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Bautista, BJ G.

(BS Crim 3-B) helping the victims of disasters and

• The Philippines is a Christian Country
First Topic
so most of the Filipino people are
Christians. Though Filipinos are in
practice of different religions and they
FILIPINO VALUES always go to church or a place of
-are handed down from generation to generation religious congregations.
and are considered important. One of the values • Christianity and character building are
they are so famous for is the value of hospitality. taught in schools both in public and
As a sign of respect, Filipinos do not call their private, mostly in Catholic Schools.
elders by their first names but address them by Children are taught how to pray
using words of superiority and respect. Also, purposely to enhance their belief with
they often kiss the hands of their elders, and do the Almighty.
the gesture known as “pagmamano.”
• Children are taught by their parents to
-refer to a set of values or the values system that respect the elders. Seldom do other
majority of the Filipino have historically held people can hear a kid calling older
important in their daily lives. Thus, the people by their names. Even if they are
Philippine values system includes the people’s not related by blood or the kids do not
own unique assemblage of consistent ideologies, know the person, they will respect them
moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette and by calling, “Kuya o Ate, Manong o
cultural and personal values that are promoted Manang and Auntie or Uncle.”
by society.
• To hear kids paying respect to older
WORTH-KEEPING FILIPINO VALUES people can be considered as a
-Filipinos are known for their good values manifestation of things they have
especially the typical people who are loyal to positively learned at home during their
their customs and traditions. The good values early socialization.
that are worth to keep are as follows. 4. VALUE OF NEIGHBORLINESS
1. GOOD MORAL VALUES • The typical Filipino people are kind and
• Typical Filipinos are very conservative helpful to their neighbors, known as the
people especially those who grow up in “kapitbahay”, they easily develop
the provinces or villages. They are friendship with those who live around
always concerned in keeping their them.
reputations intact. Morality in their day- • Once they build their good will and
to-day life is one of the important friendship with one another, they will
aspects of good Filipino Values. share whatever they have like food and
• It is complemented by their patience, other stuff. In time of distress and needs,
generosity, kindness, compassion, neighbors take care of each other
benevolence and being a Samaritan in without being asked.
5. VALUE OF GIVING members of the same family to work for
the same company or run its own
• Filipinos love to give gifts to friends and
business enterprise.
relatives on many occasions like
birthdays and Yuletide Season. Even if • It is also common to find the whole clan
they do not have enough financial living in the same area which goes to
resources, they will really save some of show that the Filipinos are afraid to be
it to buy gifts or tokens for their loved living apart from their own immediate
ones and have a heart to share what they family.
have to others.
• They take pride in extending help,
• Filipinos are inherently respectful. The
especially those who are in need,
use of “po” and “Opo” when in
especially the poor and the
conversation with an elder or someone
who is older is a manifestation of how
6. VALUE OF CLOSE FAMILY TIES Filipinos show courtesy and respect to
their elders.
• Filipinos are very family-oriented. They
are supportive of their families. They • Expressions like “magandang umaga,
love to gather together or even live tanghali or gabi po,” “salamat po,”
together with their extended families in “makikiraan po,” and “pasensya na po”
order to support each other. and the like shows gesture of politeness.
• The unmarried children stay with their • Politeness is a culturally defined
parents and help them provide for the phenomenon, and therefore what is
family financially. There are times when considered polite in one culture can
the married children still support their sometimes be quite rude or simply
parents in many ways. Being closely- eccentric in another cultural context.
knitted, many Filipino families often
keep the whole clan under one roof,
even children who are already married • The Filipinos are known to be very
and have children. hospitable. They welcome visitors to
their homes and offer them treats such
as snacks, drinks or even foods after a
-Understanding the Filipino values is long journey. Part of their graciousness
appreciating where these values are coming as hosts is serving the best to their
from. These core values explain how the visitors even if at times they may not be
Filipino people are influenced in their personal able to afford it.
growth and development.
• They also go to the extreme of giving up
1. FAMILY the comfort of their own beds for their
guests’ use, and to the extent of letting
• The Philippines is known to be a family
themselves sleep on the floor with
centered nation. The Filipino people
discomfort just to ensure that the guests
recognize their family as an important
are comfortable and feeling at home.
social structure that one must take care
of. They give importance to the safety 4. GRATITUDE
and unity of its members. The Filipino
family is to intact that it is common for
• Gratitude or “utang na loob’’ is very in order to ensure the peace in the group.
popular Filipino characteristic. One does This is manifested in their basic sense of
not forget the good deeds that others justice and fairness and concern for
may have done to him, especially at other’s well-being.
times of great need. This debt of
• They recognize the essential humanity
gratitude is sometimes abused by those
of all people and regard others with
who have done well to others, and as
respect and empathy and develop
they may ask favors or things that may
sensitivity to the nature and quality of
either be unreasonable or beyond the
interpersonal relationships, which are
means of the one in debt.
their principal source of security and
• Gratitude or thankfulness is a feeling or happiness.
an attitude in acknowledgment of a
benefit that one has received or will
receive. • The related capacity for hard work and
industry among Filipinos is widely
recognized. Filipinos are universally
• Shame or “hiya” is a very common regarded as excellent workers who
Filipino values. It is said that Filipinos perform well whether the job involves
would go to great lengths in order for physical labor and tasks or highly
one not to be ashamed. “Hiya” has a sophisticated technical functions.
great influence on one’s behavior for
• This propensity for hard work, which
one will do everything, even if it’s
often includes a highly competitive
beyond his means just to save his
spirit, is driven by the desire for
reputation as well as the family.
economic security and advancement for
6. FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY oneself and one’s family. The
orientation is further accompanied by
• Filipino’s sense of joy and humor is
aspirations and personal sacrifices.
evident in their optimistic approach to
life and their travails. The ability to 9. RESIGNATION
laugh at themselves and their
• Trust in God or the concept of “bahala-
predicament is an important coping
na” has been over used time and again.
mechanism that contributes to emotional
This is used when a person does not
balance and capacity to survive.
know what to do or is too lazy to do
• These are manifested in the ability to anything at all. This belief to put fate in
adjust to often difficult circumstances God’s hands may be a sign of how
and prevailing physical and social religious Filipinos may be at the same
environments. Filipino have a high time, and it may show that the Filipinos
tolerance for ambiguity that enables are free-spirited, and that they put their
them to respond calmly uncertainty or life in fate’s hands.
lack of information.
• Resignation is more likely to persist
7. LOYALTY from among the Filipinos during
emergencies and similar events that
• Loyalty or “pakikisama” is another
occur in their everyday life.
Filipino core values. Filipinos are said to
be loyal to their friends and fellowmen
WEAKNESSES OF THE FILIPINO patriotism or an active awareness,
VALUES appreciation and love of the country and
the second is higher preference for
-Values are either good or bad. Despite the
things which are foreign.
existence of good values, Filipinos also have
weaknesses included in their value system: 6. EXTREME INDIVIDUALISM
1. EXTREME PERSONALISM • Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving
attitude that generates a feeling of envy
• Filipinos view the world in terms of
and competitiveness toward others,
personal relationships and the extent to
particularly to one’s peers who seem to
which one is able to personally relate to
have gained some status or prestige.
things and people determine the
Hence, the people demonstrate the so-
recognition of their existence and value
called “crab mentality” or “talangka
given to them.
attitude”. There seems to be a basic
2. FAMILY CENTEREDNESS assumption that “another’s gain is one’s
loss.” the “kanya-kanya” syndrome is
• While concern for the family is one of also evident in the personal ambition
the Filipinos’ core values, in extreme it and the drive for power and status that is
becomes a serious flaw. Excessive completely intensive to the common
concern for the family creates an in- good.
group to which the Filipino is fiercely
loyal to the detriment of the larger 7. LACK OF SELF ANALYSIS
community or for the common good.
• There is a tendency among the Filipinos
3. LACK OF DISCIPLINE to be superficial and even somewhat
flighty. In the face of serious problems,
• The Filipinos’ lack of discipline both personal and social, they lack
encompasses related characteristics. The analysis or reflection. They joke about
Filipino people have a casual and the most serious matters which prevents
relaxed attitude towards time and space them to look deeply into the problem.
which manifest itself in lack of precision
and compulsiveness, in poor time • There is a felt need to validate the
management, and in procrastination. hypothesis or explanations of things.
Yet, the people are satisfied with
superficial explanations and solutions to
4. LACK OF INITIATIVE the problems.

• Filipinos are generally passive and • Related to this is the emphasis on

lacking in initiative. One needs to be “porma” rather than on substance.
told what has to be done. There is a
strong reliance on others to do things.
This is related to one’s attitude towards PERSPECTIVE ON FILIPINO VALUES
• Filipino values are rooted in a system
5. COLONIAL MENTALITY that focuses on family, friends, faithful
and the individual’s obligation to this
• Filipinos strongly exhibit their colonial trinity. The family is the main social
mentality which is made up to two structure in the country.
dimensions. The first is lack of

The Police Officer's Creed

I believe in God, The Supreme Being, a Great

Provider, and The Creator of all men and
everything dear to me. In return, I can do no less
than love him above all by obeying his word,
seek his guidance in the performance of my
sworn duties and honor him at all times.

I believe that respect for authority is a duty. I

respect and uphold the Constitution, the laws of
the land and the applicable rules and regulations.
I recognize the legitimacy and authority of the
leadership; and obey legal orders of my superior

I believe in selfless love and service to people.

Towards this end, I commit myself to the service
of my fellowmen over and above my personal

I believe in the sanctity of marriage and the

respect for women. I shall set the example of
decency and morality and shall have high regard
for family life and value of marital fidelity.

I believe in the responsible dominion and

stewardship over material things. I shall inhibit
myself from extravagance and ostentatious
display of material things. I shall respect private
and public properties and prevent others from
destroying them. I shall help protect the
environment and conserve nature to maintain
ecological balance.

I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I must

be trustworthy and I shall speak the truth at all

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