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March-April 2021

Time: 1:45 hours

Total Marks: 50

[N.B- The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Question must be answered in English. Examiner will take account
of the quality of language and the manner in which the answers are presented. Different parts, if any, of the same
question must be answered in one place in order of sequence.]

1. “Software development is no longer accomplished through a lengthy process”-Justify the 5

statement in context of Agile development method.

2. What is Cybernetic system? Give an example of a natural cybernetic system as well as a man- 6
made cybernetic system.

3. Cross-selling is one of the important selling strategy. How does data mining help to improve 5

4. Describe seven layer architectures of OSI model. How does OSI model differ with TCP/IP 6
protocol suite model?

5. What is Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)? How does it work? 5

6. Define chatbot? Show that it can be a good alternative in interactive marketing. 6

7. Summarize six essential accounting information systems used in business. 6

8. Discuss the importance of content management software at e-commerce Web sites using some 5
appropriate examples.

9. Briefly describe the business value of the following Customer Relationship Management (CRM): 6
i) Operational CRM.
ii) Analytical CRM.
iii) Collaborative CRM.
iv) Portal-based CRM.

The End

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