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Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 6 (2021) 405–409

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Original Article

A novel analytical method for solving (2+1)- dimensional extended

Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff equation in plasma physics
A. Tripathy, S. Sahoo∗
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751024, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, the new travelling wave solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional extended Calogero-
Received 22 August 2020 Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff (ECBS) equation are investigated. The main aim of this work is to find the new
Revised 23 December 2020 
exact solutions with the aid of relatively new ( G +GG+A )-expansion method. Moreover, the physical inter-
Accepted 17 April 2021
pretation of the nonlinear phenomena is reported through the exact solutions, which indicate the efficacy
Available online 29 April 2021
of the proposed method. Furthermore, the recovered solutions are periodic and solitary wave solutions
MSC: which are presented graphically.
© 2021 Shanghai Jiaotong University. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
83C15 (


Extended Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff

( G +GG+A )-expansion method
Travelling wave solution

1. Introduction [6] used Riccati transformation approach to the fourth-order ad-

vanced differential equation resulting in the oscillatory behaviour
Many non-linear physical phenomena, which play a very crucial of the model. Inc et al. [7] utilized a local meshless collocation
role in various fields of science and its applications such as optical technique to the time-fractional exotic option like classical Black-
fibers, digital communication, mathematics, biology, astrophysics Scholes model which is a great asset in the financial market.
and weather forecasting can be modelled by using partial differen- The interaction of Riemann waves propagated along the two
tial equations (PDEs) [1,2]. To know the qualitative behaviours of spatial dimensions, x-axis and y-axis [8,9] can be expressed
the non-linear phenomena, the exact solutions need to be derived as a nonlinear PDE (NLPDE) which come in handy in plasma
and hence countless effective methods are studied. With the ex- physics. Due to that, we have taken here the extended Calogero-
tensive study, Ahmad et al. [3–5] have shown the impact of these Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff equation (ECBS) [9,10], which is presented as,
nonlinear phenomena in the viscous fluid flow, wave and wave-
1 1 1
like vibration equations, dynamical wave equations, dispersive wa- utx + ux uxy + uxx uy + uxxxy + ∂x−1 uyyy + β uxy = 0, (1)
ter wave equations with some approximate methods such as vari- 2 4 4
ational iteration algorithm-I (VIA-I), modified VIA-I (MVIA-I), VIA-I where β is an arbitrary constant.
with an auxiliary parameter, VIA-II, MVIA-II which is functional in In the year 1998, Yu et al. [11] introduced the (2+1)- dimen-
the study of quantum mechanics, plasma physics. Bazighifan et al. sional equation as,
1 1 1
utx + ux uxy + uxx uy + uxxxy + ∂x−1 uyyy = 0, (2)

2 4 4
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Tripathy), where the terms ux uxy and uxx uy justified the non-linearity of the (S. Sahoo). wave.
2468-0133/© 2021 Shanghai Jiaotong University. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Tripathy and S. Sahoo Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 6 (2021) 405–409

which is an ODE, where, u = dduξ , u = ddξ u2 , . . ..

Later on, Wazwaz [9] pioneered the ECBS equation by adding
the flux term β uxy in the Eq. (2) of Yu et al. [11]. Moreover, the
generalized Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff (CBS) equation has been
Let the solution of eq. (5) can be presented as [49],
presented by the symmetry reduction method of self-dual Yang-
Mills equation [12], the Penlevé test and reducibility to the canon-  i

ical form [13], singular structure analysis [14], potential form [15]. ψ (ξ ) = ai 
. (6)
The CBS equation can also be written in the potential form [8] and G +G+A
it has been solved by various methods [16–18].
With the continuous progress of research, many methods have Here, q denotes the degree of the polynomial, which can be de-

been proposed to find the exact solutions, such as ( GG )-expansion termined by the homogeneous balance principle [50], whereas the
method [19] and its various modification methods [20,21], ho- coefficients can be obtained by solving a set of algebraic equations
mogeneous balance method [22], Hirota bilinear method [23], derived from the proposed method.
Darboux transformation [24], split-step Fourier transform [25], Furthermore, G = G(ξ ) satisfies the following second-order lin-
Bäcklund transformation [26], Jacobi elliptic function expansion ear ODE:
method [27], tanh-function method [28], exp-function method
[29], extended modified rational expansion method [30], the tanh- G + BG + CG + AC = 0, (7)
coth method [31], reductive perturbation method [32], extended
modified sub-equation method [33], modified simple equation where, ai (i = 0, . . . , q ), A, B, C are constants.
method [34], modified extended direct algebraic method [35] and Step-3:

so on. Among these methods, Wang [36] first proposed the ( GG )- Now substituting
 eq. (6) in eq. (5), we can get the polynomial
expansion method, and others [37,38] extended the application of G
of G +G+A
and by setting the coefficients to be zero, we can get
this method.
the algebraic equations for ai , η and A, B, C.
Furthermore, the study of plasma physics such as ion-acoustic
waves in dusty plasma [39,40], magnetized plasma [41–43] has
been boosted in an effective way with impressive research on the
Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation [44] and its various forms [35,45– 3. Exact analytical solution of the ECBS equation using the
48]. As a result, it represents the behaviour of weakly nonlinear proposed method
ion-acoustic waves in a uniform magnetic field.  
G In this part of the paper, the exact solutions of the ECBS equa-
The main aim of this work is the application of the G +G+A
tion have been determined using the proposed method.
expansion method [49] for getting a new exact solution of the Let us consider eq. (1) by differentiating with respect to x in
ECBS equation. In this application, it has been mentioned
 that the
 the following form
travelling wave solutions can be expressed in terms of G +G+A
where G = G(ξ ) satisfies the second-order linear ordinary differen- 4uxtx + 4ux uxxy + 6uxx uxy + 2uxxx uy + uxxxxy + uyyy + 4β uxxy = 0.
tial equation (ODE) G (ξ ) + BG (ξ ) + CG(ξ ) + AC = 0, where A, B, C (8)
are constants and G (ξ ) = dGd(ξξ ) . Furthermore, from the numerical
simulations the obtained graphs show various different nature of Using eq. (4) in eq. (8), it reduces to
the waves that are very helpful for gathering more information
about the nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs). mn4 ψ v (ξ ) + 6mn3 ψ  (ξ )ψ  (ξ ) + (4β mn2 − 4n2 p + m3 )ψ  (ξ )
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: Section 2 contains + 6mn3 [ψ  (ξ )]2 = 0, (9)
the algorithm of the proposed method. In Section 3, the proposed
method is applied to get the exact solution of the ECBS equation. which implies,
The numerical simulations and discussion of the physical nature
have been presented in Section 4. Also, the brief conclusion has mn4 ψ v (ξ ) + 6mn3 ψ  (ξ )ψ  (ξ ) + ηψ  (ξ ) + 6mn3 [ψ  (ξ )]2 = 0,
been presented in Section 5.
2. Algorithm of the -expansion method
G +G+A where 4β mn2 − 4n2 p + m3 = η. Integrating eq. (10) twice, we get,

In this section, the step-by-step procedures of the proposed

method have been discussed. mn4 ψ  (ξ ) + ηψ  (ξ ) + 3mn3 [ψ  (ξ )]2 = 0. (11)
Let us consider a given non-linear evolution equation with
u(x, y, t ) in three variables x, y and t as, Assuming ψ  (ξ ) = ν (ξ ), in eq. (11) we have the following reduced
Q (u, ux , uy , ut , uxx , uxy , uxt , uyy , . . . ) = 0, (3) equation as,

where Q is a polynomial consisting of u = u(x, y, t ) and respective mn4 ν  (ξ ) + 3mn3 ν 2 (ξ ) + ην (ξ ) = 0. (12)

partial derivatives. The proposed method has been presented as
follows: Now by the homogeneous balance principle, we get q = 2. And
Step-1: hence the solution of eq. (12) can be written as,
Let us consider the solution of eq. (3), which is given by,
u(x, y, t ) = ψ (ξ ), (4) G G
ν ( ξ ) = a0 + a1 
+ a2 
. (13)
where, ξ = nx + my − pt, where n, m, p are constants. G +G+A G +G+A
Now substituting eq. (4) in eq. (3), we have the following ordi-  
nary differential equation (ODE), given as, G
Collecting all the terms of G +G+A
of same order and equating
R(u, u , u , u , . . . ) = 0, (5) the coefficients to zero we get:

A. Tripathy and S. Sahoo Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 6 (2021) 405–409

Fig. 1. Periodic wave solution graph of eq. (12) representing eq. (16) for t = 1, B = 1 and C = 4.

⎪ηa0 + 3mn3 (a0 )2 + BCmn4 a1 − 2C 2 mn4 a1 + 2C 2 mn4 a2 = 0, Set-2:

⎪B2 mn4 a1 + 2Cmn4 a1 − 6BCmn4 a1 + 6C 2 mn4 a1 + ηa1 1

⎪+ 6mn3 a0 a1 + 6BCmn4 a2 − 12C 2 mn4 a2 = 0, η = (B2 − 4C )mn4 , a0 = (−nB2 − 2nC + 6nBC − 6nC 2 ),

⎪ 3

⎪3Bmn4 a1 − 3B2 mn4 a1 − 6Cmn4 a1 + 9BCmn4 a1 − 6C 2 mn4 a1

⎪ a1 = 2(−nB + nB2 + 2nC − 3nBC + 2nC 2 ), a2 = −2n(−1 + B − C )2 .
⎨+ 3mn3 (a1 )2 + 4B2 mn4 a2 + 8Cmn4 a2 − 24BCmn4 a2
+ 24C 2 mn4 a2 + ηa2 + 6mn3 a0 a2 = 0, For set-2, we have the following sets of solutions, given as: Case-3

⎪2mn4 a1 − 4Bmn4 a1 + 2B2 mn4 a1 − 4Cmn4 a1 − 4BCmn4 a1

⎪ (D = B2 − 4C > 0):

⎪+ 2C 2 mn4 a1 + 10Bmn4 a2 − 10B2 mn4 a2 − 20Cmn4 a2

⎪ ν2 (x, y, t ) = 13 (−nB2 − 2nC + 6nBC − 6nC 2 )

⎪+ 30BC mn4 a2 − 20C 2 mn4 a2 + 6mn3 a1 a2 = 0,

⎪ + 2(−nB + nB + 2√nC
− 3nBC + 2nC 2 )

⎩6mn 2a2 −4 12Bmn a32 + 6B2 mn a2 + 12Cmn a2 − 12BCmn a2
4 4 2 4 4 4
+2 Dξ
+ 6C mn a2 + 3mn (a2 ) = 0. 1+ √2 C1 C2 e √ √ − 2n(−1 + B − C )2 (17)
C1 (−2+B+ D )+C2 (−2+B− D )e Dξ

1+ √2C1 +2C2 e √ √ .
C1 (−2+B+ D )+C2 (−2+B− D )e Dξ
Solving eq. (14) we have the following sets of solutions, those
are presented as below: Case-4 (D = B2 − 4C < 0):
ν4 (x, y, t ) = 13 (−nB2 − 2nC + 6nBC − 6nC 2 )
η = −(B2 − 4C )mn4 , a0 = −2nC (1 − B + C ),
+ 2(−nB + nB2 √+ 2nC − 3nBC + 2nC )
√ √ √
a1 = 2(−nB + nB2 + 2nC − 3nBC + 2nC 2 ), a2 = −2n(−1 + B − C )2 .
−Dξ −Dξ
(BC1 − −DC2 ) cos( 2 )+(BC2 + −DC1 ) sin( 2 )
√ √
ξ √ √
(B−2 )C1 − −DC2 cos( −D
2 )+(B−2 )C2 + −DC1 sin( −D
2 ) (18)
For set-1, we have the following solutions, given as: −2n(−1 + B − C )2
Case-1 (D = B2 − 4C > 0): √ √
ξ √ √
(BC1 − −DC2 ) cos( −D )+(BC2 + −DC1 ) sin( −D
2√ )
ν1 (x, y, t ) = −2nC (1 − B + C ) √ √2
−Dξ √ ξ .
(B−2 )C1 − −DC2 cos( 2 )+(B−2 )C2 + −DC1 sin( −D 2 )
+ 2(−nB + nB √D+ξ 2nC − 3 nBC + 2nC )
2 2

√2C1 +2C2 e √ √ − 2n(−1 + B − C )2 (15) 4. Numerical simulations

C (−2+B+ D )+C2 (−2+B− D )e Dξ
1 √

1+ √2C1 +2C2 e √ √ . 4.1. Numerical simulation by the proposed method
C1 (−2+B+ D )+C2 (−2+B− D )e Dξ

Case-2 (D = B2 − 4C < 0): In this section, we have taken eq. (16) and eq. (17) for pre-
ν3 (x, y, t ) = −2nC (1 − B + C ) senting the physical nature of the solutions by means of three-
dimensional graphs.
+ 2(−nB + nB2 √+ 2nC − 3nBC + 2nC )
√ −Dξ √ √
Solution graph of set-1
(BC1 − −DC2 ) cos( 2 )+(BC2 + −DC1 ) sin( 2 )
√ √
(B−2 )C1 − −DC2 cos( −D ξ √ √
)+(B−2 )C2 + −DC1 sin( −D ξ
) (16) Integrating eq. (16) with respect to ξ and substituting C1 = 0
2 2
−2n(−1 + B − C )2 and C2 = 1, we get the required solution and the graph is shown
√ √
ξ √ √
2 in fig.1 for t = 1, B = 1 and C = 4.
(BC1 − −DC2 ) cos( −D )+(BC2 + −DC1 ) sin( −D 2√ )
√ √2
ξ √ −Dξ
. Solution graph of set-2
(B−2 )C1 − −DC2 cos( −D
2 ) + ( B −2 )C2 + −DC1 sin ( 2 )

A. Tripathy and S. Sahoo Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 6 (2021) 405–409

Fig. 2. One soliton solution of eq. (12) representing eq. (17) for t = 1, B = 2 and C = 0.8.

Integrating eq. (17) with respect to ξ and substituting C1 = 1 file of these solutions are presented graphically. Furthermore, the
and C2 = 1, we get the required solution and the graph is shown solutions show the productivity of the proposed method in ana-
in fig.2 for t = 1, B = 2 and C = 0.8. lyzing the behavioural nature of waves in the considered model.
It can also be observed that the proposed method can be easily
4.2. Discussion of the physical nature of the graph applied to get new solitary solutions that are not achieved earlier.
Moreover, the result also unveils that the above proposed method
Here, we have discussed the physical behaviour of the pre- is fruitful, worthwhile for solving many other non-linear complex
sented graphs. The solitary solutions play a vital role in analyz- phenomena.
ing the complex phenomena appearing in the nonlinear evolution
equations. Declaration of Competing Interest
It has been observed that the three dimensional (3D) fig. 1 pre-
sented in sec. 4.1 shows periodic wave solution of eq. (16) for some I know of no conflicts of interest associated with this publica-
special values of arbitrary constants t, B and C. Further, for some tion, and there has been no significant financial support for this
parametric values of arbitrary constants t, B and C, fig. 2 represents work that could have influenced its outcome. As Corresponding
the one-soliton solution of the governing eq. (17). Author, I confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved
The interaction of the Riemann wave along two spatial dimen- for submission by all the named authors. Also, there is no financial
sions [8,9] of solitary wave solution explains the physical nature of support for preparation of this manuscript.
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