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● Write an opinion essay in which you discuss what arouses the feeling of

anxiety among people across the world and in our country.

There are many factors that can contribute to one´s uneasy feelings. Not everyone
shares the same level of anxiety, but we can say that on a global scale, people are
routinely triggered by situations. Nowadays, topics like climate change and global
warming are the hallmarks of anxiety, causing feelings of worry and dread. It might be
a sudden or recurrent trigger of fear, but people studying these problems are always
reporting how bad the situation is getting so is no surprise people feel threatened.
On the contrary, the feelings that trigger anxiety may change depending on the
country. It might be like a nagging and distinct feeling unlike the global ones, be it
because we are always bombarded with bad local news. In Argentina, it is very
difficult to cope with local problems and people are grappling with out-of-control
anxiety. We are pressured to feel okay and to pretend everything is perfect when is
not. We are forced to support a weak and useless ruling party, while they in turn keep
feeding our unhelpful anxious thinking and dismissing our endless troubles.
Although these problems look way too huge for anyone to solve, we must find a
solution. By doing this, people can regain control and restore peace to their lives.

● Write an essay in which you develop the reasons why anxiety can become a
hazard to human beings and possible solutions to alley the plight of anxiety in
today´s society.

Human beings, when in doubt, are always wavering and spiralling with their thoughts,
imagining the worst scenario possible. It is really draining to always be in a negative
mindset, which is why more than half of the population suffers from anxiety disorders.
These endless loops of worry might be due to being overwhelmed by negative
feelings, stress and jitteriness. Anxious thinking is the domain of modern life and
causes people to overreact to wrong situations. Not only that but this feeling of dread
is like fighting a war without weapons because is all in your head. Spiralling is going
into an impending doom, and it can take a toll on our health. It just takes one negative
thought to start wavering, and then it's a negative thought after a negative thought on
a loop. Learning to not always assume the worst of things might be helpful to stop
triggering fear-inducing thoughts. But your imagination creates your reality. It is vital to
keep your thought on track and keep a positive mindset no matter your
circumstances. We must stop inducing unhelpful anxious thinking first to start feeling

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