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Hello, Mr. James?
This is Don Barnes, the president of Greater Electric.
I’m calling about your plans for the new factory.
I’m interested in discussing the matter with you.
Can we make an appointment for lunch instead of meeting at my office?
Do you mind if I invite my bank manager, too?
It’s impossible for me to make any decision about the project unless I have his approval.
Please call me this afternoon. I’ll be in meetings all morning.
I’ll talk to you later. Goodbye.

Mr. James has plans for a new factory.

Don Barnes wants to speak to him because he’s interested in the matter.
He wants to make an appointment with Mr. James for lunch.
Don Barnes wants to invite his bank manager to the meeting.
Don Barnes wants to talk to Mr. James later.

From: Arlene Ericson
To: Yvonne Billingsly
Subject: Waiting for your answer
Dear Yvonne,
I’m in London on business.
I plan to choose a location for another T-shirt factory near the city.
I have some offers, and I’m going to see two places this afternoon.
Please think about our discussion.
I must have an answer as soon as possible.
I disagree with your opinion that you can’t manage the business.
I think you’ll be great for the job.
Dear Arlene,
I hope you’re having a good time in London. I received your e-mail.
Thank you. I have thought about our discussion.
I think you’re right – I can manage the business.
So my answer is yes.
Please send details about the offers you have gotten, and describe the location of the factories.
How easy will it be to ship our T-shirts from there?
I will join you there as soon as I can.

Arlene is in London.

She’s there on business, because she’s looking for a location for a T-shirt factory.

She’s had some offers, and she’s going to see two places this afternoon.

A: Could you give this to Mr. Block? It’s very important.
B: I’m sorry. Mr. Block’s at the New York office today.

A: Oh, I see. Well, will he be here this afternoon?

B: No. He’s going to be in New York all week.

A: Then could you fax it to him?

B: Sure. I’ll send it right away.

All our workers must wear safety glasses. And workers must not smoke in work areas.
Mike isn’t answering his home phone. He must be out.
Mike is studying hard. He knows he must do well on this test, because he got a low score on the last one.
Remember what the flight attendant said: All passengers must report to Immigration.
You mustn’t drive so fast; you could have an accident.
The doctor says you must exercise more and lose some weight.
Mike’s motorcycle looks so new. He must clean it very often.
The assistant must finish writing the report before she leaves. It can’t wait until the morning. It’s very urgent.
Several people saw the thief. The police must have some idea of who he is.
You mustn’t miss the Matisse exhibit at the art museum. It’s fantastic!
There are no trains to some villages in Mexico. You must get there by bus or car.

- What do you think of the litter problems in the city?

- Terrible! The government must do something to keep the streets clean.
- I had a terrible day at work!
- You must be very tired. Sit down and relax.
- Why are you in such a hurry?
- The plane leaves in an hour and a half. We mustn’t get to the airport late.
- May I speak to Mike, please?
- I’m sorry. You must have the wrong number.
- Why isn’t Mike home from school? He’s late.
- He probably stopped to see a friend. You mustn’t worry.

Why did Mr. Martin’s class have to take the test yesterday?
Mary didn’t have to work while she was going to school, but she got a part-time job because she wanted
the extra money.
Politicians in the 1940s never had to worry about how they looked on television.
Oh, Mike! What a surprise! You didn’t have to buy me a birthday present.
Mike broke his leg; he was lucky that he didn’t have to have an operation.
Mary couldn’t go to the party because she had to stay home with her little brother and sister.
Mike couldn’t get a non-stop flight to Prague. He had to make two stops on the way there.
The elevator in the dentist’s building was broken, so Mary had to walk up to the seventh floor.
When Mary and Mike Kennedy bought their house, they had to get homeowner’s insurance.

- Why are you so tired?

- I had to finish a paper so I stayed up all night. Then I got to class and found out that we didn’t have
to hand it in.
- Why were Mike and Mary late?
- They had to push Mike’s car to the gas station because they couldn’t start it.
- Did you have to get a visa before you went to Japan?
- Yes. I couldn’t go without one.
- How long did you have to go to school to become a doctor?
- I was in medical school for five years.
- I feel terrible.
- Well, you didn’t have to stay out until two in the morning, you know.
- Is Mike’s girlfriend still angry at him?
- No. she finally believed his story. He didn’t have to apologize, but he did anyway.
- Why did Mr. Brent want to see you?
- I had to explain to him why I closed the shop half an hour early.


Mike must not try to lift that box. It is too heavy. He will hurt his back.
Mary’s little brother, Mike, can cross the street by himself. He doesn’t have to be with anyone, but he
mustn’t cross without looking.
We mustn’t miss the bus, but we don’t have to run. It’ll wait for us.
We don’t have to pay for our new TV until they deliver it. The salesperson said we mustn’t give cash to the
delivery person. We should pay by check.
You mustn’t get too tired. We don’t have to move everything today. We can do the rest later.
Mike has a new car. He doesn’t have to walk school anymore.

- Why aren’t you ready for work yet?

- It’s my day off. I don’t have to work today!
- Mary mustn’t get to school late, or she will get into trouble.
- Yes, but she doesn’t have to arrive an hour early, either.
- Should we buy tickets for the football game ahead of time?
- We don’t have to. They sell them at the game.
- I know how to drive, but I don’t have a license.
- You mustn’t drive without a license. You could get in trouble!
- We’d better hurry. We mustn’t get to the train station late.
- We don’t have to leave for a few minutes. It’s still early.
- I don’t have stay late today, right?
- You mustn’t forget about the paper you promised to finish!
- Don’t worry. These bottles are not dangerous. You
don’t have to wear gloves over here.
- And over there?
- Ooh… that’s different. You mustn’t touch anything
without. Gloves over there.
- Are you saving any money from your salary? - I’m saving a little, but I don’t have to save every
- That’s true, but you shouldn’t spend it all. penny I earn.
- You mustn’t eat this now. It’s for dessert.
- Can’t I have a taste?
- NO!
- Mike got a letter from his bank. He mustn’t use his
- At least he doesn’t have to pay it back all at once; just
credit card until he pays all his bills. If he does,
a little every month.
they’ll take away his card.

7 WORK 2
A: Good morning. I’m here to see Mr. Green.
B: Are you here for the job interview?

A: Yes, I applied for a job here. I really want to work in this company.
B: Do you know that the job is full-time? There’s also a lot overtime.

A: Oh! I guess it’s not for me, then.

A: Do you work for this company?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Do you like your work?

B: Well, the office is in a great location. It’s near the train station and lots of stores.

A: I’m looking for a full-time job. Do you think I should apply here?
B: Why not? I know they are looking for new people at the moment.

Mike wanted to start a new business. He made an appointment with the bank.

“I need your approval.” He said to the bank manager. “I found the perfect location for a new factory.”

The bank manager looked at David. “Are you sure this is the right time in your career to start a new business?”
1. You mustn’t smoke here. There is a “no smoking” sign by the door.
2. When the traffic lights turn red, you must stop your car.
3. I have an important exam tomorrow. I must study hard for it.
4. Please, be quiet. This is a library. You mustn’t talk loudly.
5. Remember to give me a phone call when you arrive. You mustn’t forget!
6. My doctor says that I must get more exercise.
7. You mustn’t park your car here. It’s Mr. Smith’s parking space.
8. I must get to work on time. My boss gets angry when I’m late.
9. We must study hard right now. Our final exam is next year.
10. You mustn’t touch that! You might break it.

1. Children have to wear a uniform at school.

2. Nick had to buy fruits at the supermarket yesterday.
3. We had to leave the party early yesterday.
4. You have to know the traffic rules.
5. Kate had to learn the poem by heart last class.
6. I didn’t have to dig the garden yesterday because the gardener did it.
7. Did you have to call your boss yesterday afternoon?
8. Andrew didn’t have to rewrite the report last week because everything was perfect.
9. All the students have to do their homework every day.
10. Sam has to wash his car every Sunday.
11. I had to visit my grandmother last week.
12. Your sister is very little. You have to take care of her.
13. You have to fasten the seatbelt when you are in the car.
14. I have to feed my pets every day.
15. Does she have to go home now? It’s already late.

1. A time that you have arranged to see someone. Appointment.

2. A person who is in charge of a business, an office, a shop, etc. Manager.
3. Have a different opinion. Disagree.
4. A place or position. Location.
5. An act of asking someone if they would like something. Offer.
6. To be in control of an office, shop, company, etc. To manage.
7. Something that you are going to do, an intention. Plan.
8. A place where things are made or put together. Factory.
9. A conversation in which people tell each other their ideas or opinions. Discussion.
10. An occasion when people come together for a reason, usually to talk about something. Meeting.

1. He used to manage the bookshop on King Street.

2. What are your plans for the weekend?
3. Experts disagree about the causes of the disease.
4. I want to make an appointment to see Mr. Rivas.
5. I am in London on business. I have some good offers.
6. We are having a meeting on Thursday to discuss the problem.
7. The company opened a new factory in Baltimore.
8. She is the manager of the new store.
9. Have they decided on the location of the factory?
10. Discussions between the heads of state took place in strict security.
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is delayed. We apologize for the
inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
Daniel: You’re going to India, too?
Rebecca: Yes, my company has a factory in Mumbai.
Daniel: So, you fly there a lot?
Rebecca: Yes, I do.
Daniel: This is my first trip abroad.
Rebecca: Oh, you’ll love Mumbai. It’s a wonderful city. There’s so much to do and see there.
Daniel: Yeah, I’m really excited about going.
Rebecca: I hope we board the plane soon.
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is now ready to board. Please have your
passport and boarding pass ready for the agent at the gate. Thank you for flying Indian Skies Airlines.
Rebecca: Wait! You forgot your passport!
Daniel: Thanks.
Daniel and Rebecca are waiting for a flight. They are going to Mumbai. They hear an announcement
that the plane will be delayed.
Daniel is a tourist and Rebecca is a businesswoman. Daniel is going abroad to travel. Rebecca is
going to work. They finally get ready to board the plane. Daniel forgets his passport.
Do you dislike taking boring vacations? Does having a good time mean sightseeing in interesting towns
and villages?
Then you should come see us today! It’s not smart to delay. Village Tours has daily non-stop flights to
twenty-seven foreign capitals. We sell one-way and round-trip tickets. If you decide to cancel, we’ll
return all your money.
Village Tours: We’ll send you where the fun is!

Mike: I’m interested in fun vacation. I like sightseeing and visiting foreign capital cities.
Village Tours: Great! We have daily flights to twenty-seven foreign capitals.
Mike: That sounds good.
Village Tours: You can buy a one-way or round-trip ticket. And if you decide to cancel, we’ll give you
all your money back!
- Vacation at last. I’m going to the beach every day.
- Me, too. But…
- But what? What’s the matter?
- First I’m going to go shopping.

- Shopping?
- Yeah. I forgot to bring my swimsuit.
I think the government should make the factories stop polluting the air and water.
The lawyer told his client that he should tell the truth.
I recommend the new Italian restaurant. You should try it. The food is delicious!
It’s already May. If you want a summer job, you shouldn’t wait any longer to apply.
I wrote down the directions for Mary. She shouldn’t have any trouble finding the park.
Let’s call a travel agency. They should be able to tell us if we need a visa for Turkey.
It’s after 9:00 a.m., and the supermarket isn’t open. It should be open at this time of day.
Mmm. I really shouldn’t eat anything. I’m going out for dinner soon.
Try taking two of these. They should help your headache.
- Where’s your brother? Didn’t you wait for him? You should always wait for him after school.
- Don’t worry Mom. He was right behind me. He should be here any minute.
- Doctor, I’m always so tired.
- You should get at least eight hours of sleep a night.
- How was the exhibition at the museum?
- It was wonderful. You shouldn’t miss it.
- Where’s my mommy?
- You shouldn’t be out here in the street alone. We’ll find her.
- What time will the plane get to Shannon?
- It’s a three-hour trip, so it should arrive at about 2:30 in the afternoon.
- I want to use chicken instead of beef in the recipe. Is that all right?
- It shouldn’t matter. It will just taste a little different.
- When will my computer be ready? - It’s an easy repair. It shouldn’t take very
- That’s fine. long. Is tomorrow OK?


The teacher expected everyone to do well on the test because it was so easy.
The airline offered to pay for our hotel room because they had to cancel our flight.
This doesn’t look very safe. I’d prefer to go back to camp!
Mary plans to study French and German in school. She wants to be an international secretary.
Mike had a nice time on his trip to Rome, but he says he doesn’t want to go back there again.
Mary is learning to swim. She wants to be able to swim by summer.
All foreign passengers need to go straight to Immigration after getting off the plane.
It was difficult to decide which play to go to. The one we finally chose to see was “The Cherry Tree.”
Mary hoped to meet famous actors when she was in Hollywood, but she didn’t see even one.
Mike offered to give me a ride to the game, but I prefer not no go with him.
- Do you like jazz, too?
- Well, I like to listen to jazz sometimes, but I LOVE to play rock ’n’ roll.
- When are you going to buy your new car?
- I decided not to buy a car after all. I don’t have enough money.
- I think I want to become a doctor.
- Well, prepare to spend many years studying. You need to think about it carefully before you decide.
- Is there a bilingual dictionary in the classroom?
- Yes. We use it when we need to look up words.
- Guess what?! I just got a job as a salesman.
- I think so. I expect to travel at least two - Will you have to travel often?
weeks a month.
- I’m applying for a summer job as a typist.
- Where did you learn to type?
- In school.
Mike and Mary discussed buying a new car. They decided to wait until next year.
I really dislike playing the piano.
The runner described feeling very excited when he saw the finish line at the end of the race.
The travel agent suggested our staying at a hotel near the sea.
Mary doesn’t complain about her boyfriend’s smoking, but she hates the smell.
I suggest coming back later.
Mary enjoys talking on the telephone with her friends.
Mike, would you mind telling me why you can’t stay awake through one entire meeting?
Mary suggested not eating lunch and having a big dinner instead.
I don’t mind helping you fix your motorcycle, Mike. I don’t have anything else to do.
Mike dislikes studying mathematics, but he knows that it’s important.
Sally and Mary are going shopping after they finish doing their homework.
It’s difficult to describe flying an airplane; I suggest trying it yourself.

- Are the workers still at your house?

- Yes. I hope they’ll finish painting today.
- You enjoy looking at pictures of my baby, don’t you?
- Yes, but not every day!

- When are you going to finish talking? - In a minute. Do you mind waiting?
- No, I don’t mind. I enjoy listening to you.

I can’t go on vacation. My husband is sick. I just canceled the trip. It’s such a shame! The travel
agency did everything for us. They reserved a hotel room for us and rented a car for us. We also
planned to do some sightseeing while we were there. I’m so disappointed!
Man: I want to go on a trip to New York. Can you make all the travel arrangements for me?
Travel Agent: Sure. Do you want a non-stop flight?
Man: I don’t mind staying over in Europe. Can you arrange a connecting flight from Paris?
Travel Agent: No problem! Do you want a round-trip ticket or just one way?
Man: I’d like a return ticket.
Travel Agent: And do you want to take any tours while you’re in New York?
Man: Yes, I do. I want to do lots of sightseeing.
1. I am tired. You should
2. I need to earn more money.
3. Brenda is angry about what I said.
4. Tom doesn’t understand his homework.
5. I’d like to learn how to play the piano.
6. Tina is often tired at work.
7. I don’t seem to have much energy at the moment.

1. It’s cold. You should wear a cardigan.

2. She’s always tired. She shouldn’t go to bed late every night.
3. Should we go now?
4. You should eat some fruit or vegetables every day.
5. The students shouldn’t use their mobile phones in the exam.
6. You should ask the teacher to help you if you don’t understand the lesson.
7. People shouldn’t drive fast in the town centre.
8. Should I buy the dress or the skirt?

1. Mary enjoys reading romantic novels.

2. Mike suggested going to an Italian restaurant.
3. I miss living next to the sea.
4. Where did you learn how to cook lasagna?
5. Do you mind opening the window? It’s stuffy in here.
6. He asked to talk to the director.
7. You keep talking about your girlfriend. No wonder Mike left you.
8. Max plans to move to New York.
9. Would you mind telling me the truth?
10. Mary suggested not having breakfast and having a big lunch instead.
1. I hope to graduate from college next June.
2. The models practiced walking with a book blnced on their heads.
3. Mandy has promised to take care of our dog while we are on vacation.
4. Mr. Edwards chose to accept the management position in Chicago rather than the psition in Miami.
5. I don’t know what she wants to do tonight. Why don’t you ask her?
6. Frank offered to help us paint the house.
7. Sandra decided to study economics in London.
8. Witnesses reported seeing the bank robber as he was climbing out of the second-story window.
9. Stephanie dislikes working in front of a computer all day.
10. Mrs. Naidoo appears to be the most qualified person for the job.

1. Someone who is travelling in a car, plane, etc. but not controlling it. Passenger.
2. Something that happened at a later time than you planned. Delayed.
3. Single-journey fare. One-way ticket.
4. In or to another country. Abroad.
5. The part of an airport where you get on or off a plane. Gate.
6. A journey in a plane. Flight.
7. Something that is said officially, giving new information about something. Announcement.
8. A ticket for going and returning. Round-trip ticket.
9. Continuing without a stop. Non-stop flight.
10. To get on a bus, boat or plane. To board.

1. How long is the flight to New York.

2. He lived abroad for many years.
3. The delayed train is now expected at 14:25 p.m.
4. Make sure your passengers fasten their seat belts.
5. I didn’t know when I would be coming back, so I bought a one-way ticket.
6. The plane is now boarding at gate 25.
7. Non-stop flights from Britain to the West indies are cheap.
8. They heard an announcement about the flight to Houston.
9. The flight to Dublin is now boarding at gate 8.
10. Compre the best prices for your round-trip ticket, one-way or last-minute flight to Hawaii.

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