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Socio-demographic details
Name: K.R
Age: 6 years’ old
DOB: 14/04/2016
Sex: Male
Educational qualification: Student

Name of examiner: T.S

Referred by: Self
Date of reporting: 28/10/2022
Date of testing: 28/10/2022

Source of information: Parent, mother of the participant

Reliability of information: Adequate:      Yes       Reliable: Yes 

Referral question: To measure the adaptive behavior of the KR.

Evaluation procedure: To administer Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale on KR to assess

Behavioural observation
Rapport establishment: Able to develop rapport. Subject appeared to be engaging. Attitude
was relaxed. Eye contact was appropriate.
Alertness and consciousness: well oriented time, place, person. The subject was alert,
focused, sustain thoughts on specific topic, facial expressions were congruent to the speech.
Attention: The subject’s attending skills were appropriate
Eye contact: Appropriate
Psychomotor activity: No unusual movements or psychomotor changes
Speech: Normal rate, tone, volume without pressure
Cooperation: Friendly, cooperative, attentive, interested.
Motivation: Motivated, interested.
Comprehension: Memory, cognition was normal
Problems related to vision/hearing/motor/other: nil

Background information
Birth history
Type of birth: Normal Birth
Birth cry: Yes
Planned or unplanned: Planned
Presence of birth complications: no complications
Milestones: Milestones were met

Motor:  🗸       Cognitive:     🗸       Speech:  🗸      Social and emotional: 🗸

Family history
Type of family: Nuclear Family
Family tree:

Heart attack 53Y 58Y 48Y

36Y 34Y

Patient, 6Y

Presence of mental disorder in the family (if any): Schizophrenia (grandmother)

Educational history
Studying in 1st standard.
Test result
The Vineland Behaviour Adaptive Scale was administered to KR, a 6-year-old boy from
Hyderabad studying in 1nd standard in a private school. Good rapport was established before
the assessment. 
There are 3 domains in the VABS, each including 3 subdomains. In the Communication
domain, in the Receptive Subdomain, the raw score was 32, the V scale score was 13 with a
confidence interval of ±2, and shows an adequate adaptive level. The subject’s performance
is equivalent to a chronological age of 4.7 years. In the Expressive subdomain, the raw score
was 76, the V scale score was 10 with a confidence interval of ±2, and shows a moderate low
adaptive level. In expressive subdomain the subject’s performance represented an age
equivalence of 3.6 years. In the Written subdomain, the raw score was 25, and the V scale
score was 16, with a confidence interval of ±2, and shows an adequate adaptive level. In
written subdomain the subject’s performance is equivalent to a chronological age of 6.10
years. In the Communication domain, the sum of V scale scores was 39; the domain standard
score was 87; with the confidence interval was ±7; the percentile rank was 19; the stanine
score was 3. The subject had an adequate level of functioning in the communication domain.

In the Daily Living Skills domain, in the personal subdomain, the subject’s raw score was
66, the V scale score was 15 with a confidence interval of ±2, and shows adequate adaptive
level of functioning. In personal subdomain the subject’s performance is equivalent to a
chronological age of 6.6 years. In the Domestic subdomain, the raw score was 16, and the V
scale score was 14 with a confidence interval of ±2, and shows adequate adaptive level of
functioning. In domestic subdomain the subject’s performance is equivalent to a
chronological age of 5.5 years. In the Community subdomain, the raw score was 43 and the V
scale score was 16, with a confidence interval of ±2, and shows an adequate adaptive level of
functioning. The subject’s performance is equivalent to a chronological age of 3.10 years.
In the Daily Living Skills domain, the sum of V scale was 45, the domain standard score was
100, the confidence interval was 7, percentile rank was 50 and stanine score was 5. The
subject had an adequate adaptive level of functioning in Daily living skills domain. 

In the Socialisation domain, the raw score in the Interpersonal Relationships subdomain was
56, and the V scale score was 14 with a confidence interval of ±2, and shows an adequate
adaptive level. In interpersonal relationships subdomain the subject’s performance is
equivalent to a chronological age of 5.7 years. In the Play and Leisure Time subdomain, the
raw score was 43, and the V scale score was 14, with a confidence interval of ±2, and shows
an adequate adaptive level of functioning. In play and leisure time subdomain the subject’s
performance is equivalent to a chronological age of 5.7 years. In the Coping Skills
subdomain, the raw score was 26, and the V scale score was 13, with a confidence interval of
±1, and shows adequate level of adaptive functioning. In coping skills subdomain, the subject
performance is equivalent to a chronological age of 4.7 years.
In the Socialisation domain, the sum of V scale scores was 41, the domain standard score was
92, the confidence interval was 6, the percentile rank was 30, and the stanine score was 4.
The subject had an adequate level of adaptive functioning in socialisation domain. 

In the Adaptive Behaviour Composite, the sum of domain standard scores was 360. The
standard score was 88, the confidence interval was 4, the percentile rank was 21 and the
stanine score was 3. Overall, the subject had an adequate adaptive level of functioning in
adaptive behaviour.


The results of administering VABS shows that the child strength lies in the written
subdomain in the communication domain and the weaknesses are in the Expressive
subdomain in the Communication domain. Further examination and early intervention may
be required for the subdomains where the child showed a weakness.

Summary and suggestions

KR, a 6-year-old male, who was brought for the assessment of VABS. He is currently
studying in first standard in private school and does not show any atypical behavior or
development. He lives in a nuclear family and there is no presence of mental disorders in
family history. VABS was administered to assess the child's level of socio-
adaptive functioning. The child found to have adequate level of functioning in
communication domain, daily living skills domain and socialisation domain.

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