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SUZLON; Towards philanthropic endeavors

Powering a greener tomorrow with this tagline Suzlon Group regarded as a market leader in renewable
energy and providing total solution in wind power generation. The Suzlon group is incorporated of Suzlon
energy limited and its subsidiaries, with its proficiency in the wind energy system with its strong existence
in 17 countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and the Americas; the group has a progressive
global installation of more than 19.1GW of wind energy capacity, more than 5,428 employees with the
different nationalities and high-quality manufacturing facilities. Suzlon is the only Indian wind energy
company with a large internal Research and Development (R&D) set up in Germany, the Netherlands,
Denmark and India. Suzlon also awarded by the world Wind Energy Association.
Philanthropic responsibility
CSR is defined more like “responsible business” practices
rather than a charitable act, with this believe Suzlon go
for three types of programs namely Transformative,
Responsive and Proactive program. Transformative
programs make sure that there is least negative impact of
the business on its neighbourhood. Responsive programs
to equalize (even potentially) negative impacts and
optimize the positive impacts of business on its
surroundings, focus will be on the five capital resources.
Proactive programs to contribute towards global
development issues and sustainability, by going beyond
business limits.
In December 2007 Suzlon Group initiated its CSR
division Suzlon foundation registered under section 8 of
Companies Act 2013. that kept the social development
ecosystem alive with its unique SUZTAIN model where
Suzlon partnership with local communities, employees, development functionaries, company’s CSR team,
government department and NGOs for sustainable development. Suzlon Foundation critically concentrates
on its three main pillars of Engage, Empower and Sustain. Suzlon Foundation has comprised various huge
projects throughout the states and union territories in India. Suzlon foundation-initiated number of major
projects like “Animal vaccination a boost of local livelihood”.

CSR Initiatives
Suzlon Foundation has transformed its neighbourhood villages through its community development
initiatives. During FY22 Suzlon foundation conducted over 3,582 successful CSR activities reached over
30,00.000 villagers and 10,00,000 household with the collaboration of 73 organisation which includes
public, private and corporate foundation and for its CSR initiatives Suzlon group invest at least 2 percent of
its average net profit made during the three immediately preceding financial years.
Livelihood program
Suzlon foundation predominantly focused on enhancing agriculture and livestock management practices,
animal health care to improve productivity and encouraging employability or entrepreneurship of native
youth in neighbourhood villages. Through this program Suzlon foundation undertaken numerous activities
like training program for farmer and women such as Integrated Agriculture Based Livelihood Program
(IABLP), Green fodder cultivation, Kala Cotton spinning, weaving & stitching, Heritage Embroidery, kisan
pathshala and animal vaccination awareness sessions. They also provided input support to farmer and
women. Under this initiative Suzlon group improved livelihood of 1,83,308 families, treated over 11,20,786
Health and education
To enhance access of preventive and
curative health services and to boost
quality of education. Suzlon
foundation undertaken number of
activities like health awareness
camps for adolescent girls and
women, Covid awareness session,
Suzlon community clinic and blood
pressure and blood sugar diagnoses
camp. They also supported various
small school by providing furniture,
equipment, digital E-learning system
and organising various school
awareness program. Under this
program Suzlon foundation provided better education to 1,49,496 students, reached over 1,387 and they also
resorted eye-sight of 9,226 cataract patients.

Environment program

For increasing availability of water supply,

conservation of soil. Suzlon foundation initiated
De-silting of ponds and conservation of water
resources and building check-dams in the village.
Through this program Suzlon planted trees and
seed broadcasting on hills, and using the land
around wind turbines for crop or fodder
cultivation, for recycle waste. They started
Cleanliness drives, zero plastic waste drives, and
introduced ‘Suz-hook' for collecting plastic
waste, and innovate items prepared from the
waste material. Under this program Suzlon group
conserved over 4,63,68,773 cubic meter of water,
treated over 10,704 HA of land and planted more
than 18,05,500 trees, they also recycled 4,42,950
kg waste.
Social empowerment program
Through this program Suzlon strengthen number of villages and empowered women’s self-help group.
Under this social empowerment program Suzlon group strengthened 553 village development communities
and supported over 2,279 especially abled person.
Civic amenities program
As part of this initiative Suzlon foundation undertaken various activities for improving availability of solar
energy Suzlon foundation provided solar lights to school and solar UPS to homes, they also provided LED
lamps for street light in the villages. To improve scholastic infrastructure, they distributed tablet computer to
public health centre for health monitoring, they also provided equipment to Anganwadi centre and to support
especially abled person they provided mobility and livelihood devices and they also built cow shed for
animal protection and fodder collection trolley to ranchers. For improving quality and quantity of drinking
water, Suzlon foundation installed drinking cooler at block, water tank in school and community bore-well
pump. Under civics amenities program Suzlon foundation lit up homes over 9,493 solar lighting system and
reached over 12,32,250 population across 800 villages.
Disaster response program
After covid broke out Suzlon foundation initiated this program to support common people. They provided
PPE to sanitary worker, they also distributed Covid control kit to stakeholders, they also organised Covid
awareness sessions and they also provided laboratory testing equipment and refrigerators to health
department Gujarat to store different kind of medicine to treat Covid-19 patients.

Award and Accolades

for its measurable and impactful CSR work Suzlon group received numerous awards from various
organisation in 2010 Suzlon foundation received Civic Award from Bombay Chamber of Commerce under
Social Development Category, in 2011 Received Aajtak Care Award under Environment Category, in 2014
received CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainability Development Awards, in 2015 received CII-ITC
Centre of Excellence for Sustainability Development Awards for best rural out reach and in 2019 Suz-
HOOK selected as a compelling and promising Innovation under INK@WASH (Innovations and New
Knowledge in Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) platform, and in 2021 The innovation, Suz-HOOK published in
ASCI’s Journal of Management, March 2020.
Road ahead
For achieving united nation designated sustainable development goal Suzlon committed to having minimal
impact on the natural environment and achieving zero garbage, zero darkness, zero waste, zero malnutrition
and zero drought through its CSR activities.

Suzlon foundation’s annual CSR report

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