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Geneva Primary School

End of Term Exam

Subject: Religious Education
Grade: 5
Name: ____________________ _______________________
Christian name Surname
Date: December ____, 2022
Circle the correct answer for each question.
1. What do Christians believe will happen to them after they die?
a. They will meet in a church b. The look forward to an eternal life in
heaven c. They will confess their sins.

2. What does the title “Christ” and Messiah mean?

a. Chosen servant b. Believers c. God with us
3. Christians sing religious song called ______
a. Chorus b. hymns c. choir
4. The holy bible is divided into _________ sections.
a. Three b. Two c. Five
5. The ____________ is the most important symbols of Christians
a. Allah b.cross c. amulet
6. A Rabbi is a Jewish
a. Lawyer b. teacher c. lawyer

(6 marks)
Match each denomination with its correct European group by putting the
letter on the lines provided.
7. Methodist ___________________ A. French
8. Roman Catholic ___________________ B. Dutch
9. Anglican ___________________ C. British/English
10.Baptist _________________ D. Spanish


Synagogue, Jewish, Torah, cantor, Abraham, Yahweh, multiplication

11.The followers of Judaism are called____________________________

12.The Jewish holy book is called the______________________________
13.A Jewish Service is usually conducted by a __________________________
14.Which mathematical symbol does the cross resembles ___________________
15.Write these words in ABC ( Alphabetical Order) ( 5 Marks)

Christianity, Baptist, Hope, Mass, Eucharist, Victory, Wine, Bethlehem, Anglican

16. 20.
17. 21.
18. 22.
19. 23
20. 24.

Read the passage below and write 5 important points

The basis for Islamic doctrine is found in the Qur'an (Koran). Muslims believe the
Qur'an is the word of God, spoken by the angel Gabriel to Muhammad. The Qur'an
was only in oral form while Muhammad was living, which means it was constantly
interpreted by Muhammad and his disciples. It was written down in the caliphate
of Abu Bakr. It alone is infallible and without error. The Qur'an is comprised of
114 surahs, or chapters, arranged from longest to shortest. For Muslims
Muhammad was the last of God's seven prophets or messengers to mankind. The
Arabic word which gives Islamic religion its name is islam, which means
"submission," in particular, submission or obedience to God. This submission takes
the form of the arkan addin, or the Five Pillars of Religion, which form the active
ritualistic life of the Muslim and define the believer's relationship to God.
Five important points from the passage are:
(10 Marks)

Write the name of each Jewish Symbols Show below


______________ _______________

(5 Marks)
The letters are jumbled unscrambled them to form words

sosMe AhoTr lscorl siaMshe

bRibba rLasleiste sngoyugea silMum

20 Marks


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