Student-Centered Unit of Instruction Using The Ddd-E Model

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Intention Outline Project Title: The Story of My Life

General Project Goal for Students:

The students will create a timeline using a template from Canva. The timeline will include 5

important events from past, present, and future including the day they were born and what they

would like to be when they grow up. Under each event, they will add a description of the event.

Specific Outcomes:

• TLW distinguish between past, present, and future.

• TLW identify 5 important events.

• TLW create a simple timeline.

Audience: A class of first grade students will complete this project in five days during Social

Studies class.
Unit Title: The Story of My Life

Grade Level: 1st Grade


§113.12. Social Studies, Grade 1, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.

(3) History. The student understands the concepts of time and chronology. The student is

expected to: (A) distinguish among past, present, and future; (B) describe and measure calendar

time by days, weeks, months, and years; and (C) create a calendar and simple timeline

Technology Applications, Kindergarten-Grade 2, Beginning with School Year 2012-2013.

(1) Creativity and innovation. The student uses creative thinking and innovative processes to

construct knowledge and develop digital products. The student is expected to: (A) apply prior

knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes; (B) create original products using a

variety of resources; (D) create and execute steps to accomplish a task; and (E) evaluate and

modify steps to accomplish a task.

Unit Description: Students will learn that timelines help us understand events in chronological

order. They will be able to identify important events from the past, present, and future of their

lives. Students will include a description and a picture of each important event.

The students will use a Canva template created by the teacher to create the timeline and add

pictures and descriptions with teacher’s help.


Day 1 The teacher will introduce the difference between

past, present, and future using the video “Social

Studies: Past Present and Future”.

The teacher will model brainstorming 5 important

events in her life in chronological order. The teacher

will explain to students that they will be creating a

timeline on Canva displaying 5 events from their

past, present, and future using pictures and a


Day 2 The teacher will show them the sample timeline

created with the 5 events from the day before, the

rubric used to grade it, and the checklist to guide

them. The students will brainstorm their 5 events

individually using a paper sentence stem strip to

guide them. They will also collect pictures from

home so that the teacher can help them upload them

to Canva.

Day 3 The students will continue working on their paper

timeline and begin transferring information to the

Canva template with teacher assistance when


Day 4 Students will add finishing touches to their Canva

timeline such as uploading pictures or using images

from Canva. They will also use their checklist to

make sure they have all the components.

Day 5 The students will present their timelines to the class.


Teacher Role: The teacher will show the class a YouTube video “Social Studies: Past Present

and Future”. to help students understand

the difference between past, present and future events. The teacher will model how to select

events from students’ lives including events from past, present, and future.

Student role: Students will brainstorm different events from their past present and future and

start thinking which one they would like to use and in what order did they happen to add them to

their timeline.

Teacher Role: Teacher will show students the Canva template that they will complete, the

checklist to help them stay on track, and the rubric that will be used to grade them.

Student Role: The students will work independently on their timeline using the Canva template

by adding pictures the teacher has helped upload to Canva, add events and descriptions as well as

using their checklist to make sure they have all required elements.


Students use Students use

sentence events from Students
strip paper past, present
work on
to present, and completed
braisntorm future with timeline to
events and descriptions class.
order. and images.

Teacher Role: The teacher will help the students with uploading images to Canva to include in

their timeline. The teacher will provide feedback to students and clearing up misconceptions

about the order of events students might have to ensure their timeline is in chronological order.

Student Role: Students will add finishing touches to the timeline on the Canva template by

changing fonts, color, adding elements, etc. Once complete, the students will be able to present

to the class.


Teacher Role: The teacher will help the students understand how to read and understand the

checklist and rubric. The teacher will use the rubric to assess the creation and presentation of the


Student Role: The students will complete their own checklist while working independently on

their timelines.

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