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8.1 Intervew
Sandra: Welcome to "Meet the People."
I'm Sandra Waters.
My guest today is Larry Patel.
Larry is an inventor.
His newest invention is the "whistling wallet."
Good evening, Larry.
Larry: Good evening, Sandra.
Sandra: Larry, what is a "whistling wallet"?
Larry: Well, it's a special wallet with a small battery inside.
If you sing near it, the wallet whistles.
People often lose their wallets in their homes.
Now they can easily find them.
Sandra: Do you need to sing a special song?
Larry: No.
Any song is OK.
Sandra: Oh, great!
It's easier to sing than to look all over the house.
Where can I buy the wallet?
Larry: Well, I still have to work on it.
I gave wallets to some of my friends.
Now two of them are angry at me.
They went to a concert, and their wallets made noise all the time.
The people around them were very angry.

Choose the best answers for the sentences.

A wallet is something you keep money in.
The whistling wallet works with a battery If you sing, the wallet whistles.
This wallet is for people who lose their things.
Everyone can use this wallet.
8.2 Do it!

Do It!
I always remember my mother saying, "Wake up. Clean your room. Don't eat candy. Hurry up. Do your
homework. Be good. Don't run. Sit down. Stand up. Do this. Do that." I always thought, "Hmm, I like that

Five years ago, I started the Clean-House Agency. I put an ad in the newspaper. I answered all the telephone
calls and letters, and started my business. I told all the new workers, "Be quick, and be clean." I showed
them how to clean homes and offices. First, we all worked together. Now, they usually work alone.

Last night I showed my daughter how to make a cake. "First, take four eggs from the refrigerator and some
sugar from the cupboard. Then, open the box..."

Suddenly I had a wonderful idea: cookbooks! I'm starting a new business! With my cookbooks, I can tell
hundreds of people what to do!

A reporter wanted to write an article about the woman who started the Clean-House Agency.
Read the events in the reporter's notebook, and put them in order.
1 Her mother was always telling her what to do.
2 She decided that she wanted to tell others what to do.
3 She started the Clean-House Agency by putting an ad in a newspaper.
4 She hired some workers.
5 She taught the workers how to clean.
6 She started sending the workers out to homes and offices.
7 She decided to write cookbooks as a new business.

The writer started a cleaning business.

The writer talks about making a cake with her daughter.
The writer wants to write cookbooks because she likes telling people what to do.

8.3 Movie Star

Isn't that Robert Richman, the movie star? Yes, you're right. I think he's the greatest.
The greatest? He's the worst actor I know. What? But he won an Oscar for best actor last year.
Yeah? Well, to me he's terrible. Well, I like him.
8.4 Past simple: Regular Verbs
We didn't work yesterday. We had the day off. We played tennis all day.
Victoria Masterson's new movie is terrific. We enjoyed every minute of it!
I'm really angry. I paid $1000, but they didn't repair my car!
I don't understand the homework because I didn't listen in class.

Your new furniture is beautiful. How did you pay for it? I charged it.
Why isn't Mr. Dominic here? Because I didn't invite him.
Maria moved to a new apartment. I know. I helped her move.
What did you get on the English test? I got a 95. I didn't spell "English" right!
It took me three hours to get my luggage at the airport. Really? I didn't wait at all.
Why are you so tired, Renee? I carried my TV to the repair shop.
"Midnight Mystery" on TV was great last night. Did you watch it? No. I didn't watch TV last night.

Are you from the South? No, I'm from Philadelphia, but I lived in the South many years ago.
Did you have fun at Sari's party? Yes, but I'm so tired. We danced for four hours!

- Gene, did you go to the post office? - Yes. I mailed your letter.
- No, you didn't. It's still on my desk!
- Hey, Roberto! I got a credit card! - That's great. How did you get it?
- I filled out a form, and they sent me one.
- Mom, can I go to Lara's? - After you do your homework.
- But I finished my homework an hour ago.

8.5 Past simple: Irregular Verbs

Everyone was angry because I didn't catch the ball, and we lost the game.
Hey, where did David go? Oh, he left early because he had a headache and he gave me all his work!
Hey, where's Harry Holmes? He's in the hospital. He broke his leg last week.
Where's Jim? I don't know. I looked for him, but I didn't find him.

I'm hungry! What did you bring to eat? I brought some pizza and two cans of soda.
Which cat did you choose? I chose that gray one.
What was that loud noise, Tommy? I didn't do anything, Mom!
What's wrong? I ate too much!
Tell me what happened. I fell yesterday and hurt my ankle.
Ted, meet Bob and Janet. They flew in yesterday from New York. Hello. Nice to meet you.
Hi, Sue. I went shopping today. I bought some beautiful clothes! Can I see them?

- Oh, I'm so tired! - Why?

- I studied until late last night. I had a test today.
- I was late for work today. I woke up at 11:00 A.M.! - Don't you have an alarm clock?
- Yes, I do, but I didn't hear it.
- Where's Mr. Meron? - He went home.
- No, he didn't. He didn't leave. He's still here.
- Hi. I'm back from the store. - Did you buy ketchup?
- Oh, no! I forgot!

- I'm working for Ron Perez now. - I knew him many years ago. He has a computer company, doesn't he?
- Yes, he does.
8.6 Past simple: Questions
- Did you ask the boss about money? - Are you going to the concert tonight?
- Yes, I did. - No. I can't find my ticket.
- Well, what did she say? - You didn't lose it, did you?
- She said no. - I think I left it on the bus.

- Lisa got a 90 on her English test.

- Hey, that's great.
- You helped her, didn't you?
- Yes, I did.

That sweater is beautiful. Where did you buy it? I bought it at that new department store on Main Street.
Why did you give David your new CD? Because yesterday was his birthday.
Did you fall off your bicycle? No, I didn't. I fell off my motorcycle.
Did you enjoy the concert? Yes, we did. It was wonderful!
Did you buy onions at the market? Yes, I did.

- Did you pay the check? - Yes, I did.

- Let's go home.
- Did you hear the news this morning? - No, I didn't. What happened?
- There was a fire at the school!
- "Blue Roses" is a wonderful movie. - Who directed it?
- Victoria Masterson.

8.7 Adjectives 2
Marcy: This is the worst day of my life!
John: Ok. So you failed an exam. You can take it again.
Marcy: It's easy for you, John. You're the best in the class.
John: Marcy, don't be angry with me. Do you want me to come over?
Marcy: Yes, I don't want to be alone.
John: I'm on my way!

Son: Mom, are you angry with me?

Mom: No, I'm just tired. I had the worst day at work today. Everything went wrong.
Son: Let me make you a strong cup of coffee and then you can be alone for a while.
Mom: Thank you. You are wonderful!

Karen wanted to buy a new dress. "Let's go to the department store at lunch time," she said to Lisa, her
best friend. "We only have an hour for lunch. Can we be quick?" asked Lisa.
"Sure we can," said Karen. The two girls looked at dresses. "Look, this one is very pretty. It's thirty percent
off, too. That's a very special price," said Lisa. "Oh, wonderful!
I'm going to buy it!" said Karen.
1. Pass me the salt, please.
2. Ask him to come to see a movie with you.
3. Leave me alone or I'll call the police.
4. Speak quietly or I'll make a complaint.
5. Clean those windows before your mother gets home.
6. Don't worry, be happy.
7. Give me 5 minutes. I'm nearly ready.
8. Turn left and then go straight on.
9. Write this address down so you don't forget it.
10. Mix the ingredients together until there are no lumps.

1. I brushed my teeth three times yesterday.

2. The concert started at 7:30 and ended at 10 o'clock.
3. When I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor.
4. The accident happened last Sunday afternoon.
5. It's a nice day today, but yesterday it rained all day.
6. We enjoyed our vacation last year. We stayed at a very nice hotel.
7. Amy's grandfather died when he was go years old.

Last Tuesday Anna flew from LA to Mexico City. She got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and had a cup of
coffee. At 7:15 she left home and drove to the airport. When she arrived, she parked the car and then went
to the ticket counter, where she checked in for her flight. Then she had breakfast at an airport café and
waited for her flight. The plane departed on time and arrived in Mexico City four hours later. Finally, she
took a taxi to the hotel.
1. I enjoyed meeting your relatives. (negative). 5. My father didn’t buy a car last year. (affirmative)
I didn't enjoy meeting your relatives. My father bought a car last year.
2. You ate all the cake. (question)
6. They won the lottery. (negative)
Did you eat all the cake?
They didn't win the lottery.
3. Did you have a good time? (affirmative)
You had a good time. 7. She paid dinner for me. (negative)
She didn't pay dinner for me.
4. I felt better last night. (negative)
I didn't feel better last night. 8. She left her purse here. (question)
Did she leave her purse here?
1. A: We went to Vancouver last month. B: Where did you stay?
A: With some Friends.
2. A: I was late this morning B: What time did you get to work?
A: Half past nine.
3. A: I played tennis this afternoon. B: Did you win?
A: No, I lost.
4. A: I had a nice vacation B: Good. Where did you go?
A: to the mountains.
5. A: We came home by taxi. B: How much did it cost?
A: Ten dollars.
6. A: I'm tired this morning. B: Did you go to bed late?
A: No, but I didn't sleep well.
7. A: We went to the beach yesterday. B: Did you have a nice time?
A: Yes, it was great.
8: A: The window is broken. B: How did it happen?
A: I don't know.

1. someone whose job is writing for newspapers, magazines, television. journalist

2. someone who performs in plays, in movies, or on television. actor
3. a famous cinema actor or actress. movie star
4. someone who tells the actors in a movie or play what to do. director
5. the text for a film, including the words to be spoken by the actors. screenplay
6. a person or company that pays people to work for them. employer
7. to get a recognition for best actor. to win an Oscar
8. famous, powerful, or important as one of a particular type. the greatest
9. a film shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story. movie
10. of the lowest quality or the most unpleasant. the worst

1. That was the worst film I've ever seen. Completely unpleasant!
2. He is certainly the finest actor in Hollywood today.
3. He is an actor but would really like to be a film director.
4. The journalist took notes throughout the interview.
5. Greta Garbo was one of the greatest movie stars of the 1930's.
6. We need a reference from your former employer.
7. Who wrote the screenplay for the movie Hairspray?
8. Joaquin Phoenix won an Oscar for best actor in February 2020.
9. My favorite movie is Casablanca.
10. Who do you think is the greatest modern novelist?
1. Most actresses wear pretty dresses for the Academy award ceremony.
2. Not all actors had an easy life when they were young.
3. The journalist's comments made her angry.
4. Joaquin Phoenix won the best actor Academy Awards in 2020.
5. The red carpet is time for quick photos sometimes.
6. Most pop stars live alone.
7. It's wonderful what technology in the film industry can do now.
8. Some actors and actresses like to play the role of people with strong character.
9. The Golden Raspberry award is a parody and honors the worst actors and actresses every year.
10. The Academy award ceremony is definitely a special day for winning actors.

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