Oral Presentation Rubric

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Oral Presentation Rubric: MID TERM EXAM SPEAKING

Teacher Name: Lic. Doris Chuquimarca

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 1 0.75 0.5 0.25

Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does not
completely pretty prepared somewhat seem at all
prepared and has but might have prepared, but it is prepared to
obviously needed a couple clear that rehearsal present.
rehearsed. more rehearsals. was lacking.
Time-Limit Presentation is 3-4 Presentation is 3 Presentation is 2 Presentation is less
minutes long. minutes long. minutes long. than 2 minutes OR
more than 4

Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100- distinctly most ( can not be
95%) the time, and 95%) the time, but 94-85%) of the understood OR
mispronounces no mispronounces time. mispronounces
words. one word. Mispronounces no more than one
more than one word.
PowerPoint presentation
Originality Product shows a Product shows Uses other Uses other
large amount of some original people's ideas people's ideas, but
original thought. thought. Work (giving them does not give them
Ideas are creative shows new ideas credit), but there is credit.
and inventive. and insights. little evidence of
original thinking.
Organization Makes excellent Makes good use of Makes use of font, Use of font, color,
use of font, color, font, color, color, graphics, graphics, effects
graphics, effects, graphics, effects, effects, etc. but etc. but these
etc. to enhance the etc. to enhance to occasionally these often distract from
presentation. presentation. detract from the the presentaion
(5-7 slides) presentation content.

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