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AC Shared Memory Documentation

The following members are initialized when the instance starts and never changes until the
instance is closed.

wchar_t ​smVersion[15] Version of the Shared Memory structure

wchar_t​ acVersion[15] Version of Assetto Corsa

int​ numberOfSessions = 0 Number of sessions in this instance

int​ numCars = 0 Max number of possible cars on track

wchar_t​ carModel[33] Name of the player’s car

wchar_t​ track[33] Name of the track

wchar_t​ playerName[33] Name of the player

wchar_t​ playerSurname[33] Surname of the player

wchar_t​ playerNick[33] Nickname of the player

int​ sectorCount = 0 Number of track sectors

float​ maxTorque = 0 Max torque value of the player’s car

float​ maxPower = 0 Max power value of the player’s car

int​ maxRpm = 0 Max rpm value of the player’s car

float​ maxFuel = 0 Max fuel value of the player’s car

float​ suspensionMaxTravel[4] Max travel distance of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ tyreRadius[4]; Radius of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ maxTurboBoost = 0; Max turbo boost value of the player’s car

float​ deprecated_1 Do not use it

float​ deprecated_2 Do not use it

int​ penaltiesEnabled = 0 Cut penalties enabled: 1 (true) or 0 (false)

float​ aidFuelRate = 0 Fuel consumption rate: 0 (no cons), 1 (normal), 2 (double cons)
float​ aidTireRate = 0 Tire wear rate: 0 (no wear), 1 (normal), 2 (double wear) etc.

float​ aidMechanicalDamage = 0 Damage rate: 0 (no damage) to 1 (normal)

int​ aidAllowTyreBlankets = 0 Player starts with hot (optimal temp) tyres: 1 (true) or 0 (false)

float​ aidStability = 0 Stability aid: 0 (no aid) to 1 (full aid)

int​ aidAutoClutch = 0 If player’s car has the “auto clutch” feature enabled : 0 or 1

int​ aidAutoBlip = 0 If player’s car has the “auto blip” feature enabled : 0 or 1

int​ hasDRS = 0 If player’s car has the “DRS” system: 0 or 1

int​ hasERS = 0 If player’s car has the “ERS” system: 0 or 1

int​ hasKERS = 0 If player’s car has the “KERS” system: 0 or 1

float​ kersMaxJ = 0 Max KERS Joule value of the player’s car

int​ engineBrakeSettingsCount = 0 Count of possible engine brake settings of the player’s car

int​ ersPowerControllerCount = 0 Count of the possible power controllers of the player’s car

float​ trackSPlineLength = 0 Length of the spline of the selected track

wchar_t ​trackConfiguration[33] Name of the track’s layout (only multi-layout tracks)

float​ ersMaxJ = 0 Max ERS Joule value of the player’s car

int​ isTimedRace = 0 1 if the race is a timed one

int​ hasExtraLap = 0 1 if the timed race is set with an extra lap

wchar_t​ carSkin[33] Name of the used skin

int​ reversedGridPositions How many positions are going to be swapped in the second race

int​ PitWindowStart Pit window is open on Lap/Minute

int​ PitWindowEnd Pit window is closed on Lap/Minute

The following members change at each graphic step. They all refer to the player’s car.

int​ packetId = 0 Index of the shared memory’s current step

float​ gas = 0 Value of gas pedal: 0 to 1 (fully pressed)

float​ brake = 0 Value of brake pedal: 0 to 1 (fully pressed)

float​ fuel = 0 Liters of fuel in the car

int​ gear = 0 Selected gear (0 is reverse, 1 is neutral, 2 is first gear )

int​ rpms = 0 Value of rpm

float​ steerAngle = 0 Angle of steer

float​ speedKmh = 0 Speed in Km/h

float​ velocity[3] Velocity for each axis (world related) [x, y, z]

float​ accG[3] G-force for each axis (local related) [x, y, z]

float​ wheelSlip[4] Spin speed of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ wheelLoad[4] Load on each tyre (in N)

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ wheelsPressure[4] Pressure of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ wheelAngularSpeed[4] Angular speed of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ tyreWear[4] Current wear of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ tyreDirtyLevel[4] Dirt level on each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ tyreCoreTemperature[4] Core temperature of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ camberRAD[4] Camber of each tyre in Radian

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ suspensionTravel[4] Suspension travel for each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ drs = 0 If DRS is present and enabled: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

float​ tc = 0 Slip ratio limit for the traction control (if enabled)

float​ heading = 0 Heading of the car on world coordinates

float​ pitch = 0 Pitch of the car on world coordinates

float​ roll = 0 Roll of the car on world coordinates

float​ cgHeight Height of Center of Gravity

float​ carDamage[5] Level of damage for each car section (only first 4 are valid)

int​ numberOfTyresOut = 0 How many tyres are allowed to stay out of the track to not
receive a penalty

int​ pitLimiterOn = 0 If pit limiter is enabled: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

float​ abs = 0 Slip ratio limit for the ABS (if enabled)

float​ kersCharge = 0 KERS/ERS battery charge: 0 to 1

float​ kersInput = 0 KERS/ERS input to engine: 0 to 1

int​ autoShifterOn = 0 If auto shifter is enabled: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

float​ rideHeight[2] Right heights: front and rear

float​ turboBoost = 0 Turbo boost

float​ ballast = 0 Kilograms of ballast added to the car (only in multiplayer)

float​ airDensity = 0 Air density

float​ airTemp = 0 Ambient temperature

float​ roadTemp = 0 Road temperature

float​ localAngularVel[3] Angular velocity of the car [x, y, z]

float​ finalFF = 0 Current Force Feedback value;

float​ performanceMeter = 0 Performance meter compared to the best lap

int​ engineBrake = 0 Engine brake setting

int​ ersRecoveryLevel = 0 ERS recovery level

int​ ersPowerLevel = 0 ERS selected power controller

int​ ersHeatCharging = 0 ERS changing: 0 (Motor) or 1 (Battery)

int​ ersIsCharging = 0 If ERS battery is recharging: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

float​ kersCurrentKJ = 0 KERS/ERS KiloJoule spent during the lap

int​ drsAvailable = 0 If DRS is available (DRS zone): 0 (false) or 1 (true)

int​ drsEnabled = 0 If DRS is enabled: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

float​ brakeTemp[4] Brake temp for each tire

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float ​clutch = 0 Value of clutch pedal: 0 to 1 (fully pressed)

float​ tyreTempI[4] Inner temperature of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ tyreTempM[4] Middle temperature of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

float​ tyreTempO[4] Outer temperature of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right]

int​ isAIControlled AI controlled car: 0 (human) or 1 (AI)

float​ tyreContactPoint[4][3] Vector for contact point of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right][x, y, z]

float​ tyreContactNormal[4][3] Vector for contact normal of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right][x, y, z]

float​ tyreContactHeading[4][3] Vector for contact heading of each tyre

[Front Left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right][x, y, z]

Float ​brakeBias Brake bias from 0 (rear) to 1 (front)

Float ​localVelocity[3] Vector for local velocity

The following members change at each graphical step. They all refer to the player’s car.

int​ packetId = 0 Index of the shared memory’s current step

AC_STATUS​ status = AC_OFF Status of the instance:


AC_SESSION_TYPE​ session = Session type:


wchar_t​ currentTime[15] Current lap time

wchar_t​ lastTime[15] Last lap time

wchar_t​ bestTime[15] Best lap time

wchar_t​ split[15] Time in sector

int​ completedLaps = 0 Number of completed laps by the player

int​ position = 0 Current player position (standings)

int​ iCurrentTime = 0 Current lap time

int​ iLastTime = 0 Last lap time

int​ iBestTime = 0 Best lap time

float​ sessionTimeLeft = 0 Time left until session is closed

float​ distanceTraveled = 0 Distance traveled during the instance

int​ isInPit = 0 If player’s car is stopped in the pit: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

int​ currentSectorIndex = 0 Current sector index

int​ lastSectorTime = 0 Last sector time

int​ numberOfLaps = 0 Number of laps needed to close the session

wchar_t​ tyreCompound[33] Current tyre compound

float​ replayTimeMultiplier = 0 Replay multiplier

float​ normalizedCarPosition = 0 Car position on the track’s spline

float​ carCoordinates[3] Car position on world coordinates [x, y, z]

float​ penaltyTime = 0 Time of penalty

AC_FLAG_TYPE​ flag = Type of flag being shown:


int​ idealLineOn = 0 If ideal line is enabled: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

int​ isInPitLane = 0 If player’s car is in the pitlane: 0 (false) or 1 (true)

loat​ surfaceGrip = 0 Current grip of the track’s surface

int​ mandatoryPitDone = 0; Set to 1 if the player has done the mandatory pit

float​ windSpeed = 0 Speed of the wind on the current session

float​ windDirection = 0 Direction of the wind (0-359) on the current session

Visual Studio C++ Solution downloadable from the following link.


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