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ABAP/4 Workbench

1. What is ABAP workbench? And what are the workbench tools?

2. What is the transaction code of SAP Application hierarchy?

3. What are various ways of starting a program?

4. Why we assign repository object with a change request?

5. What are the transporting repository objects? Explain.

6. What are the general things are required to write an individual statement?

7. Open the object list for development class BC400. Find the program
SAPBC400WBT_GETTING_STARTED, and open its object list. Throughout the
exercise, make sure that you remain in display mode.

7.1 Run the program to find out how it works. There is an input field on the selection

7.1.1. What information must you pass to the program? (Use the F1 help for the
input field)
7.1.2. What values can you enter? (Use the possible entries help F4)
7.1.3. What information does the program provide?
7.1.4. What user dialogs does the program contain? Find out the number of the
selection screen and the dynpro screen by choosing System  Status.
7.1.5. What are the names of the input field on the selection screen and the
output fields on the screen? To find out the names, use the F1 help for
each field then choose Technical info.

7.2 Use the object list in the Object Navigator to examine the program.

7.2.1. What data objects are there? (Use the program object list) Where are
they defined? (Use navigation) Where are they used? (Use the where-
used list).
7.2.2. What data object in the ABAP program corresponds to the input field on
the selection screen? (Look in the object list for a data object with the
same name as the field that you found out in step 1-2-5.)

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7.2.3. Which statement processes the screen? (Look in the source code or use
a where-used list for the screen number.)
7.2.4. Navigate to the screen, and from there to the graphical layout. Click an
output field. Where in the graphical layout editor does the field name
appear that you found out in step 1-2-5?

7.3 Navigate to the program source code.

7.3.1. Which statement constructs the list? Open the keyword documentation for
this statement. How do you create a line break?
7.3.2. Which statement is responsible for the database dialog? From which
database table is the data read? Navigate to the database table definition.
What columns are in the table?
7.3.3. Only one line is read from the database table. In which data object is the
information as to which line should be read? When is the variable
containing the information about the line of the database to be read filled?

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