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Kate Hydn P. Nantes

• Is contextualizing environmental
issues within the physical. Biological,
social, economic, historical, and
cultural imperatives of the
• Environmental education can be
attained in terms of the learners’
awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills
and participation in the resolution of
environmental problems, issues and
Environmental education must be:

1. Action oriented.
oriented It should involve
finding solutions to real
environmental problems and issues;
2. Experiential. It should use variety of
approaches and environments;
3. Future-oriented . It must be
concerned with the present and the
5. Holistic. It must deal with the
natural and man-made aspects of the
6. Interdisciplinary. It must relate to all
disciplines; and
7. Issue-oriented. It must deal with
local, regional, national, and global
Environmental Problems, Issues,
and Concerns in the Community
Environmental problems in developed
and developing countries worldwide are
among the most important concerns
facing people and their governments.
These problems include population
growth; poverty; deforestation;
pollution of water, air, and soils; waste
disposal; and loss of species.
Ecosystems in
the Philippines
Biodiversity in the Philippines is
unique. This means many of the life
form that are found in our country are
found nowhere else in the world. A key
to understanding this uniqueness is the
knowledge of the habitats ecosystems
where these plants and animals are
 Agricultural is said to be the “backbone” of our
country’s economy since the most Filipinos depend
on farming. Natural farming and tilling of the land
or soil is more recommendable than using high
yielding varieties because it can preserve the
environmental ecosystem. Using chemicals and
fertilizers threatens the soils’ ability to recycle
nutrients and good materials for plants. Killing the
healthy soil, they also burden the farmers because of
expensive cost.

 Philippines has some of the richest and

most diverse coral reefs in the world. If left
disturbed, the animal populations of the reef
will increase in number. The reef ’s provides
recreation and tourism opportunities due its
magnificent beauty. Taking good care of the
coral reef ecosystem is essential.

Water is life. All living creatures depend on it.

Clean water means clean ecosystem as a whole.
Once a body of water is polluted, the living things
within will die and those which or who depend on
them will also be affected. Human beings will also
suffer because of their life depends on water;
drinking, bathing, washing clothes and other
cleaning activities.
 A healthy forest ecosystem is “productive”.
Productivity means efficient use of the natural
resources or materials available in the system
without external inputs ad without leaving behind
any harmful effects . The importance of ecosystem
1. They are habitats for diverse species.
2. Provide raw materials for pharmaceutical products.
3. Provide raw materials for breeding higher-yielding

 Are people-induced ecosystems. Usually

occurring in the circumference of other
ecosystems, these are converted systems of
forests, cropland, and coastal areas.

 Are located in saltfishwater and muddy

portions of the coastline where the
freshwater from the rivers and saline water
from seas meet. It provide food and shelter
to various marine organisms from its prop
 Are called the meadows of the sea. They are
the source of food for plant-eating animals
such as seacows or dugong, sea urchins,
turtles, and other fishes.
 The shady effect of seagrass protects the
organisms from strong sunlight and
temperature and salinity fluctuations. It also
acts as nurseries for the very young fishes
and ensure the sustainability of fish product.
 Refers to the loci of human activities.
• Defined as the alteration of our
surroundings, wholly largely as a
product of man’s action, though direct
or indirect effects of changes in every
pattern of chemical and physical
constituent of organisms.
and Sources of
Air Pollution
Is defined as physical and chemical
alteration of the properties of air, which
is harmful to human health, vegetation
and animal.
Major Types of Air Pollution
a. Outdoor Pollution is a type of pollution
derived from the mixture or collection of
additional loads of chemicals produced
by natural components of the
atmosphere, thereby, producing harmful
effects to living.
Sources of Outdoor Pollution
• Burning of fossil fuel for power
• Photochemical and industrial smog
• Volcanic eruptions
• Forest fire
b. Indoor Air Pollution a type of
pollution derived from the
accumulation or build up of
chemicals inside the office, building,
houses, school, commercial store
and are harmful to health.
Effects of Air pollution
 Air pollution is responsible for major
health effects.
Damage of Human Health
 Lung cancer
 Chronic bronchitis
 Depletion of ozone layer
 Damage of plants that lead to
dehydration and inhibition of
Air Pollution - Solutions
2 Types of Air Pollution Control
oInput Control, involves preventing a
problem before it occurs, or at least
limiting the effects the process will
5 Major Input Control Methods
1. Restrict population growth
2. Use less energy
3. Improve energy deficiency
4. Reduce waste and
5. Move to non-polluting renewable
forms of energy production.
o Output Control, this method of
control seeks to fix the
problems caused by air
The Clean Air Act (Taken from the Primer
on the Clean Air Act of DENR)
• Republic Act No. 8749 known as the
comprehensive air quality management
policy and program that aims to
achieve and maintain healthy air for all
Water Pollution
• The physical or chemical change in
the surface and ground of water
caused by pollutants that affect
living organisms.
a. Major sources of water pollution
Point source – a source of pollution that
discharges pollutants into bodies of
water to specific location.
Non-Point source – a source of pollution
that are widely scattered and discharges
pollutants over a large sea.
b. Water pollution-causes
Dumping of sewage
Toxic waste from houses, industries
and even government.
Land Pollution
• Refers to the presence of any solid
waste in the land that is injurious to the
health of human beings, animals and
other living organisms. Solid waste
takes up space and produces
unpleasant smell.
Overproduction of non-biodegradable
Medical waste
Household waste
Solid waste and Its Disposal
• Landfills, designed to reduce the
amount of waste that leaks out into the
• Incineration, the process of reducing
solid waste by burning it first.
• Ocean Dumping, discharge of waste in
the ocean
Nature Biodegradable waste
and Non-biodegradable
• Biodegradable waste,
waste compostable and
can be reused as feeds, fermentable,
fuel and fertilizers.
• Non-biodegradable waste,
waste they factory
returnable and can serve as potential
sources of livelihood projects.
1. Reduce, avoid wasteful consumption
2. Reuse, items that are useful instead of
throwing them away
3. Recycle, the process whereby
portions of these waste are sorted out
and used for something of benefit.
4. Repair, reusable items to make them
functional rather than throwing them.
Noise Pollution
• is the disturbing or excessive noise that
may harm the activity or balance of human
or animal life.

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