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Noriel Codoy BSCpE – 1A 02/07/2023

SOCIO102 - 68709 MWF 9:30AM – 10:30AM

Gender is an important aspect of our lives because it influences how we think, act, and
interact with others. It refers to the social and cultural differences that separate males and
females, as well as the roles, behaviors, activities, and characteristics that each society
considers appropriate for each gender. Gender shapes how we are perceived by others,
the opportunities available to us, and how we see ourselves. It is an essential component
of our social identities and social structures.
Gender is no longer just a biological characteristic in today's society; it is also a social
construct shaped by cultural, historical, and political factors. Gender roles and
expectations are instilled in children at a young age through socialization processes and
reinforced by institutions such as the family, media, education, and religion. This results
in the formation of gendered identities as well as the shaping of gendered lives.

As a person, I recognize the significance of understanding gender and its relationship to

society. It is applicable in a variety of fields, including education, media, law, healthcare,
and psychology. Gender understanding is important in education, for example, in order to
create a more inclusive learning environment that recognizes and accommodates the
diverse needs and experiences of all students. Understanding gender is critical in the
media for producing content that promotes gender equality and challenges harmful
gender stereotypes. Gender is relevant in law for addressing discrimination issues and
developing laws and policies that protect the rights of all individuals, regardless of

Finally, understanding gender and its relationship to society is critical for achieving a
more just and equitable world. It provides a deeper understanding of how gender
influences our lives and the lives of others, and it is applicable in a wide range of
professions. We can work toward a world where people are free to express their gender
identities and live their lives in ways that are authentic to them by challenging gender
stereotypes and promoting gender equality.

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