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Noriel Codoy BSCpE – 1A SOCIO – 102

Direction. Answer the following questions and submit this sheet with your answer as part of the
course requirement.

A. Name five (5) physical changes that take place in females during puberty.

1. Breast development: The breasts typically start to develop around age 8-13, and may continue to
grow and change shape throughout puberty.

2. Menstruation: The onset of menstruation (first period) typically occurs around age 12-13, though it
can start earlier or later. This marks the beginning of the reproductive phase of life.

3. Pubic hair growth: The pubic hair starts to grow around the same time as breast development, and
may become coarser and more extensive over time.

4. Growth spurt: Girls tend to have a growth spurt around age 9-14, with the most rapid growth
occurring around age 11-12. This results in an increase in height and changes in body shape.

5. Body hair growth: In addition to pubic hair, girls may also develop hair under their arms and on their
legs during puberty. This is due to an increase in androgen hormones in the body.

B. Name five (5) physical changes that take place in males during puberty.

1. Growth of facial and body hair: Males will typically experience the growth of facial hair, including
mustaches, beards, and sideburns, as well as hair on their chest, back, arms, and legs.

2. Deepening of the voice: As the larynx (voice box) grows and the vocal cords lengthen, the voice will
become deeper and may crack or break during puberty.

3. Increase in muscle mass and bone density: With the influence of testosterone, males will typically
experience an increase in muscle mass and strength, as well as an increase in bone density.

4. Growth of the penis and testicles: The penis and testicles will typically grow larger during puberty,
with the penis becoming longer and wider and the testicles becoming larger and more oval in shape.

5. Growth spurt: Boys tend to have a growth spurt around age 10-16, with the most rapid growth
occurring around age 13-14. This results in an increase in height and changes in body shape.

Present your reflection on the growing problems about risky behaviors among adolescents in the
contemporary world.

As a person going through adolescents and seeing most people my age going and doing things that are
risky that may cause them many problems in their life, I feel sorry and bad for them, that they could not
see the problem that may cause them in the future not just through physical but also the mental health.

There are several factors that contribute to the growing problems of risky behaviors among adolescents.
One major factor is the influence of peer pressure and social norms. Adolescents often feel pressure to
conform to the behavior of their peers and to fit in with their social groups. This can lead to the
adoption of risky behaviors to gain social acceptance and avoid rejection.

Another factor is the availability and accessibility of drugs, alcohol, and other risky substances.
Adolescents may have easier access to these substances than in the past, through social media and
other online platforms.

Furthermore, the impact of technology and social media on adolescent behavior cannot be ignored. The
use of social media has been linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression among adolescents,
which can in turn lead to risk-taking behaviors as a coping mechanism.

To address the growing problems of risky behaviors among adolescents, it is important for parents,
educators, and healthcare professionals to work together to promote healthy behaviors and positive
social norms. Education and awareness campaigns can help adolescents understand the risks associated
with certain behaviors and provide them with the skills and tools they need to make informed decisions.
Additionally, access to mental health resources can help address underlying mental health issues that
may contribute to risky behaviors.

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