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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,409,708

Locke et al. 45 Date of Patent: Apr. 25, 1995
54 FUNGICIDAL COMPOSITIONS DERIVED Erysimi,” R. P. Singh, C. Devakumar and S. Dhingra,
FROM NEEMO AND NEEMWAX Phytoparasitica, 16(3), 225-230 (1988).
FRACTIONS Warthen, Jr., "Azadirachta indica: A Source of Insect
75) Inventors: John C. Locke, Silver Spring; James Feeding Inhibitors and Growth Regulators,” Science
F. Walter, Ashton; Hiram G. Larew, and Education Administration, Agricultrual Reviews and
III, Hyattsville, all of Md. Manuals, Northeastern Series, No. 4, Apr. (1979).
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73 Assignee: W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn., New York, rachta Indica) Extracts of Some Soil-Borne Pathogens
N.Y. of Gram (Cicer Arietinum)” Mycologia, vol. 72, pp.
(21) Appl. No.: 190,696 1077-1092 (1980).
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Related U.S. Application Data Protection, 89(12), pp. 737-747 (1982).
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63 Continuation of Ser. No. 959,860, Oct. 13, 1992, aban Solvents for the Extraction of Neem Seed Components
doned, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 949,180, With Insecticidal Activity,” Proc. 2nd Int. Neem Conf,
Sep. 21, 1992, abandoned, which is a continuation-in pp. 103-114 (1983).
part of Ser. No. 866,968, Apr. 13, 1992, abandoned, Feuerhake et al., “Development of a Standardized and
which is a continuation of Ser. No. 818,748, Jan. 7,
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637,027, Jan. 3, 1991, abandoned. Extract,” Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, pp.
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51 Int. Cl6 ...... a 4 w w so was a sea w w w A01N 25/08
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52 U.S.C. ................................. 424/410; 424/195.1; Neem on Pests of Vegetables and Fruit Trees, pp.
424/405; 424/408 69-83 (1986). .
58 Field of Search ................. 424/410, 408, 45, 405, Anon., "Fungi,”-, p. 70 (1986).
424/195.1; 514/453, 468 Dreyer, "Field and Laboratory Trials With Simple
56) References Cited Neem Products as Protectants Against Pests of Vegeta
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ble and Field Crops in Togo,” Proc. 3rd Int. Neem
Conf, pp. 431–437 (1986).
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4,537,774 8/1985 Shimizu et al. ... ... 424/195.1
4,556,562 12/1985 Larson .............................. 424/195.1 Primary Examiner-Thurman K. Page
4,822,614 4/1989 Rodero ................................ 424/405 Assistant Examiner-William E. Benston, Jr.
(List continued on next page.) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Beverly K. Johnson
4301885 5/1984 Australia . Novel fungicide compositions prepared from neem
1122088 7/1987 Australia . seeds are disclosed. Two distinct neem derived fungi
3809427 10/1989 Germany . cides obtained non-polar, hydrophobic solvent neem
60-233006 11/1985 Japan . . seed extracts which are substantially free of azadirach
(List continued on next page.) tin, by removing the hydrophobic solvent and cooling
OTHER PUBLICATIONS the resulting neem oil to separate a semi-solid neem wax
fraction and a clarified neem oil fraction.
“Activity of Neem (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss) Seed
Kernel Extracts Against the Mustard Aphid Lipaphis 7 Claims, No Drawings
Page 2

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cold was similar in the control of phytophagous arthro
FUNGCDAL COMPOSITIONS DERVED FROM pods to aqueous extracts; expeller-pressed oil was much
NEEMOL AND NEEMWAX FRACTIONS less active. Singh et al. (1980) reports that neem oil
obtained with a Soxhlet apparatus, no solvent given,
This application is a continuation-in-part of 5 controls fungi including Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizocto
07/959,860 filed on Oct. 13, 1992, now abandoned, nia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii and Sclerotia sclerotiorum. It
which is a continuation of 949,180 filed Sep. 21, 1992 is likely that all of these materials contained appreciable
which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Ser. No. 866,968, polar moieties, including several liminoids.
filed Apr. 13, 1992, now abandoned, which is a continu Similarly, neem oil has been reported to have insecti
ation of U.S. Ser. No. 818,748, filed Jan. 7, 1992 (aban 10 cidal properties but the reports of efficacy are often in
doned), which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 637,027 conflict, perhaps because of significant differences in
filed Jan. 3, 1991 (abandoned). the composition of the "neem oil” tested. Furinstau et
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION al. (1985) report that a 1% suspension of neem oil (no
1. Field of the Invention
method of preparation identified) is effective at control
15 ling aphids but is phytotoxic to sorghum plants. Yet
This invention relates to novel pesticide and fungi Saxena et al. (1984) report that a >6% suspension of
cide compositions obtained from neem seed extracts neem oil is necessary to achieve statistical control of the
prepared by extracting seeds with non-polar hydropho planthopper Nilaparatu lugens on rice seedlings, appar
bic solvents. More specifically, a neem wax and a clari ently with no phytotoxic effect.
fied neem oil fraction are prepared which exhibit the 20 Hydrophobic solvent extracted neem oil is disclosed
consistent ability to repel pests from plant surfaces and in U.S. Ser. No. 07/456,762, now abandoned (Locke et
to kill pests and fungi at various life stages. al.). It is taught that the disclosed formulations exhibit
2. Description of Prior Art the ability to repel insects from plant surfaces, prevent
The neem tree, a tropical evergreen, has been used fungal growth and kill insect and fungal pests at various
for centuries as a source of insecticides to which insects 25 life stages.
have not developed a resistance. Various neem seed It has now been discovered that consistent fungicidal
extracts, particularly the ones containing the tetranor and insecticidal neem fractions can be obtained from
triterpenoid azadirachtin, are known to influence the hydrophobic solvent extracted neem oil by fractionat
feeding behavior, metamorphosis (insect growth regu ing the neem oil by cooling to obtain a neem wax frac
lating effect), fecundity, and fitness of numerous insect 30 tion and a clarified neem oil fraction. Furthermore, it is
and fungal species belonging to various orders. shown that freeze fractionation of the neem oil pro
Neem seeds also contain an oil substance which has duces a lower-phytotoxic clarified neem oil material.
been used for its medicinal and therapeutic properties
for centuries. However, "neem oil' has been produced SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
by a number of methods and this has lead to a great 35 In accordance with the present invention, there are
variability in the properties of materials designated as provided certain novel insecticidal and fungicidal for
"neem oil'. Very little chemical characterization has mulations derived from non-polar, hydrophobic solvent
therefore been possible. Many of the publications refer neem oil extracts which are substantially free of azadi
ring to "neem oil” give no information as to its prepara rachtin, and which, following removal of the solvent to
tion, which is the key determinant of its composition. yield neem oil, are further separated into distinct frac
There are two principle methods of removal of oil tions: a clarified neem oil fraction and a neem wax frac
from neem seeds: expulsion, where the oil is pressed tion. These fractions exhibit the ability to repel and kill
from the seeds, and extraction, where the oil is removed pest, i.e., insect larvae as well as adults, and control
from the seeds by solubilization in a solvent. Inherently, foliar and surface fungal pathogens.
materials made by these methods have very different 45 U.S. Ser. No. 07/456,762, now abandoned (Locke et
properties. Oil expelled from the seed will also contain al.) teaches that non-polar hydrophobic solvent extracts
water expelled from the seed by the same process. This of ground neem seed yield a neem oil product that can
aqueous material will carry along with it liminoids, such have combined insecticidal and fungicidal activities.
as azadirachtin, which themselves have insecticidal The present invention teaches improvement of the
activity. 50 neem oil product by fractionating to separate the waxes
Khan et al. (1986) report that neem oil (source uni from the oils. The clarified neem oil demonstrates in
dentified) showed no inhibitory affect on the growth of creased insect repellency, decreased phytotoxicity, de
a variety of fungi. In fact, it is reported that the neem oil creased skin irritability, increased fungicidal activity
was contaminated with molds including Aspergillus and increased wetting ability. The neem wax demon
niger and Aspergillus flavus. Similarly, Sharma et al. 55 strates increased insect repellency, increased fungicidal
(1986) report that 3-5% neem seed oils (no method of activity and increased wetting ability.
preparation given) had no effect on the control of pod It is therefore an object of this invention to provide
borer Heliothis armigera on chick-pea, and Gujar et al. novel natural insecticides derived from the clarified
(1985) report that neem seed oil (no method of prepara neem oil fraction or neem wax fraction of non-polar
tion given) had no effect on the desert locust, Schis solvent-extracted neem oil. It is further intended that
tocerca gregaria. these novel insecticides will repel and kill insects pests
Contrary to this, it has been reported that neem oil at various life stages.
formulations prepared by expressing oil from the seeds It is also an object of this invention to provide novel
or by extracting with aqueous solvents are effective natural fungicides which will kill and control various
insecticides and fungicides. It is reported that 10% 65 pathogenic fungi.
neem oil (preparation unidentified) (Anon. 1986) inhib An additional object is to provide novel natural insec
ited the growth of certain fungi in vitro. Dreyer (1986) ticides and fungicides which repel and kill insects and
discloses that neem oil obtained by handpressing in the pathogenic fungi on plant surfaces. Related objects are
3 4.
to provide methods of preparing and using the novel pressed neem oil will include those non-polar hydro
natural insecticides. phobic solvents having high neem oil solubility and
Another object of this invention is to provide natural substantially no azadirachtin solubility. The preferred
insecticide formulations derived from neem seeds for non-polar hydrophobic solvents include, but are not
protecting stored fruit and grains from various insecti limited to, aliphatic hydrocarbons such as pentane, hex
cides or fungal pests. ane, heptane, octane, nonane, decane, isooctane, cyclo
A further object of this invention is to provide natural hexane, and isomers thereof; petroleum distillates, pe
insecticide formulations derived from neem seeds that troleum ether, and the like; aromatics such as benzene,
can protect animals from various pests or fungi. toluene, and the like; substituted aromatics such as chlo
It is also an object of this invention to provide natural 10 robenzene, benzaldehyde, xylenes, and the like; and
insecticide formulations derived from neem seeds that mixtures thereof. Various other non-polar hydrophobic
can protect stored objects such as books, papers or solvents having the above characteristics are well
cloth from various pests or fungi. known to those skilled in the art, and the choice of a
A final object of the invention is to provide novel particular solvent is not critical to the invention, pro
neem-based insecticide and fungicide compositions hav 15 vided that the solvent is non-polar, hydrophobic, and
ing one or more of the following characteristics: insect exhibits little azadirachtin solubility and a high degree
repellency, low phytotoxicity, low skin irritation, and of neem oil solubility.
good wetting ability. The solvent is then stripped from the neem oil extract
DETAILED DESCRIPTION at the lowest practical temperature to prevent degrada
20 tion, preferably being removed by vacuum evaporation,
As used herein, the term "insecticide' or "insecti although other methods may be used. The resulting
cidal' is intended to encompass insect repellents, insec neem oil is then fractionated. Hydrophillic and hydro
ticides, larvacides, ovicides and the like. The term "in phobic solvents may be used to fractionate the neem oil.
secticidally effective amount' or "fungicidally effective For example, co-solvents such as ethanol and hexanol
amount” means that dosage of active substance suffi 25 can facilitate fractionation of the oil. The oil is cooled to
cient to exert the desired insecticidal or fungicidal activ about 5 to 15° C., preferably less than about 10 C.,
ity. The terms “clarified neem oil' or "neem oil frac whereupon certain waxes and fatty acids contained
tion' are used herein interchangeably to designate a therein solidify. The solid components are filtered out
non-polar hydrophobic solvent extracted neem oil to obtain a semi-solid neem wax fraction. The remaining
which has been fractionated by cooling to about 5 C. to liquid filtrate is retained as clarified neem oil of the
15° C. to precipitate therefrom solidified neem wax crude neem oil.
fractions. The term "neem wax' or "neem wax frac The 5-15 C. temperature range represents the tran
tion' is used herein interchangeably to designate a semi sition temperature range of the neem wax fraction be
solid neem wax fraction precipitated from a non-polar tween its clear liquid form and its yellow white solid
hydrophobic solvent extracted neem oil by cooling the 35 form. The fraction that clouds the oil and then precipi
oil to about 5 C. to about 15 C. The term "neem frac tates out is the neem wax fraction. The remaining clari
tions' is used herein to designate the clarified neem oil fied oil fraction, on the other hand, remains a clear
and the neem wax fraction. The term "crude neem oil' liquid down to 5' C.
is used herein to designate a non-polar hydrophobic The two fractions possess distinct insecticidal, fungi
solvent extracted neem oil obtained by removal of the cidal and phytotoxic properties. While both the clari
nonpolar solvent. fied neem oil and neem wax fractions of the invention
Some active ingredients of the seeds and leaves of the exhibit useful insecticidal and fungicidal properties,
tropical neem tree, Azadirachtin indica, particularly the consequently, it has been discovered that there are cer
tetranortriterpenoid azadirachtin, are known for their tain applications where it may be advantageous to use
potent insecticidal activities. The present invention is 45 either the oil or wax fraction.
directed to clarified neem oil and neem wax fractions The clarified neem oil, which is an orange brown
that are substantially free of azadirachtin and yet pos liquid at room temperature, has very low phytotoxicity
sess the ability to repel insect pests from surfaces, kill and causes little or no irritation on contact with plant
and repel insect pests at various life stages and prevent surfaces. It exhibits the ability to kill not only insect
fungal growth on plant and other surfaces. For pur 50 larvae, but also insects in the egg and adult stage. Appli
poses of the present invention, the term "substantially cation at the egg stage causes large numbers of the eggs
free of azadirachtin' is used herein to indicate clarified to shrivel, eliminating hatching. Where hatching oc
neem oil and neem wax fractions having less than 1.0 curs, many nymphs die upon emergence from the egg
weight percent, preferably less than 0.3 weight percent, case. Treatment of plants also acts to repel adult insects,
most preferably less than 0.03 weight percent, of azadi 55 preventing eggs from being deposited. In addition, this
rachtin. neem oil fraction is a potent foliar and skin fungicide.
The insecticides and fungicides of this invention are Clarified neem oil can be effectively used as a spray
prepared from neem oil extract obtained by extracting on surfaces to control various pests and fungi on a vari
neem seeds or expressed neem oil with a suitable non ety of plants, stored grains, and animals. Furthermore, it
polar, hydrophobic solvent. Preferably, neem seeds are 60 can be used to protect stored books, rugs, or other mate
coarsely ground for extraction of the neem oil. It will rials normally attacked by pests, i.e., insects, and fungi
also be possible to treat neem oil that has been physi by adding as an aerosol spray or mist or by incorpora
cally expressed from the seeds by commonly practiced tion into the manufacturing process. Finally, it can be
methods. However, treatment of expressed oil to form applied as a soap, gel, liquid, salve, or the like, to repel
the neem fractions of this invention is less preferred 65 insects and protect skin or wool from insect and fungal
than direct solvent extraction from neem seeds. attack.
Suitable non-polar hydrophobic solvents for use in In comparison, neem wax is a yellow-white, flowable
extracting the neem oil from the neem seeds or ex semi-solid at room temperature (melting point about
5-15 C., preferably about 10 C). It has the same are intended to provide usable ranges for both the wax
general insecticidal and fungicidal effects as the neem and clarified oil fractions, with the understanding that
oil fraction. It exhibits a superior ability to kill insect the fractions will be diluted to the desired and appropri
eggs. However, it may not be quite as effective as clari ate fluidity for the intended purpose (i.e., as an insecti
fied neem oil for foliar uses, as it exhibits a higher phyto cide and/or fungicide for one or more applications).
toxicity than clarified neem oil. Formulations contain One or more surfactants may typically be used in
ing neem wax may be particularly suitable for use as a preparing the insecticide formulations. Non-ionic sur
dormant spray prior to the emergence of foliage on the factants will generally be preferred. Examples include,
plant. but are not limited to, Triton B-1956. Tween-20, sodium
The neem wax fraction may be used as a protectant O dodecylsulfide and the like. For certain applications,
for paper or textiles, i.e. for books and woolen fabrics. anionic surfactants (such as Ivory (R) liquid soap or the
Due to the semi-solid state of the neem wax fraction at
room temperature, the treated surface would feel dry like) may be preferred. Where aqueous diluents or in
rather than oily. In addition, it can easily be incorpo gredients are used, an emulsifying surfactant should be
rated in protective soaps, repellent sticks and repellent 15 used. Selection of surfactants, inert ingredients and
candles. diluents will depend on the application and are well
The neem formulations or fractions of this invention known to those of ordinary skill in the art.
The clarified neem oil or neem wax fractions of the
are effective to control such insect pests as Colorado present invention may be employed alone and/or with
Potato Beetle, Diamond Backed Moth, Whitefly, Mealy such solid and/or liquid dispersible carrier vehicles
bug, Aphids, Hornworm, Lacebug, mites, fleas, ticks, 20 and/or
mosquitoes and flies and the like. They are also effective especiallywith other known compatible active agents,
plant protection agents, such as other insecti
at controlling fungi-such as mildews, rusts, dollar spot, cides, arthropodicides, nematicides, fungicides, bacteri
brown patch, black spots, botrytis, and the like. Fur
thermore, the neem oil can be used to control parasitic regulating agents, synergists, etc., fertilizers,
cides, rodenticides, herbicides, growth
if desired, or in the
pests on mannals such as lice, ticks, scabies, as well as 25 form of particular dosage preparations for specific ap
eczema and dermatitus. The neem formulations of this
invention are particularly useful to repel moths in a plications made therefrom, such as emulsions, suspen
confined space, i.e., closets. sions, powders, pastes, and granules which are thus
In the compositions and formulations of the inven ready for use. It may also be desired to mix one (or
tion, the clarified neem oil or neem wax fraction may be 30 both) of the neem fractions of this invention with one or
used alone or mixed with conventional inert agronomi more active ingredients. For example, useful but envi
cally or physiologically acceptable (i.e. plant and mam ronmentally toxic or phytotoxic chemical insecticides
mal compatible and/or insecticidally inert) diluents or can be used at a reduced, and thereby safer, level by use
extenders usable in conventional compositions or for as a co-insecticide with the products of this invention.
mulations as is well known in the art. If desired, adju 35 Also, it may be desired to add a neem wax component
vants such as surfactants, stabilizers, antifoam agents to a standard insecticide and/or fungicide formulation
and antidrift agents may also be added. Examples of to make the material more resistant to being washed off.
compositions and formulations according to the inven The following examples are provided to illustrate the
tion include aqueous or other agronomically acceptable invention in accordance with the principles of this in
suspensions and dispersions, oily dispersions, pastes, vention, but are not to be construed as limiting the
dusting powders, wettable powders, emulsifiable con invention in any way except-as indicated in the ap
centrates, flowables, granules, baits, invert emulsions, pended claims.
aerosol compositions and fumigating candles. EXAMPLE 1.
The compositions and formulations are prepared in a
known manner to one skilled in the art, for example by 45 This example illustrates the effectiveness of the clari
extending the active compounds with conventional fied neem oil and neem wax fractions of this invention
dispersible liquid diluent carriers and/or dispersible on newly laid or near-to-hatch greenhouse whitefly
solid carriers optionally with the use of carrier vehicle (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) eggs. These fractions
assistants, e.g., conventional surface-active agents, in were obtained by first extracting 180 lb. neem seed with
cluding emulsifying agents and/or dispersing agents, 50 150 gal. hexane in an agitated vessel at room tempera
whereby, for example, in the case where water is used ture for 20 hours. The seeds were then separated from
as diluent, organic solvents may be added as auxiliary the hexane-oil extract by centrifugation and the hexane
solvents. oil extract was evaporated at 60° C. until 35 lbs. of a
Adhesives such as carboxymethylcellulose and natu thick brown neem oil product was obtained. The neem
ral and synthetic polymers in the form of powders, 55 oil product was cooled to 10 C. and then filtered to
granules or lattices, such as gun arabic, polyvinyl alco remove precipitated waxes. Thirty pounds of clarified
hol, polyvinyl cellulose, and polyvinyl acetate, can be neem oil containing 0.02 weight percent of azadirachtin
used in the formulations to improve the adherence of were obtained along with 5 lbs. of neem wax.
this insecticide. Furthermore, a lubricant such as cal The clarified neem oil fraction and neem wax fraction
cium stearate or magnesium stearate may be added to a 60 each were formulated into 1% and 3% solutions in 100
wettable powder or to a mixture to be granulated. ml water containing one drop of surfactant (Ivory TM
In general, insecticide and fungicide formulations in liquid soap). To test the effectiveness of the formula
accordance with this invention can be prepared by tions, 50 potted chrysanthemum plants cv. Iceberg had
diluting the clarified neem oil or neem wax fraction all but 3 fully-expanded leaves removed. The plants
with about 0.1 to 50% by volume surfactant, inertingre 65 were placed in a whitefly colony for 24 hours, removed,
dient or diluent. The formulation may then be further and sprayed with a water-mist to remove the adult
diluted with water to form a 0.1 to 10%, preferably 0.1 whiteflies from the plants. The plants were divided into
to 5%, suspension before application. These dilutions ten groups of five plants and treated as follows:
7 8
Group 1: sprayed with water 0 days after exposure sprayed on chrysanthemum foliage. Clarified neem oil
(DAE) to whiteflies, and neem wax formulations were prepared according to
Group 2: sprayed with 1% clarified neem oil formula Example 1. To test the effectiveness of the formulations,
tion 0 DAE, eighteen 3-week-old potted chrysanthemum plants cv.
Group 3: sprayed with 3% clarified neem oil formula- 5 Iceberg, having all but 3 fully expanded leaves re
tion 0 DAE, moved, were divided into six groups of three and
Group 4: sprayed with 1% clarified neem oil formula treated as follows:
tion 4 DAE, Group 1: sprayed with water,
Group 5: sprayed with 3% clarified neem oil formula Group 2: sprayed with 1% clarified neem oil formula
tion 4 DAE, O
Group 6: sprayed with water 0 days after exposure
(DAE) to whiteflies, Group 3: sprayed with 3% clarified neem oil formula
Group 7: sprayed with 1% neem wax formulation 0 tion,
DAE, Group 4: sprayed with water,
Group 8: sprayed with 3% neem wax formulation 0 15 Group 5: sprayed with 1% neem wax formulation,
DAE, Group 6: sprayed with 3% neem wax formulation,
Group 9: sprayed with 1% neem wax formulation 4 and then exposed to a colony of whiteflies for 24 hours.
DAE, and After exposure, the plants were cleaned of whiteflies
Group 10: sprayed with 3% neem wax formulation 4 and the number of eggs per leaf was determined. The
DAE. results were as follows:
Greenhouse whitefly eggs usually hatch 5-6 days TABLE 2
after oviposition, thus the 4DAE treatments (Groups 4 Effectiveness of Clarified Neem Oil and Neem Wax
and 5) were applied near the time of egg hatch. Once all Formulations as Repellents Against
the eggs had hatched on the control plants (Groups 1 Bernisia tabaci on Chrysanthemums
and 6, those sprayed with water), the effectiveness of 25 Trial Treatment Eggs
each neem formulation was assessed by counting the
eggs and dead nymphs per leaf. The results were as Group 1 Water 33.1a
Group 2 1% 1.4b
TABLE 1 30 Group 3 3% 1.3b
Effect of Clarified Neem Oil or Neen Wax Formulations Wax:
When Sprayed on New and 4-Day Old Group 4 Water 63.6a
Greenhouse Whitefly Eggs Laid on Chrysanthemums Group 5 1% 7.2b
Dead Group 6 3% 0.2b
Trial Treatment Eggs Nymphs? %. Mortality values are means calculated per 100 cm leafarea. Means in the same trial followed
Clarified Oil: 35 by the same letter are not significantly different; DMRT, P = 0.05, N = 9 leaves.
Group i Water 180a 27b. 15
Group 2 1%, 0 DAE 126a 11.8a. 94 The results show that all the clarified neem oil and
Group 3 3%, 0 DAE 137a 13a 96 neem wax formulations were effective at repelling
Group 4 1%, 4 DAE 173a 121a 70 whiteflies.
Group 5 3%, 4 DAE 130a 124a 95
Wax: 40
Group 6 Water 314bc 3d O
Group 7
Group 8
1%, 0 DAE
3%, 0 DAE
This example illustrates the longevity of repellant
Group 9 1%, 4 DAE 311bc 303b 974 action of both the neem wax and clarified neem oil
Group 10 3%, 4 DAE 51 la 511a 1004 fractions when sprayed on chrysanthemum cv. Iceberg
values are means per 100 cm leaf area. Means within trial followed by the same
45 foliage. Repellency was quantified by counting the
letter are not significantly different; DMRT, P = 0.05, N = 15 leaves.
"Dead Nymphs" include shriveled eggs (in which the nymph did not emerge but
number of greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodas vaporari
was nevertheless dead). orum) eggs laid on leaves. Clarified neem oil and neem
Number of dead nymphs divided by the number of eggs,
Most eggs shrivelled.
wax formulations were prepared according to Example
1. Forty eight 3-4 week old chrysanthemum plants cv.
The clarified neem oil and neem wax fractions at both Iceberg having all but 3 fully expanded leaves removed,
concentrations and exposure times caused significant were divided into three groups of 16 plants each and
treated as follows:
nymphal mortality. The clarified neem oil fraction Group 1: sprayed with water,
caused slightly less mortality when applied as a 1% Group 2: sprayed with 1% clarified neem oil formula
spray to older eggs than at other strengths and times. 55
The neem wax fraction caused most of the eggs to ap
pear shriveled with the 3% spray at both treatment Group 3: sprayed with 3% clarified neem oil formula
times, and with the 1% spray at 4 DAE. Mortality was tion,
primarily observed at the egg or newly hatched Group 4: sprayed with water,
nymphal stage. It appears that while clarified neem oil is 60 Group 5: sprayed with 1% neem wax formulation,
particularly effective in killing whitefly nymph, the Group 6: sprayed with 3% neem wax formulation.
neem wax is particularly effective in killing whitefly On the same day as spraying (Day 0) four plants from
eggs. each group were placed in a whitefly colony for 24
EXAMPLE 2 hours. On days 3, 7 and 14, four more plants from each
65 group were exposed to the whitefly colony for 24
This example illustrates the effectiveness of the clari hours. After each exposure, the number of eggs per 100
fied neem oil fraction and the neem wax fraction as cm2 of leaf area on the top two leaves were counted.
repellents against adult Bemisia tabaci whiteflies when The results were as follows:
TABLE 3 TABLE 5-continued
Clarified Neem Oil and Neem Wax - Residual Effects Whitefly Count
Mean No. Eggs Trial Treatment Tomato Pelargonum
Test Treatment Day 0 Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 5 3 1:50 Clarified Neem Oil 1.5 1.25
Clarified Oil: 4 1:100 Neen Wax
Group 1 Water 434a 376a 640a 514a 5 1:50 Neem Wax
Group 2 1% 34t 47b. 82b 75 Scale for whitefly count at 9 weeks:
Group 3 3% 13b 10b 37b 46b = 0 whitefly scales/larvae
Wax: 10 2 = less than 10
3 = 10 to 50
Group 4 Water 522a 470a 404a 431a 4 = greater than 50
Group 5 12 55b 89b 46b 67
Group 6 3% 7b 3b 6b 1b.
values are means per 100 cm leaf area. Means within trial followed by the same The plants were sprayed weekly. The greenhouse
letter are not significantly different; DMRT, P = 0.05, N = 8 leaves. whitefly population was at a low level. Plants in Treat
15 ment 1 (Control) showed significantly higher numbers
Both the clarified neem oil and the neem wax formu of adult whiteflies than any of the neem treatments after
lations effectively repelled ovipositing T. vaporariorum 5 weeks.
for up to 14 days after spraying. There were no clear: After 6 weeks, Treatments 4 and 5 demonstrated
differences in the level of repellence between the neem extensive, phytotoxicity (leaf injury) on both plant
oil and neem wax fractions, nor between the two con- 20 types. Applications of Treatments 4 and 5 were discon
centrations tested. Although not statistically different tinued and plants in these treatments discarded.
from 1% concentration, generally the 3% clarified After 9 weeks, Treatments 2 and 3 continued to ex
neem oil and neem wax formulations reduced the num hibit no phytotoxicity on either plant type. Whitefly
ber of eggs laid to lower levels. The neem wax formula counts were made.
tions appeared to have somewhat greater longevity of 25
repellency over the 14 days of this test. EXAMPLE 6
EXAMPLE 4 This example demonstrates the effectiveness of clari
fied neem oil formulations for protection against pow
This example illustrates the effectiveness of neem oil, dery mildew development on greenhouse hydrangeas.
clarified neem oil, and neem wax on bean rust control. 30 Clarified neem oil was prepared according to Example
Clarified neem oil and neem wax fractions were pre 1. A 1% dilution of clarified neem oil was sprayed onto
pared according to Example 1. Neem oil product was
prepared according to Example 1, stopping after the hydrangeas first control
every 14 days. Comparison was made to a
in which the plants were sprayed with
hexane was evaporated from the neem oil extract to water and a second control in which plants were
yield the neem oil product. One percent solutions of 35 sprayed with Sunspray TM insecticide, a commercially
neem oil product, clarified neem oil, and neem wax available formulation. Five plants were used in each test
were prepared in water and sprayed on bean leaves. group. Each plant was examined for the presence of
These leaves were then inoculated with bean rust mildew on its leaves. The results, shown in Table 6,
spores, placed in a dew chamber for 16 hours and then demonstrate that the clarified neem oil formulation is
moved to the greenhouse. After seven days, the number effective in preventing development of powdery mil
of rust pustules per leaf area were counted. The results, dew.
presented in Table 4, show that the clarified neem oil
formulation showed the greatest reduction in pustules TABLE 6
present. The neem wax formulation had the lowest Effect of Clarified Neem Oil Spray
reduction, although it exhibited a statistically significant 5 on Powdery Mildew Development
improvement over the control. Mildew % Leaves
Test Treatment -- -- Mildew -
Treatment Pustules % Control Group 1 Water 48.6 57.0 46.0%
Group 2 12 Clarified 1.8 101.4 1.7%
Control 5,900 a O 50 Neem Oil
1%. Neem Wax 1,302 b 78 Group 3 1% Sunspray 0.2 92.0 0.2%
1%. Neem Oil Product 840 bc 86.1 Insecticide
1%. Clarified Neem Oil 573 c 90.3
Counts represent average number of leaves with mildew present (--) or absent (-).
values are means calculated per 100 cm leafarea. Means in the same trial followed
by the same letter are not significantly different; DMRT, P = 0.05, N = 9. 55
EXAMPLE 5 This example demonstrates the decreased phytotoxic
This example illustrates the effectiveness of the clari ity of clarified neem oil as to compared to crude neem
fied neem oil and neem wax fractions of this invention oil and neem wax.
against the whitefly. It also illustrates lack of phytotox- 60 Neem oil obtained by extruding Neem seeds with
icity of the neem oil fraction on tomato and Pelargonum hexane and evaporation of this hexane was clarified by
seedlings with repeated applications. cooling to 5' C. and filtering off the resulting wax. Each
of the three materials, crude Neem oil, clarified Neem
oil and Neem wax was then formulated with 10% sur
Whitefly Count 65 factant B-1956 sold by Rohm and Haas of Philadelphia,
Trial Treatment Tomato Pelargonum Pa., and then diluted in water at a rate of 1%. This
1. Water 4. 3.25 solution was then sprayed on Hybred Red Elite Gera
2 1:100 Clarified Neem Oil 3 2.0 nium flowers each week for a period of three weeks.
The day after each spray, the damage to the flowers was 1. A fungicide formulation comprising a fungicidally
measured as outlined in Table 7. effective amount of a clarified neem oil which has less
than 1.0 weight percent of azadirachtin.
TABLE 7 2. A fungicide formulation of claim 1 in which the
clarified neem oil has less than 0.3 weight percent of
3. The fungicide formulation of claim 1 which further
Crude Oil 3.6 comprises a surfactant present as 0.1 to 50 percent by
Neem Wax 3.5 volume of the formulation.
Clarified Oil 1.2
O 4. The fungicide formulation of claim 1 which further
comprises an agronomically acceptable liquid dispers
Key: l = None, 2 = Slight, 3 = Moderate, 4 = Severe ible carrier.
5. The fungicide formulation of claim 4 in which the
Without further elaboration, it is believed that one carrier is water.
skilled in the art, using the preceding detailed descrip 15 6. The fungicide formulation of claim 5 in which the
tion and examples can utilize the present invention to its clarified neem oil fraction is diluted to a 0.1 to 10% by
volume concentration in water.
fullest extent. The principles, preferred embodiments 7. A fungicide formulation comprising a fungicidally
and modes of operation of the present invention have effective amount of a neem wax which has been ob
been described in the foregoing specification. Varia 20 tained by cooling a non-polar, hydrophobic solvent
extracted neem oil between about 5 C. and about 15
tions and changes may be made by those skilled in the C., and which is characterized as being a flowable,
art without departing from the spirit of the invention. semi-solid at room temperature and having less than 1.0
All parts and percentages are by weight unless other 25 weight percent of azadirachtin, wherein the non-polar,
wise indicated. hydrophobic solvent has neem oil solubility and sub
stantially no azadirachtin solubility.
What is claimed is: k k k :







PATENT NO. : 5,409,708
DATED : April 25, 1995
INVENTOR(S) : Locke et all
It is certified that error appears in the above-indentified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
Corrected as shown below:

On title page, item (73) Assignee, following

"N.Y." insert --The United States of America, as
Represented by the Secretary of Agriculture.

Signed and Sealed this

Fifth Day of December, 1995

Attesting Officer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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