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It was already 7:04 when the student teacher arrived at school, and right away,
he was running late for the flag ceremony at 7:15. He rushed to his Grade 7
Curie class and started teaching Household Services. He began with a prayer
and he checked their attendance. Afterwards, the student teacher continued the
lesson and gave them 5 minutes to review. He then presented a quiz to help
identify different tools, equipment, supplies and materials. After that, the student
teacher asked them to make a video presentation, with their parents, on the
different tools, equipment, and supplies or materials. He explained the criteria for
the presentation and moved on to his next section, which was the Grade 7
Pasteur class. He started with a prayer and he checked their attendance. He
asked them about their grades and tried to motivate them to do better in the 3rd
and 4th quarter. After that, he proceeded to the lesson about computers. He
explained the different parts of the computer and its function, such as the
motherboard, system unit and the hardware that are touchable in the outside of
the computer. He also presented the learning materials about computers. The
student teacher gave them a quiz to test their understanding and rewarded the
highest scorer. Finally, he proceeded to his Grade 8 Galilee class. He followed
the same routine and activities as the other classes. He took his time to explain
the lesson and asked his students to raise their hands if they had any questions.
He also gave them a few minutes to discuss the topics with their peers. After
that, he gave them a quiz to test their knowledge and awarded the highest
scorer. At 4:15, he finally left school and headed home. The student teacher was
really proud of his students' performance and enthusiasm today. He was glad
that he was able to help them understand the different topics and equip them
with the necessary knowledge. He is looking forward to teaching them more in
the upcoming days.


The problem the student teacher had today was that he was late for the
ceremony saluting the flag. He got to school at 7:04, and the flag ceremony
wasn't supposed to start until 7:15. This required him to cram his classes in order
to finish in time. The student instructor had to cram all the exercises and lessons
he needed to teach into the short amount of time he had. This made it
challenging for the student teacher to explore into depth and correctly explain the
subjects. He had to work swiftly while making sure he finished all the required
tasks and covered all the material. His students were also impacted by this issue.
They had to do their tasks quickly, which prevented them from having adequate
time to comprehend and grasp the subjects. Additionally, he was worried that
they wouldn't be able to clearly communicate their understanding of the subjects
in the exams and presentations he had given them. Because the Grade 8
Galilean class was the last one of the day, this problem was made worse by the
need for him to rush through the classes. He made an effort to go into detail
about the subjects, but he had to move on fast due to time constraints. This issue
made it difficult for him to present the lectures effectively and left his students
with little opportunity to comprehend and articulate the concepts. In order to offer
his students, the time and attention they require, he is hoping to be able to better
manage his time in the future.


Today was a day of great accomplishment for the student teacher. Despite
running late for the scheduled flag ceremony, he was able to successfully teach
his classes and equip his students with the necessary knowledge. He started
with his Grade 7 Curie class, where he taught the students about Household
Services. He presented them with activities and quizzes to help them identify
different tools, equipment, supplies and materials. He also asked them to make a
video presentation with their parents on the same topic. Despite the limited time,
he was able to complete the activities and move on to the next section. In his
Grade 7 Pasteur class, he taught the students about computers. The student
teacher explained the different parts of the computer, its functions and the
different hardware that are touchable outside the system unit. He also presented
learning materials and quizzes to help his students understand the topic better.
He proceeded to the Grade 8 Galilee class, where he followed the same routine
and activities as the other classes. He took his time to explain the topics and
answer any questions his students had. He also gave them a quiz to test their
understanding. He is proud of the progress he made today. He was able to equip
his students with the necessary knowledge and help them understand the topics
better. The student teacher is looking forward to teaching them more in the
upcoming days.

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