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Actividad 8

Nombre: Carlos Emilio González Flores carrera: IMA Matricula: 1614636

There are people who cannot study since it is very difficult for them 40% of young people
are enrolled in schools according to compulsory studies, University of Oxford is a very
important university not only in the United Kingdom but worldwide they have been
pioneers in higher education and that makes it the oldest university in the world and they
are English-speaking when it was founded was the second king Henry in 209 some
professors went to England to other universities, cambridge and Oxford are the most
prestigious, it has departments which are divided into 4 with internal and separate
structure, Oxford is a university city has much more land unlike the uanl since there are
several departments supermarket shopping center cafeteria, some graduate teachings
have organized tutorials are very advanced in technology they have its own libraries with
publishing house its book production is large, it has 29 award winners since Oxford is car
Acted for excellent professionals they have won 160 Olympic medals Oxford grants a
scholarship called orfs which is one of the oldest scholarships
The biggest competition in Oxford is cambrish is an English private university founded in
1909 was still in force king henry the second is the fourth oldest university in force
cambrish was the cradle of football that was where the rules of football were made
Today the entrepreneurial vision is something that Oxford and Cambridge offers apart
from offering international opportunities for its students.
The University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom, is the oldest English-speaking university
in the world. The founding date of the university is unknown, and perhaps it did not exist
as a specific event, but there is evidence of teaching activities since 1096. When in 1167
Henry II of England prohibited English students from attending colleges of higher studies
in Paris, Oxford began to grow rapidly.
Oxford's long history is very much present today. Its colleges are beautiful centuries-old
buildings, its students use the same facilities as many illustrious figures in history, and the
colleges share traditions dating back to the 17th century. However, this historical legacy
does not prevent it from being a world-class modern university that always ranks among
the best in the world.
As a result of its prestige, the admission criteria are extremely tough, but those who
manage to enter are guaranteed an exemplary education. At this university, 47 Nobel
Laureates, 26 British Prime Ministers, more than 30 foreign leaders, some 50 Olympic
medalists and even 12 Saints have studied. To get an idea of the entity of his students we
will simply give you some of their names: Albert Einstein, John Locke, Oscar Wilde, Bill
Clinton, Stephen Hawking, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Lawrence of Arabia, JRR Tolkien,
Rupert Murdoch, Adam Smith and many more.
It is made up of 38 colleges that play a fundamental role in the lives of students. They live,
eat, have fun and receive personal tutoring, which is a fundamental element of Oxford
education. The university also has the largest university library system in the UK, which is
made up of over one hundred libraries.
The University of Cambridge is the second oldest English-speaking university in the world
after Oxford, and the fourth oldest in the world still in operation. According to history,
Cambridge University was founded in 1209 by academics who fled Oxford after a brawl
with agents from that city. King Henry III of England granted them a monopoly on teaching
there in 1231.
Together with the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge trains a host of
Britain's leading scientists, writers and politicians. At an international level, it has great
prestige and is always ranked among the best universities in the world. Through its
classrooms, either as students or as academic staff, 90 Nobel laureates, 123 Olympic
medalists and figures of the importance of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, Charles Darwin,
Alan Turing, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas Malthus, Lord Byron, have passed. Rosalind
Franklin among others.
The university is made up of 31 colleges, which are independent and separate institutions
from the university itself, which enjoy a wide level of autonomy. All students have to
belong to one and their passage through the university is marked by the hallmarks and
character of their college. The university has eight museums, a botanical garden, and a
library with a collection of 15 million books. University buildings are scattered throughout
Cambridge and some are of great historical significance.
In addition to study, Cambridge students enjoy numerous leisure and free time activities
associated with the university. Rowing is a very popular sport and there are competitions
between colleges or against Oxford. There are also competitions in other sports, such as
cricket and rugby. Among the theater clubs, you will find the famous Footlights.
And as the colleague commented, these universities stand out for training entrepreneurial
professionals who have or have better aspirations such as the example that I mentioned
with the universities in Mexico in this case Nuevo Leon with the Uanl and Tec de
Monterrey since the uanl deals with Prepare yourself for everyday life, for real life being a
worker or, as it were, a subordinate when the Monterrey Technologist prepares you and
makes you have that hunger of always wanting more of being you the boss of being the
one who takes the slice big on the cake and start in business but not just start, so to speak,
if not start knowing what you are doing and having carried out an economigo study to
know how feasible or successful your business will be.
1. your first day at elementaryschool
My first day in elementary school I remember that it was something new, I was a
little excited but also afraid that I was going to find myself and once at school the
teachers showed up, we introduced ourselves and that same day I made friends
that I still continue to this day. Haunting
2. the quality of your elemental education
R= I consider my elementary education to be the one that my parents and teachers
have taught me and I consider that the elementary education has been of quality is
that which makes you be a good person apart from having the necessary
knowledge for daily life
3. the higher education facilities in your country
R= The facilities of the universities in Mexico could be thought to be bad but at
least the ones that I have observed and mainly where I study are of a high level,
having developed technology and trained teachers but speaking of the facilities of
the universities, day by day they are in constant progress. in education as in sport
4. the preparation of teachers in your school
R= The teachers in Mexico every day are preparing better probably in public
schools if the teachers are left to duty in some aspects but we cannot be very
demanding knowing what they are paid in terms of high school and university
teachers if they are very prepared some have even doctorates
5. all children attend to school in mexico
R= Not all boys and girls attend school, some due to lack of resources, others
because they have been working since they were Young
6. higher education is expensive in mexico
R= If higher education is expensive or good it is not that it is very expensive
compared to other countries but compared to the salaries of Mexico if it is difficult
not everyone has the solvency to study university some have to work and study
others look for scholarships
7. educative system in mexico needs improvement
R= If the education system in Mexico needs improvements and I consider that
where they should focus more is on primary and secondary education since I have
had to meet classmates who in high school did not know some math topics

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