developmental unsupported analysis, with limited narrative which at recognition of different a thorough knowledge
interventions. Analysis, statements with barely use of source literature times lacks clarity of perspectives. Very and clear
interpretation and adequate links to to support points relevant perspectives. good use of source understanding of the
evaluation of theory literature. These points included. These points Competent use of material used to issues from different
and recognition of would improve your would improve your relevant and current support the main perspectives,
different perspectives. grade and to review grade and to review source material to points included. 20-23 effectively supported
Learning Outcome / Fail Pass Merit Distinction Distinction*
Assessment Criteria
0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-100

study guides in critical study guides in critical support to illustrate marks by wide reading with
reading and research, reading and research, points. 17-19 marks appropriate use of
and plan academic and plan academic source material and
support in planning support in planning accurate referencing.
and to review your and to review your >24 marks
work prior to work prior to
submission. <14 submission. 14-16
marks marks

Presentation and
Academic Writing Fail Pass Merit Distinction Distinction*

Report Structure and The presentation is Presentation is Presentation is of a Very good Extremely good work,
Presentation poorly structured, acceptable, but good standard but presentation. Content with presentation of a
incoherent and wholly attention to structure some shortcomings. is wholly relevant and high standard. The
descriptive work. and style required. The structure closely is coherently structure follows the
References to sources References to sources follows the style structured. The style detailed in the
are few or none. are included. detailed in the Guide structure very closely Guide to Essay Writing
to Essay Writing, follows the style and fully meets NCD
meeting some of the detailed in the Guide submission
NCD submission to Essay Writing and requirements.
requirements. meets most NCD

Research and Limited evidence of Some evidence of Contains some critical Good use of source Source material is used
referencing appropriate reading reading, although reflection and use of materials which effectively to support
and no critical arguments lack source material to supports most points arguments, ideas and
thought. Little coherence or are illustrate points. Ideas clearly. Integration of solutions. Evidence of
reference to practice. unsubstantiated by are supported by literature is accurately a breadth of reading
No external relevant source appropriate literature referenced. that allows an in depth
information material. Some links to referenced. exploration of the
considered practice. Some theory, literature,
reference to external Harvard referencing accurately referenced.
information. Harvard referencing is for both for in-text
Referencing is either used both for in-text citations and
inconsistent, not to citations and Bibliographical and/or Harvard referencing is
NCD Guidelines or not Harvard referencing is Bibliographical and/or References listings is wholly accurate both
attempted. attempted but is References listings but to a high standard but for in-text citations
inconsistently used for either does not meet not wholly accurate or and Bibliographical
in-text citations and/or the NCD Guidance or is does not meet the NCD and/or References
Bibliographical and/or inconsistent. Guidelines. listings and in
References listings. accordance with NCD

Spelling, punctuation Poor standard of Several spelling, A number of spelling, Few if any spelling, An extremely good
and grammar spelling punctuation punctuation and/or punctuation and/or punctuation and/or standard of spelling,
and grammar with grammatical errors grammar errors are grammar errors. punctuation and
little or no evidence of which could have been evident throughout. grammar throughout.
spell checking or proof minimised with proof Use of spell check tools
reading. reading and/or and reading over your
spell/grammar work may help identify
checking. errors prior to

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