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Physiol Rev 98: 215–238, 2018

Published December 6, 2017; doi:10.1152/physrev.00006.2017


Nicolas Molinie and X Alexis Gautreau

Ecole Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS UMR 7654, Palaiseau, France; and Moscow Institute of
Physics and Technology, Life Sciences Center, Dolgoprudny, Russia

Molinie N, Gautreau A. The Arp2/3 Regulatory System and Its Deregulation in Can-

cer. Physiol Rev 98: 215–238, 2018. Published December 6, 2017; doi:10.1152/
physrev.00006.2017.—The Arp2/3 complex is an evolutionary conserved molecular
machine that generates branched actin networks. When activated, the Arp2/3 complex
contributes the actin branched junction and thus cross-links the polymerizing actin fila-

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ments in a network that exerts a pushing force. The different activators initiate branched actin networks
at the cytosolic surface of different cellular membranes to promote their protrusion, movement, or
scission in cell migration and membrane traffic. Here we review the structure, function, and regulation
of all the direct regulators of the Arp2/3 complex that induce or inhibit the initiation of a branched actin
network and that controls the stability of its branched junctions. Our goal is to present recent findings
concerning novel inhibitory proteins or the regulation of the actin branched junction and place these in
the context of what was previously known to provide a global overview of how the Arp2/3 complex is
regulated in human cells. We focus on the human set of Arp2/3 regulators to compare normal
Arp2/3 regulation in untransformed cells to the deregulation of the Arp2/3 system observed in
patients affected by various cancers. In many cases, these deregulations promote cancer progression
and have a direct impact on patient survival.

I. INTRODUCTION 215 lecular structure, its main cellular function, and then how it is
II. THE Arp2/3 COMPLEX 215 regulated in the normal mammalian cell and deregulated in the
III. THE NUCLEATION PROMOTING FACTORS 218 cancer cell. We believe that this review organization can help
IV. Arp2/3 INHIBITORY PROTEINS 224 the newcomer to enter in this profuse field.
VI. CONCLUSIONS 229 Deregulation of the Arp2/3 regulatory system in cancer has
been described over the years. Examination of all these
examples highlights the fact that overactivation of the
I. INTRODUCTION Arp2/3 complex generally promotes cancer progression (TA-
BLE 1). However, we will also describe notable exceptions
The Arp2/3 complex is a major actin nucleating molecular and attempt to provide an explanation as to why these
machine, which is conserved in eukaryotes. This is the only anomalies still lead to cancer. The topic of the Arp2/3 com-
molecular machine that generates branched actin networks. plex and cancer has been less frequently covered than the
The Arp2/3 complex was first discovered as a multiprotein hijacking of the Arp2/3 complex by pathogens, which has
complex containing actin-related proteins (160) and redis- been nicely reviewed recently (271), and will not be ad-
covered as an actin nucleating machine (270). Ever since, dressed here. This topic also justifies focusing on the human
the Arp2/3 complex has been associated with many func- genes and gene products, and hence to use the consensus
tions, which we review here as we describe the regulators of human nomenclature to describe their activities.
Arp2/3 activity. A flurry of recent papers have reported
novel regulators of the Arp2/3 complex, with, for example,
several inhibitory proteins or regulators of the actin
branched junction. The major goal of this review is to inte-
grate these new findings into established knowledge of A. The Canonical Arp2/3 Complex
Arp2/3 regulation to provide a global overview of the
Arp2/3 regulatory system. The Arp2/3 complex is a stable multiprotein complex of
seven subunits, with a total mass of ~250 kDa. Two of these
The reader can directly focus on his or her molecule of interest, subunits are actin-related proteins, Arp2 and Arp3. The
which are classified according to the type of regulation they crystal structure of the complex has revealed an inactive
provide to the Arp2/3 complex (FIGURE 1). The monograph of conformation, where Arp2 and Arp3 are maintained far
each regulator is structured to describe, in this order, its mo- apart in the architecture provided by the five other subunits,

0031-9333/18 Copyright © 2018 the American Physiological Society 215


Activator (NPF)
Arp2/3 complex WAVE
WASH Branch stabilizer
WHAMM Cortactin
ArpC5 Inhibitor Branch
ArpC2 destabilizer
Gadkin Coronin
CK-666, CK-869

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FIGURE 1. Conformations of the Arp2/3 complex and regulators of the equilibria between them. On the left,
the fully inactive Arp2/3 complex displays a conformation, where Arp2 and Arp3 are far apart. On the right,
the fully activated Arp2/3 complex has nucleated an actin filament from the side of a pre-existing filament. The
middle conformation corresponds to a rearranged Arp2/3 complex, where Arp2 and Arp3 have been brought
into proximity and mimic the end of an actin filament. This conformation allows side binding to an actin filament.
Regulatory factors are represented above and below the equilibrium arrows. CK-666 and CK-869 are two
small molecule inhibitors of Arp2/3 activation (95), which are widely used in cell biology experiments.

named ARPC1 to 5 (FIGURE 1) (200). The Arp2/3 complex cellular functions. For example, the pushing force of
creates branched actin networks (16). In the active confor- branched actin networks allows the plasma membrane to
mation, the Arp2/3 complex contributes a branched junc- protrude in fan-like migration structures called lamellipo-
tion of two actin filaments, whose structure was revealed by dia (241) and to promote scission of clathrin-coated pits
electron microscopy (208, 257). This active conformation during endocytosis (42, 61).
involves bringing together Arp2 and Arp3 within the com-
plex so that these two subunits adopt the conformation of
actin molecules within a filament (FIGURE 1). This confor- B. Novel Complexities in the
mation, however, can also be detected in a population of Arp2/3 Complex
soluble Arp2/3 complexes, in the absence of any actin. The
population of Arp2/3 complexes displaying the active con- Further complexity has recently been added to this general
formation is greatly increased by nucleation promoting fac- scheme. In the human genome, the ARPC1 subunit is en-
tors (NPFs), such as N-WASP or WAVE (82, 203). The coded by two paralogous genes, ARPC1A and ARPC1B,
conformationally activated Arp2/3 complex can then inter- and the ARPC5 subunit by ARPC5 and ARPC5L. The com-
act with a preexisting actin filament, often referred to as the plexes containing ARPC1B or ARPC5L promote actin po-
mother filament, to initiate the elongation of a lateral lymerization more efficiently than the ones containing the
branch, the daughter actin filament (204). The widely used alternative paralogous subunits (1). The Arp2/3 activity is
Arp2/3 inhibitory compound CK-666 binds Arp2 and Arp3 also regulated by phosphorylation of its subunits (140,
and blocks their conformational rearrangement that is re- 169). The phosphorylation of Arp2 by the serine threonine
quired for Arp2/3 activation (13, 95). protein kinase NIK is required for the Arp2/3 activity (141).
We are probably only starting to decipher this complex
The function of the Arp2/3 complex is to induce an explo- Arp2/3 regulation through phosphorylations.
sive actin polymerization in response to signaling pathways.
Because actin filaments are both substrates (mother) and Strikingly, even the most fundamental property of the
products (daughter) of the branching reaction, the process Arp2/3 complex, i.e., its ability to generate branched actin
has been described as autocatalytic and indeed generates an networks, has recently been found to admit exceptions.
exponential increase of actin filaments (2). The resulting SPIN90, a protein of the WISH/Dip1 family with a con-
branched actin networks, also referred to as dendritic actin served role in endocytosis (14, 126, 185), has been shown to
networks, have been demonstrated to generate a pushing induce actin polymerization without the need of a preexist-
force in vitro (153, 292). In the cell, the various NPFs are ing filament. The SPIN90-Arp2/3 complex is in the active
anchored at the surface of different membranes, and the conformation and allows direct actin elongation from the
force they generate through the generation of branched ac- rearranged Arp2-Arp3 template (258). Such a process nor-
tin networks remodel these membranes to perform various mally does not take place with regular NPFs, since the NPF

216 Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 •


Table 1. Deregulation of the Arp2/3 system in association with cancer stage and patient prognosis
Protein Gene Overall Association With Survival Reference
Name Name DNA mRNA Protein Cancer Deregulation Stage Prognosis Nos.

Arp2/3 ARP2 ACTR2 X Breast 1 Lymph node, grade 2 109

X Lung 1 Lymph node 2 216
X Colorectal 1 Liver metastases ND 109
X Colorectal 1 Invasive stage, stromal ND 189
X Stomach 1 Stages, depth of ND 303
X Stomach 1 Stages 2 238
ARP3 ACTR3 X Colorectal 1 Invasive stage, stromal ND 189

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X Gastric 1 Stages, depth of — 303
ARPC1A ARPC1A X Pancreas 1 ND ND 138
ARPC1B ARPC1B X Pancreas 1 ND ND 138
ARPC2 ARPC2 X Glioma 1 High grade ND 152
X Melanoma 1 ND ND 119
N-WASP N-WASP WASL X Pancreas 1 Perineural invasion 2 87
X Lung 1 Lymph node 2 68
X Liver 1 2 114
X X Esophagus — Lymph node invasion — 263
X X Breast 2 2 165
WAVE WAVE1 WASF1 X Ovary 1 High grade 2 299
X Prostate 1 ND 63
WAVE2 WASF2 X Breast 1 High grade 2 62
X Breast 1 Lymph node, grade 2 109
X Lung 1 Lymph node 2 216
X Colorectal 1 Liver metastases ND 109
X X Liver 1 High grade, multiple 2 291
WAVE3 WASF3 X X Colorectal 1 Low grade, no lymph 1 299
node invasion
X X Breast 1 Tumor size, lymph node 2 135
X Prostate 1 ND 64
X Liver 1 High grade, 2 111
ABI1 ABI1 X X Ovary 1 High grade 2 298
X Breast 1 2 263
LOF Prostate ND 283
NAP1 NCKAP1 X Breast 1 2 154
HEM1 NCKAP1L X Leukemia 1 2 115
SRA1 CYFIP1 Deletion X X Lung, Colon, 2 High grade ND 221
BRK1 BRK1 X Lung 1 Lymph node, grade ND 27
Inhibitory ARPIN ARPIN X X Breast 2 2 154
X X Breast 1 2 151
GADKIN AP1AR X Breast 1 — 154
PICK1 PICK1 X X Breast 1 Lymph node, grade 2 297
X Breast — — 154
X Glioma 2 High grade ND 41

ND, not determined; LOF, loss of function.

Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 • 217


needs to dissociate from the rearranged Arp2/3 complex aging in the grafted animal, protrusions along extracellular
and the activated Arp2/3 needs to bind to a preexisting matrix fibers are more elongated than the typical fan-
mother actin filament, to elongate an actin filament from shaped lamellipodia observed in two-dimensional cultures,
the rearranged Arp2/3 (224). Linear actin filaments are also but they nevertheless require the Arp2/3 complex (80, 261,
likely nucleated by hybrid complexes containing some, but 262, 286). Arp2/3 overexpression is tightly associated with
not all, subunits of the Arp2/3 complex. These hybrid com- cancer progression and tumor cell invasion. In patient
plexes contain Arp2 and Arp3, which template actin fila- biopsies, the overexpression of the Arp2/3 complex was
ments, but lack ARPC1, ARPC4, and ARPC5, which me- more pronounced in high-grade invasive colorectal car-
diate many contacts with the mother filament (37). cinomas and was predictive of liver metastasis (110,
189). Arp2/3-mediated migration of colorectal carci-
The hybrid complexes contain vinculin or vinculin and noma cells is not only important to seed metastases, but
␣-actinin, which target these hybrid Arp2/3 complexes to also to ensure their tumor growth through the cooptation
focal adhesions (37). A previously reported interaction be- of preexisting blood vessels (67). Arp2/3 overexpression
tween vinculin and the Arp2/3 complex probably reflects was associated with poor patient survival in lung (216)
these hybrid complexes rather than vinculin transiently in- and breast cancers (109). Arp2/3 overexpression in

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teracting with the whole Arp2/3 complex (49). It is likely breast cancer is associated with HER2 overexpression,
that these hybrid complexes contribute to actin polymeriza- and, in breast carcinoma cell lines that overexpress
tion at focal adhesions. However, understanding the role of HER2, the therapeutic monoclonal antibody trastu-
hybrid Arp2/3 complexes awaits specific ways to inhibit zumab, which inhibits HER2 signaling, blocks lamellipo-
their assembly in the cell, given that their constituent sub- dia formation and tumor cell invasion (294).
units are either subunits of the Arp2/3 complex or structural
components of focal adhesions. Similarly, studying the mo- Other very invasive cancers exhibit Arp2/3 overexpression.
lecular mechanism, by which these hybrid complexes gen- Arp2/3 overexpression is a marker, out of a set of only five,
erate linear actin filaments, awaits their purification, which used to distinguish malignant melanomas from benign nevi
is likely to be challenging given their low abundance. More- (119). In pancreatic cancer, the two genes encoding the two
over, reconstitution of the activity of hybrid Arp2/3 com- paralogous ARPC1 subunits are overexpressed (138).
plexes may require elaborate in vitro systems, to reproduce These two genes are localized in the 7q21-q22 region,
the mechanosensitive behavior of vinculin in focal adhe- which is frequently amplified in this cancer (138). As in
sions (38, 78). other cell models, it was verified in pancreatic cancer cell
lines that RNAi-mediated depletion of the Arp2/3 complex
decreases migration and invasion (199).
C. The Arp2/3 Complex in Cancer
For a stable multiprotein complex like the Arp2/3 complex,
Arp2/3 subunits have been found by immunohistochemis- overexpression of one subunit at the mRNA level may not
try to be overexpressed in a variety of cancers, including be sufficient to produce more complex. Levels of expression
lung (216), breast (109), gliomas (152), gastric (303), and of most subunits are not limiting, and subunits that are not
colorectal cancers (110, 189). Since the Arp2/3 subunits assembled are thought to be degraded (51). In breast cancer,
assemble into a complex, the presence of one subunit is however, Arp2 protein, and thus the Arp2/3 complex, is
likely indicative of the whole complex. For example, similar correlated to the Arp2 mRNA level (110), indicating either
staining was obtained with Arp2 and Arp3 antibodies in that the level of Arp2 is limiting or that all subunits are
serial sections (189). However, a free pool of ARPC1B with upregulated in a coordinated manner to assemble more
a role in centrosomal homeostasis has also been reported Arp2/3 complexes. Levels of mRNA measured by quantita-
(177). Three publications reported simultaneous overex- tive PCR should systematically be complemented by immu-
pression of Arp2 and of one of its NPFs, WAVE2, in the nohistochemistry, since carcinoma cells of the tumor are
same discrete cells of lung carcinomas (216), of breast car- not always the cell type that displays the overexpression.
cinomas (109), and of colorectal carcinomas (110), indicat- For example, the Arp2/3 complex is also overexpressed in
ing that, within tumors, which are often heterogeneous, cancer-associated fibroblasts in colorectal cancer (189). In-
overexpression of both the Arp2/3 complex and of WAVE2 terestingly, overexpression in stromal cells is also associated
corresponds to a coordinated program. Double-positive with cancer progression toward the invasive stage of the
cells were frequent at the invading front of breast and colo- carcinoma cells, in a cross-talk between stromal and carci-
rectal carcinomas (109, 110). noma cells.

In breast cancer cell lines and in mammary tumors obtained III. THE NUCLEATION PROMOTING
in a mouse model, the invasive carcinoma cells were found FACTORS
to overexpress genes encoding Arp2/3 subunits (261, 262).
In physiological three-dimensional migrations of cancer Arp2/3 activators are called nucleation promoting factors,
cells, either reconstituted in vitro, or through intravital im- or NPFs in short. They are characterized by their COOH-

218 Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 •


terminal domain that contains three short peptide motifs, a the ubiquitous one, with WAVE1 and 3 being more re-
WH2, a connector motif, and an acidic end, in this order stricted in their tissue expression (234). All WAVE proteins
(FIGURE 2). This characteristic COOH terminus is referred are embedded into a stable multiprotein complex, also con-
to as the WCA, or sometimes VCA for historical reasons. taining ABI, CYFIP, NAP1, and BRK1 for a total of five
The CA binds to the Arp2/3 complex and induces its con- subunits (58, 76, 107, 230, 231). All of them, except BRK1,
formational activation. The WH2 motif binds to one glob- are encoded by paralogous genes yielding to a combinato-
ular actin molecule and delivers it to the rearranged Arp2/3. rial complexity in the assembly of WAVE complexes (51).
Both events are required to initiate an actin branch (193). In Moreover, some subunits, like ABI1, are alternatively
NPFs, there are sometimes more than one WH2 motif. The spliced. Functional specializations of isoforms have been
NH2 terminus varies considerably between NPFs. The NH2 demonstrated in a couple of cases (57, 236). The WAVE1
terminus has a regulatory role. It determines how the WCA, complex has been crystallized (36). The output WCA do-
the Arp2/3 activatory region, is masked in an inactive con- main is masked by its interaction with other subunits of the
formation at resting state, and how, in response to activa- complex. The small GTPase Rac, the most established acti-
tory signals, the WCA is going to be exposed to activate the vator of the WAVE complex, interacts with the CYFIP1
Arp2/3 complex.
subunit and releases the masked WCA (36, 51).

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The domains present in the NH2 terminus define the differ-
The WAVE complex localizes at the edge of lamellipodia,
ent families of NPFs (FIGURE 2), which activate the Arp2/3
where new actin molecules incorporate into dense branched
complex at various subcellular locations to perform differ-
actin networks beneath the plasma membrane (88, 136,
ent functions. There are four families of NPFs in the human
232). The WAVE complex localizes to the plasma mem-
genome: WAVE, N-WASP, WASH, and WHAMM fami-
lies. brane through its interaction with the phospholipid phos-
phatidylinositol trisphosphate (PIP3) or with membrane re-
ceptors (35, 186). Knock-down and knockout experiments
A. The WAVE Family have established that the WAVE complex is a critical Rac
effector for lamellipodium formation (171, 229, 230, 289,
The WAVE family of NPFs consists of three WAVE pro- 290) (FIGURE 3). In addition to Rac, many phosphoryla-
teins, sometimes also referred to as Scar proteins. WAVE2 is tions are important to control WAVE complex activity

Arp2/3 activator (NPF) Arp2/3 inhibitor Localization

WAVE SHD B P W CA A Lamellipodia

Brk1 Abi1 Arpin

N-WASP WH1 B CRIB AI P W W CA PDZ BAR A Clathrin-coated pits


WASH WAHD1 P W CA CC A Endosomes

CCDC53 Fam21 Gadkin

WHAMM WMD Helical domain P W W CA ? ER/Golgi

FIGURE 2. Modular organization of Arp2/3 activatory and inhibitory proteins. Their division of labor at
different subcellular localizations is indicated. All activators contain a COOH-terminal WCA domain, which binds
and activates the Arp2/3 complex, whereas all inhibitors contain an acidic motif (A), which binds to the
Arp2/3 complex and competes with WCA-containing activators. When the activators were described to
form a stable complex, partner subunits are depicted. An inhibitory protein that would antagonize WHAMM
activatory proteins remains to be identified. SHD, Scar/WAVE homology domain; B, basic domain; P, proline-
rich region; WH1, WASP homology 1; CRIB, CDC42 and Rac1 interactive binding region; AI, autoinhibition
domain; WAHD1, WASH homology domain 1; WMD, WHAMM membrane-interacting domain; CC, coiled
coiled; PDZ, PSD95-Dlg1-ZO1 domain; BAR, bin-amphiphysin-rvs domain.

Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 • 219


(132). The major function of the WAVE complex, down- In transformed cells of human origin, lamellipodia are usu-
stream of the small GTPase Rac, is to control cell migration, ally less prominent than in untransformed cells (FIGURE 4).
and especially persistent directional migration (132). Nonetheless, many reports indicate an important role of the
WAVE complex in cell migration and tumor cell invasion.
Protrusion of the plasma membrane appears coordinated In breast invasive cell lines, for example, WAVE3 is re-
with intracellular traffic. The clathrin heavy chain has been quired for lamellipodium formation and cell invasion
demonstrated to interact with the WAVE complex and to through Transwell filters (227). These in vitro results were
promote its activation at the lamellipodium tip in an endo- however challenged (228). It is most of the time unclear
cytosis-independent manner (75). Clathrin-mediated endo- where discrepancies come from. The extreme plasticity of
cytosis is indeed not detected in lamellipodia. In contrast, tumor cell migration, where the Rac-WAVE-Arp2/3 con-
the exocyst component Exo70 favors membrane protrusion tributes only the so-called mesenchymal migration is prob-
by promoting the WAVE-Arp2/3 interaction (150, 307). A ably part of the explanation (6, 210). HER2 overexpression
shut-down in endocytosis and an activation of exocytosis induces WAVE2 and WAVE3 expression (248, 294).
contribute an excess of membrane, and thus a release of WAVE3 is stabilized within the WAVE complex and desta-
membrane tension. Such a drop in membrane tension rap- bilizing the complex with peptides forming interfaces be-

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idly induces actin polymerization, formation of a lamellipo- tween subunits results in reduced invasion of carcinoma cell
dium, and restoration of membrane tension (101, 146, 147, lines in vitro (247, 249). WAVE3 depletion reduced the
198). ability of breast carcinoma cell lines to generate lung me-
tastasis in experiments, where genetically modified cell lines
In fibroblasts, the Rac-WAVE-Arp2/3 pathway is critical were grafted into immunocompromised mice (243, 248).
for haptotaxis, i.e., migration up a gradient of immobilized
fibronectin, in line with the fact that lamellipodia are adher- In cancer, components of the WAVE complex are overex-
ent membrane protrusions (127, 273). Whether this path- pressed, and this overexpression is associated with poor
way is also involved in chemotaxis is controversial (240, patient prognosis (TABLE 1). All three WAVE proteins were
273). In epithelial cells, the Rac-WAVE-Arp2/3 pathway found to be overexpressed in carcinomas of various origins,
has also been involved in the formation and maintenance of of the breast (62, 109, 135), colon (110, 302), liver (111,
cell-cell junctions (256, 288). Branched actin networks are 291), lung (216), ovary (299), and prostate (63, 64). In all
prerequisites for the development of junctional tension these cases, but one, the overexpression of WAVE proteins
through myosin contractility (255). Neogenin is a trans- is associated with reduced survival and prognosis markers
membrane protein of the junction that directly recruits the of poor survival, such as high-grade, lymph node invasion
WAVE complex and promotes its activation by Rac at the and metastases. The only exception is a study, which re-
junction (142). Through the interplay between lamellipodia ports that WAVE3 overexpression is associated with better
and cell-cell junctions, the WAVE complex regulates collec- prognosis and better markers in colorectal carcinomas
tive migration of epithelial cells (181). (302). This is in stark contrast to the overexpression of

RacGDP RacGTP WAVE Arp2/3 Arp2/3 Arp2/3



FIGURE 3. WAVE and Arpin control the duration of branched actin polymerization at the cortex. Polymer-
ization is triggered by Rac activation, i.e., its exchange of the bound GDP nucleotide for a GTP nucleotide.
GTP-bound Rac then directly recruits the WAVE complex at the plasma membrane. Activated WAVE binds and
activates several Arp2/3 complexes, which are represented with different blue intensities. Each activated
Arp2/3 complex nucleates an actin branch that undergoes a retrograde movement due to actin filament
elongation (white arrows). This scheme represents molecular processes in the referential of the cell mem-
brane and not of the substratum: either the membrane is fixed and the branched actin undergoes a retrograde
flow, or the branched actin structure is fixed, due to a coupling with cell adhesion structures, and the plasma
membrane protrudes. Rac controls the recruitment of Arpin with a delay, after the recruitment of the WAVE
complex. Arpin molecules locally bind Arp2/3 complexes and block their activation of Arp2/3 complexes. The
Arp2/3 complexes, which move laterally in the plane of the plasma membrane (white arrows), are probably the
ones bound to Arpin molecules.

220 Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 •


Normal cell


Extracellular matrix

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N-WASP Cancer cell



WASH Arpin

Extracellular matrix
N-WASP Invadopodium

FIGURE 4. Deregulation of the Arp2/3 regulatory system in cell transformation. In normal cells, N-WASP,
WASH, WHAMM, and WAVE nucleate branched actin network at the clathrin-coated pit, at the surface of
endosomes and of the ER/Golgi, and at the lamellipodial edge, respectively. The Arp2/3 inhibitory proteins,
Arpin, Gadkin, and PICK1, locally antagonize WAVE, WASH, and N-WASP at their respective locations. During
cell transformation, N-WASP is overexpressed and forms invadopodia. In invadopodia, WASH promotes
focalized delivery of metalloproteases that degrade the extracellular matrix. In cancer cells, WAVE is overex-
pressed and Arpin downregulated, despite frequent abnormal lamellipodia. Font size indicates the level of

WAVE3 in breast and liver carcinomas, which is a predictor ing renal cell carcinomas, emphasizing the importance of
of poor outcome (111, 135). the WAVE complex for cancer progression (60).

Similarly, for the other WAVE complex subunits, the gen- However, two studies contradict this trend. The first one is
eral trend is an overexpression associated with decreased the report of loss-of-function mutations of ABI1 in prostate
survival. This was reported for NAP1 in breast carcinomas cancer (283). This observation is supported by the appear-
(154), for its hematopoietic homolog HEM1 in leukemia ance of prostate neoplasia in conditional ABI1 knockout
(115), and for ABI1 in breast and ovary carcinomas (259, mice in the same study. The second study at odds with the
298). In lung carcinomas, the overexpression of the small general trend is the report of CYFIP1 downregulation in
subunit BRK1 is also associated with markers of poor prog- multiple carcinomas including breast, lung, and colon can-
nosis, such as lymph node invasion and high grade (27). The cers (221). Using mice engraftments with genetically modi-
BRK1 gene is located next to the tumor suppressor gene fied cell lines, this study shows that CYFIP1 suppresses
VHL. Large deletions that affect BRK1 at the same time as tumor invasion, rather than promotes it, as one could ex-
the VHL tumor suppressor protect patients from develop- pect from the majority of cancer studies. Despite the causal

Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 • 221


relationships that these mouse models provide, it must be upon ␤1 integrin depletion, N-WASP is destabilized and its
stressed that the importance of these two studies have not proteasomal degradation can be rescued by WIP overex-
yet been confirmed with retrospective cohorts of patients. pression. However, after an early involvement of the
Cdc42-N-WASP pathway, lamellipodia seem rather to de-
There are 36 ways to assemble pentameric WAVE com- pend on the Rac-WAVE pathway.
plexes with the 11 genes that encode subunits. It is likely
that all paralogous genes do not encode equivalent subunits The most conserved role of N-WASP at the plasma mem-
in terms of activity or regulation. It is also likely that func- brane is during endocytosis (246, 268). N-WASP, but not
tional specializations are only manifest in some, but not all, WAVE, is specifically detected at the clathrin-coated pit
tissues. What remains to be established, however, is (15, 167). N-WASP recruitment at this location relies on
whether the few studies at odds with all the others reveal BAR domain-containing proteins, which induce and/or
that a few specific compositions of WAVE complexes in- sense membrane curvature (108, 253). BAR domain-con-
hibit, rather than activate, actin polymerization and cell taining proteins couple direct membrane remodeling with
migration. Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization (233, 277). The
force generated by branched actin networks appears to

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elongate the pit into a pronounced invagination and to
B. The N-WASP Family
compress the collar of the invagination (42, 61). This se-
quence of events promotes membrane scission, which even-
The WASP family is composed of two paralogous proteins tually involves the GTPase dynamin. Actin polymerization
in the human genome, the ubiquitous N-WASP and the and dynamin-mediated scission are intimately coupled (61,
hematopoietic WASP. N-WASP is auto-inhibited, since its
245). Nevertheless, the role of actin polymerization in en-
WCA domain is masked by its own NH2-terminal WH1
docytosis is important, but dispensable in standard condi-
domain (124). Even though this autoinhibition can be ob-
tions (15). Actin polymerization becomes critical, when
served with N-WASP alone, N-WASP is normally com-
high membrane tension must be counteracted (18, 121).
plexed to one of the WIP family proteins, and this heterodi-
meric complex is more tightly autoinhibited than N-WASP
In transformed cells, in contrast, N-WASP becomes impor-
in isolation (51, 96, 97). The WIP family contains WICH
tant to generate protrusions. In addition to lamellipodia,
and CR16 in addition to WIP. The small GTPase Cdc42 is
transformed cells generate invadopodia that degrade the
the best-characterized activator of N-WASP in vitro (51).
extracellular matrix by localized delivery of the MT1-MMP
To activate the N-WASP/WIP complex, however, the
metalloprotease (192). Invadopodia are easily recognizable
Cdc42 signal must be transduced through proteins of the
(TOCA1, FBP17, CIP4) family, which contain a F-BAR ventral protrusions on two-dimensional substrates that co-
domain (96) and a binding site for active Cdc42. N-WASP exist with peripheral lamellipodia (FIGURE 4). They cannot
binds to both Cdc42 and these F-BAR containing proteins. be distinguished, however, from leading-edge protrusions
in three-dimensional substrates. N-WASP is present and
The major functions of N-WASP are at the plasma mem- activated in invadopodia (156). Invadopodia depend on the
brane, like the WAVE complex. However, in untrans- N-WASP/WIP complex (72, 73, 176, 287). In grafted ani-
formed cells, the contribution of N-WASP to membrane mals, breast invasive cells required N-WASP to invade, in-
protrusions appears limited, despite clear Cdc42 activation travasate into blood circulation, and generate lung metas-
at the leading edge (182). The N-WASP knockout fibro- tasis (81). Two N-WASP activators, Cdc42 and the F-BAR-
blasts generate normal lamellipodia and filopodia (155, containing protein CIP4, are present in invadopodia and are
225). When N-WASP was directly compared with WAVE2, required for tumor cell invasion (12, 191, 206). This is in
both proteins were found enriched at the leading edge pro- contrast to clathrin-coated pits, which depend on F-BAR-
trusions, but RNAi-mediated depletion of WAVE2 yielded containing proteins, but not on Cdc42, and with lamellipo-
a more severe migration defect than N-WASP depletion dia, which depend on Cdc42, but not on the F-BAR-con-
(122). In fact, the role of N-WASP might be restricted to taining proteins. Specific upstream signaling is thus respon-
early adhesions to the extracellular matrix, as it is best sible for N-WASP recruitment and activation in different
revealed in cell spreading assays. N-WASP is important for subcellular structures. In vitro, in three-dimensional colla-
adhesion to fibronectin and to the development of vinculin gen gels, RNAi-mediated depletion of the WAVE complex
positive focal adhesions (173). Upon cell spreading, induces N-WASP-dependent cell invasion (242), indicating
N-WASP enters in a complex with the focal adhesion ki- a modified interplay between the two major NPFs of the
nase, FAK (300). FAK also directly binds to the Arp2/3 plasma membrane in cancer cells compared with normal
complex through its FERM domain (217). In vitro, the cells.
FERM domain of FAK potentiates the actin polymerization
induced by the Arp2/3 complex and the WCA domain of In patients, N-WASP is not systematically overexpressed
N-WASP. N-WASP stability requires both the formation of during cancer progression. In fact, N-WASP is overex-
its native complex with WIP and ␤1 integrin (128). Indeed, pressed in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (87), lung

222 Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 •


cancer (68), and hepatocellular carcinomas (114). But N- that contain sorted receptors, in a manner similar to N-
WASP displays overall normal levels in esophageal squa- WASP during clathrin-mediated endocytosis (77). The ret-
mous cell carcinomas (263) and even downregulation in romer performs sorting of endosomal cargoes that are ei-
breast carcinomas (165). In pancreatic ductal adenocarci- ther destined to follow the retrograde route to the trans-
nomas and in hepatocellular carcinomas, high N-WASP Golgi network or which are recycled to the plasma
levels are associated with risk factors and decrease overall membrane (215). The WASH complex is activated through
survival. In esophageal squamous cell carcinomas, despite interaction with the phospholipid PI4P (56) and through
the overall normal levels, high N-WASP, within its natural ubiquitination of WASH using a K63 linkage, a modifica-
fluctuations of expression, is also associated with high- tion which does not target conjugated proteins to the pro-
grade carcinomas and lymph node invasion. Overall, as teasome (89).
expected from its important role in invadopodia formation,
N-WASP promotes cancer progression, but breast cancer In transformed cells, WASH promotes tumor cell invasion
appears as an exception. In breast cancer, N-WASP is through the sorting of endosomal cargoes it provides. The
downregulated, instead of upregulated, and this downregu- WASH-dependent recycling of ␣5␤1 integrins to the plasma
lation is associated with poor prognosis (165). Consistent membrane drives invasion of ovarian carcinoma cells in

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with the exception of breast cancer, the N-WASP activator fibronectin containing three-dimensional matrix (296). In
CIP4 is overexpressed in mammary carcinomas and associ- breast carcinoma cells, the WASH complex interacts with
ated with poor prognosis, but this effect is independent the exocyst and contributes to the focal delivery of the met-
from N-WASP (206). In gliomas, the N-WASP partner WIP alloprotease MT1-MMP to invadopodia (178). This event
promotes cancer progression by stabilizing the YAP/TAZ requires transient tubular connexions between late endo-
transcription factors (74). somes and the plasma membrane. In cancer patient biop-
sies, there has been little examination of the WASH com-
plex so far. The WASH complex subunit Strumpellin is
C. The WASH Family overexpressed in high-grade prostatic carcinomas, due to
genetic amplification (194).
The WASH family in the human genome displays a variable
number of genes, from 15 to 20 depending on individuals
(149). This is due to the fact that the WASH gene is located D. The WHAMM Family
in a subtelomeric region, which is prone to recombination.
The genes were so recently duplicated, however, that, in WHAMM and JMY are two homologous proteins, which
practice, one can deplete all WASH proteins with single share a common modular organization (131, 254). They are
siRNA sequences, like any other gene product. In mice and composed of an NH2-terminal domain, a long central ␣-he-
rats, there is a single WASH gene. The WASH protein is lical domain, and the COOH-terminal WCA that activates
embedded into a stable multiprotein complex (54, 83). This the Arp2/3 complex (120). JMY has the particularity to
stable multiprotein complex is distantly related to the have three WH2 motifs, which bind actin. These three mo-
WAVE complex, with a one-to-one correspondence of the five tifs were shown to be sufficient to nucleate actin in vitro in
subunits (113). Most subunits are encoded by single genes, a WH2-only mechanism (305). WHAMM seems to be more
and so the WASH complex is less diverse than the WAVE expressed in epithelial tissues, such as colon, kidney, and
complex (52). Strikingly, however, the WASH complex re- lung (29), whereas JMY is enriched in the brain, testis, and
cruits a preexisting complex, which also exists on its own in lymphoid organs (3, 66).
the cytosol, the so-called capping protein (CP) (54). CP is in
fact a heterodimer, which blocks the elongation of actin They are both localized at the Golgi, cis-Golgi for
filaments. CP interaction has been shown to be important WHAMM (29), trans-Golgi for JMY (212), and they are
for WASH function in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoi- both involved in anterograde transport, from ER to cis-
deum (190), but this is not yet understood why these two Golgi and then from cis- to trans-Golgi cisternae. The role
activities of actin nucleation and actin capping have to be of WHAMM in trafficking involves binding of the NH2-
coordinated in the same multiprotein complex. terminal domain to Rab1 (209) and binding of the central
␣-helical domain to microtubules (219). Regulations by
The WASH complex activates the Arp2/3 complex at the Rab1 and microtubules allow WHAMM to control the for-
surface of endosomes (54, 83). It is recruited to endosomes mation of membrane tubules, which are thought to mediate
through its subunit FAM21, which contains multiple bind- intracellular transport of anterograde cargoes (29, 209,
ing sites for the retromer (90, 93, 112). Importantly, the 219).
WASH complex and the retromer do not cover the whole
surface area of endosomes, but rather define a microdo- In addition, WHAMM and JMY were both recently in-
main, whose area is controlled by actin polymerization it- volved in autophagy (43, 120). Their NH2-terminal domain
self (53). The polymerization of branched actin is thought dictates their localization to the ER, from which autopha-
to promote membrane scission of transport intermediates gosomal membranes originate. During autophagosome bio-

Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 • 223


genesis, actin polymerization in a so-called “comet tail” is graming experiments, where somatic nuclei are injected
required to elongate membrane tubules from the ER, inde- into Xenopus oocytes (174). The Rac-WAVE pathway is
pendently of microtubules (120). Branched actin networks similarly required (175). In T lymphocytes, the hematopoi-
also shape the autophagosome from the inside (168) and are etic WASP controls the lymphocytic Th1 differentiation
likely involved in autophagosome closure as well. Indeed, program, because Th1 differentiation genes are occluded
topologically, autophagosome closure is a membrane scis- through methylation of histone H3 in patients affected by
sion event (130), and NPFs promote membrane scission, as Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, where WASP is defective (244).
described above for N-WASP and WASH. Connexions be- All together, these various experiments established that nu-
tween Arp2/3 and autophagy appear numerous. WASH in- clear Arp2/3 and NPFs may control gene transcription
activation leads to massive autophagy through elucidated through both chromatin remodeling and recruitment of the
molecular pathways implicating the major regulators Be- RNA polymerase II.
clin1, RNF2, and AMBRA1 (281, 282). However, the
meaning of why WASH should suppress autophagy is not

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Three Arp2/3 inhibitory proteins have recently been re-
E. An Emerging Function of NPFs in ported. The general assumption is that an inhibitor should
Gene Transcription be diffuse in the cytosol, to maintain globally silent a sig-
naling pathway that is locally activated. The surprise is that
JMY was originally identified as a cofactor for the p300/ these Arp2/3 inhibitory proteins are specifically localized at
CBP transcription coactivator (220). JMY translocates to the surface of specific membranes, just like the activators.
the nucleus, when actin concentration decreases in the cy- There is mounting evidence that they counteract specific
toplasm and that actin no longer binds to its cluster of WH2 NPFs.
motifs (304). In the nucleus, the JMY-p300 coactivator
complex engages with transcription factors, such as p53 or
HIF1␣, to induce the transcription of target genes involved A. Arpin
in apoptosis or in cell motility (44, 45). The Arp2/3 com-
plex and the other NPFs were also described moonlighting In a bioinformatics screen for potential Arp2/3 regulators,
in the nucleus to regulate transcription. our group identified an uncharacterized protein, which con-
tained a typical COOH-terminal acidic A motif, but lacked
N-WASP has a marked effect on gene transcription (279). the required WH2 motif for Arp2/3 activation. In vitro this
Actin, the Arp2/3 complex, and N-WASP coimmunopre- protein binds to the Arp2/3 complex, but cannot activate it.
cipitate with the RNA polymerase II, which transcribes It thus acts as a competitive inhibitor of NPFs (47) and was
most protein encoding genes (279, 295). Nuclar Arp2/3 called Arpin as a mnemonic for Arp2/3 inhibition. There is
generates branched actin networks like its cytoplasmic a single Arpin gene in the human genome. In vitro Arpin
counterpart (295). N-WASP might exert this transcription constitutively exposes its COOH-terminal acidic tail, which
role through its interaction with the nuclear PSF/NonO inhibits the Arp2/3 complex (65). When bound to Arpin,
complex (279). The tyrosine phosphorylation of N-WASP the Arp2/3 complex is in the inactive conformation, where
by Src family kinases (235) and FAK (278) favors its cyto- Arp2 and Arp3 are far apart (226).
plasmic localization at the expense of its nuclear localiza-
tion and can thus downregulate its transcriptional role. The In the cell, Arpin localizes at the lamellipodial edge, i.e.,
extent of the requirement of N-WASP for general gene tran- where branched actin is nucleated by the WAVE complex.
scription is, however, questioned by the apparent mild phe- Arpin’s ability to interact with the Arp2/3 complex de-
notype associated with N-WASP knockout (155, 225). pends on Rac activity, which induces lamellipodia (47).
Indeed, by single molecule imaging, Arp2/3 complexes
FAM21, a subunit of the WASH complex, has also been from the lamellipodial edge were not all activated and
recently implicated in gene transcription (50). FAM21 incorporated into the branched actin network that un-
shuttles back and forth in the nucleus. FAM21 regulates dergoes retrograde flow. Some Arp2/3 complexes were
NF-␬B transcription by binding to the p65 subunit of seen to move laterally in the plane of the plasma mem-
NF-␬B and to the inhibitor of NF-␬B kinases, IKK␣, ␤, brane (172) (FIGURE 3). The Arp2/3 complexes are likely
and ␥. This function of FAM21, however, appears rela- maintained inactive by Arpin at this location. Arpin is an
tively independent of the WASH NPF. inhibitor of cell migration (84). Without Arpin, lamelli-
podia protrude for longer, and, as a consequence, sustain
The generation of nuclear branched actin can also derepress active directional migration.
gene transcription through chromatin remodeling. Toca-1,
one of the BAR containing activators of N-WASP, is critical Consistent with an inhibitory role on cell migration, Arpin
to reactivate the pluripotency gene, Oct4, in nuclear repro- was found to be downregulated during breast cancer pro-

224 Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 •


gression. In two independent retrospective cohorts of breast PICK1 is thus most consistent with an antagonism with
cancer patients, Arpin downregulation, documented at N-WASP at the clathrin-coated pits. However, the situation
both mRNA and protein levels, was associated with lymph is more complex than previously thought, since the BAR
node invasion and decreased survival (151, 154). The most domain of PICK1 recognizes mostly vesicles derived from
powerful prognosis factor, however, is obtained when pa- the trans-Golgi network and inhibition of the Arp2/3 com-
tients having tumors displaying Arpin downregulation are plex in vitro was not reproduced in a recent study (161).
combined with patients having tumors displaying upregu- PICK1 regulates long-term depression and long-term po-
lation of the WAVE complex (154). Patient analyses thus tentiation of synapses (125, 201, 250). These effects are
confirm the specific antagonism between Arpin and the mediated by expansion or contraction of postsynaptic
WAVE complex deduced from the analyses of cell migra- structures called dendritic spines. Dendritic spines are
tion in vitro. actin-rich membrane structures, perhaps equivalent to a
mini-lamellipodium except that filaments emanating
B. Gadkin from a central branched actin network are laterally elon-
gated, thus allowing the expansion of the spine (33). Like
Gadkin, also known as ␥-BAR, is another protein that in- in the lamellipodium, the central branched actin network

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teracts with the Arp2/3 complex through an acidic motif is nucleated by the Rac-WAVE-Arp2/3 pathway (34).
(163). The AP1AR gene, which encodes Gadkin, has no PICK1 controls the activity-regulated size of dendritic
paralog in the human genome. Gadkin localizes at steady
spines (8). Consistent with an inhibitory role, PICK1
state at the surface of endosomes (213). Gadkin regulates
depletion expands spines, whereas its overexpression in-
the trans-Golgi network-endosomal traffic by entering in a
duces spine shrinkage (180). In glial cells, PICK1 might
complex with the kinesin KIF5 and the clathrin adaptor
antagonize WAVE rather than N-WASP, because PICK1
AP-1 (213). Its function and localization are thus most sim-
depletion increases branching complexity of astrocytes,
ilar to the ones of the WASH complex among the different
whereas WAVE2 depletion decreases it, unlike N-WASP
NPFs. In Gadkin knockout cells, the Arp2/3 complex asso-
depletion (179).
ciated with endosomes appears to polymerize more F-actin
(211). It is thus logical to assume that Gadkin maintains the
In cancer as well, the role of PICK1 is complex. In gliomas,
Arp2/3 complex in an inhibited conformation, like Arpin.
However, in in vitro assays of Arp2/3 activity, purified Gad- PICK1 expression is downregulated in aggressive astrocytic
kin does not inhibit actin nucleation (163), suggesting that tumors (41). In contrast, in the breast, PICK1 was reported
Gadkin’s activity is not yet properly reconstituted in such in to be overexpressed in tumors of poor prognosis (297).
vitro assays. It is tempting to speculate that Gadkin might PICK1 overexpression in breast cancer was, however, not
antagonize the WASH complex at the surface of endo- observed in a second independent cohort (154).
somes, but this hypothesis awaits the demonstration that
they both regulate the endosomal sorting of the same recep-

Gadkin has been shown to be overexpressed in breast can- A. Cortactin

cer, but this overexpression is not associated with patient
prognosis (154).
The cortactin family is composed of two members, the ubiq-
uitous cortactin protein and HS1, which is hematopoietic-
C. PICK1 specific and thus less studied. Cortactin interacts with actin
PICK1 is a protein containing a PDZ and a BAR domain. filaments through its specific cortactin repeats and with the
PICK1 is encoded by a single gene, which is ubiquitously Arp2/3 complex through an acidic motif, which has the
expressed with an enrichment in the brain (144). The PDZ particularity to be located in the NH2 terminus of the pro-
domain of PICK1 connects it to numerous membrane re- tein (FIGURE 5). Cortactin was previously proposed to be a
ceptors and transporters, the most studied of which is the NPF, because it does activate the Arp2/3 complex in vitro at
AMPA receptor of the glutamate neurotransmitter. The high concentration. However, cortactin strongly synergizes
BAR domain dimerizes and induces or senses curved mem- with NPFs, because it acts after WCA-induced branching
branes through its banana-shaped membrane binding inter- nucleation by inhibiting debranching (265, 266). Cortactin
face (161, 233). The COOH-terminal part of the molecule thus competes for Arp2/3 binding with the NPF and by
contains an acidic motif that binds and inhibits the Arp2/3 doing so favors NPF detachment (223). NPF detachment is
complex (202). This inhibitory activity was reported to be a prerequisite for the elongation of a daughter filament from
regulated by the GTPase Arf1 (201). an Arp2/3 complex that has landed onto a mother filament
(59, 94, 224). Cortactin then remains bound to the Arp2/3
PICK1 regulates AMPA receptor trafficking, and in partic- at the actin branch and prevents it from debranching (25)
ular its clathrin-dependent endocytosis (9, 202). The role of (FIGURE 6).

Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 • 225


Branch regulators

FIGURE 5. Modular organization of pro-

Cortactin A R R R R R R R P SH3
teins that regulate Arp2/3 branches. Cor-
tactin stabilizes the Arp2/3 branches,
whereas GMF and coronin destabilize
them. R, cortactin repeats; P, proline-rich
Coronin β-Propeller CC region; SH3, Src homology 3 domain;
CC, coiled coil; ADF-H , ADF/cofilin homol-
ogy domain.


In cells, cortactin is a good marker of branched actin net- and induces a striking accumulation of WAVE, WASP or
works, because it labels them all along their length and WASH at the surface of their respective membrane (53,

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independently of their subcellular location (116, 267). In 172, 269). It remains to be tested, however, if cortactin
contrast, NPFs are specific for each organelle and are overexpression prevents NPF extraction that ensures the
only localized at the interface between the organelle and turnover measured by FRAP.
the branched actin structure. By FRAP, cortactin was
seen to undergo continuous exchange along the length of Cortactin has been discovered as a tyrosine-phosphorylated
lamellipodial actin network (136). Further in vivo evi- protein in cells transformed by the Src oncogene (274, 275).
dence that cortactin associates with Arp2/3 at the branch It has since been demonstrated to be a substrate of numer-
include double immunogold labeling of lamellipodial ac- ous tyrosine kinases, of both receptor and non-receptor
tin networks by electron microscopy (25). Elongation of types (19, 46, 71, 102, 118). Cortactin is also phosphory-
actin filaments induces the retrograde movement of lated on serine residues by MAP kinases (28) and PAK1, the
Arp2/3 complexes that have landed on a mother filament. well-known effector of Rac and Cdc42 pathway (86, 92). It
This movement extracts the NPF from the membrane is not known if these modifications specifically regulate the
displaying it. Inactivating the Arp2/3 complex or block- branch regulatory function of cortactin, but it does signal to
ing actin dynamics indeed freezes the turnover of NPFs cytoskeleton regulatory proteins. Tyrosine phosphoryla-

Arp2/3 + Cortactin + GMF

Time Time Time

Arp2/3 ArpC1A/ArpC5 + Coronin ArpC1B/ArpC5L + Coronin

Time Time Time

FIGURE 6. Regulation of the actin junctions branched by the Arp2/3 complex. Cortactin binds the Arp2/3
complex at the branch and blocks actin debranching. GMF recognizes the Arp2/3 complex in the context of
the branch and severs the branch. Coronin destabilizes the actin branches formed by ArpC1A/ArpC5
containing Arp2/3 complexes. In contrast, the actin branches formed by ArpC1B/ArpC5L containing Arp2/3
complexes resist coronin’s effect, thus explaining why coronin is a good marker of branched actin networks, like

226 Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 •


Table 2. Deregulation of the Arp2/3 branch regulators in association with cancer stage and patient prognosis
Protein Gene Overall Association With Survival Reference
Name Name DNA mRNA Protein Cancer Deregulation Stage Prognosis Nos.

Branch Cortactin CTTN Amplification Head and Neck 1 Lymph nodes, 2 205
regulators recurrence
Amplification X Head and Neck 1 Lymph nodes ND 207
X Head and Neck 1 High grade 2 98
X Larynx 1 2 79
X X Larynx 1 High grade ND 7
X Esophagus 1 High grade, 2 157
X Oral 1 High grade ND 285
Amplification X Breast 1 — 104
Amplification X Breast 1 — 48

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X Breast 1 — 218
X Colon 1 High grade 2 22
X X Colon 1 High grade 2 183
X Stomach 1 High grade, lymph 2 259
X Liver 1 High grade, 2 103
X X Brain 1 High grade ND 260
X Lung 1 High grade ND 184
X Ovary 1 High grade ND 148
X X Melanome 1 High grade ND 284
X Prostate 1 High grade 2 100
Coronin 1C CORO1C X Gliomas 1 High grade ND 251
X Liver 1 High grade ND 276
X Lymphoma 1 ND 159
X Stomach 1 High grade 2 283
GMF␤ GMFB X Glioma 1 High grade, 2 133
X Ovary 1 High grade 2 145
GMF␥ GMFG X Ovary 1 2 306

ND, not determined.

tion controls cortactin association with cofilin and its acti- cortactin, in addition to their specific NPF, N-WASP. Cor-
vation (162, 188). Cortactin phosphorylation also regulates tactin is a structural component of the branched actin net-
its ability to bind and activate N-WASP, through its works that induce invadopodial protrusions and its activa-
COOH-terminal SH3 domain (166). Cortactin is subjected tion by phosphorylation is critical for this process (10, 11,
to other types of posttranslational modifications, such as 40, 55). Intracellular traffic controls the focal secretion of
acetylation, which prevents its binding to actin filaments the metalloproteases of the invadopodia and cortactin fa-
and decreases cell migration (301). vors secretion, in addition to its role in creating the protru-
sion (10, 40, 99, 129). Exosome secretion, which is impor-
Cortactin was found to promote lamellipodial persistence tant for communication between cancer cells and between
and cell motility in transformed cells (21, 123). However, cancer cells and cancer-associated cells from their microen-
this is likely not a direct effect of its branch stabilizing vironnement, critically depends on cortactin (222).
activity, but rather a signaling role of cortactin, since cor-
tactin knockout fibroblasts have no visible defects in lamel- Cortactin is overexpressed in many cancers (TABLE 2). The
lipodial ultrastructure and only modest alterations of mi- CTTN gene encoding cortactin is located on the 11q13
gration parameters (137). Strikingly, the defects of cortac- genomic region, which is frequently amplified during cancer
tin-depleted cells can be rescued by adhesion to the matrix progression, especially in head and neck squamous cell car-
deposited by control cells, suggesting that cortactin has de- cinoma (HNSCC) and in breast cancer (214). In HSNCC,
fects in depositing extracellular matrix (239). Invadopodia, cortactin overexpression, due to CTTN amplification, is
the major protrusions of cancer invasive cells, depend on associated with cancer progression, invasion of lymph

Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 • 227


nodes, and recurrence (98, 205, 207). In HNSCC cell lines, dia, as well as at the surface of endosomes (26, 197). If the
cortactin overexpression promotes cell growth in vitro and only role of coronin was to debranch, coronin should not
tumor growth in xenografts (39, 252). Cortactin overex- stay in the branched actin network. Recent data explain
pression favors cell growth independent of growth factors the conundrum that coronin remains associated with the
and of anchorage and mediates resistance to contact inhi- branched actin structure that it remodels: coronin would
bition, which are three major hallmarks of transformation. not have the same effect on the Arp2/3 complexes de-
In patients, cortactin overexpression is associated with pending on their precise composition in paralogous sub-
high-grade tumors, metastases, and poor survival in squa- units (1). The Arp2/3 complexes containing ARPC1A
mous cell carcinomas from the larynx, from the esophagus, and/or ARPC5 would indeed be debranched by coronin,
and from the oral cavity (7, 79, 157, 237, 285). In breast whereas the most efficient Arp2/3 complexes containing
cancers, cortactin is also overexpressed, but this overex- ARPC1B and/or ARPC5L would be immune to coronin-
pression was consistently found not to be associated with induced debranching (FIGURE 6). Coronin could thus me-
patient prognosis (48, 104, 218). Nevertheless, in xeno- diate partial debranching of the branched actin networks
grafts, cortactin expression enhances the ability of a breast and at the same time be a good marker of the branched
carcinoma cell line to metastasize to the bones (143). These actin structures.

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results are not as paradoxical as it might seem: cortactin can
be involved in the transformation process and in cancer The serine 2 of coronin 1B has been shown to be phosphor-
progression, and not be associated with a poor prognosis, if ylated by protein kinase C in response to factors that induce
the overexpression occurs most frequently in breast cancer actin polymerization and cell motility, such as platelet-de-
subtypes, which are not as aggressive, as the one associated rived growth factor (PDGF) or phorbol myristate acetate
with the poorest patient survival. Cortactin overexpression (PMA) (23, 272). These observations are consistent with a
has been associated with high-grade tumors, but not yet shutdown of Arp2/3 debranching, when branched actin
with poor survival, in ovarian carcinomas (148), in non- networks are triggered. Depletion of coronin, however, al-
small-cell carcinomas of the lung (184), and in gliomas ters lamellipodial dynamics and impairs cell migration as a
(260). Cortactin has been associated with both high-grade consequence (26). These effects might only be partially due
tumors and poor survival in colorectal cancer (22, 183), in to Arp2/3 debranching. Indeed, coronin recruits to
gastric cancer (264), in prostate cancer (100), in melanoma branched actin networks the phosphatase slingshot that ac-
(284), and in hepatocellular carcinoma (103). tivates cofilin by dephosphorylation (26). Coronin, to-
gether with cofilin, promotes the disassembly of branched
actin structures, when the actin filaments age (20, 69, 134).
B. Coronin Through its activities of Arp2/3 debranching and actin dis-
assembly, coronin appears to downregulate, rather than
There are seven coronins in human, which are characterized promote, branched actin networks.
by a so-called ␤-propeller structure made of WD40 repeats
(31). Here we will discuss only the type I coronins, among Coronin 1C is overexpressed in gliomas (251), hepatocel-
which Coro1B and Coro1C are ubiquitous and Coro1A lular carcinomas (276), gastric cancers (238), and lympho-
hematopoietic specific. At the COOH terminus, a coiled- mas (159). When it has been examined, coronin overexpres-
coil domain mediates homo- and heterotrimerization of co- sion is associated with high-grade tumors and poor survival
ronins (117). Coronins are binding to both the Arp2/3 com- for patients. It might seem at odds that a type I coronin,
plex and actin filaments. In all type I coronins, a binding site which globally downregulates branched actin networks,
for actin filaments is in the ␤-propeller, but Coro1C pos- might be overexpressed in cancers, while the Arp2/3 com-
sesses a second filament binding site in a unique region (31, plex is also overexpressed. However, coronin activities in
32). The site binding to the Arp2/3 complex is in the NH2 favoring debranching and actin depolymerization might be
terminus of coronins. Arp2/3 binding is regulated by the important to replenish available pools of actin molecules
phosphorylation of two serines in the NH2 terminus and and Arp2/3 complexes for continuous actin polymerization
COOH terminus. Phosphomimetic mutations of these sites and sustained cell movements (26, 272).
strongly decrease Arp2/3 binding (23, 280).

In vitro, coronin enhances Arp2/3 debranching, and both C. Glia-Maturation Factor

binding sites are required for this effect (24, 25). An antag-
onism between cortactin and coronin has thus been pro- There are two glia-maturation factors (GMF) proteins en-
posed to control the debranching rate of branched actin coded in humans: GMF␤ encoded by the GMFB gene and
networks (25). Coronin does not stain the branched actin GMF␥ encoded by GMFG. GMFB is expressed ubiqui-
structures to their top where new branches are formed, tously with an enrichment in the brain (91), whereas
indicating that coronin acts at a later stage than cortactin GMFG is mostly expressed in hematopoietic cells and en-
(25). However, one has to understand why in vivo coronin dothelial cells (105). These two homologous proteins be-
is a good marker of branched actin networks at lamellipo- long to the same superfamily as cofilin, but define a subfam-

228 Physiol Rev • VOL 98 • JANUARY 2018 •


ily of their own (85, 196). GMFs are cofilins, which have brane traffic. In many instances, the in vivo role of Arp2/3
evolved to bind to Arp2, instead of actin. GMF uses this regulators has been reconstituted in vitro, and these endeav-
Arp2 binding site to insert itself in between Arp2 and the ors gave rise to in-depth understanding of molecular and
actin molecule and thus severs the branch in a way similar cellular functions of Arp2/3 regulation. To go back and
to cofilin severing actin filaments (70, 158, 293). GMF pref- forth from the molecular level in appropriate reconstitu-
erentially recognizes Arp2, when it is bound to ADP (17). tions to the cellular level, where molecular dynamics can
ATP hydrolysis by Arp2 is not required for branched actin also be addressed using techniques such as FRAP, has al-
nucleation, since it occurs after branched actin nucleation lowed the identification and ruling out of artifactual molec-
(106, 139, 164). As a consequence, ATP hydrolysis by Arp2 ular behaviors sometimes observed in vitro in conditions far
acts as a timer, indicating that the actin branch has aged, the from the cell physiology.
same way ATP hydrolysis by the actin molecules in a fila-
ment indicates the older portion of the filament. Cofilin also Here we have attempted to organize the various Arp2/3
severs ADP-actin filaments more efficiently than younger regulators in systems. The NPFs divide the labor of gener-
ATP-actin filaments (30, 170, 187). GMF binding to Arp2 ating the diverse branched actin structures of the cell. The
is regulated by phosphorylation of its serine at position 2 combinatorial complexity in assembling NPF complexes

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(105), just like cofilin (5). imposes to study the repertoire of paralogous subunits ex-
pressed in each cell system. Similar complexity emerged at
It is not yet established whether coronin and GMF provide the level of the different Arp2/3 complexes, which might
two independent means of debranching branched actin net- themselves be differentially regulated by the different NPF
works for increased robustness or whether they collaborate complexes. Similarly, the identification of different Arp2/3
to perform efficient debranching together. GMF and coro- inhibitors revealed that Arp2/3 inhibition is not global, as a
nin may play sequential roles in the molecular reaction of means to maintain the system silent in the cytosol, but the
Arp2/3 debranching. Indeed, once GMF has severed the inhibitory proteins rather balance Arp2/3 activation at the
connexion between the Arp2/3 complex and the daughter surface of different cell membranes. Similarly, regulators of
filament, the Arp2/3 complex is still interacting with the the Arp2/3 branched junction fine-tune the ultrastructure of
mother actin filament and coronin has been shown to de- branched actin networks and their role appear mostly in
tach such landed Arp2/3 complexes from filaments (25). highly regulated physiological processes. We begin to un-
ravel the exquisite regulations of the Arp2/3 complex in
In the cell, GMF depletion alters lamellipodial dynamics by these various situations.
decreasing disassembly of branched actin networks (91,
195). The consequence on cell migration is not dramatic, Deregulation of the Arp2/3 regulatory system in cancer of-
but can be seen in instances where migration is finely regu- fers an opportunity to understand its logic. If one sets aside
lated. Depletion of GMF␥ from neutrophils impairs their a couple of reports at odds with the majority of publica-
chemotaxis towards inflammatory cytokines (4), whereas tions, one can see that the Arp2/3, the WAVE, and the
depletion of GMF␤ from fibroblasts impairs their hapto- N-WASP complexes are overall overexpressed in many can-
taxis towards immobilized extracellular matrix (91). cers. These overexpressions are usually associated with
poor prognosis for patients. The other NPFs more specifi-
GMF␤ is overexpressed in gliomas, because it is expressed
cally involved in intracellular trafficking, like WASH,
by tumor cells and endothelial cells of new capillaries feed-
WHAMM, or JMY, are not, or not yet, involved in cancer
ing the tumor (133). Endothelial cells within the glioma
progression. Downregulation of Arpin is consistent with its
thus express GMF␤, instead of GMF␥ for normal vessels.
inhibitory role. The situation is not yet clear for gadkin and
GMF␤ overexpression in glioma-associated endothelial
PICK1. As for the branch regulators, the stabilizer cortactin
cells has been reported to be a better prognosis factor than
and the destabilizers coronin and GMF are all clearly over-
GMF␤ overexpression in tumor cells (133). Both GMF␤
expressed with an overall association with high grade of
and GMF␥ are overexpressed in ovarian cancers (145, 306).
tumors and poor prognosis for the patients. These simple
As we have seen for coronin, the overexpression of a branch
observations emphasize the notion that branched actin net-
destabilizer might promote the turnover of branched actin
works have to turnover fast to perform their function. The
deregulation of the Arp2/3 regulatory system in cancer sug-
gests that small molecule inhibitors of branched actin dy-
VI. CONCLUSIONS namics might provide a therapeutic benefit to control can-
cer progression.
In ~20 years, the Arp2/3 complex has been implicated in a
variety of processes. It is now clear that the branched actin ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
networks and the pushing force that they generate are major
means that cells use to remodel their plasma membrane in Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: A.
cell migration as well as their internal membranes in mem- Gautreau, Ecole Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay,

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