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Chapter 8

the large,
v e to ba nk credit for
An alterna ti mercial
increasingly firm is th e use of com
Firms are
kets prestigious a short-term
foreign mar h ic h represents e
turning to of pap e r w issued by th
cost sourc
p ro m issory note
for lower rr o w in unsecu re d
issued at a
rate F in a
may bo h generally
lly ,
funds. They
th e
firm. Thoug means of
ke t m ay f in a n
m ar w
Eurodollar e , it is an h e d g is h t o c o c ia l
m an
the s) o r below pri m ” during in g n
t h r o u s id e r t h e a g e r
(foreign d
ollar lo an
th a t m a y “dry up fu tu r
es gh t u se
reign cu rr en cy financing ds. con s h
m a r k e f in a n c f
borrow fo ncing perio eque
in an difficult fina n ces e t. ia l
fr o m banks ra te
or cu o
directly er their re d u r r e n c f r a p id The
to lo w ced y ch in t e r
attempt th e f
u tu re
th ro u
gh p
s can t
borrowing s ma a rtic b e
rk e t. ip a t i
o n in

By using
as colla receivab
teral for le and in
to turn a loan, th ventory
these cu e firm m
quickly rrent as ay be ab
than by sets into le
flow cy waiting ca sh m o
cle. By for the n re
financin using a ormal c
g, the secured a sh
requirem firm tie form of rate or
ents dir s its th e prime
The firm ectly to borrowin
u se e it h e r to that
its asse g
Bankers nd add
to a facto
may also
sell its a t buildu e ir b a se rate a e s of th
s e
p . s th itworthin
r. c c o unts rec LIBOR a e c re d ti n g
eivable g on th m p e n sa
dependin n k s a ls o u se co a s e th e
r. Ba s to incre
custome w e ll as fee
s a s
balance e bank.
yield to th

rm in
y s h o rt te
e u su a ll ating, A firm in search
k lo ans ar s e lf -liquid of short-term fin
Ba n a re fro m be ancing must
r e and o m fu n d s aware of all
na t u f r .A the
paid b
ack e firm arrangements institutional
e in g a t io n s o f th l be that are availabl
rm a l o
per r wil e. Trade credit
h e n o g c u sto m e t he from suppliers
is normally the
t tro n with
ially s t ra te form of short-t most available
financ lo w e s
scale d up erm financing
d th e o m e rs and is a natura
o ffe re r c u s t
. outgrowth of
the buying an l
o o th e te g o ry
ra te s t h e ir risk ca goods. d reselling of
ct t
to refle

Mind map
Chapter 8
The largest provider of short-term credit is In any loan the lender’s primary concern,
usually at the firm’s doorstep—the however, is whether the borrower’s capacity to
manunfacturer or seller of goods and services. generate cash flow is sufficient to liquidate the
loan as it comes due.

Banks may provide funds for the financing of Accounts receivable financing may include
seasonal needs, product line expansion, and pledging accounts receivable as collateral
long-term growth. The typical banker prefers for a loan or an outright sale (factoring) of
a self-liquidating loan in which the use of receivables
funds will ensure a built-in or automatic
repayment scheme SOURCE OF

For large and prestigious firms, commercial We may also borrow against inventory to
paper may provide an outlet for raising funds. acquire funds. The extent to which Inventory
Commercial paper represents a short-term, financing may be employed is based on the
unsecured promissory note issued to the marketability of the pledged goods, Financing
public in minimum units of $25,000 their associated price stability, and the
perishability of the product.

One approach to borrowing has been to Those who are in continual need of borrowed
borrow from international banks in foreign funds to operate their firms are exposed to the
currencies either directly or through foreign risk of interest rate changes. One way to
subsidiaries. partially reduce that risk is through interest
rate hedging activities in the financial futures

Concept map
Chapter 12
inflows mu
pre se nt value of these to be
often The project
Top manag
ement is
the in vestment for a T h re
e im p ac t of excee d e
anxious ab
out th . a n a l y p r im a r y
ns on short
-term acceptable ze ca m e th
their decisio
th e p p
the a y b a it a l in v e s s a r e u
income, o f re ck m t
e th o m e n t p ro d to
reported ca ital
p The
tu rn ,
and d , th p o sa
of f ir s th e n e in t e r ls :
planning s a w h il e t m e t h o et p nal r
s dictate d is n re se a te
expenditure net
th e l
a st tw o rm a n t v a lu e
horizon. p o lly .
longer time g re a re se n t v a re a c c e u n so u n d
te st a a lu e p t ,
tte n t a b le , w
io n . d e se it h
r v in g

As dem
forms of d in th
benefits e chapte
are (a) a attribute r, the tw
ftertax o d to an in o
tax shie perating vestmen
ld benefi benefits t e
ts of dep and (b) d uses th
reciatio the
n t v a lu e metho te . In
n. pres e ra
The net iscount
s the d nt,
s t o f c apital a a l a s th e discou
co o f c a p it ro je ct
e co st at a p
using th te , w e affirm th d in g to
, ra n
or hurdle cost of fu
le a s t e arn the n t.
m u st a t tme
an inves
table as
be accep

ctu a l
e a ls with a
d ed
l b udget
a n re p o rt The capital bu
dgeting decisi
Cap it a t h d of on involves the
s ra th e r w instea planning of expe
do ll a r
sh f lo in the nditures for a pr
g s, ca u se d life of at le oject with a
ea r n in e is ast one year
com and usually
ting in considerably lo
o p e ra nger.

Mind map
Chapter 12
The search for new opportunities is often the An interesting way to summarize the
least emphasized, though perhaps the most characteristics of an investment is through the
important, of the four steps. The collection of use of the net present value profile. The profile
data should go beyond engineering data and allows us to graphically portray the net present
market surveys and should attempt to capture value of a project at different discount rates.
the relative likelihood of the occurrence of
various events.


In most capital budgeting decisions the Many of the points that we have covered
emphasis is on cash flow, rather than reported thus far will be reviewed in the context of a
FIOWS Versus income. capital budgeting decision, in which we
determine the annual cash flows from an

THE CAPITAL investment and compare them to the initial

outlay. To be able to analyze a wide variety

of cash flow patterns, we shall first
consider the types of allowable


In both the internal rate of return and net Investment decision refers to financial resource
present value methods, the profitability must allocation. Investors opt for the most suitable
Selection equal or exceed the cost of capital assets or investment opportunities based on
for the project to be potentially acceptable. risk profiles, investment objectives, and return
However, Strategy other distinctions are expectations.
necessary—namely, whether the projects are
mutually exclusive or not.

At times management may place an artificial
constraint on the amount of funds that can be Writing off an asset in the year of purchase
invested in a given period. rather than depreciating it over the life of the
asset. The maximum annual deduction is
$250,000. This procedure is primarily beneficial
to small businesses because its availability is
phased out when asset purchases become

Concept map

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