Lit Work On Beka Lamb

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Yasel Acosta 4-14 MCHS October 7, 2010 Literature

1.) Describe the ways in which each major character changes during the course of the novel. (a) Beka- In the beginning of the novel, Beka is confused about her identity and seems to be a very ungrateful child, for she comes from a middle class Creole family but does not show appreciation for her good life because she fails first form. She flat irons her hair and has to live two different lives: one at school and another outside of school in her Belizean community. At school she has to follow the virtues of the Virgin Mary and is forced to be completely different from the individuals in her life. When not in school, Beka is faced with the ways of her Belizean Creole people which causes confusion in the manner she should behave. Beka does not know if she should be religious and pure as the nuns and Father Nunez desire, if she should fight for independence like her Granny Ivy, or if she should act like Toycie. Beka has no idea of whom she should follow and who should be her role model. However, as time progresses, Beka develops an identity and molds her own mentality. She no longer flat irons her hair and has her own views on life. Beka realizes that she wants to become a writer and move out of Belize when she is older. Unfortunately, for a period of time, finding her identity involves her isolation from her country and most importantly her family. Later, Beka grows together with her family and they become united. During the process of developing her identity, Beka matures and stops lying. Beka matures in the fact that she tries to no longer disappoint her family by cleaning her home good and not misbehaving. Another sign of Bekas maturity is her accomplishments; Beka wins the essay contest and passes the first semester with the rank of twenty one and an average of 75.5. Throughout the novel, Beka progresses and becomes an actual individual with a personality not just a person. (b.) Toycie- Toycie Qualo was filled and imprisoned by poverty. Toycie begins as a hopeful and ambitious intelligent female. She dreams of graduating from fourth form, living by the seaside and becoming a secretary in order for Ms Eila, her guardian, to no longer have to work hard to survive. Sad to say, none of these dreams become a reality, for Toycie is physically and mentally murdered. Every day that went by was a day further away from Toycies dreams due to the mistakes she committed as the days passed. Toycie makes wrong decisions, has sex with her boyfriend Emilio and becomes pregnant. This deprives her of her dreams because her opportunities are diminished when she is expelled from school. Toycies pregnancy causes great changes in her; she is no longer a vibrant

individual. Toycie is killed. Toycie becomes stuck in a fantasy world in which she still attends school and is working towards achieving her dreams. Toycie is kept in the Belize Asylum and is later taken to Sibun by Ms Eila. During the time of her babys conception, Toycies dreams and hopes are vanished but unfortunately when her baby dies her hopes do not return. Toycie eventually dies and leaves her friends and Ms Eila in grieve; however, her death helps to unite the Lamb family. (c.) Granny Ivy- It may seem that Granny Ivy does not change during the course of the novel but in reality she does. Granny Ivy commences the novel as a political fanatic and some one firm in her beliefs. She fights for what she believes is correct. Granny Ivy speaks whatever is on her mind and no one can change her mentality. She attends every PIP meeting and is a strong supporter in the fight for Independence unlike her son, Bill. Granny Ivy is a representative of small town ignorance; an instance of this is shown when she does not want to accept the Britishs help when Toycie fell from the London bridges. Granny Ivy is a role model for Beka and is also Bekas best friend. During the course of the story, Granny Ivy is greatly affected by the events occurring in their lives; when Toycie dies, Granny Ivy and the entire Lamb family become depressed and isolate themselves from the society. Granny Ivy stops attending her PIP meetings for a period of time. Eventually she begins to attend her PIP meetings once more but is no longer just a fanatic; reality has struck her and she now supports the party with a true purpose. Granny Ivy is now worried with the fact that if the struggles of the Belizeans will actually give them the results they desire. She is also worried about Beka and hopes that Bekas life is different from the outcome of Toycies life. Despite the fact that reality has finally seeped into her, Granny Ivy still maintains some of her small town ignorance and is still firm in what she believes; this is seen when she complains about Bekas medal not being made of sterling silver. (d.) Bill- Bill Lamb is a stern and old-fashioned man. He works hard and wants the best for his family. Bill Lamb was completely disappointed when his daughter, Beka, failed first form but most importantly he was always disappointed when she lied; phoney was what he used to call her. He hated when Beka flat ironed her hair because he was a man, just like his mother, who firmly believed in progressing but never forgetting your past. His change is clearly seen; Bill transforms from the disappointed and somewhat angry man to a loving, gentle and proud father. In the start of the novel, he would constantly have to scold Beka Lamb but in the end he even polished her shoes; he no longer had to worry greatly because Beka was now growing with direction. Toycie was like a daughter to Bill and when she died, he grieved immensely. Bill stopped going to the town club and became more family oriented. His family and he spent greater time together instead of doing things individually. (e.) Lilla- Lilla was a successful woman-according to the view of a successful woman in the 1950s- who believed, unlike Granny Ivy, in modernity. Lilla wanted to be modern and desired to fit in with the humans of the world; she wanted to be like the foreigners

of the country. She had no problem in forgetting her past in order to achieve this goal. Lillas desire to be different from the Belizean people is represented by the fact that she attempts, constantly, to grow roses in her garden- a plant that is difficult to cultivate in Belize and she encourages Beka to flat iron her hair. Lilla even disassociates herself from her own people because she would rather go to St.George's caye for vacation instead of going down south. Lilla eventually learns to accept her Belizean culture. She no longer desires to plant her roses but has now decided to grow plants that bloom easily in Belize and she braids Bekas hair herself. Lilla decides to embrace the beauty within her country. 2.) Identify the causes of all of these changes. (a.) Beka- When Beka failed first form she felt terrible and despised seeing the disappointment in her family. She wanted her family to be proud of her again so, when she was given another opportunity, Beka made the best of it. Beka worked hard in order to past first semester to feel proud of herself and to once more make her family pleased with her. Before Toycies deliria, Beka would seek her for her help. Another way in which Beka made her family admire her was by doing her house chores properly but most importantly she stopped lying. The reason why Beka became more involved in activities of school and she decided to become a writer was her best friend Toycie; Beka wanted to keep Toycies memory alive by accomplishing Toycies dreams. During the process of gaining the admiration of her family, friends and community Beka found her identity which shows that the cause of her gaining a personality is her family and Toycie. (b.) Toycie- Toycies downfall is due to the lack of love, attention and guidance in her life. Toycie grew up without parents. They left her in order to better her life but actually destroyed it. Ms Eila, hardworking as she was, worked hard to make Toycie and herself survive but never displayed affection to Toycie thus the reason why Toycie completely believed in Emilio. Her greatest mistake was fully putting her trust and life into the hands of one individual. Toycie lacked role models in her life; this is demonstrated in the fact that she believes Emilios excuses especially the excuse of that not being his child because his body never came into her. Her lack of role models is furthermore shown when Beka asks her if she never knew she could get pregnant without the man ejaculating inside her and she responds that she does not even believe that Ms Eila knows. Additionally, the final outcome of Toycies life occurs due to her being a female Creole whom in the 1950s had low chances of surviving especially due to the rigid idealistic mind of the church. Toycie was offered opportunities of surviving by absolutely no one. (c.) Granny Ivy- Toycies life is the great eye opener for Granny Ivy. The injustice done to Toycie despite the Lambs and Ms Eilas struggle made Granny Ivy contemplate on the fight her political party was putting against the British to attain our Independence. It caused her to fear that their struggles would be in vane. Her love for Beka also brought her to reality; she dreaded that Bekas life would turn out like Toycies.

(d.) Bill- Seeing his daughter develop a personality and a sense of direction, was a major contributor to Bill Lambs change. When Beka passed first semester and won the essay competition, he was extremely proud of her. Bekas accomplishments and her new honesty caused him to believe her and be proud of her. Another factor of his change was Toycies death; losing Toycie made him appreciate and enjoy his family more. He was so proud of Beka and became really family oriented that he even spent an entire evening polishing Bekas shoes for her to return to school on Monday. All the events that occurred in his life and the injustice he witnessed led to his change and made him accept the views of his mother towards Belizeans gaining independence. (e.) Lilla- The fact that Lillas roses would not grow despite all the effort she put in them, showed her that no matter how much she tried she could never fully liberate herself from her Belizean identity. Bekas success caused Lilla to accept the idea that prosperity was possible in Belize. Her family enjoyed going to Sibun and Lilla loved her family so she learned to accept and embrace her culture and the beauty of her country. 3.) Show why the characters responded in the way he/she did. (a.) Beka- Beka did not enjoy when her father called her phoney thus the reason why she worked diligently to stop lying and ceased the act of straightening her hair. Beka began to appreciate the good life she had when she was deprived of it during the time of her failure when her family was disappointed in her. She detested having no support from her family so she worked hard to pass first semester and cleaned properly to please her family. Beka then became ambitious due to that, and because she wanted to give Toycie justice in the only way she could, by keeping Toycies dreams alive. (b.) Toycie- Toycie believed everything Emilio told her because she was not properly instilled with values. Her parents are guilty of this because instead of facing their responsibility, they left Toycie alone to face life unprotected. Toycie leaves reality far before she actually dies because she is ashamed of what happened to her and creating a fantasy world was her only way of coping with all her mixed feelings. (c.) Granny Ivy- Granny Ivy continued going to her PIP meetings because, even though she was now realistic, she still believed in fighting for our Independence. She no longer just attended to be a follower of the party but now she was present because the meetings and her fighting had a purpose. Granny Ivy wanted to have a say in the only way possible since she could do nothing for Toycie and Ms Eila. During the period in which she stopped attending the meetings, she grieved over Toycie but, like all the rest of the Lambs, she decided to move on and find a way to make justice to Toycie and to ensure that no ones life has the same outcome. (d.) Bill- Bill spends more time with his family because he knows that everyone is depressed due to Toycies death. As the man of the house, he feels it is his duty to make the family move forward with their lives hence why he does more activities with them. Toycie was considered family, so losing one of his members caused him

to furthermore appreciate the people in his life. He realized that what occurred to Toycie and Ms Eila could have happened and could happen in their household. (e.) Lilla- The most important thing to Lilla is her family. She does not like going to Sibun for vacation because it reminds her of her past and the lack of opportunities she had; however, her family enjoys the Sibun so she promises them they will go someday. Lilla learns to accept her identity and sees the good in our country especially when Beka wins the essay contest and passes first semester. Lilla does not want anything horrible to happen to her family so she is willing to sacrifice aspects of her life; she modifies her beliefs due to that fact. 4.) Identify instances in which each major character influences the actions of others, or is influenced by someone else. (a.) Beka- The greatest influence Beka has is on her family. When she fails first form she causes them to become cheerless and disappointed in her. Ironically, Beka is the same individual that contents her family and gives them hope for better times when Toycie dies. Beka does that through all her accomplishments; Bekas accomplishments help the Lamb family to see hope for change and it keeps the vibrant memory of Toycie alive. A minor character who influences Beka is Sister Gabriella. Sister Gabriella greatly encourages Beka to enter the essay competition. She tries to build up Bekas confidence because she knows that Beka has potential for great things. Sister Gabriellas support causes Beka to decide on becoming a professional writer when she is older. (b.) Toycie- Toycie Qualo tremendously influences the Lamb family. During Toycies time of glory in life, the Lambs were joyous and greatly appreciated her. Toycie would go with the Lambs to St Georges caye for the vacations and she would always be helping the Lamb ladies with any house chore. Toycie was like a family member. She gave them joy when they needed it, due to Bekas disappointment, and in return she received some of the love and attention she craved. Toycie also caused the Lamb family to become more united and lead them to be realistic especially Granny Ivy. Toycie was the reason for Beka becoming involved more in school activities. Beka wanted to be ambitious like Toycie and was determined to fulfill both her and Toycies dreams thus the reason she became very responsible in her studies. Toycies parents were the number one cause of the path her life took; they abandoned her which caused Toycie to grow up without love and acknowledgment. Toycies parents lead her into being vulnerable to life and gullible with Emilio. Emilio Villanueva caused Toycies destruction. His sweet words, lies and the attention he gave her, lead Toycie to doing everything he desired which eventually caused Toycies life to break down. The dreadful events in Toycies life made Ms Eila feel guilty and heartbroken because she believed it was her fault. The guilt lead Ms Eila to leave Belize City and go live to the Sibun in hopes of bettering Toycies life.

(c.) Granny Ivy- Granny Ivy is Bekas role model. She helped mold Bekas identity and formed some of Bekas mentalities. This is clearly seen when at school, during Father Nunezs talk on eve, she says that her grandmother told her that not to worry too much about going to heaven or hell and when Father Nunez asks for her beliefs she cannot respond. Granny Ivy helps to make Lilla more accepting of her culture. The British and their ways influence Granny Ivy into becoming very active in politics. She wants to get rid of the British; however, this leads to her arguing with her son,Bill. Eventually, when reality strikes the entire Lamb family, she and her son become more complacent of each others beliefs. (d.) Bill- Bill Lamb was the reason of why Beka worked hard to pass the first semester. He gave her an ultimatum to either pass first semester or she would stay at home to clean like many creole girls did. During Toycies deliria, Sr. Virgil, with her rigid beliefs, makes him become angry hence the reason for him arguing with her in her office and him wanting to make Emilio take responsibility for the child. Bill Lamb helps in making his family find their identity and be proud of it. (e.) Lilla- Lilla contributed to Beka having no identity for she allowed and encouraged Beka to flat iron her hair. Lilla did this because she herself was confused with her identity. Another way in which Lilla influences Beka is that she does not want Beka to associate with National Vellor; fortunately, Beka has an even stronger influence by Granny Ivy which allows her to see the true character that is National Vellor. Lillas way towards National Vellor represents her small town ignorance. Lillas love for her family and mentality of a womans role, causes her family to have a good family life. She maintains them united and makes sure everything is right to suit everyone. 5.) State how you personally respond to each major character. (a.) Beka- Beka begins as an ungrateful child who does not deserve all the rewards and opportunities she receives; however, she proves to everyone that she does deserve these things by working hard. Beka really grows throughout the novel and changes for the better thanks to her family and Toycie. They showed her love and encouragement always which helped her to never give up. (b.) Toycie- Life was very unfair to Toycie. She was intelligent, ambitious and hardworking and she deserved all the benefits Beka reaped. If Toycie had the support, love and guidance of a family like Bekas, her life would have turned out completely different. Toycie would have taken more advantage of her situation than Beka did; this is shown in the novel when Beka wins the essay contest and she acknowledges the fact that if Toycie were alive she would have won the competition. (c.) Granny Ivy- Granny Ivy, despite her small town ignorance, is an admirable person. She stands for what she believes in and is a wise, helpful individual. I like that she is supportive of change but embraces the idea of not forgetting your culture and identity. She truly is a great person to confide in.

(d.) Bill- Bill is the typical father in the 1950s: firm but loving. Even though, he is disappointed with Beka he gives her another opportunity to go to school because he believes in her. Bill Lamb would do anything to defend his family and is similar to his mother in that they fight for what they believe is right. (e.) Lilla- Lilla is a woman full of pride. To a certain extent, she is like Mrs. Villanueva-a hypocrite- because she does not want Beka to talk to National Vellor, when she herself is no better than National Vellor because she is ashamed of her country. Lilla feels she is an independent and admirable woman because she is a house wife and has a good home but she is oblivious to the fact that she has no rights for she cannot even vote.

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