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It was Monday morning, February 20th 2023 and the student teacher was up
early, his heart racing with anticipation as he prepared for his first day. He had
heard stories of what it was like to teach and he was a bit nervous about it. At
6:45am, he arrived at school and took part in the flag raising ceremony. Then, he
made his way to Grade 7 Curie where he was to teach Household Services. After
the prayer, he took roll call and gave a brief review of the previous lesson. Next,
he divided the students into five groups and asked them to form a circle. He
explained the guidelines and rules of the activity, and asked a leader to explain
the image that they formed. He also gave rewards to the group that finished first.
After presenting the objectives of the lesson, he gave the students a pre-test, a
matching type. After checking the scores, he went over the terms of the objects
in the matching type and asked students to raise their hands to read the words.
When time was up, he gave the class a task to review for their upcoming
recitation. He then had one hour to prepare for his next section, Grade 8
Aristotle. At 9:45am, he arrived in Grade 8 Aristotle, where Miss Haina told him to
focus on one subject, Household Services. He began with prayer and then took
attendance. After a brief review of the previous lesson on hardware and software,
he presented the learning materials on computers and gave the students a short
quiz. Then, he gave the students the assignment of researching RAM and ROM,
their importance and function in a computer. At 1-2pm, he proceeded to Grade 7
Pasteur, where he taught the same subject. After the activity and routine, he
went to his last section, Grade 8 Aristotle, for the 3-4pm class. There, he taught
the same subject and did the same activity and routine. Around 4pm, he was
done with his first day as a student teacher and he was exhausted but so proud
of himself. He couldn't believe he had made it through his first day. On the way
home, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the new challenges that lie


One of the major challenges that student teacher face on his first day is the
feeling of anxiety and nervousness. It can be difficult to feel comfortable and
confident in a new environment with students and colleagues that are unfamiliar.
This was the case for the student teacher on his first day of teaching. Although
he had the support of his mentors and colleagues, the unfamiliarity of the
environment and the responsibility of teaching made him anxious. To address
this problem, the student teacher should have been given more guidance and
support on the first day. A detailed lesson plan can give the student teacher an
idea of what to expect, while also providing the confidence to adjust the plan
according to the class needs. Additionally, having more experienced teachers
and mentors on hand to answer questions or provide support and guidance can
help the student teacher feel more at ease and less anxious. This would help
alleviate the stress and pressure that can sometimes accompany a first-day
experience, and help ensure a positive first day for the student teacher!!


The first day of teaching for the student teacher went well despite his anxiety and
nervousness. With the help of his mentors and colleagues, he was able to control
his anxiousness and face the pressure of teaching. He was able to adapt to the
strange surroundings and take on the burden of teaching thanks to his courage
and tenacity. He showed that he could think quickly and make changes as
needed by successfully planning and carrying out a lesson plan that was
customized to the needs of the students. The student teacher was able to assist
the pupils and respond to their inquiries, which helped to keep everyone
interested and on task. This success is evidence of the student teacher's fortitude
and capacity to deal with challenging circumstances. He displayed a great lot of
bravery and tenacity in the face of difficulties and finished his first day of teaching

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