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The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 177, No.

2, August 2010
Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology
DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.100168

Cytoskeletal Regulation of Epithelial Barrier Function
During Inflammation

Andrei I. Ivanov,* Charles A. Parkos,† microorganisms increase epithelial permeability to gain

and Asma Nusrat† access into host tissue. The pathogens release a variety
From the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Division,* the
of epithelial barrier-disrupting agents that include pore-
Department of Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester, New forming toxins, cytoskeleton-modifying proteins, and
York; and the Epithelial Pathobiology Research Unit,† the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). On the basal (tissue)
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory side of the epithelial layer, activated immune cells also
University, Atlanta, Georgia induce barrier disruption to facilitate their movement to
sites of pathogen invasion. Mucosal immune cells in-
crease epithelial permeability by secreting proinflamma-
tory cytokines such as interferon (IFN) ␥, tumor necrosis
Increased epithelial permeability is a common and (TNF) ␣, and interleukin (IL)⫺1␤ or by releasing pro-
important consequence of mucosal inflammation that teases and reactive oxygen species (ROS). As a result,
results in perturbed body homeostasis and enhanced mucosal inflammation commonly leads to sustained ep-
exposure to external pathogens. The integrity and ithelial barrier compromise, which increases body ex-
barrier properties of epithelial layers are regulated by posure to external noxious agents, thereby further ex-
specialized adhesive plasma membrane structures aggerating the inflammatory response. Consequently it
known as intercellular junctions. It is generally be- is believed that decreasing epithelial permeability may
lieved that inflammatory stimuli increase transepithe- have beneficial effects by limiting inflammatory re-
lial permeability by inducing junctional disassembly. sponses. Thus, understanding mechanisms that con-
This review highlights molecular events that lead to trol the epithelial barrier disruption is important in iden-
disruption of epithelial junctions during inflamma- tifying novel molecular targets for pharmacological
tion. We specifically focus on key mechanisms of modulation of mucosal inflammation.
junctional regulation that are dependent on reorgani- Properties of the epithelial barrier are regulated by
zation of the perijunctional F-actin cytoskeleton. We
specialized plasma membrane structures referred to as
discuss critical roles of myosin-II– dependent contrac-
apical junctions. These structures are composed of ad-
tility and actin filament turnover in remodeling of the
hesive and scaffolding proteins that are anchored into
F-actin cytoskeleton that drive disruption of epithelial
different cytoskeletal structures such as actin filaments,
barriers under different inflammatory conditions. Fi-
intermediate filaments, and microtubules. During inflam-
nally , we highlight signaling pathways induced by
mation, it is known that reorganizations of apical junctions
inflammatory mediators that regulate reorganization
mediate epithelial barrier dysfunction. Mounting evi-
of actin filaments and junctional disassembly in mu-
dence suggests that the actin cytoskeleton plays a piv-
cosal epithelia. (Am J Pathol 2010, 177:512–524; DOI:
otal role in regulating junctional integrity and remodeling
under physiological and pathological states.
In this review, we will discuss the role of actin filaments
The epithelium plays an important role in inflammation by in the regulation of epithelial barrier integrity and its
serving as an interface between invading pathogens and
the immune system of the host. Under physiological con- Supported by a Senior Research Award from Crohn’s and Colitis Foun-
ditions, polarized epithelia form a protective barrier that dation of America (A.I.I.) and by National Institutes of Health grants
allows regulated paracellular fluxes of solutes and nutri- DK61379 and DK64399 (C.A.P.) and DK59888 and DK55679 (A.N.).
ents as well as antigen sampling and surveillance by Accepted for publication April 19, 2010.
mucosal immune cells. However, during inflammation, Address reprint requests to Andrei I. Ivanov, Ph.D., Gastroenterology
this protective mechanism becomes compromised by and Hepatology Division, Department of Medicine, University of Roches-
various stimuli that originate on both sides of the epithelial ter Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 646, Rochester, NY 14642.
barrier. On the apical (luminal) side, invading pathogenic E-mail:

Epithelial Barriers in Inflammation 513
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

breakdown during inflammation. How inflammatory pro-

cesses in different mucosal tissues induce remodeling of
junction-associated filaments (F) actin and alter structure
and barrier properties of epithelial cell-cell adhesions will
be discussed. While epithelial junctions will be the major
focus of this review, we will occasionally refer to exam-
ples of junctional regulation in the vascular endothelium.
Likewise, we limit the discussion to simple columnar ep-
ithelia and exclude complex stratified epithelia such as
the epidermis. Finally, we specifically focus on the role of
actin filaments in maintenance and disassembly of epi-
thelial junctions without discussing junctional reassembly
during epithelial wound healing.

Molecular Composition of Epithelial Apical

Junctions and Organization of the
Perijunctional Actin Cytoskeleton
The simple epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal, respi-
ratory, renal, and reproductive tracts is composed of a
monolayer of polarized epithelial cells attached to their
Figure 1. Organization of the apical actin cytoskeleton in polarized epithe-
neighbors via highly organized intercellular junctions. lia. The apical actin cytoskeleton in polarized epithelial cells consists of
These adhesive structures include tight junctions (TJs), several interconnecting structures that include apical microvillar actin bun-
adherens junctions (AJs), desmosomes, and gap junc- dles, terminal web, actomyosin meshwork associated with tight junctions,
and the circumferential actomyosin belt connected to adherens junctions.
tions.1 The most apically located TJs and AJs are collec- Reproduced and modified with permission from Ivanov.10
tively referred to as the apical junctional complex (AJC),
and it is generally believed that the AJC plays key roles in
formation and maintenance of the epithelial barrier. Both tional F-actin bundles.4,5 A prominent feature of the peri-
TJs and AJs are composed of transmembrane and pe- junctional cytoskeleton is a thick circumferential belt
ripheral membrane protein complexes.1–3 The transmem- composed of bipolar actin filaments. This F-actin belt is
brane proteins interact with their partners on the oppos- oriented parallel to the plasma membrane at the level of
ing plasma membrane, thereby providing a mechanical AJs and appears to be physically associated with this
link between epithelial cells and establishing a barrier to junctional complex (Figure 1).6 Furthermore, a dense
paracellular diffusion of fluid and solutes. The peripheral meshwork of F-actin bundles affiliated with TJs is posi-
membrane proteins form the so-called ‘cytosolic plaque’ tioned above the circumferential F-actin belt.7 Importantly,
of TJs and AJs, where they cluster and stabilize adhesive the circumferential F-actin belt can be co-isolated with other
components of the AJC. Key transmembrane TJ proteins components of the brush border cytoskeleton and it dem-
include occludin, members of the claudin family, and onstrates ATP dependent contractility ex vivo.6 These ob-
junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-A.1,2 E-cadherin and servations highlight the contractile nature of the apical F-
members of the nectin family represent the major trans- actin cytoskeleton and the intimate association between its
membrane proteins of epithelial AJs.2,3 The most studied components. The importance of actin filaments for integrity
constituents of the TJ cytosolic plaque are zonula occlu- of the epithelial barrier has long been recognized. Some of
dens (ZO) proteins, afadin, and cingulin, which mediate the first reports observed increased paracellular permeabil-
interactions between different types of transmembrane ity in Necturus gallbladder epithelium8 and guinea pig ileal
proteins and/or link them to underlying actin filaments.1,2 mucosa9 after F-actin depolymerization by fungal toxins,
The cytosolic plaque of the AJ includes two armadillo cytochalasins. Subsequent pharmacological and genetic
family proteins, ␤-catenin and p120 catenin, which inter- studies highlighted a key role of the actin cytoskeleton in
act with the intracellular domain of E-cadherin, and the regulating normal AJC structure as well as junctional re-
actin-binding proteins ␣-catenin, vinculin, and ␣-actinin, modeling in different experimental conditions.10,11
which are likely to connect E-cadherin and the actin
cytoskeleton via yet to be defined mechanisms.2,3
The apical region of polarized epithelial cells is rich in Disruption of the Epithelial Barrier in
actin filaments and nonmuscle myosin II (NMII) that are
assembled into several structures (Figure 1).4,5 These
structures have been extensively studied in the brush Intestinal Epithelial Barrier
border of vertebrate intestinal epithelium, where they are
classified as microvillar F-actin bundles, an underlying Increased epithelial permeability is a well-accepted con-
terminal web that represents a meshwork of actin fila- sequence of mucosal inflammation. This phenomenon
ments cross-linking microvillar rootlets and the perijunc- has been extensively studied in the gut, where a leaky
514 Ivanov et al
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

intestinal barrier is considered an important contributor to gan systems have many similarities,30 it is easy to envi-
the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel disease sion that barrier dysfunction represents a common patho-
(IBD), which includes both Crohn’s disease (CD) and physiological mechanism of mucosal inflammation. This
ulcerative colitis (UC).12,13 Indeed, a decline in barrier notion is supported by a number of in vitro studies dem-
function of the intestinal epithelium has been shown to onstrating that inflammatory cytokines such as IFN␥,
positively correlate with the degree of mucosal inflamma- TNF␣, and IL-1␤, as well as bacterial LPS, increase per-
tion in CD and UC patients.14 Furthermore, increased meability of different model epithelia including renal tu-
epithelial permeability precedes clinical relapse of CD,15 bular epithelial cells,31,32 retinal epithelial cells,33 and
and healthy first-degree relatives of CD patients have bile duct cholangiocytes.34 We can therefore predict that
increased permeability across the intestinal epithelium.16 disruption of the epithelial barrier contributes to the
Recent animal model studies have demonstrated that pathogenesis of inflammatory disorders such as acute
colitis can be initiated by specific defects of the intestinal renal failure, retinopathy, cholestasis, and pancreatitis.
epithelium in the presence of normal immune responses
and normal microbial flora.17 Conversely, pharmacologi-
cal enhancement of the intestinal epithelial barrier was AJC Disassembly Mediates Breakdown of the
shown to significantly ameliorate mucosal inflammation in Epithelial Barrier During Inflammation
a spontaneous colitis-prone mice.18
A defective intestinal epithelial barrier is not unique to Diverse inflammatory stimuli that increase leakiness of
IBD, because increased permeability of the gut has been the epithelial barrier also cause disassembly of apical
well-documented in other immune-mediated enteropa- junctions.13,31,35–37 Therefore, the disruption of AJC
thies such as celiac disease, food allergies, and infection structure is likely to mediate epithelial barrier dysfunction
with various enteric pathogens.19,20 Furthermore, dys- during mucosal inflammation. This conclusion is sup-
function of the intestinal epithelial barrier has also been ported by extensive immunocytochemistry data, which
implicated in pathogenesis of extraintestinal inflammatory document stimulus-induced loss of the characteristic
disorders such as sepsis, type I diabetes, and ankylosing labeling pattern for different AJ/TJ proteins at cell– cell
spondylosis.19,20 Increased intestinal permeability may contact zones.13,31,35–37 Interestingly, epithelial TJs
pose a particular danger for patients with septic shock, and AJs appear to have different sensitivity to different
due to massive translocation of luminal bacteria.21 Not inflammatory agents. For example, IFN␥ and TNF␣ are
surprisingly, the gut has been called a ‘motor’ or the known to selectively disrupt TJs without affecting AJ
‘undrained abscess’ of multiple organ failure.22 structure.38 By contrast, some bacterial products such
as Bacteroidis fragilis enterotoxin can selectively dis-
rupt AJs by cleaving E-cadherin.39 On the other hand,
Respiratory Epithelial Barrier (ROS) have been shown to disassemble both TJ and
AJ protein complexes.40 It is likely therefore that severity
Similar to intestinal mucosa, the airway epithelium cre-
of junctional disassembly and epithelial barrier disruption
ates a protective physical barrier against inhaled micro-
can be determined by a repertoire of microbial products
organisms, allergens, and particles while also communi-
and endogenous mediators in the inflamed mucosa.
cating with underlying immune and mesenchymal cells
Defects in the organization of epithelial junctions have
within the bronchial wall.23,24 Increased permeability
also been observed in animal models of inflammation and
across the airway epithelial barrier is an emerging con-
tissue biopsies from human patients with different muco-
tributor to pathogenesis of respiratory inflammation. Al-
sal diseases. For example, translocation of occludin
though permeability properties of respiratory epithelia
and JAM-A from TJs into an intracellular compartment
in human disease remains poorly characterized, a
was observed in small intestine of mice with experi-
number of studies with animal models of airway inflam-
mental T-cell– dependent intestinal inflammation,41
mation and cultured epithelial cell monolayers have
whereas loss of junctional ZO-1 labeling was seen in
demonstrated that inflammatory cytokines, bacterial
the colonic epithelium of mice with dextran sulfate
products, and (ROS) disrupt integrity of the pulmonary
sodium (DSS)-induced colitis.42 Furthermore, LPS-de-
epithelial barrier.25–27 Such barrier dysfunction likely
pendent sepsis and caerulein-induced pancreatitis in
contributes to the pathogenesis of airway disorders
rats were found to induce rapid disorganizations of TJs in
such as asthma and acute lung failure.28,29 Defective
colonic epithelium43 and pancreatic ductal epithelium,44
epithelial barrier can accelerate water influx into the lung
respectively. These animal model data are in good
leading to pulmonary edema and also result in enhanced
agreement with several clinical studies, which demon-
activation of the airway immune responses by inhaled
strated substantial loss of E-cadherin, occludin, ZO-1,
pathogens and allergens.
JAM-A, and claudin-1 from the AJC in intestinal mucosa
of CD and UC patients.45– 47 The redistribution of junc-
Other Epithelial Barriers tional proteins in the intestinal epithelium of IBD patients
is consistent with major defects in TJ structure as identi-
In contrast to intestinal and airway epithelia, little is known fied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy.48 In addition
about the effect of inflammation on the integrity and func- to gastrointestinal disorders, loss of junctional localization
tion of other mucosal barriers in vivo. However, given that of E-cadherin, ZO-1, and JAM-A was observed in in-
epithelial barrier structure and regulation in different or- flamed bronchial epithelium of patients with asthma and
Epithelial Barriers in Inflammation 515
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

cystic fibrosis.27,49 Based on the profound effects of in- or stress fiber-like cables. These contractile F-actin struc-
flammatory mediators on the AJC structure in different tures have been observed in colonic and renal epithelial cell
model epithelia in vitro it is predictable that junctional monolayers incubated with IFN␥55,56 or TNF␣,32 gastric
disassembly represents a common mechanism of epithe- epithelial cells exposed to Helicobacter pylori,57 and pulmo-
lial barrier dysfunction observed in various inflamed tis- nary epithelial cells subjected to hypoxia58 or treated with
sues in vivo. transforming growth factor (TGF)-␤.59 A second form of
Studies in transgenic and knockout animals have pro- F-actin reorganization, characterized by decreased peri-
vided strong supporting data that disruption of the epithelial junctional F-actin labeling and indicative of filament depo-
barrier can trigger and/or exaggerate mucosal inflamma- lymerization, was observed in colonic epithelium exposed
tion. Several studies demonstrated that defects in the AJ to Bacteroides fragilis toxin60 or astrovirus61 and in alveolar
structure are sufficient to induce murine colitis. Thus, trans- epithelial cells exposed to LPS.62 These distinct types of
genic mice expressing adhesion-defective N-cadherin in perijunctional F-actin reorganizations in vitro are likely to
the gut acquired defects in cell– cell junctions and devel- reflect activation of different stimulus-dependent mecha-
oped intestinal inflammation resembling Crohn’s disease.50 nisms of actin filament remodeling.
Similar loss of the epithelial barrier and mucosal inflamma- In contrast to well-documented effects of inflammatory
tion was observed in the intestine of mice lacking an AJ mediators on junction-associated actin filaments in model
scaffolding protein, p120 catenin (A. Reynolds, personal epithelial monolayers, little is known about reorganization
communication). Finally, development of spontaneous coli- of perijunctional F-actin during mucosal inflammation in
tis has been also observed in protein tyrosine phosphatase vivo. For example, data obtained from intestinal mucosa
sigma– deficient mice, which has been attributed to hyper- of IBD patients appears to be conflicting with one study
phosphorylation of E-cadherin and ␤-catenin and AJ disas- reporting epithelial TJ disassembly without alterations in
sembly in the colonic epithelium.51 F-actin morphology in colonic biopsies of CD and UC
Unlike defective AJ structure, knockout of individual TJ patients63 and another study observing disorganization
proteins such as occludin and JAM-A has not been of intestinal epithelial F-actin in active UC.64 Our unpub-
shown to induce spontaneous colitis. However, two re- lished immunofluorescence labeling data highlight associ-
cent studies revealed increased colonic epithelial perme- ation of occludin with thick circumferential F-actin bundles
ability in JAM-A knockout mice52,53 that was accompa- in normal human intestinal mucosa (Figure 2, arrows). No-
nied by increased mucosal inflammation in the gut.52 tably, disappearance of occludin from TJs is accompanied
Additionally, JAM-A–null animals demonstrated dramati- by a dramatic disassembly of the perijunctional F-actin belt
cally exaggerated inflammatory response and higher in the intestinal mucosa of a CD patient (Figure 2, arrow-
mortality during DSS-induced colitis compared with wild- heads). Furthermore, recent proteomic analysis of intestinal
type controls.52,53 The increased epithelial permeability, mucosal tissues obtained from animal models of colitis and
mucosal inflammation, and susceptibility to DSS colitis IBD patients revealed that mucosal inflammation in vivo in-
was mediated by depletion of epithelial JAM-A, because duces significant changes in the expression of epithelial
ablation of endothelial/hematopoetic cell-specific JAM-A actin itself and a number of actin-binding proteins.65 How-
expression did not affect permeability or intestinal inflam- ever, it remains to be shown whether such changes in
mation.53 These studies provided some of the first direct cytoskeletal protein expression mediate the observed de-
evidence that a specific defect in an epithelial TJ struc- fect in the intestinal epithelial barrier during experimental
ture induces a “leaky gut” with increased intestinal mu- and clinical inflammation.
cosal inflammation in vivo.

Cytoskeletal Mechanisms Controlling AJC

Inflammatory Mediators Alter Organization of Disassembly during Inflammation: Myosin
Actin Filaments Associated with Epithelial II-Dependent Contractility
Apical Junctions
The Role of Myosin II Motor in Regulation of the
Early data showing intimate association of apical F-actin Epithelial AJC
bundles with epithelial junctions and rapid AJ/TJ disas-
sembly by F-actin cytoskeleton-disrupting toxins inspired Myosin II or conventional myosin is a principal cytoskeletal
the hypothesis that reorganization of actin filaments can motor that converts the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis
be responsible for the loss of apical junctions in inflamed into mechanical forces, thus mediating the static tension
epithelia.54 A number of in vitro studies have investigated and contractility of actin filaments.66 Epithelial cells express
effects of microbial toxins and inflammatory mediators on NMII consisting of a hexamer of two heavy chains, two
the organization of the epithelial F-actin cytoskeleton. essential, and two regulatory light chains (RLC). The heavy
These studies have demonstrated that inflammatory stim- chains are responsible for all major properties of NM IIA
uli frequently alter structure of perijunctional F-actin in motor including ATP hydrolysis, actin binding, and oli-
conjunction with AJC disassembly and identified two ma- gomerization into myofibrils.66 Activation of NM II re-
jor types of F-actin alterations.10 The first type involved quires phosphorylation of its RLC on either one (Ser19) or
reorganization of the perijunctional F-actin belt into differ- two (Thr18/Ser19) residues. Such phosphorylation forces
ent contractile structures such as apical rings, vacuoles, heavy chains to adopt an extended rod-like conforma-
516 Ivanov et al
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

Figure 2. Mucosal inflammation in vivo induces

orchestrated disruption of the perijunctional F-
actin belt and TJ disassembly. Tissue sections of
colonic mucosa obtained from a normal human
subject and a patient with active Crohn’s disease
were double-fluorescently labeled for occludin
(green) and F-actin (red). Confocal microscopy
images show significant colocalization (yellow)
of occludin with the apical circumferential F-
actin belt in normal intestinal mucosa (arrows).
By contrast, occludin is relocated from TJs into
the cytoplasm and F-actin belt is disrupted (ar-
rowhead) in the intestinal epithelium of Crohn’s
disease patient. Bar, 20 ␮m.

tion, which enables actin filament binding and self-asso- system, PKC-induced junctional disassembly was ac-
ciation of NM IIA.66 companied by NM IIA translocation to contractile apical
NM II is known to be enriched at the perijunctional ring-like structures. Assembly of the contractile rings and
F-actin belt, and a certain basal level of myosin phos- junctional breakdown in pancreatic epithelial cells were
phorylation and activity is necessary for the maintenance attenuated by either pharmacological inhibition or siRNA-
of junctional integrity. This notion is based on findings mediated down-regulation of NM II motor.71 Formation of
that NM II inhibition increases baseline paracellular per- another type of contractile apparatus involving stress
meability in model intestinal epithelial cell monolay- fibers was shown to correlate with junctional disassembly
ers,67,68 whereas enhanced myosin RLC phosphorylation in bronchial epithelial cells treated with a combination of
correlates with stimuli-induced increase in endothelial TGF-␤ and environmental allergen.72 Inhibition of NM II
barrier tightness.69 On the other hand, it has been hy- with blebbistatin effectively prevented such cytoskeletal
pothesized that epithelial barrier breakdown in inflamed reorganization and disruption of epithelial cell– cell adhe-
mucosa is driven by overactivation of NM II and in- sions. The afore mentioned examples suggest that NM
creased contractility of the perijunctional actomyosin II– driven reorganization of the perijunctional F-actin belt
belt.13,36,70 However, review of published studies on this is a common mechanism that mediates AJC disassembly
topic reveals that such role of actomyosin contractility triggered by various external stimuli. However, it remains
has not been decisively proven in many studies of AJC to be investigated whether this mechanism is involved in
disassembly induced by inflammatory mediators. It epithelial barrier breakdown caused by other inflamma-
should be noted that extensive investigation of NM II– tory mediators and pathogens.
driven processes such as cytokinesis and cell migration Because there are three different NM II heavy chain
have established two major criteria that define involve- isoforms, A, B and C, with distinct enzymatic properties
ment of myosin contractility in different cellular events. In and cellular functions in mammalian epithelia,10,66 it is
particular, NM II– dependent contractile processes can important to establish which isoform(s) mediate regula-
be distinguished by the formation of specific actomyosin tion of TJ/AJ disassembly during inflammation. Several
structures and by the sensitivity of such processes to recent studies have implicated NM IIA as key regulator of
inhibition of NM II motor activity with the only available epithelial junctions. In particular, quantitative mass spec-
pharmacological inhibitor blebbistatin. troscopic analysis has revealed that NM IIA comprises a
Interestingly, relatively few studies addressing the role majority (65 to 85%) of all NM II heavy chains in cultured
of actomyosin contractility in inflammation-dependent human intestinal epithelial cells.73 In addition, selective
disruption of the epithelial AJC have focused of the NM II siRNA-mediated depletion of NM IIA results in attenuated
motor. For example, it was recently demonstrated that TJ formation of contractile F-actin rings and AJC disassem-
disassembly in IFN␥-treated T84 human intestinal epithe- bly triggered by extracellular calcium depletion in a
lial cells is driven by apical F-actin– coated vacuoles model intestinal epithelium.67 Selective siRNA-mediated
decorated with activated NM II.55 Inhibition of NM II motor knock-down of the two other NM II isoforms did not affect
with blebbistatin was shown to prevent IFN␥-dependent junctional disassembly in this model. Furthermore, PKC
apical vacuolarization and TJ disassembly. Likewise, suf- activation in human pancreatic epithelial cells, which do
ficient evidence supports the role of NM II– dependent not express NM IIB, readily induced disruption of the AJC
contractility during disassembly of intercellular junctions via stimulation of actomyosin contractility and siRNA-
in human pancreatic epithelial cells challenged with mediated depletion of NM IIA effectively attenuated such
chemical activators of protein kinase C (PKC).71 In this junctional breakdown.71 Lastly, elimination of NM IIA but
Epithelial Barriers in Inflammation 517
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

not NM IIB has been shown to inhibit thrombin-induced cium depletion.79 In these studies, inhibition of Rho/
rounding of breast cancer cells, thus supporting a selec- ROCK but not MLCK signaling effectively attenuated AJC
tive role of NM IIA in contractility of the epithelial cell disassembly. These data suggest that Rho/ROCK signal-
cortex.74 ing plays a key role in triggering the barrier breakdown in
While regulation of epithelial junctions by NM II motor model epithelial cell monolayers. In support of this, ROCK
has been extensively investigated in model epithelial inhibition has been shown to prevent epithelial inflamma-
monolayers in vitro, no analogous in vivo studies have tion in mouse models of colitis84 and LPS-induced renal
been reported. Using NM II inhibitor blebbistatin to ex- failure.85 However, it remains to be shown whether these
amine myosin-dependent processes in animal models of beneficial effects of ROCK inhibition in vivo are directly
inflammation is complicated by its poor solubility and mediated by protective effect on the epithelial barrier.
instability in aqueous solution. Furthermore, genetic de- Furthermore, accumulating evidence suggest that
letion of NM IIA in mice results in embryonic lethality.75 Rho/ROCK-NM II– dependent AJC disassembly in in-
These observations suggest that studies on the role of flamed mucosa causes profound phenotypical changes
NM II motor in the regulation of epithelial barrier function in epithelial cells. These changes involve down-regula-
during mucosal inflammation in vivo will require using tion of epithelia-specific genes and up-regulation of mes-
targeted deletion of NM IIA in different tissues enchymal genes (such as smooth muscle actin) leading
to the so called epithelial-to-mesenchymal and epithelial-
to-myofibroblast transitions.86,87 As a result, sustained
The Roles of Rho/ROCK Signaling in activation of Rho/ROCK-mediated actomyosin contractil-
NM II-Dependent Disassembly of the AJC ity can contribute to the development of organ fibrosis
and irreversible loss of mucosal epithelia during chronic
Because actomysin contractility is regulated via multiple inflammation.
signaling mechanisms,66,76 substantial efforts have been Two isoforms of Rho kinase, ROCK-I and ROCK-II, are
devoted to elucidate the inflammatory signaling cas- expressed in mammalian cells. Despite high homology
cades that are responsible for activation of epithelial NM (⬃65% sequence identity), ROCK-I and ROCK-II are dif-
II. This question has important therapeutic implications ferentially regulated and may activate distinct actomyo-
because upstream NM II–activating kinases rather than sin-dependent cellular processes.88 Interestingly, recent
myosin II motor are attractive targets for the development studies involving selective siRNA-mediated knock-down
of drugs that attenuate breakdown of epithelial barrier of these isoforms revealed a unique role for ROCK-II in TJ
function. A majority of published studies have focused on disassembly triggered by calcium depletion or PKC ac-
two signaling pathways culminating in activation of either tivation.71,79 These findings are consistent with data that
Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) or myosin light chain ki- ROCK-II but not ROCK-I expression and activity is readily
nase (MLCK). upregulated by hormones and bacterial products.85,89
ROCK is known to increase the activating phosphory- Such responsiveness of ROCK-II to external stimulation
lation of NM II RLC at Thr18 and Ser19 residues either suggests that this isoform may play an important role in
directly or by inactivating myosin light chain phospha- transducing inflammatory signals that disrupt the epithe-
tase.66,76 ROCK-dependent phosphorylation of NM IIA is lial barrier.
considered an important regulator of different contractile How can inflammatory agents activate Rho/ROCK sig-
processes in adherent cells including generation of trac- naling cascade in epithelial cells? Two complementary
tion forces77 and retraction of the trailing edge during cell mechanisms can be envisioned, one involving increased
migration.78 Notably, ROCK has been shown to selec- expression of ROCK and/or Rho and another involving
tively phosphorylate RLC that is associated with the NM stimulation of Rho activity by upstream GDP-GTP ex-
IIA heavy chain.74 Such selective coupling between change factors (GEFs). Indeed, a significant increase in
ROCK and NM IIA may explain why ROCK is particularly ROCK protein level that paralleled IFN␥-induced junc-
important for NM II– dependent disassembly of epithelial tional disassembly in model colonic epithelial cell mono-
junctions. layers was reported.55 Likewise, induction of ROCK-II
Several lines of evidence support the role of Rho/ expression has been detected in mesenteric arteries of
ROCK signaling in stimulus-induced disruption of AJs LPS-treated rats.90 An expression-independent mecha-
and TJs in vitro. Specifically, Rho and ROCK have been nism of activation of Rho/ROCK signaling leading to junc-
observed to colocalize with intact or disassembling TJs in tional disassembly has been recently described in kidney
intestinal epithelial cell monolayers.79 Additionally, en- proximal tubular cells challenged with TNF␣.32 In this
hancing Rho activity by overexpression of its wild-type or system TNF␣ induced phosphorylation and activation of
constitutively active forms has been shown to induce AJ GEF-H1 thereby stimulating the Rho signaling pathway.
and TJ disassembly.80,81 Finally, disruption of the AJC by Furthermore, activation of GEF-H1 by TJ-disrupting en-
a number of pathogenic/inflammatory stimuli has been teropathogenic E. coli91 and Shigella flexneri92 has been
shown to be associated with increased activity of Rho observed. On the other hand, GEF-H1 is known to accu-
and/or ROCK and is attenuated by Rho and ROCK inhi- mulate at epithelial TJs79,93 and to be involved in junc-
bition.32,55,71,82,83 Importantly, several studies have di- tional disassembly.79 Together these data highlight the
rectly compared effects of ROCK and MLCK inhibition on GEH-H1-Rho-ROCK signaling cascade as key mediator
junctional breakdown induced by proinflammatory cyto- of junctional disassembly induced by inflammatory me-
kines,55,83 PKC-activating tumor promoters,71 and cal- diators and pathogens (Figure 3).
518 Ivanov et al
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

Figure 3. Signaling pathways that mediate actomyosin-dependent disruption of the epithelial barrier in inflammation. Two signaling pathways that are activated
by different inflammatory stimuli and result in disruption of the epithelial barrier are presented. The first pathway involves activation of MLCK resulting in a modest
contraction of perijunctional actomyosin belt and reversible increase in paracellular permeability without gross alterations in AJC structure. The second pathway
involves activation of the GEF-H1-Rho-ROCK pathway that leads to profound actomyosin contraction and AJC disassembly.

MLCK Signaling and AJC Disassembly in inhibit ROCK-II activity more potently than MLCK.101 Be-
cause a majority of studies involving ML-7 and/or ML-9
Inflammatory Conditions
have not included alternative strategies such as block-
MLCK-induced contractility of the perijunctional actomy- age of Rho/Rock pathways or NM-II motor, the results
osin belt is considered as another important mechanism from such reports may have been influenced by inhibition
underlying disruption of the epithelial barrier during in- of other signaling pathways. Additional studies using
flammation.13,36 For example, MLCK activation has been complementary specific inhibition would help to clarify
implicated in disruption of AJC in intestinal epithelium these questions.
induced by TNF␣,94 IL-1␤,95 and lympotoxin-like induc- In another series of studies, blockade of MLCK activity
ible protein.96 Likewise, this mechanism has been shown with a selective peptide inhibitor PIK has been shown to
to be important for LPS-induced disruption of the para- attenuate the increase in permeability of colonic epithelial
cellular barrier in intestinal and pulmonary epithelia43,97 cell monolayers induced by proinflammatory cytokine
as well as in cholangiocyte monolayers.34 Furthermore, treatment or enteropathogenic E. coli infection.96,102
TJ disassembly triggered by gastrointestinal pathogens However, it has not been reported whether PIK can pre-
such as Helicobacter pylori or Giardia is considered to be vent cytokine- or pathogen-dependent disruption of TJ
mediated by MLCK.98 –100 Despite the extensive literature structure in model epithelia in vitro. While treatment with
implicating MLCK in the disruption of the epithelial bar- PIK has been shown to attenuate increased intestinal
rier, evidence supporting this signaling mechanism re- epithelial permeability and TJ disassembly in a T-cell
mains controversial and incomplete. In particular, many activation model of colitis,41 it failed to prevent mucosal
studies addressing the role of MLCK in junctional regu- barrier disruption in DSS-induced colitis.103 These data
lation have relied on a single class of MLCK inhibitors suggest that MLCK-dependent and independent mech-
such as ML-7 and ML-9.34,43,95,97,98,100 While inhibiting anisms can mediate barrier disruption during mucosal
MLCK, these ATP-competitive agents also inactivate inflammation in vivo. Lastly, if MLCK was the primary
other kinases.101 ML-9, for example, has been shown to kinase regulating AJC disassembly during inflammation,
Epithelial Barriers in Inflammation 519
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

then its sustained activation would be expected to induce

disruption of TJs and/or AJs. However, expression of
constitutively active MLCK in Caco-2 intestinal epithelial
cells has been shown to result in approximately 20%
decreases in transepithelial electrical resistance without
significant effects on the TJ integrity.94 Likewise, trans-
genic mice expressing constitutively active MLCK in the
intestinal epithelium have a modest increase in paracel-
lular permeability along with normal TJ structure.104 The
apparent lack of effect of MLCK activation on junctional
structure contrasts sharply with the consequences of Rho
activation, which have been shown to induce dramatic
disassembly of AJs and TJs.80,81 Overall, these data
indicate that Rho/ROCK and MLCK signaling can modu-
late epithelial barrier during inflammation, however acti- Figure 4. Regulation of actin filament turnover. The Figure presents a
simplified model of actin filament turnover and shows two mechanisms
vation of these two pathways has different effects on the regulating the velocity of this process. The increased F-actin turnover can be
epithelial AJC. As highlighted in Figure 3, stimulation of mediated by actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin-driven F-actin depo-
lymerization, whereas decreased turnover can be achieved by eplin and/or
MLCK activity results in transient increase in the barrier actinin-dependent filament cross-linking.
permeability without inducing dramatic reorganization of
the apical cytoskeleton and defects of TJ structure. By
contrast, activation of Rho/ROCK pathway triggers con-
Similarly, F-actin turnover has been shown to be essential
traction of the perijunctional F-actin belt that drives TJ
for NM II–mediated contractility.110 It is thus reasonable
disassembly and increase in paracellular permeability.
to suggest that F-actin treadmilling and actomyosin con-
MLCK and Rho/ROCK pathways can be either selectively
tractility cooperate in reorganizing the perijunctional F-
induced by different inflammatory stimuli or can be co-
actin belt and driving junctional disassembly during in-
induced and act together. In the latter scenario, MLCK
flammation. One can envision a number of reasons for the
activation may cause initial loosening of the paracellular
interdependence of these two processes. For example,
barrier, which is then followed by Rho/ROCK-dependent
the perijunctional F-actin belt that supports mature epi-
junctional disassembly.
thelial junctions could be too rigid to allow substantial
contraction and would become “loosened” by increased
F-actin turnover. In addition, treadmilling could be impor-
Cytoskeletal Mechanisms Controlling AJC tant for altering actin filament alignment to facilitate more
efficient NM II–mediated contraction. Finally, contractile
Disassembly during Inflammation: F-Actin F-actin structures associated with disassembling AJC are
Turnover transient in nature and require disassembly via F-actin
Role of Filament Turnover in Remodeling of the Relatively little is known about the involvement of F-
Actin Cytoskeleton actin turnover in disassembly of epithelial junctions. For
instance, pharmacological inhibition of this process by
Actin filaments are self-assembling polymers of actin,
F-actin–stabilizing drug jasplakinolide has been shown
which have different dynamic properties at the filament
to attenuate AJC disassembly in model intestinal and
ends.105 The barbed end of the filament grows rapidly,
renal epithelia caused by either calcium depletion68 or
whereas the filament readily disassembles into subunits
PKC activation.111 In contrast, increased F-actin tread-
from the opposite pointed end. A simplified model of
milling did not appear to play a role in the formation of
F-actin turnover implies that actin monomers are con-
contractile F-actin structures that mediated TJ disas-
stantly removed from the pointed end to be added to the
sembly in IFN␥-treated colonic epithelial cells.55 Nota-
barbed end of the filament105 (Figure 4). This process,
bly, many inflammatory stimuli such as ROS112 and
which is also known as F-actin treadmilling, regulates
bacterial toxins113 are known to induce depolymeriza-
filament length and movements and also creates forces
tion of epithelial F-actin, which can be due to the
for pushing and pulling intracellular membranes and or-
increase in F-actin turnover. Hence, accelerated F-
ganelles.106 Of note, filament treadmilling is a prominent
actin treadmilling is likely to be important for AJC dis-
feature of the perijunctional F-actin belt that has been
assembly, although additional studies are needed to
observed by incorporation of fluorescently-labeled mo-
elucidate the roles for this mechanism in dysfunctions
nomeric actin.107 Furthermore, inhibition of F-actin turn-
of the epithelial barrier during inflammation.
over by treatment with an actin monomer-sequestering
drug has been shown to induce disassembly and inter-
nalization of TJs.108 Both treadmilling and myosin II– Role of Actin-Depolymerizing Factor/Cofilin
dependent contractility appear to be complementary and Proteins in Remodeling of the AJC
interdependent mechanisms of F-actin reorganization. In-
deed, recent data indicate that NM II can control the rate Accelerated F-actin turnover that controls disassembly of
of F-actin turnover by stimulating filament breakdown.109 the epithelial AJC in inflamed mucosa can be mediated
520 Ivanov et al
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

by the increased velocity of filament depolymerization over are required for the integrity of the epithelial barrier.
(Figure 4). In mammalian cells, breakdown of actin fila- Under this scenario, increased rates of treadmilling
ments is controlled primarily by proteins of the actin- would lead to F-actin depolymerization and junctional
depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin family114,115 that con- disassembly, whereas diminished rates of F-actin tread-
sists of three members: ADF, cofilin-1, and cofilin-2. milling would result in excessive F-actin polymerization,
These three proteins are encoded by different genes and aberrant architecture of perijunctional actin-filaments,
have distinct expression patterns. In particular, cofilin-2 and defective AJ/TJ structure. Another possibility is that
expression is restricted to muscle cells, where as ADF is ADF/cofilin activity can be also critical for F-actin poly-
abundantly expressed in epithelia. The activity of ADF merization by generating new filament barbed ends.124 In
and cofilins is regulated by phosphorylation at a con- the latter scenario, dysfunctions of ADF/cofilin may result
served N-terminal Ser3 residue that decreases ADF/co- in defective assembly of the perijunctional F-actin belt
filin ability to bind and depolymerize F-actin.114 There- resulting in the impaired AJC structure. These hypothe-
fore, phosphorylation/dephosphorylation acts as a simple ses would explain why both overactivation and inactiva-
‘on’ and ‘off’ switch for F-actin disassembly. The cellular tion of ADF/cofilin have negative effects on barrier prop-
level of phosphorylated (inactive) ADF/cofilin is regulated erties of epithelial junctions.
by a balance between activity of LIM domain kinases
(LIMK;116) and Slingshot phosphatases.117 An alterna-
tive, phosphorylation-independent regulator of ADF/cofi- Roles of Actin-Bundling Proteins in AJC Stability
lin functions involves binding to a special scaffold, actin- and Disassembly
interacting protein-1.114 This protein is known to enhance
ADF/cofilin-dependent filament severing and it can also An additional mechanism that may regulate accelerated
coordinate the entire cycle of F-actin treadmilling by F-actin turnover and AJC disassembly during inflamma-
modulating activity of actin-polymerizing proteins such as tion involves decreased actin filament cross-linking and
coronins and profilin.114 bundling (Figure 4).125 Parallel actin bundles represent
Roles of ADF/cofilin-1 in the remodeling of AJC and the the most common type of cross-linked cytoskeletal struc-
development of inflammation remain poorly understood tures in which filaments are aligned axially and are tightly
and somewhat controversial. For example, these proteins packed together.126 Within these bundles the turnover
become activated after disruption of intestinal epithelial rate of actin filaments is dramatically decreased.127 Thick
barrier function by either calcium depletion68 or capsa- parallel bundles have been shown to organize the cir-
icin treatment.118 Furthermore, overexpression of consti- cumferential F-actin belt that controls stability and barrier
tutively-active cofilin accelerates capsaicin-dependent functions of epithelial junctions.4,5 Assembly of actin fila-
barrier breakdown.118 Likewise, dramatic activation of ments into linear bundles is accomplished by specialized
ADF/cofilin parallels disassembly of the apical F-actin actin cross-linking proteins.125 These proteins possess
cytoskeleton in ATP-depleted cultured renal epithelial cell multiple actin-binding sites, which allow them to link to-
monolayers119 and in the rat proximal tubule epithelium gether adjacent filaments. Several actin-bundling pro-
during experimentally induced renal ischemia in vivo.120 teins including ␣-actinin, plastins, and eplin are enriched
Expression of a constitutively-active ADF/cofilin mutant at epithelial junctions4,5,128 and may be essential in reg-
augmented disruption of such apical F-actin in ATP-de- ulation of the epithelial AJC. For example, overexpression
pleted cell, whereas inactive ADF/cofilin mutant pre- of a dominant-negative form of ␣-actinin has been shown
vented this process.119 Collectively, these observations to disrupt AJs in renal epithelial cells,129 whereas siRNA-
suggest that activation of ADF/cofilin destabilizes the mediated knockdown of ␣-actinin-4 isoform delays reas-
apical F-actin cytoskeleton and therefore can trigger dis- sembly of TJs in a mammary epithelium.130 Furthermore,
assembly of epithelial junctions. Because proinflamma- depletion of eplin expression has been found to impair
tory cytokines are known to up-regulate cofilin expression organization of the perijunctional F-actin belt and AJ
and decrease its phosphorylation,121 stimulation of ADF/ integrity in vitro.128 Interestingly, plastin-1– deficient
cofilin-dependent actin turnover is a reasonable mecha- mice are characterized by increased permeability of
nism for epithelial barrier disruption during inflammation. the intestinal barrier in vivo, although no changes in
Interestingly, other recent studies have suggested that epithelial TJ and AJ morphology have been detected in
dysfunction of ADF/cofilin can negatively regulate cell– these animals.131
cell adhesions and promote inflammation. For example, Virtually nothing is known about the role of actin-bun-
overexpression of LIMK1, which inactivates ADF/cofilin, dling proteins in epithelial barrier dysfunction during in-
has been shown to increase permeability of endothelial flammation. However, mutations in the ␣-actinin-4 isoform
cell monolayers and disrupt endothelial junctions.122 Fur- have been associated with glomerulosclerosis in hu-
thermore, LIMK1 deficiency in mice significantly de- mans,132 and ␣-actinin-4-null mice develop severe glo-
creased severity of LPS-induced acute lung injury by merular disease.133 In addition, increased sensitivity to
suppressing microvascular permeability and neutrophil DSS colitis has been observed in plastin-1–null mice.131
infiltration in the lungs.122 Additionally, ADF-deficient These data implicate F-actin cross-linking proteins in reg-
mice have been shown to develop spontaneous inflam- ulating the integrity of epithelial barriers in diseases. In-
mation of the cornea.123 These apparently contradictory terestingly, decreased mRNA expression of ␣-actinins 1
sets of data can be reconciled if it is assumed that and 4 has been detected in the intestinal mucosa of CD
intermediate levels of perijunctional actin filament turn- and UC patients.134 Such expressional down-regulation
Epithelial Barriers in Inflammation 521
AJP August 2010, Vol. 177, No. 2

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