Kajian Literatur Mikroplastik Di Indonesia

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Indonesian Public Health Media

Volume 17 Issue 4 2021

DOI : 10.30597/mkmi.v16i2.9090
© 2021 by author. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license

Systematic Literature Review of Microplastics in Bottled Drinking Water in


Kajian Literatur Mikroplastik Pada Air Minum Dalam Kemasan di Indonesia

Rahmi Amir1*, Ayu Dwi Putri Rusman 2,Maghfira Nurul Islamiah 3

Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare
Authors Correspondence: ammiandjala@gmail.com / 085246913430


Article History: Microplastics are particles that are in every Bottled Drinking Water
Received (AMDK) in Indonesia that have a negative impact on the body if they
Revised form accumulate in the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the
content of microplastics in Indonesia, the factors that influence them and
the impact on the human body. This study uses a qualitative method with
Published online
a systematic literature review approach by reviewing 8 journals that have
been screened using the prism method according to the inclusion criteria
with a data base derived from science direct, pubmed and google scholar
Keywords: and the vosviewer application. The results of the study showed that in
Microplastics; bottled water, the concentration of microplastics was 7,043 - 8,339
Bottled drinking water; particles/L with small sizes in the range of 1-10 m and large ones in the
influencing factors; range of 10-5000 m, where the dominant form of microplastics was fiber
impact; and fragments, mostly white with The dominant composition is
polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polyethylene terephthalate
Kata Kunci: (PET) polymers. Factors that affect microplastics in bottled drinking
Mikroplastik; water are water sources, production processes, exposure to sunlight and
Air minum dalam kemasan; repeated use of bottles. Microplastics can cause hormonal imbalances,
Faktor yang mempengaruhi; risk of heart disease and infertility, digestive disorders, and growth
Dampak; inhibition. Ways to reduce MP particles in AMDK are traditional filtering
of raw water, electrocoagulation, magnetic extraction and membrane
Mikroplastik merupakan partikel yang berada pada setiap Air Minum
Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) di Indonesia yang berdampak buruk bagi tubuh
jika terakumulasi dalam tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui kandungan mikroplastik yang ada di indonesia, faktor yang
memengaruhinya serta dampak yang ditimbulkan pada tubuh manusia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan
systematic literature review dengan mengkaji 8 jurnal yang telah di
screening dengan metode prisma sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dengan
data base berasal dari sciene direct, pubmed dan google scholar dan
aplikasi vosviewer. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dalam AMDK
memiliki konsentrasi mikroplastik sebanyak 7.043 - 8.339 partikel/L
dengan ukuran yang kecil dengan rentang 1-10 μm dan yang besar
dengan rentang 10-5000 μm, dimana bentuk yang dominan mikroplstik
adalah fiber dan fragmen yang kebanyakan berwarna putih dengan
komposisi dominan adalah polimer polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE),
dan polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Faktor yang memengaruhi
mikroplastik dalam AMDK yaitu sumber air, proses produksi, paparan
sinar matahri serta pemaikan botol berulang. Mikroplastik dapat
2 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan hormon, risiko penyakit jantung dan

infertilitas, ganggguan pencernaan, dan penghambatan pertumbuhan.
Cara untuk mengurangi partikel MP pada AMDK yaitu penyaringan
tradisional pada air baku, elektrokoagulasi,ekstraksi maknetik dan
pemisahan membran.

INTRODUCTION and bottles that were only used once, 3

With the development of the times and beverage packages and 9 glasses taken from a

the increasing growth of society, the need for grocery store in Germany found small (-50-

water also increases. With advances in 500µm) and medium-sized (1-50 m)

technology, there are currently many drinking microplastics. ) in almost all of the water

water supply industries that are contained in studied. Nearly 80% of all the items obtained

plastic containers. The provision of drinks in had compound sizes ranging from 5 to 20 mm

plastic containers feels more practical and and were therefore not detected by the

secure, so many people prefer to consume analytical techniques used in previous studies.

bottled water.Based on Aspadin data, bottled For the amount obtained in the whole sample,

drinking water consumption in 2018 was there were 118 ± 88 particles in the disposable

recorded at 29 billion liters per year 1.The use of container, but only 14 ± 14 particles/l

bottled water has also increased, causing many contained in the packaging container which was

activities to search for clean water in water in used only once. What is contained in the

the soil, rivers, lakes, manage water in the sea microplastic in the packaging of beverage

and restore polluted water.2. In Indonesia itself, storage containers is only 11 ± 8 particles, but

there was a significant increase in bottled water the plastic element found was the presence of

consumption where in 2005 the consumption of quite high numbers in several types of glass

bottled water was only 4.1% then rose sharply bottled water (range 0-253 particles/l, average

in 2017 to 42.8% and rose again by 10% in 50 ± 52 particles/l). Statistically significant

20193. differences of the blank values (14 ± 13) with

the type of packaging investigated can only be
Microplastics are particles that are shown compared to the returnable bottles (p <
about 0.3 mm-> 5mm . Microplastics are 0.05). For some elements that are present in the
particles of plastic that are difficult to water in the plastic container bottle, it can be
decompose, this can be caused by improper given back and re-identify what is there, such as
disposal and handling of plastic waste 6. polyester (PET primary polyethylene
Microplastics are not as easy to get rid of as the terephthalate, 84%) and polypropylene (PP,
ocean and plastic is an item that is very marine 7%) Statistically significant differences of the
and plastic is a very persistent material . blank values (14 ± 13) with the type of
packaging investigated can only be shown
In a study conducted by Schymanski,
compared to the returnable bottles (p < 0.05).
from 22 water bottles that were able to return
3 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

For some elements that are present in the water inflammation, oxidative stress, necrosis and
in the plastic container bottle, it can be given affect the human immune system.9.
back and re-identify what is there, such as
Based on this explanation, there are
polyester (PET primary polyethylene
many studies on microplastics in bottled water
terephthalate, 84%) and polypropylene (PP,
but not too much is related to bottled drinking
7%) Statistically significant differences of the
water in Indonesia, this study aims to be
blank values (14 ± 13) with the type of
interested in researching information about the
packaging investigated can only be shown
content, factors that affect microplastics in
compared to the returnable bottles (p < 0.05).
bottled water in Indonesia, and the impact if it
For some elements that are present in the water
accumulates in water. in the human body.
in the plastic container bottle, it can be given
back and re-identify what is there, such as MATERIALS AND METHODS
polyester (PET primary polyethylene This study uses a qualitative design with
terephthalate, 84%) and polypropylene (PP, a librarian study approach or a systematic
7%)7. literature review. This research is a desk study
which is carried out from February 2022 to
The microplastic research conducted by
completion. The population of this study was
one of the leading universities in New York took
taken from the databasescience direct, google
259 bottles of water with the number of water
scholar, and pubmedas muchabout 3090
brands being 11 bottles. from various countries
journals on Google Scholar, 11453 journals on
with the result that 93% of bottled drinking
Science Direct, and 7324 on Pubmed according
water is proven to contain microplastics, what
to keywords with samples being screened
is used for some countries is that there is also
based on keywords that the author had
Indonesia. The samples were about 30 aqua
previously set, based on the inclusion criteria of
bottles, the results of which contained an
International and National Journals related to
average of 325 particles/L for each sample with
the content of microplastics in bottled water. in
the highest content reaching 4.7143 particles/L.
Indonesia, the influencing factors, and the
The size of the microplastics varies from 6.5 m
dangers of microplastics in bottled water and
to more than 100 m. The product from Nestle
how to overcome them and the time span of the
Pure Life is the water with the most
journal is 5 years (2017-2021). The type of data
microplastics globally with a content of 10,390
used in this study is data that has been obtained
particles/L. This is thought to be caused by the
from the screening process by combining all
process of bottling the water in the packaging
data or sources related to the topic under study.
and coming from the bottle itself,8. As is known
This study examines journals and other
from Wright's research, microplastics can cause
scientific papers using the PRISMA method
a series of biological responses including
related to the content of microplastics in
4 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

bottled greeting water in Indonesia. The results title, 290 articles were selected. Then after
of the analysis will be followed up with IMRAD reading the abstract, 21 articles were selected,
(Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion)so and finally 3 articles were selected which would
it can be seen that there is a microplastic be reviewed by reading the article in its
content in bottled water in Indonesia. Research entirety. For Science Direct, there were 1756
instruments are the tools used for data articles related to the topic, after entering the
collection, the instrument in this research is the inclusion criteria, 1701 related articles were
Publish or Perish (POP) application, which is obtained, then after reading the title and
software that accommodates or is a place to abstract, there were 20 journals remaining,
find national and international journals. The vos which were then taken 3 journals that were
viewer app maps different types of bibliometric worth reviewing after reading them in their
analysis by title, year, author etc. entirety. With Pubmed produced 41 journals
where after entering the inclusion criteria we
get 12 journals, then after reading the title and
Based on the results obtained on Google
abstract, there are 2 journals that are worthy of
Scholar, there are 320 articles; Based on the
being studied with Systematic Review.

Table1Systematic Literature Review

Researcher Title Sample Method Output

found in the form of microplastic

fragments with the type of
Polypropylene (PP) as many as 10.4
particles/L with a size >100 m, 335
particles/L with a size of 6.5-100 m;
43 journals. with microplastic in the form of fiber and
Abundance and journals obtained fragments with the types of
Characteristics of based on the Descriptive Polystyrene (PS), Polyethylene-
Isma Nur
Microplastics in Drinking source, namely qualitative terephthalate (PET) and Polyethylene
Wahyuni, Ira
Water and Their Potential Research Gate, data analysis (PE) with sizes of 0.025-5,000 mm;
Ryski, 2022)
Impacts on Human Health Google Scholar, microparticles of 12 to 58 particles/L
and Science Direct with a size of 40 to 723 m; 118±88
particles/L of Polyethylene-
terephthalate (PET) and
Polypropylene (PP) microplastics and
14±14 particles/L of Polyethylene-
terephthalate (PET) types.
5 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

There is a difference in the amount of

a Comparative Study About
microplastics between PET bottled
the Amount of Microplastic
water that is exposed and not exposed
in Polyethylene
to sunlight. As a form of vigilance, the
Terephthalate (Pet) AMDK brand X
public is advised to keep PET bottled
(Faizah, Atyaf Drinking Water That Was which is a PET Pre-
water away from direct sunlight for
Umi. 2020) Exposed and Not Exposed bottle Volume 600 Experimental
both distribution and utilization of
By Sun At Environmental ml
other types of PET bottles for other
Health Laboratory of
purposes such as water disinfection
Poltekkes Kemenkes
using sunlight (SODIS).
Semarang At the Year 2020

Researcher Title Sample Method Output

Of the 259 total bottles processed,

93% showed signs of microplastic
contamination. After taking into
account the possibility of
239 bottles of contamination. found an average of
bottled water 10.4 microplastic particles measuring
Synthetic Polymer from various > 100 m per liter of processed bottled
(Mason, et al.
Contamination in Bottled brands in China, Experiment water. With the predominance of
Water USA, Brazil, India, Fragment form followed by fiber. Half
Indonesia and of these particles were confirmed to
Mexico be polymeric using FTIR spectroscopy
with polypropylene as the most
common polymer type (54%), used in
the common plastics used for the
manufacture of bottle caps.
The authors propose that because
Removal of microplastics via
existing pretreatments that limit the
(Shen, et al. drinking water treatment: 15 International
Descriptive amount of microplastics in water
2020) Current knowledge and Journals
should be adapted to protect drinking
future directions
water treatment processes.
The author said that the form of legal
legislation, official protection for consumers related to
records or the content of microplastics in bottled
Legal Protection for
(Dyah Ayu, minutes in the water is contained in Law no. 8 of
Consumers of Packaged
Mustikasari making of laws Descriptive 1999 concerning the protection and
Drinking Water Products
2021) and regulations rights of consumers which is meant by
From Microplastic Content.
and judges' the existence of the law can protect
decisions the rights of consumers on the bottled
drinking water they consume.

In the process of manufacturing,

storing, marketing to activities when
consumed, it has an influence on the
presence of microplastics in the
water. Being able to enter when water
is put into a bottle and providing a
(Ivana, Kezia Microplastics in Drinking
Journal Descriptive cover is also carried out in these
2021) Water
activities, it can cause abrasion and
remove microplastic elements. Other
things, such as physical stress, can
cause shaking of the packaging to
release microplastic elements in the
(Handayani, Literature Review of Journal Study of The content of microplastics ranged
6 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

from 7,043 - 8,339 particles/L. The

dominant forms of microplastics
encountered were microplastics in the
form of fragments and fibers, with the
colors found being transparent, light
blue, dark blue, reddish brown, dark
brown, white, and red; The
Microplastic Content in predominant size of microplastics in
Risa. 2020) Bottled Drinking Water literature bottled water showed the size of small
(Amdk) microplastics in the range of 1-10 m,
the dominant sizes of large
microplastics in the range of 10 - 5000
m. The dominant microplastic
compositions found were
polypropylene (PP), polyethylene
(PE), and polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) polymers.
The results obtained confirm that
Cytotoxic effects of oxidative stress is one of the
commonly used mechanisms of cytotoxicity at the
(Schirinzi, et Cerebral and and
nanomaterials and Experiment cellular level, as has been observed
a. 2017) Epitel human Cell
microplastics on cerebral for both cell lines and which is highly
and epithelial human cells likely to cause tissue damage and
chronic inflammation.

VOSviewer is a software that can be

used to build and visualize bibliometric
networks such as journals, titles, authors,
authors, publications and so on.The results of
a bibliometric analysis based on the title,
keyword and year of the journal that have been
carried out using the systematic review and
vosviewer method, obtained several keywords
related to and influencing the topic of
microplastic research in bottled drinking water
which includes the elements present in
microplastics found in bottled drinking water.
Source : Prymary Data, 2022
that affect it, the impact caused by
microplastics on bottled drinking water and Figure1Vosviewer Results
efforts to deal with MP in bottled water.

The content of microplastics in bottled
drinking water

According to research conducted by

Faujiah & Wahyuni,(2022)conducted a review
of study results in the form of journals related
7 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

to the theme of microoplastics, their 6 bottles, and 4 bottles in sequence and injected
characteristics and types, then focused on the with red nile solution.(prepared in acetone to
study of microplastics in drinking water and 1mg mL−1) and resealed. The vials are left to
their consequences for human health. With 43 incubate with the injected dye for at least 30
journals obtained from Research Gate, Google minutes. The bottled water is then vacuum
Scholar, and Science Direct (El Sevier) with filtered through a glass fiber filter.The filter is
inclusion criteria the journal must have a DOI examined under an optical microscope using a
and at least a journal that has been published in blue crime light. All particles larger than️100 m
the last 5 years or so. From the review (which is large enough to be seen with the
conducted, the authors conclude that naked eye and manipulated with tweezers) is
microplastics in bottled drinking water are in photographed, counted and typed with respect
the form of fragments with the type of to morphology (Fragment, Fiber, Pellet, Film, or
Polypropylene (PP) as many as 10.4 particles/L Foam). In addition, the first 3-5 particles were
with a size > 100 m, 335 particles/L with a size analyzed via FTIR. MPinto two volume
of 6.5-100 m; microplastic in the form of fiber fractions, called "NR"+"Particles larger than 100
and fragments with the type of Polystyrene m" identified by FTIR and "NR marked
(PS), Polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) and particles" having a size of 6.5-100 m. For “NR +
Polyethylene (PE) size 0.025-5, 000mm; FTIR particles” (>100 m) the mean density was
microparticles of 12 to 58 particles/L with a found to be 4.15 MPP/L, with a range of 0–14
size of 40 to 723μm; Microplastic as much as MPP/L, whereas in the smaller “NR marked
118±88 particles/L type Polyethylene- particles” (6.5–100 um) the mean density is
terephthalate(PET) and also type is 23.5 MPP/L, with a range of 7–47 MPP/L. Of all
Polypropylene(PP) and 14±14 particles/L type samples from various countries studied,
Polyethylene-terephthalate(PET). Then Indonesia, including 30 samples, showed an
supported by a researcher namedHandayani, average of 325 particles/L with a maximum of
(2006)whereThe dominant forms of 4.7143 particles/L for each sample. The size of
microplastics encountered were microplastics microplastics ranges from 6.5 m to larger than
in the form of fragments and fibers, with the 100 m. Nestle Pure Life products have the
colors found being transparent, light blue, dark highest microplastic content in the world, with
blue, reddish brown, dark brown, white and 10,390 particles/L. With the number. With the
red.10. total concentration of MP in AMDK in Asia is
333.3; 272; and 119.8 particles/L with a fairly
Based on researchMason et al,(2018).
large amount of consumption of (145.66
Most of the sample bottles were packaged in
500-600 ml, 750 ml, and 2L packages and then
randomly selected with a number of 10 bottles,
8 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

For drinking water in proper packaging, Oman et al.(2018). Stress on bottled drinking
it must meet certain criteria where in this case water also occurs during distribution and
microplastics in bottled drinking water for consumption and storage by opening the lid
consumers are regulated in Law no. 8 of 1999 many times can cause abrasion of the cap and
concerning the protection and rights of mouth of the bottle.12.
consumers. With which SNI criteria to become
According to research conducted by
SNI by following normative guidelines,
Faizah et al. (2020) that the sample of
understanding and explanations, quality
Indonesian product AMDK is a PET bottle with a
requirements, by taking samples such as, how
volume of 500 ml then with sample preparation
to test, with the requirements of passing the
a sample of drinking water is taken in 500 ml
test, hygiene, packaging of goods and marking
packaging and the sample will be filtered using
whattman filter paper then proceed with the
Factors Affecting Microplastics in Bottled next step. analysis using a binocular microscope
Drinking Water with 40x magnification after 2 different
treatments, one bottled water was exposed to
Bottled drinking water can be
sunlight and the other was not for 5 hours. The
contaminated by microplastics because it is
result is that sunlight contains UV rays that can
influenced by several factors that determine
cause mechanical effects on the cracked PET
some of them, namely water sources where
parts, so that the number of MP particles in the
microplastics can be contaminated from
affected AMDK becomes more. The average
untreated waste disposal, and high pollution in
number of microplastics in bottled drinking
rivers and seas where filtration can only reduce
water that is not exposed is 131.25
about 78% of microplastic particles, this study
in line with Handayani(2020) . Then the next
factor that is quite influential is the production The Impact of Microplastics on the Body and
process, according to Weisser et al. (2021) Efforts to Eliminate Microplastics From
found that the process of entering drinking Drinking Water
water, into the bottle, the hydrodynamic
Based on research conducted by Shen et
pressure on the plastic bottle, especially the
al (2020) through a journal review that
process of giving the cap, became the source of
microplastics can cause toxic effects on the
the entry of microplastics in bottled drinking
human body. Microplastics can generate
water. The packaging of bottled drinking water
oxidative stress and induce tissue damage and
can also be a factor, there is a big difference
chronic inflammation. A review conducted by
between disposable and reusable bottled
Wright and Kelly (2017) investigated the
drinking water with a ratio of 2,659 particles/L
potential impact of microplastic uptake on
and 4. 889 particles/L according to research by
9 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

human health through gastrointestinal Fluorescence measurements were determined

absorption. The absorption and translocation of at emission wavelengths of 485 nm (Hoechst)
microplastics depends on many factors, and and 549 nm (DHE) using the Cell Insight NXT
smaller particles translocate more effectively, High Content Screening (HCS) Platform
for larger plastics (>2 mm) to stay in the (Thermo Scientific). .
intestinal tract. Although low concentrations of Several techniques and strategies were
microplastics can enter the blood circulation, it tried to remove microplastics from beverages
is difficult to enter deep tissues through cell (Pivokonsky et al, 2018). Among them is
membranes due to their limited size, and is traditional water filtration which in general,
cleared by the spleen.14. This statement is the traditional filtration process is a promising
same as what has been researched, namely by approach for removing microplastics. For small
Handayani, (2020) where it is explained that microplastic particles (up to 1mm in size),
MP is able to cause an imbalance between traditional filtration strategies are simpler to
hormones, can cause heart disease and is able remove microplastics from raw water.
to make the body obese and research and Circumstances Laboratory conditions must
Faziah et al. (2020) which states that the reflect conditions prevailing in drinking water
transformation of elements that are chemically treatment practices. In addition, the particle
plastic in body parts, interfere with intestinal size distribution of microplastics in raw water
microbes to have an effect on the occurrence of and interactions between contaminants and
blockage of the intestinal tract which results in other microplastics are needed to find a better
a feeling of unseen fullness, physiological stress, scheme for removing microplastics. Then
changes in diet, and growth inhibition.13. Electrocoagulation provides a cheaper tertiary
treatment method that does not rely on the
In research Schirinzi et al.(2017)
chemicals or microbes used in common
Observations were made on brain cells and
chemical coagulation processes and
epithelial cells that had been contaminated with
conventional activated sludge. thus making the
microplastics using the testin vitro cytotoxicity
coagulation process simple and robust,
by high content analysis. Brain and epithelial
although there are some limitations in this
cells were stored on 96-well plates and then
study, given the microplastic removal efficiency
exposed to microplastic polymers at a size of 10
and operating costs, this technique can be
ng/mL to 10 g/mL for 24-48 hours. At the end
transferred and reproduced from the
of exposure, the tested solution was removed
laboratory to industry. Then there is Magnetic
and cells were stained with two fluorescent
Extraction which is a separation technology
biomarkers for 30 minutes. at 37 °C in 5% CO2
that uses magnetic seeds and acids with an
atmosphere. Then, the labeling solution was
external magnetic field to increase the speed of
aspirated and cells were rinsed with PBS.
separation. The latter is a membrane separation
10 of Number of Pages Author Name, et al (author >1) | MKMI| Volume (issue)| Year | Thing

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