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Atmospheric Pollution

nollution consisis ot gases, liquids, or solids present in the pollutants react in the atmosphere (e.g. acid rain). Air pollution
Ail lete at levels high enough to harm living things (or cause tends to be concentrated around areas of high population density,
atm amaterials). Human activities make a major contribution particularly in Western industrial and post-industrial sOCieties. In
alobal air pollulion, athough natural processes can also be the last few decades there has been a massive increase in air
tble. Lightning causes torest fires, oxidizes nitrogen
pollution in parts of the world that previously had little, such as

creales ozone. whie erupting volcanoes give off toxic and Mexico city and some of the large Asian cities. Air pollution does
corroSive gases. Air pollutants can be divided into primary and not just exist ouldoors. The air enclosed in spaces such as cars,
secondar pollutants. Primary pollutants are emitted directly homes, schools, and ofices may have significantly higher levels
ource, while secondary polutants form when primary of harmful air pollutants than the air outdoors.

Photochemical smog Volcanoes

In the presence of direct sunlight, the Sulfur oxides
mixture of pollutants from primary Carbon dioxide
Industry sOurces (industry and vehicles) reacts Volcanic dust
Sulfur dioxide SO2 to form: ozone, nitric acid,
Nitrogen dioxide
nitrates (PANs), and toxic organic
Carbon monoxide CO compounds such as formaldehyde
Hydrogen sulfide HS
Dust, smoke

US Air Pollutants
The EPA has established
National Air Quality Standards for
Motor vehicles Volcanoes and forest fires
the following air pollutants:
Hydrocarbons HC are a natural source of
Nitric oxide NO atmospheric pollutants.
Pollutant Conc.
Carbon monoxide CO
Smoke Ozone 85 ppb
Lead" 1.5 pgm

Carbon monoxide' 9.5 ppm

Sulfur dioxide 35 ppb

Power plent Nitrogen dioxide 54 ppb
And indusiri Petrol and diesel
Omiasion Respirable
welitisburnlne Matter (PM10) 51 ugm3

Averaging period: T = 8 hour maximum; = Annual, " = 3 month maximum

1. Name a primary source of air pollution in large cities:

2 A major cause of air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels to supply energyfor domestic or industrial purposes. ldentifty
tour fossil fuels, their application, and describe a negative environmental effect of their use:



.Oneway of monitoring the level of air pollution is to make regular inspections of what are called biological indicators,
Such as lichen, in the environment.

(a) Giving an example, explain the role of biological indicators:

0Explain how lichen could be used as a biological indicator:

2007-2013 BIOZONE International

ISBN: 978-1-927173-55-8
Photocopying rohibited Related activities: Types of Pollution, Global Warming, Stratospheric
Ozone Depletion, Acid Rain RA 2
Heaith offICials are paying increasing attention to Aircraft contribute to atmospheric pollution with Automobiles are the singie most important
the sick building syndrome. This air pollution inside their jet exhaust at high altitude (at 10,000 m). The contributor of air pollutants in large cities, producing
office buildings can cause eye iritations, nausea, cabin environment of aircraft is also often polluted. large amounts of carbon monoxIde, hydrocarbons,
neadaches. respiratory infections, depression and Some passengers may spread infections (e.g. TB and nitrous oxides. Some countries reguire cars to
fatigue. Gases. ozone and microbes are implicated. and SARS) through the recirculated cabin air. have catalytic converters fitted to their exhausts.

4. Complete the table below the main

summarizing types of air pollutants:

Pollutant Environmental Human health effects Prevention or control

Major sources

Carbon Fit cors withcatalyticconverters

monoxide and Keep well tuned.

Burwing fuels, oil

Hydrogen ref ineries, wood
PuP processing.
Sulfur Use alternative, sulfur free fuels
oxides such as natural gas and LPG.

Nitrogen Forms photochemical smog

oxides Retards plants arowth


Causes convulsions,
Lead coma and damoge to
the nervoUS system.

Fit cars with

Ozone to reduce the amount of No and
volatile hydrocarbons emitted.


5. Sick building syndrome affects large office buildings where the workers are breathing in an air conditioned
atmosphere. The pollutant gases are releasedfrom the materialsand equipment in the office, while disease-causing
microbes may live in the heating, air conditioning and ventilation ducts.

(a) Explain what is meant by the term 'sick building syndrome'

(b) Suggest a way of reducing this form of indoor pollution:

(c) A more extreme example of indoor pollution has beenrecenty diagnosed on long distance flights in modern
passenger jets with their pressurized cabin atmospneres. Explain why this Situation is potentially more threatening
than sick building syndrome, particularly when taking into account that most modern jets recirculate most cabin air:

2007-2013 BIOZONE International

ISBN: 978-1-927173-55-8
Photocopying Prohitbitec

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