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140 Harvest Day

“I wish I could give you land for the orcs to settle in.”

Lugar's words as soon as the negotiations started.

There was silence in the negotiating room.
I asked him quietly.

“Is it completely different from the conditions I suggested before? Last time,
he said that he asked for an increase in the amount of food provided. But what land
is it all of a sudden?”

“The situation is different then and now.”

Lugar shook his head.

“All the clan members are outraged at the fact that the brothers and humans
tried to kidnap the shaman. They will understand it only when they accept it.”

“...how much do you want?”

“It would have to be twice the size of the city to grow enough grain to satisfy
all tribes.”

I was at a loss for words for a moment at Lugar's so dignified attitude.


You want double the duchy?

'I wonder if I can ask for the Count.'

A sound that won't be eaten anywhere.

“How can you say something you don’t even know about such a topic… It was a
waste of time. The two of you, you're going to die. Any further conversation seems

look at that
Even the vampire nobleman gets angry saying he's bullshit.

Before I could calm him down, Octane, sitting next to Lugar, interrupted.

“You don’t even know the topic? funny dude. To the subject of having our
territory taken away without much resistance to us.”

“It is different then and now. The men of Avila were the only men defending
your invasion, but now the forces of the two kingdoms are gathered in one place.”

“What has changed is us. All of our warriors were outraged at the insults you
gave. An orc's wrath is like fire. Burn everything it touches. We are giving you a
chance now. A chance for you humans to live.”

“Aren't you overestimating yourself too much? Do you really think that just
because you are angry will make you stronger? you're welcome. If you are swayed by
your emotions, you will not be able to use your powers. Even more so in the
military. It is not anger that affects the strength of the army, but cool reason.”
“What does a chaff know about fighting?”

As if it was funny, Octane grinned. The vampire's expression, which had been
calm, distorted as she had been greatly offended by her mockery by the orcs.

“Because there is nothing to eat, savage bastards who rob their own people…”

“Do you want to die, chaff?”

Druck. Octane pulled the chair back and stood up.

“If you can, do it.”

The vampire also stood up without losing. Two people staring at each other
fiercely. It felt like a fight was about to break out at any moment. Are these
motherfuckers going to ruin the deal again?

That's not okay.

I pounded the table with my fist.


As the table split and sat on the floor, the noisy atmosphere quickly became

'...I think I can understand why Frilite had to split the table when Gis and I
were arguing.'

Does it work too well?

Feeling the gaze of others, I said.

“Double the duchy is too much. Try another condition. That's not all, is it?"

They bring out unreasonable conditions, raise the threshold, and, as if they
have no choice but to be rejected, bring out real conditions that are weaker than
that and close the negotiation.

What that person brought out was such a light psychological warfare.

“There are no other conditions. We need nothing but territory, brother.”

Well, no.
He really wanted territory.

“And if this negotiation breaks down, I will no longer treat captive humans as
prisoners of war.”

Gis was the first to respond to Lugar's subsequent words.

“You’re not going to treat me like a prisoner? So what are you going to do?”

“I will treat the captured humans as slaves, not captives. And I will punish
the human maidens who dared to kidnap the shaman according to the rules of our

“What is this bastard?!”

Gis took his hand to his waist. But his hand pierced the air. This is because
they returned all weapons when entering the negotiating room.

When Gis couldn't do this or that because he didn't have a weapon in his hand,
Lugar grinned.

“If you don’t have a blade, you wouldn’t even think of attacking. Still, I
thought he was a persistent guy, but I was wrong. I was just a coward. Are all the
heroes of today like that?”

“This dog...”

Gis picked up the chair. I kicked the Gis first before throwing it to Lugar.


Gis let go of the chair he was holding and rolled on the floor. He stood up
straight away, thinking he was going to run, and prepared the counter. But instead
of standing up, he continued to lie on the floor in pain.

'right. He didn't have better burns.'

That guy's candidate for a saint is being held captive by the Orcs. Since
Marietta and I haven't visited since that day, the burns will remain as they are.

I relaxed the counter posture with a sense of humor.

He pointed to Gis and said to Lugar.

“He’s just trash. It is not that the heroes of our time are garbage.”

“I never even called it garbage… but I apologize for the mistake. I forgot for
a moment that my brother was a hero.”

“It’s okay to know. However, it has changed a lot from before.”

Where does the foolish brother who was caught by the guard captain go and what
kind of slender warchief is there?

“I am no longer the chieftain of one tribe, but the warchief of the entire orc
tribe. A responsibility worthy of a grand name. It had to be different from

So, seat made a man?

"I understand. But apart from that, the conditions you put forward are very
rude and absurd. To be honest, it only sounds like war, right?”

“I have no intention of doing that. But if you can't avoid it, you should."

Lugar nodded with a serious expression.

I involuntarily smirked.
I really don't know what the guts is.
You seem to be stronger than before, but is that the confidence that comes from

“Yeah, as you said, if you can’t avoid it, you should. What can I do? Still, I
want to bleed as little as possible. So let’s do this.”

After negotiations ended, Octane returned to his tribe. Luke, his henchman,
asked him with a humble expression.

“How did the negotiations go?”

“They decided to duel.”


“Literally. We couldn't accept the conditions we offered, and we didn't want to

shed unnecessary blood, so we decided to make it a duel."

Octane continued speaking in a voice that even he did not understand.

“From tomorrow, a total of three duels will be held once a day. The side with
two wins in the duel wins. If we win, the territory of this city will be ours, and
if the humans win, we release the prisoners safely.”

“…are you really doing that? You mean the warchief accepted it?”


Luke sighed.

“The fate of the clan is at stake… It’s not a kid’s joke, what are we going to

“Still, that’s not a bad story for us.”


“Because the duel of the warchief was held on the last day. A foolish warrior
used up the warchief's dragon scale pattern? The warchief will have to wait two
weeks to use the glyph again. That means the biggest headache in our plans will be
gone in two weeks.”

Luke's complexion hardened.

“Are you serious about it? Even if you don’t use this method…”

“Lucen, trust me. This is the best way.”

Octane placed a hand on Luke's shoulder.

“As long as He comes, everything will be all right.”

At his confident words, Luke had no choice but to nod his head.

* * *

After much discussion, it was agreed to hold three duels. If the human side
wins, the hostages are returned safely, and if the orc side wins, Avila and its
territory are handed over. I'm sorry Duke Fabir, but this was the best way to save
the hostage safely.

And when I think about it, there is nothing to be sorry about.

Isn't that something to win?

You can win, save the hostages, and fight the war comfortably!

'War has become unavoidable after all.'

Lugar also has Lugar's position, so there is nothing he can do about it. To
solidify your position as a warchief, you must not be weak against humans.

I returned to Cassia's tent with many thoughts.

The reason I went to her tent and not mine is because she has been unstable
since that day.

Every night I drink, cry, and fall asleep, and when I wake up, I suffer from a
hangover, and at night I drink again, cry and fall asleep.

Can you just leave it like that?

I can't leave myself alone, even if I'm worried that I might get hung up while
I'm away.

'Isn't it gone when I went back?'

With an ominous idea, I hurriedly lifted the tent and went inside. Fortunately,
she did not disappear or not.

I'm just quietly drinking.


Do you even drink during the day?

You're really gone until you're gone.

I took a deep breath, wondering what to do with this person, and then she
noticed that I had come and looked at me.

“Why are you sighing as soon as you arrive? Did something bad happen?”

“Yes, there is. right in front of me.”

She shook her head, looked around, and pointed a finger at herself.


"yes. you Why on earth do you drink so much? Then I will swell and die.”

“My liver has already been trained, so this is enough.”


"Really. When you were a child, did you say that you could drink five bottles
of wine and be okay?”
“Is it the same then and now? You have to think about your age... Don't do it
because it won't hurt even if you hit your head with that disease. uh huh Stop."

After giving a serious warning, Cassia properly grabbed the bottle of wine that
was raised upside down.

After taking the cork, I drank the alcohol like any kind of water.

She said, having emptied the bottle.

“Don’t do that too much. I will be back tomorrow.”

"...I guess you've finally calmed down a bit?"

Cassia chuckled.

"no. I still feel like my heart is empty. Will you be okay already in a few
days? I just think it's time to go back slowly. If I stay here, there is nothing
more I can do, and it will only cause trouble to you.”

She leaned on her side and rested her head on my thigh. She was drunk and she
looked up at me with her slightly reddish but hazy face.

“Can I ask you one thing?”


“Please comfort me.”


“It’s because I’m really struggling. Until tomorrow I leave..."

Cassia reached out and caressed my cheek. I nodded. She wrapped her arms around
my neck and slowly lifted her face up.

Soon, her lips met me.

EP.141 Harvest Day

The thin cloth that covered Cassia's skin ran down. Cloud placed a hand on her
copper-colored skin. Her skin was so soft that her fingers were buried.

- Am I the only one taking it off?

As if saying that, she continued to kiss and took off Cloud's pants.

He grabbed his firm cock in his hand and shook it up and down slowly.

When I thought that this was enough, I stopped kissing and placed my lips
against his cock.
He groaned and kissed his cock, and then swallowed it all at once.

- Zhuoup. chung. Churp.

After sucking his cock and soaking it in saliva, he removed his mouth.

“Fufu, are you okay? But this is just the beginning.”

Looking at Cloud, she smiled relaxedly and brought her pussy to the end of her

She didn't need foreplay.

It was because she had been having sex in a long time and her pussy was
completely wet.

Cassia lowered her back.

Cock pierced pussy at once.


Her relaxed smile collapsed.

My legs started to tremble at the heavy sensation I felt inside the vagina.

'Hey, was it this big?'

It's too big than I thought.

When Cassia was immobile, Cloud gently turned her back. Her cock twirled and
whirled inside her vagina.


The cock passed by the sensitive place.

I groaned at the sudden pleasure. Perhaps he noticed that, Cloud's cock began
to stab her tenaciously.

“Ha-ha… Now, wait…!”

He tapped his chest to stop him, but he didn't stop. Instead, he got her up and
put her on her back and pushed her into her normal position.


twitch. Parr.

Cassia clasped the bed linen and trembled.

Cloud, who saw the strength loosening from her body, asked with a hopeful

“Did you go already?”


Cassia turned her head to the side, avoiding Cloud's gaze.

“Before, I had an adult expression on my face while saying that this is just
the beginning. What should I do if I have just started and gone?”
“…you can do it again after a while.”

Cloud laughed and shook her head at her stern voice.

“I thought there was going to be something great to say with confidence… but
it’s too vague, isn’t it?”

“It’s lame! It’s been a while since I haven’t done it, so my body was just a
little sensitive!”

Cassia, whose pride was hurt by Cloud's words, turned to the side while holding
him. The two returned to the female upper position again. She moved her waist back
and forth.

“If you do it right after you go, it will hurt. it's okay?"

“This is… it’s not a big deal…!”

Contrary to words, Cassia's breathing was rough. Are you sick of what he said?
not. Instead of feeling sick, I felt good.

The problem was that the pleasure was too great.

Clearly she was feeling it, even though she had just peaked.

'You've been doing this for a long time..?'

From the day she showed her shame to Geese, she never had sex with a man.

The reason I feel this way now may be because my body has gotten hot from
having sex I haven't had in years.

And she was only half right.


'It's the same no matter how you move..!'

big root.
Cloud's cock, which ate the strange grass with the power of the goddess,
changes to the size most easily felt by the inserted woman.

Even after climaxing once, she felt strong pleasure even if she moved her waist
in a direction that she did not feel as much as possible.

The moment her cock was inserted, it was as if she had fallen into a swamp from
which she could not get out.

'I can't go again.'

I don't know if it's after he bought it, but if he climaxed one more time
before that, there's nothing to call him Heo-jeop.

It can't be.

If she did, her dignity as an adult would collapse...!

“...why did you suddenly become so lukewarm?”

But that wasn't the cloud's business.
He pointed to her weakened waist, and when she faltered and couldn't answer
properly, he sighed and rolled over again to take the normal position.

“Come on, wait-”

Before Cassia could say anything, Cloud shook her back.

sometimes strong.
sometimes weak.
Rhythmically, he poked Cassia's weak points and tormented her.


After a long time in sex with his sassy waist, she could no longer maintain her
dignity as an adult.

“Ugh..! There, there, harder...! Whoa!!”

A first-class dancer, Cassia, admired by all citizens of Oulheim and was the
first love of some men.

She was now being held by a younger man and was making a vulgar voice.

“It looks like rice.”

Cloud said that he was going to lose his waist for a while. But Cassia wrapped
her legs around his waist to prevent him from pulling out.

“Is today a good day?”

She hesitated at his question and did not answer immediately. She then nodded
her head and answered in an ambiguous voice.

"Yes. right."


“That’s right! It's okay, so hurry up and buy it!"

“No, why are you annoyed?”

Cloud ejaculated inside her even though it was bewildering. The hard cock dug
deeper into her vagina and spit out her semen.

A sense of satisfaction that fills the inside of the vagina.

Thanks to that satisfaction, it was a really short time, but Cassia was able to
forget about Gis.

After ejaculation, Cassia gave Cloud a deep kiss. She felt his cock still hard,
and whispered to him in an alluring voice.

“Can we still do more?”


“Are you just going to stay one more day?”

Cloud looked at Cassia's tired face and said with concern, but she shook her

“One day becomes two days, and two days become a week. A person has to know
when to leave.”

If you continue to rely on his favor, you will start to take it for granted at
some point.

It might become an obstacle in his way like that.

Cassia didn't want to be that unsightly.

“There is nothing I can do about it when you say that. Please return

"okay. Thank you for that time."

Cassia smiled and parted with him. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any
regrets. If you stay there, you may occasionally see your son, and you may continue
to be comforted by a cute, younger man.

But, as she just said, one has to know when to leave.

If we run out of time and get sloppy, we will only hurt each other's feelings.

All the good memories will be painted dirty. So, it is right to break up
cleanly like this.

As Cassia was thinking about it and controlling her regrets, an escort

adventurer asked her.
"sister. Why do you keep stroking your stomach?”

"yes? Ah... did I?”

"yes. It's been that way ever since I came out. Do you have a stomach ache?”

At the woman's words, Cassia grinned.

“It’s not like that.”

* * *

A duel with the orc faction.

The first person to step out of the human camp was none other than Mars.

“Can I really go out?”

Mars asked, wondering.

I have a sense that I am stronger than I used to be.

Since he swallowed the essence of the legendary knight, he could not say that
he was weak even with empty words.
It's like deceiving others.
But apart from that, it is true that Cloud's decision is embarrassing.

Thousands of lives are at stake in this duel.

That means it's important.

Cloud chose Mars without hesitation. about his colleagues. Cloud patted Mars on
the back when he saw Mars's worried expression on his face.

“You are sending it. Except for me and Gis, who are the heroes here, you are
the strongest, right?”

“It’s… it’s…”

As Mars answered, he glanced at Neria with a quick glance. As expected, she was
disassembling with her eyes wide open. And yet, she sometimes looked at Cloud with
sad eyes.

'It's ruined.'

When fighting with Neria, he sometimes felt a sense of murder. He probably

didn't really want to kill him, but his eyes were meant to live.

But maybe from now on, I really want to kill him.

'I have to avoid it for a while.'

At this point, I stopped fighting.

I've been wanting to quit for a long time, but it worked out.

As Mars nodded in agreement with himself, Cloud pushed his back.

“If you know, get out quickly.”

"okay. Okay, so don't push it. I'll figure it out."

While grumbling like that, Mars walked to the empty space created between the
orc camp and the human camp.

A vampire noble approached next to Cloud, who was looking behind him.

“Do you really think that young man can win?”

At his question, Cloud narrowed his brow.

“Of course I sent you to win, would you send me to lose? Do I look like a
vicious hero who drives a dreamy young man to his limbs?”

“…I don’t mean that. I said that because I was a little worried.”

“What are you worried about?”

“Do you see the orc over there sharpening his axe? That orc is the one coming
into this duel. He was said to have killed a giant poisonous scorpion before he
became an adult, and when he became chieftain, he plundered several tribes from
place to place. It is even said that he hadn't even lost a single defeat before
Grand Chief Lugar stepped in."

Isn't that simple friend still a little lacking to face such a great warrior?
At the words of the vampire noble, Cloud looked around. Most of them, except
for him and his companions, were expecting the defeat of Mars and regretted the
death of an innocent young man in advance.

So are the orcs.

There seemed to be a friendly conversation going on between the orcs who were
about to enter the duel and the orcs surrounding him.
It is an atmosphere that does not assume defeat at all.
On the contrary, they even laughed at Mars who came out to the duel.

Cloud chuckled.

“Who cares about whom?”


The vampire noble asked what it meant, but there was no answer. It wasn't until
the duel started that he understood what Cloud was saying.


Even before the two of them had reached 30, the head of the opposing Orc fell.

EP.142 Harvest Day

“I can’t understand the thoughts of human bastards.”

The orc going to the first duel, the double-edged ax Monak, murmured as he saw
Mars walking out of the human camp.

Does sending a kid like that make me look that funny?

Perhaps he had not stopped feeling such emotions, and the orcs around him also
spit out irritable words one by one.

“To send out a young man with a blue color against Daejeon. Are you even
appealing to the court?”
“It’s funny. There is no point in arguing for insignificant affections in a
sacred duel.”
“The fact that we staked our estates on our orcs to a duel, sent that kid, and
maybe humans are dumber than we thought.”

Both were harsh criticisms.

And this reaction is natural.
Because they didn't see Mars as an opponent of Monak. Orcs who knew even a
little of Monak's saga had no choice but to do so.

Who would compare a famous orc warrior with a young human whose name is

As they were chewing on Mars and humans, an orc approached saying that the
warchief had sent them.
“When you fight that person, be sincere. He is a strong human being, unlike his

“Is that the Warchief’s message?”

Monak asked while holding the handle of the ax that had been trimmed. The orc
sent by Lugar nodded his head. Then Monak smiled bitterly.

“I think the Warchief is ignoring me too much. Well, I understand. Because the
warchief is much stronger than me. Things like that happen, too."

The smile quickly turned into a strong color.

“But contrary to my understanding, I can't help but be angry. Did you think I
would be vigilant in front of the enemy? Did you look like a stupid hunter who
didn't do his best to catch his prey?"

"That's not what the Warchief meant..."

“It is noisy, go and tell the warchief. This motherfucker will come back with
that kid's neck.”

Monak got up and started walking towards the center of both camps where Mars
was standing.

“Monak! Be sure to win!”

“Kill that kid in an instant and press the noses of humans!”

The orcs cheered him loudly.

Monak didn't feel too bad about it, so he became a little more generous.

“If you want to fall, get out now. Then I won't threaten you. I can't help but
make fun of you for being a coward."

He said to Mars, who was standing about 5 meters in front of him. At his words,
Mars smiled awkwardly and shook his head.

“I don’t know why he cares about me, but I can’t let it go. I don’t want to
betray the trust of the person who trusted me.”

“You foolishness… that chaotic mind killed you.”

“Thanks for the advice. In fact, while I was walking here, I was thinking about
what to do…”

Mars clasped his hand on the hilt of the sword.

At the same time, the energy he exudes changed.
It's dark and gloomy, yet ferocious.
While Monak was startled by the sudden change in the prey's energy, Mars calmly
drew his sword.

“I can’t be rude like you said.”

His sword filled with mana was emitting a dark red light. An ominous feeling of
swordsmanship. Monak breathed mana into her axe.

At the same time as Monak's ax emitted blue, Mars moved.

He quickly narrowed the distance and swung his sword horizontally. As Mo Nak
jumped back to dodge, he spun around and cut him down vertically.


Monak raised his ax and blocked the sword.

Before Mars could retrieve the sword, he opened his mouth wide and shouted.

[Roar of the Beast]

One of the patterns engraved on Monak's body shone. The sound he uttered became
a loud reverberation and immediately struck Mars.

At that moment, the power of the sword that had crushed the ax weakened.

Monak deflected the sword with his axe.

'Since the roar was orthodox, I wouldn't be able to come to my senses right

You will lose your sense of balance and stumble. Although it was only for a
moment, it was enough for Monak. He's a seasoned fighter.

He used one more glyph.

[Glyph of White Clawed Bear]


His bones and muscles were twisted and transformed into a new form. The changed
skeleton belongs to the bear king who ruled the area around his tribe in the past.
Monak's original body is also excellent, but it is not comparable to the skeleton
of the Bear King.

Monak, who had the bear king's vicious skeleton in his hand, held the sword
with a strong grip.

“Apologize for what I messed up. You are a warrior, not a kid. I, the
motherfucker of the double-edged ax won't admit it. So stop sleeping.”

He swung his ax broadly horizontally.

With the intention of cutting Mars in half.
His thoughts were blocked by a dark red sword that appeared along the way and
could not be realized.

Monak widened his eyes.

'Did you stop it?'

Your sense of balance must be messed up?
Could it be that he, with the skeleton of a bear king, could block the blow he
wielded so lightly?

1 second.

The time when all those thoughts passed through Monak's head.

And it was enough time for Mars to come to his senses.

Mars' black eyes stared at Monak. Monak, feeling an eerie sensation, ran back
again and widened the distance.

But Mars, unwilling to let go, quickly caught up with him.

“It’s just a glyph.”

Mars had been warned in advance by Cloud to beware of the strange power of the

So he was careful throughout the fight, thanks to which he was able to halve
the power of the roar by spreading a thin layer of dark red mana the moment Monak
fired his roar.

“It’s an unwelcome force.”

This time I managed to stop it somehow, but I don't know what to do next.
Because only Monak knows what kind of power a certain pattern has. Nevertheless,
Mars had to deal with the unknown power of the pattern, and the method was
surprisingly simple.

Just not giving room to use the pattern.

Mars took a deep breath and focused. He glared at Monak with calm eyes and
swung his sword.

Monak blocked it with an axe.


The blade of the ax that collided with the sword was severely damaged.

'What kind of power...'

If it were a weapon that was equally strengthened with swordsmanship, it would

break so easily. But he didn't even have time to be astonished.

Dark red trails poured towards Monak.

Monak did his best to respond to the bloody sword attacks. Even when the ax's
blade fell apart and his flesh cut, he clenched his teeth and endured it.

As long as Mars is a human, he will make at least one mistake.

Take the opportunity and finish it at once.

Monak made that decision, and it was a wrong decision.

Mars is not disturbed.

His swordsmanship he learned from Cloud had a strong foundation.

Mars does not make mistakes or be vigilant.

Because he was trained by Cloud to remain calm during battle.

When Mars showed no sign of making a mistake, Monak became impatient. Even at
this moment, his ax and his body had more wounds.

In the end, he had an unreasonable number to counter Mars' attack with an

attack, and he had to pay the price.


Mars, who escaped Monak's ax by one point, cut off Monak's head.

At the same time as the dark red traces disappeared, the giant body collapsed.

His eyes widened and his head fell to the floor.

Seeing his head rolling around, Mars sighed. His hair and eye color changed,
and Mars returned to his usual innocent youth.


However, neither the Orcs nor the Humans saw him as an innocent young man

It was the same for Neria as well as other Cloud party members. Shocked by
Mars' hidden potential, I couldn't treat him like I used to.

The only thing that was able to treat him back as before was, at best, only
Shedia hiding in the cloud or in the shadows.

Cloud knew, and Shedia had no idea.


While Cloud patted Mars on the shoulder saying that he had worked hard, there
was one person who was paying attention to them, the vampire noble of the Alitia
Kingdom camp.

He was astonished by the power that Mars had just shown.

'You must have looked like a normal human being...'

I thought that an unnamed youngster would be at the level of a regular knight,

but this was a big mistake.

'Dangerous. The power of the Cloud Party is getting stronger day by day.'

It was a very dangerous thing for the private reading group, considering the
regression of the Gis Party, far from growing.

'I'll have to file a report as soon as possible.'

He didn't have the authority to handle such a problem. Even if they were called
aristocrats, they were merely puppets of the cadres of the Social Reading Society.

* * *

The second duel was destroyed like a dog.

You may be wondering why it went bankrupt.

I'll just say that it was the vampire nobles' side who chose the one to go to
the second duel.

'I was expecting this to happen.'

Isn't it too much to be robbed in less than a minute after starting?

No matter how much you thought about losing, there is something called

huh, what
You can fight a little bit and then lose, right?

'Anyway, you fucking mosquito bastards.'

You have to catch me sometime and sort things out.

there is no justification


'By the way, why aren't these Orcs here?'

The final duel is between me and Lugar.

In the past few years, Lugar has changed greatly after carrying the heavy
burden of being a warchief.
how strong
I came out with a lot of anticipation, but no matter how much I waited, the
Orcs did not come out of the castle.

Originally, they would have already camped on the other side of us and prepared
for a duel.

Should I knock on the gate to see if something happened?

As I was thinking about it, the gates began to open.

is it finally out?

However, contrary to what I thought, there was only one orc that came out of
the gate.

What, why is there only one?

As I was puzzled, the guy shouted out in a loud voice.

“Listen, you wicked men! Our warchief wanted to reconcile with you humans! But
by assassinating the Warchief, you humans not only betrayed his mercy, but also
dishonored your honor as a warrior!!”

...what does that mean now?

who gets assassinated?

“Your tactics to destroy us will not work! To restore the Warchief's honor, we
will unite and kill you! I will take revenge! So be afraid, you wicked scum!”

The orc shouted only what to say and went back to the castle, and the gate was
firmly shut.

I turned my back and went back to the kingdom's camp.

“Count Sentry! Duke Oller! Duke Favir! Gather your troops right now! Eri,
Leslie, you guys prepare your magic. with the strongest When two people break
through the gates with magic, the Knights will begin.”

“Cloud warrior? What are you talking about all of a sudden? What else was that
orc talking about?”

Duke Fabir asked curiously.

The other nobles also seemed to be in a sudden mood.

But there was no time to elaborate.

“Duke Favir, do you want to save your family and citizens?”

"Yes? Of course-”

“Then shut up and do as you are told. If you don't want to regret it later."

It was only then that Duke Fabir realized the seriousness of the situation and
his complexion hardened.

So did the other nobles.

“You want to rally the army. It's sudden, and the hero doesn't have that kind
of authority!"

Only the vampire was talking without understanding the situation.

I drew a dagger and put it in his stomach.


The vampire nobleman opened his eyes and tried to take a step backwards. I
pulled him by the nod of his head and whispered in his ear.

“Did I warn you last time? Whatever you or those behind you want, don't try to
disturb me."

The vampire tried to push me away.

It was strong enough to be unimaginable as a person who was stabbed in the
stomach, but I did not let go.

“Try one more tweak. I'm going to overthrow you and the social reading


The vampire's eyes widened.

If I was embarrassed when I was stabbed in the stomach, now I am closer to

Before asking the obvious question of how he knew it, he grabbed the guy by the
neck and threw it.
I turned my head to the side.
Fortunately, there were no nobles left.
They roamed the camp of the Kingdom Army while on horseback, gathering their

It didn't take long for the army to assemble.

The army went to the castle, and the war started again in an unexpected

EP.143 Harvest Day

The night of the second duel.

The two warriors guarding the door where the warchief was staying, spoke in low

“You will see the warchief fighting right in front of your eyes.”

“How many times have you seen the warchief fighting? anew.”

“Is killing weak humans the same as fighting a hero? Maybe tomorrow we will see
all the hidden powers of the Warchief!”

“What do you do when you see it? It's not even your strength."

“You keep… uh, wait. Someone is coming.”

Seeing the dark shadows approaching from the other side of the dark hallway,
the two orcs took a vigilant stance.
It wasn't until the torches revealed their faces that they relaxed.

“What, you are the chieftain of the Red Bear Molar tribe?”

“What did Octane come here for?”

“Ask what?”

It was a moment when an orc, who had been puzzled, was about to say hello to


The spear blade pierced his chest.

He was stably stabbed in the heart and died without a single word or a scream.


Octane slammed his fist in the face before the other orc in a panic shouted.
The orc bent his upper body at the unpleasant sensation in his intestines, and
Octan grabbed his head with both hands.

I cut my neck by about 90 degrees.

- Woodduck
The orc, whose head was broken, fell to the floor helplessly.

"...octane. Is this really true?”

Octane's henchman, Luken, looked at the two dead orcs and made a confused
Killed two innocent young warriors.
I couldn't help but feel guilty for pretending it was for a cause.

“What do you want to say?”

“Is this really the best? Couldn't there be a better way? For example, telling
the Warchief something about him.”

“Lugar would not have accepted it.”

“Why so
Are you sure? He and we may have different methods, but the ultimate goal for our
people is the same. octane. To be honest, your actions right now are just
I even think that it came out of jealousy towards Lugar.”


Octane frowned and glared at Luke.

“It has already happened. If you're clumsy and want to ruin your plans, just go
back. The rest will be done by me and the other clan members.”

"...not. As long as I start as you said, I will have to see the end.”

no matter what the outcome.

Luke clenched his sword with a stiff face. Octane signaled to the shaman and
then slowly opened the Warchief's door. Lugar was asleep, covered with a large
leather duvet.

Octane took out a sword of a normal size, not his own axe.

If the scars on the corpse were too great, it would be difficult to see it as
an assassination designed by a human.

Octane grabbed the sword in reverse and aimed it at Lugar's heart. There was no
apology or mourning out of guilt. The moment he was about to stab his heart without
hesitation, Lugar's eyes flashed open.

Indeed, Lugar was an excellent fighter.

At that moment, I thought of turning around and dodging the sword. However,
because he was awake, his reaction was a little late, and he could not completely
avoid it. His right chest was pierced by a sword.


The moment Lugar's right arm, holding the sword, was about to shine, Lucen cut
off his right arm. At the same time, another octane's henchman cut off Lugar's left

It was a quick movement, as if it had been pre-made.

Lugar's painful moan grew louder.
He exhaled heavily and looked at the Octane.

"Octane... what the hell is this doing?"

“We are only doing what needs to be done for the prosperity of our orcs.”

“Do I have to die for the orcs to prosper?”

“It’s not just you. All the humans you have surrounded yourself with will also


Lugar smirked. huh. After spitting the pool of blood in his mouth, he spoke.

“I’m your sister

didn't you say If you provoke humans too much, the empire will come out. If the
Empire steps forward, it will not end with being driven back to the original land.
Thousands of warriors will be slaughtered without honor!”

“No such thing will happen. I swear Humans will fall, and we orcs will flourish
under his rule.”

“He? Who is it?”

“The Millennium Wizard. the one who doesn't die. necromancer. There are many
nicknames for him, but this one is the most famous.”

Octane grinned.

“The King of Death, Lich.”

Unlike Octane's expression, Lugar's expression hardened.

"rich? Are you talking about the Four Heavenly Kings of Demon Kings?”

“You know him too. Then you will know about the great power he has. That person
reached out to me. The Empire is no longer a match for our orcs.”

“Looks like he brainwashed you. I saw you say such crazy things.”

“I am sane.”

“You’re sane, did you think like that? It’s so dull.”

The tattoo on Lugar's chest shone.


A large shock wave centered on Lugar hit the surroundings. Octane and his men
were either pushed back or flew away and crashed into the wall.


Octane, who barely survived by supporting the floor with an axe, raised his

Black flames rose from the cross section of Lugar's severed arm. The blazing
black flame became his arm, and he drew a sword from his right chest.

After throwing the sword, Lugar grinned at the orcs who had not yet escaped the
afterglow of the shock wave.

“Are you going to go against the Empire and the Heroes with this kind of

“…it may be like this now, but when he comes—”


Lugar shouted loudly and cut off the words that did not even sound like
Octane's excuses.

“You fell for the demon king’s minions and tried to endanger the whole race.
This is one of the most unforgivable felonies. And I, Lugar, as the warchief,
punished him.”

All the tattoos on his body began to shine.

“It is a summary execution for all.”

Lugar listened to the Daegokdo that was placed next to his bed. The moment he
was about to swing it towards the Octane, black smoke appeared from nowhere and
covered the room in an instant.

The next day, the orc army declared war on the kingdom army.

* * *

A world where magic exists.

Of course, there was also magic used to protect the walls and gates.

Most of the walls and gates were fortified with protection magic, and the
quality of this protection magic also determined the status of a city.

And 'Avila', the city of Duke Fabir, belonged to the higher class.

There are usually two ways to attack a city with such strong protective magic.

or ignorantly knocking with a siege weapon.

or ignorantly knocking with magic.

Both are inefficient methods, but unavoidable. In a siege battle, the attacking
side is much more difficult than the defending side.

However, the current situation in the Kingdom Army was on the better side.

Because there were two wizards, one of the best on the continent.

-Shoot it!

Orcs on the wall fired arrows.

Arrows floating in the air for a while quickly fell towards the kingdom army.

Faba Baba-!

The arrows were blocked by the dense shield wall of the knights.
But the arrows did not fall only once. The Orcs, who had the upper hand in
height, fired arrows constantly.

Sometimes the arrows were lucky to pierce between the shields, but most could
not penetrate the full plate armor of the knights.

Thanks to this, Leslie and Eri hiding behind the shield wall were able to focus
on the magic chant.

Of the two, Eri worked particularly hard to prepare magic.

'you can do it. You were successful last time.'

A magic that she, a genius wizard, worked hard for years to create.

If you use this magic, you can use magic that is several ranks higher than your

'Concentrate. You must succeed.'

You have to break through the gates with just one magic.
That way, you can defeat that annoying white-haired girl and solidify her place
as a wizard in the party.

If that happens, Cloud will appreciate her a little more.

More than some unknown bitches who suddenly brought me one day!

...I can't help but be pushed by my lover, Katarina.

'By the way, I didn't even ask what I saw that day...'

Eri had witnessed Cloud and Lauren kissing. At the time, I wasn't able to ask
because I was quite shocked, but when I get a little closer to him through this
case, I'll have to ask him.

With that in mind, Eri finished her singing.

A large purple magic circle formed in front of her.

It is a type of magic that shoots the condensed mana to the limit in a straight

It was a simple magic, but this was enough to break the gates.

Eri looked around while waiting for Cloud's signal. She was willing to laugh at
her Leslie's magic, which would fall far behind her.

But what?

Leslie's magic was not inferior to Eri's magic at all.

I don't know what kind of magic it is, but looking at the amount of magical
power it has gathered, it seems like it will produce a similar output to Eri's

'What, what? how..?'

Isn't that girl's skill level not that good?
While I was researching magic, he was doing chores, so he should have lower
skills than me, right?

In Eri's bewildered eyes, the magic circle that Leslie had spread out could be
seen. Since she was a different magic from hers, of course her form is different.
However, the core foundation of her magic circle was hers.

“How did this happen…”

“Are you both ready?”

Cloud suddenly appeared between the two women.

Eri came to her senses and answered.


“I’m ready too.”

Cloud nodded and shouted to the knights.

"open it!"

The knights who had been seated in front of him swerved to the side before he
screamed. Two women shot their magic towards the empty front in an instant.

Condensed purple mana supported the gate and melted the protective magic.

The protection magic of the castle gate that gradually weakens.

An ice pick the size of a troll, pouring down from Leslie's magic circle,
knocked on the weakened gate.

No matter how much protection magic of 'Avila' was, he could not overcome the
two great magics.

The protective magic that protected the gates collapsed in less than 3 minutes.

Cloud, who had blocked the arrows flying in front, tapped the two women's

"Good work. Since your role is over, you fall into the rearguard and rest with
the escort.”

Cloud, who spoke close to notification, quickly climbed onto his horse and

“The goal is the cathedral! Rescue the hostages held there! charge!!"

With Cloud at the forefront, the Knights charged towards the collapsed gate.

all the way- all the way-

With the sound of horses running, the dust that rose up covered the
surroundings in a haze.

Eri glared at Leslie as if to kill him, regardless of whether it was dusty or

"What are you?"

Leslie laughed softly.


At that casual attitude, Eri had a sore throat.

“What is it?”

No, not only did it get stiff, the heat ran up to my head.

I can't stand this

Eri aimed at Leslie's chin and swung her staff.

“Hey?! What are you doing so savagely?!”

“Shut up, you spell thief bitch!”

Eri swung her staff without stopping.

Strong Weak Medium~Strong Weak Weak Strong... Strong Strong Strong!!!!
A cane that moves rhythmically.
She was perfectly reproducing the swordsmanship she had learned from Cloud in
the past in the dungeon.


At this moment, Eri became the battle mage Cloud had so longed for.

"How did you steal my order? Aren't you quick to tell me?!"

EP.144 Harvest Day

A straight-line city appeared as we crossed the collapsed gate.

Orcs with spears and shields blocked the front of the kingdom army.

“Shield wall!!”

The orcs formed a shield wall by closely connecting huge shields. He put the
spear blade in the empty space between the shields and was ready to stab him at any

It looks like a hedgehog.

However, it is not as cute as a hedgehog.

If you rush to that, you may be able to break through that shield wall, but
there will be many casualties.

If that repeats a few times, the Knights Templar will be reduced by a handful.
So Duke Fabir asked Cloud.

“Soldier, what are you going to do?”

Are you going to keep pushing, or are you going to stop rushing right now?

Instead of answering, Cloud dropped his saddle and ran towards the shield wall.


Cloud didn't care about Duke Fabir's bewildered voice. He concentrated on

demonstrating swordsmanship. When the blue sword started to glow red, he was close
to the shield wall.

“Aim for the hero!”

He aimed at Cloud from all directions and stabbed the spear. Since it is
floating in the air, it cannot be avoided by dynamic movement.

Cloud turned his body sideways and swung his sword. He only slashed the spear
blades that would reach the vital points such as the head, neck, and chest. He
didn't mind being stabbed in the shoulder and thigh.

Holding the sword in both hands, he curled his body back into a C shape. He
bounced his bent body and lowered his sword vertically.

Everything that touched the sword cracked.

Shields and Orcs are all without exception.

his own path was pierced.

Now is the time to open the way for others.

Cloud grabbed the sword in reverse and put it on the floor.

Flames began to rise from the sword.

“Humans want to do stupid things! Stop it!!”

The orcs right next to Cloud tried to strike him with their shields, but it was
too late.

Eredna-ryu Magic Swordsmanship.

[Revelation of Fire]

A pillar of fire rose through the ground beneath the orcs' feet.

“Who, someone turn off the lights!!!”

Orcs who were orthodox hit by the pillar of fire died painfully. There were
also a few orcs who quickly escaped, but they were soon defeated by the swords of
the knights who arrived.

Cloud pulled out the spear that pierced his shoulder and thigh, and then jumped
up and landed on his horse.

To heal the wound, he drank the potion with the other hand while holding the
reins with one hand.
Then, Favir looked at him with tired eyes.

'Every time I see it, I feel it, but a hero doesn't look like a human at all.'

A proper orc warrior is equivalent to two knights in the kingdom. A thick

shield wall made by such warriors. To break through, he had to be prepared for the
sacrifice of dozens of knights, but Cloud solved it in an instant.

One can't beat two and two can't beat four.

For Fabir, who faithfully followed the basics of military strategy, this war
was a series of shocks.

“What are you staring at?”

“Oh… no.”

“Concentrate. It’s just the beginning.”

Cloud said, throwing the empty potion bottle at random.

This is the start...

That was correct.

They have just entered the city and there are many obstacles to overcome.
To protect your family, you have to be alert.

“Okay, warrior!”

Duke Fabir clenched his teeth and made up his mind.

Cloud grinned and waved the reins to hasten the horse. Returning to the lead
again, he shook the formation of the orcs standing in the way. The knights that
followed dealt with the scattered orcs.

But knights are not the cloud.

There were times when he was not able to deal with it in one attack, and there
were times when he was left behind, and there were many cases where he was reversed
by the Orcs.

Nevertheless, the knights did not stop.

Listening to the screams of my colleagues and grinding my teeth, even if the

strength in the hand holding the sword gradually loosened, even if the fear that I
might be hit next came over, I somehow managed to move forward.

He avenged himself by killing orcs who had harmed his comrades, stabbing them
if he couldn't cut them, overcoming fears with a loud shout, and marched forward.

After doing the best they could and sacrificing everything they could, they
were able to face each other.

The scene of the massacre that took place inside the cathedral.

“You crazy...”

The knight who ran with a sense of duty was astonished.


The knight, who had no choice but to follow the master, sighed in vain.

The knights who risked their lives to save their family and ran...

“Ah… ah… ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”


Screaming, he found his family in a pile of corpses.

Still, I looked forward to it.
If the body of his family hadn't been here, I hope he was lucky enough to run
away and hide well.
And when those expectations were shattered, the screams and wails they let out
didn't feel like they belonged to anyone at all.

"honey..! Ned..!”

Duke of Favir.
He burned his mourning every night thinking of his family who would be held

The bodies of his wife and son he held were only the upper body.


Looking at the horrific sight, Mars felt an indescribable feeling.

I've been through a lot of things since I left, but this was the first time
I've ever done something like this.

I was angry, but also sad and complicated.

How to deal with these feelings?

Mars instinctively turned to Cloud. Because he made it easy for him to tell me
what he didn't know, as if he was asking something like that.

But this time it was different from usual.


Feeling the change in Cloud's mood, Mars whispered a call, but he didn't

His eyes were set on the knights mourning the loss of their family.

- Whoa! Mom!!

“Jackson... my son...”

- I'm sorry I'm the only one alive...

“No... this is not..!!!!!

The cries and screams of people resonating in their heads.

In his eyes, the knights appeared from time to time turned into men in worn
past and present intersect
As his senses gradually move away from reality,

- Don't be mean. Even if you knew, you would have turned away. why? that's you
Because you are the one who thinks that some sacrifice is inevitable for a purpose.

A man's words caught Cloud.

- So, it's all your fault.

It was a human head that rolled towards the cloud.
The head of a faithful paladin who performed miracles.
The hair of a woman who was innocent but stupid and had a cute side.
The head of the woman he once loved.

The head, who had lost her body, opened her closed eyes and said.

- It's all your fault.

Cloud sat down on one knee and raised his head. When he cleaned up his messy
hair soaked in blood, what he saw was the face of a stranger he didn't even know.

“It’s not your fault.”

Cloud turned his head.

Neria was looking at him.

“You did your best. i know So don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Neria, who said that, was not the usual girl who looked into his eyes and was
perplexed. She lent her shoulders and back to Cloud when she was a slender knight.

Seeing her like that, Cloud smiled.

Is it funny to say something like that on a subject you know nothing about?


Do you think it's foolish to be so kind to him who only wears Cloud's skin?


not all

The only reason he smiled was because she saw his image overlapped.

When he wakes up, he has already lost all the most precious things.

'Neria, how will you react when it turns out that I'm a fake?'

I'm very curious about it, but I don't want to know.


Neria, who had already assumed that he must have been very heartbroken, put on
a bitter expression. He wants to comfort him, but he has a face that doesn't know
how to comfort him.
Cloud smiled slightly and carefully lowered the head he was holding onto the

“Brother, Neria? I don't think now is the time for that..."

Mars's tense voice.

There was no need to ask what it meant.
You could easily spot the orcs besieging you by turning your head a little.

The knights who had been crying over the loss of their families got up one by

The knights' eyes were filled with indescribable anger and hatred. They no
longer fear death.

Because I lost everything that was as precious as my life.

The other knights ripped off them as they tried to run towards the Orcs.

“Put this down. Let go!”

So was the Duke of Fabir. As he was running towards the orc with bloodshot
eyes, Duke Oller caught him.

“Calm down. Don't act emotionally!”

“My wife and son are dead. Even the body is not intact. But you're telling me
to get the opposite sex?! Don’t talk bullshit, get out of the way!”

“Duke Fabir, you are a monarch. If you lose your temper, how do you control the
knights below you? Even if we fight together as one, if we fight recklessly, we
will be annihilated!!”

There were more orc warriors besieging around than the number of knights.
Thanks to that, some knights are in a state of atrophy. Even in an unfavorable
situation, the morale was broken.

If you fight head-on, you will not be able to avoid annihilation.

It was time for Duke Oller to stop Duke Fabir and think of a solution.

An Orc with a stature that stood out among the Orcs came forward. He appeared
while dragging his huge saw bladed sword to the floor and shouted at the Knights.

“You mean people!! Was the duel with the great warrior Lugar so terrifying?
Wasn't it really that hard to keep the promise in defeat?"

He is the chieftain of the Black Scorpion clan, Zarag.

A Daejeon warrior who admired Lugar's strength and aspirations.

“You disgusting humans who dared to assassinate the orc warchief. Do you want
to sustain that insect-like life? Then come out If you fight me, Zarag, and win, I
will let you go.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the orcs began to pound the floor with their

thud! thud! thud! thud!

A heavy sound resounded all around.
Cloud stepped out towards the place that exudes an overbearing atmosphere.
Zarag recognized him and frowned.

“You… you are the human who originally decided to duel with Lugar. Were you a
brother-in-law with Lugar? Let me ask you one thing. Why did you betray your


“Are you going to be silent? You seem to know how embarrassing it is.”

Zarag nodded.
Soon, his eyes widened and he swept the ground with his saw bladed sword. Dust
obscured Cloud's view. Zarag's saw-blade sword began to glow black. It came down
diagonally as if it would cut through the cloud.

Cloud drew his sword.

Drake-style swordsmanship.
[Cleaning Mount Tai]

A thick saw bladed sword split in half.

The blade that flew away was stuck on the floor.


Cloud's sword moved before Zarag was even aware of the situation.

Drake's quick sword technique.

[Leaf cutting]

a fleeting moment.
Countless slashes passed through Zarag.
Cloud put the sword into its sheath.


Zarag was cut into pieces and fell to the floor. The fragments splattered each
other and wet the floor with a fountain of blood.


Orcs and humans.

Neither side could speak recklessly.

Cloud opened his mouth in the strange silence.

“They tell us
unilaterally charged and declared war. He also brutally slaughtered civilians and
prisoners of war. There is no room for extenuating this
It is regarded as an obvious hostilities, and I, Cloud, command as a hero.”

A calm yet eerie voice dominated the area.

Cloud drew his sword once more.

“All troops, annihilate the enemy.”

EP.145 Harvest Day

annihilate the enemy

Considering that an orc warrior is equal to two knights, it is absurd.

In fact, the command to die is as good as it gets.
But for some reason I'm not afraid.

The knights gave strength to the hand holding the sword and shield.

Marietta and Ophelia prayed.

[God bless you]

[All Bless]

Golden and white light blended and enveloped the Knights Templar. A strange
phenomenon where two blessings overlap. The two saint candidates were astonished,
but those who received the blessing did not care.

They were grateful that their body was much lighter.

Thanks to you, I was able to get my family's revenge.

Now that I am able to follow in the footsteps of the hero I admired.

It was also Cloud that announced the opening of the war.

He dug through the orcs in an instant and literally slashed the orcs in the

- Destroy the enemy!!

The morale of the knights united under the loud shouts pierced the sky. They
bravely rushed against the orcs that were half the size of them.

The orcs were not afraid either.

Although not well morale, they are valiant warriors. Without turning his back
to run away, he fought against the knights.

A thin sword pierced the orc's chest.

The heart was fine. The orc lowered his ax and slashed it. Kaang! The shield
that blocked the ax was crushed. As the orc grinned and was about to lower his ax
once more, another knight rushed out and stabbed the orc in the neck with his

A collapsed orc.

The knight who killed the orc reached out to the fallen knight.


It was hit by the newly appeared orc's blunt and flew away.

The orc turned to the knight who was still down. The knight hurriedly tried to
stand up, but the blunt sledgehammer smashed his head quickly.


The knight's head exploded after being hit by a blunt weapon, and his brain and
brain water were scattered on the floor.

The sense of slaughter at his fingertips excited the orcs.


He was so excited that he shouted loudly. Then someone passed by his side. It
was so natural that he thought his kind had passed.

It was only when the intestines came out of the cracked side that he realized
he was mistaken.

The orc grabbed his side and turned his gaze to the one who had just passed
A woman with scarlet hair.
She was exuding an atmosphere that was far from here.

In the battlefield of life and death, he took his life with a sword dance that
felt the vitality of life.

The orc with cognitive dissonance stared blankly at her sword dance. She
forgets that this is her battlefield and that she has been wounded.

The cost was great.


Neria cut off the head of an orc with a stupid face. She then looked at
Katarina with a dissatisfied expression on her face. She doesn't mean that Katarina
isn't doing her part, but she somehow twisted it.

An orc rushed towards Neria, who was looking at Katarina like that.

“You sold your eyes!”

The moment the orc was about to wield the great sword, the mane of the lion
king helmet worn by Neria shook up and down.

Two white lions came out of their mane and bit the orc's neck and ankle,

The startled orc removed the lion that bit the nape and cut it with a sword.
The white lion split in half turned into white particles and returned to the mane
of his helmet. Then he was born again as a white lion and ran towards the orcs.

If you kill you will be born, if you kill you will be born again.

It was the Orcs who ran out of strength first in the attrition battle. He was
killed by his lion biting him in the neck.

While the White Lions were doing this, Neria shielded the other orcs from
attack and pierced his heart with her sword.

The moment she swung her sword and wiped away the blood on the blade, she
suddenly felt an ominous sensation. She hurriedly twisted her body, pulled her
shield and prepared to defend...

“Mr. Neria?”

What was reflected in her eyes wasn't the vicious orc, but Mars with a puzzled

“…what, do you have time to talk in the meantime?”

She said bluntly: Ignoring her attitude, Mars asked.

“Cloud hyung, do you know where you are?”

"cloud? That's...”

Neria turned her head and looked at the battlefield. The most noisy place to be
seen is probably where he is.

By the way.


There may be a slight difference, but there was no place to call it a big fuss.

“Hey, cloud, where did you go?”

“…I asked first.”

Mars sighed.

* * *

While the Orcs and the Knights were in full swing, Octan and his shaman were
conducting an advent ceremony in the lord's auditorium.

“Are you sure he likes this place?”

“He said to prepare the ceremony in a place that will not compromise your
dignity. So this is the perfect place for the ceremony.”

“Is consciousness going well?”

Octan looked at the bloody jinn spread around the throne and the lumps of flesh
rolling through the central heating system.

This is the altar for the advent of the Lich.

I did it because the shaman had to do it, but when I actually did it, it didn't
seem like much. Octane doubted whether this could really bring the Four Heavenly
Kings down.

But the shaman was confident.

“It is going well. It started early in the morning, so it won't be long before
he will answer you. So wait a little bit.”
“Who is he?”

"Yes? Hey... who are you? I would have told you not to let anyone in until the
ceremony was over?!”

The shaman shouted loudly at the voice from behind and turned his back. At the
entrance of the audience stood a man covered in blood.

The man was quite familiar to the shaman as well.

"Warrior? Why did you... no, how did you get into it? This castle is guarded by
Daejeon warriors-”

“Don’t ask stupid questions. It is an act that damages the reputation of the

After shooting the shaman, Octane focused his attention on the blood on Cloud's

“Did you kill them all?”

Cloud wiped the blood from the sword with his sleeve and nodded.

“…without one person left?”

“Do I need to leave it?”


Octane grinded his teeth.

“Did you need to leave? Yes, you are right. There is no need to make a remorse
by keeping them alive.”

He held a giant double-edged ax, one in each hand. He hit the floor with an ax
that glowed with a green sword. thud! The floor that touched the ax blade was
dented and the audience shook.

“You die today. So are your colleagues. all die Do not expect mercy from me.”

Cloud's hand, which was wiping the sword, stopped. He opened his eyes and then
burst into laughter as if he had heard a funny story.

“Have you tried to save anyone? A cub who even killed a child speaks well.”

The laughter didn't last long.

Cloud's expression turned cold.

“Who is that altar dedicated to? witch? Or the devil?”

"witch? Devil? I don't know what you're talking about."

“Who are you trying to summon while melting people’s souls?”

“Oh, was that what you meant? That is…”

Octane glanced back. The shaman signaled her that the altar was fine. He smiled
and took a big step forward with his feet.
“You don’t know!!”

He threw two double-edged axes.

The ax flew like a disk and aimed at Cloud. Cloud looked at the two green disks
flying towards him.

Both flew outward in a parabolic shape.

That is, the middle is empty.

He left his seat and ran in a straight line towards the octane. Then, she
noticed that the corners of Octane's lips went up, and her nerves were sharpened.

I felt the two axes of octane flying towards my back.

Why is the ax that should have fallen to the floor after they bumped into each
other flying towards his back?

'There is no way an ax has a guiding function...'

Cloud jumped high and did somersaults.

Not surprisingly, the ax flew towards Octane, not Cloud.

'It was a recall.'

When Cloud landed on the floor, Octane was smiling triumphantly, holding the
recovered axe.

“I don’t think there was such a function last time. Did it happen before I even
wrote it, so I didn’t know?”

A provocation that gently scratches the inside.

Octane didn't pass.

Instead of skipping over it, he answered with ease.

“Like you said, I didn’t have this kind of power in the past. Until last night,
to be exact.”

"yesternight? Have you ever called a special prostitute?”

"prostitute? ha ha ha ha! In a way, I don't know. He was the one who wags his
tail at you humans every day, imperial, imperial.”

"Empire? Ah... that's how it happened..."

It was only then that Cloud noticed.

That the tattoo engraved on Octane's body has changed.
And that it is very similar to the type of tattoo Lugar had.

“You killed Lugar.”

Regardless of whether the tattoo could be stolen, all circumstantial evidence

pointed to him.

And he didn't deny it either.

“Did you finally find out? I thought you'd figure it out right away. It seems
that the friendship wasn't as deep as I thought."

All the tattoos on Octane's body began to glow.

His muscles, which were still large, had thickened to the limit, and his body
and weapons were engulfed in black flames. Red eyes gleamed in the shimmering black

“…I had to admit it. The warchief was the greatest warrior. In terms of duels
alone, there may not have been anyone on the continent who could face him. No, it
must have been.”

Octane's spirit was lifted by the vitality he felt throughout his body.

“By the way… what you actually do with this kind of power is to look at
people’s eyes. Apart from strength, I can't help but be disappointed. Lugar was a
weak bastard. He was not worthy of the position of great chieftain.”

Octane stepped forward.


I took only one strong step, but there was a roar and strong wind pressure.

“I am different. I will not be as weak as Lugar.”

“You say you are better than Lugar?”

"Yes. I am different from the weak Lugar. Raising the orcs with this power, a
mighty warchief-”

Octane did not finish his speech.

It was because Cloud, who had narrowed the distance in an instant, slashed his
sword vertically at him. Octane crossed the two axes to block the attack.


The moment I stopped the attack, the thought that came to my mind was 'heavy'.
This is not his personal opinion. His soles digging into the floor in real time
proved it.

Looking at the trembling Octane, Cloud muttered softly.

“Well, I don’t know.”

* * *

Strength: B(441)+(88)
Agility: B (488)
Durability: C (385)
Horsepower: C (377)

<Glyph of the Ogre>

-Temporarily doubles strength
- 50% armor penetration

Strength: SSS(882)+(176)
Agility: B (488)
Durability: C (385)
Horsepower: C (377)

EP.146 Harvest Day

“I don’t know..?”

Thick tendons bulged out of Octane's limbs. With a shout, he pushed Cloud's
sword away as hard as he could.

“Then let me feel it!”

Octane took a deep breath. His chest swelled convexly, and the breath he
exhaled mixed with black flame and shot towards Cloud.

Cloud smashed to the floor with superhuman leg strength.


One time at Park Chan's seat.


Once on the wall located to the right of Octane.


Once right next to Octane.

A dull sound was heard.

Cloud reached Octane's side in an instant.

He slammed his sword down before the incontinence on the hard floor and walls
even went away.


His sword could not cut through Octane's shoulder and bounced off.

During this process, Octane did not respond properly. He realized the situation
only when Cloud's sword bounced off, and the black flame that wrapped around his
body grew significantly.

In order not to touch the black flame, Cloud widened the distance.

Octane frowned and grabbed the shoulder that was hit by the sword.
The skin was not torn.
On the other hand, the bones inside the flesh throbbed.
as if hit by a blunt.

'Did you ignore the effect of the giant armor scorpion pattern?'

Octane doesn't know that Cloud has a glyph. That's why he didn't know that he
used the glyph of an ogre, or that the glyph had an option of 50% defense

Octane's momentum softened when the power he thought was invincible was
attacked so easily that it was futile.

Of course, it was only softened to the end, but he did not give up the fight.

Octane's eyes gleamed red.

[Glyph of Medusa]

Paralyzes all creatures in sight for a short time.

Cloud stiffened.
Octane immediately ran towards him and jumped high.


He slashed the double-edged ax in both hands.

Just before the blade of the ax reached the top of Cloud, Octane was certain of

He couldn't help but be astonished when his body turned backwards at the same
time as the ax was thrown.

“What is this..!”

It is a blow that is a mixture of sword and black flame.

you threw it away?
With an ordinary human body, I'm not sure that even a person with a giant armor
scorpion pattern could do it?
It's impossible.
But it happened.
What the hell did you do?

Octane, greatly bewildered, did not notice that Cloud's earrings had turned

Even if he had been aware of it, what would happen later would not have

Cloud's sword drew a red trajectory toward the octane, where the center of
gravity was shifted backwards and exposed the gap.

Drake's Quick Sword

[Leaf cutting]

There is no tree that cannot be climbed ten times.

As if to prove that word, Octane's right arm was cut off by the dozens of sword
attacks that Cloud fired. The cross section of his severed arm was tattered.

One more time while Octane, who lost his arm, screamed.

So Octane rolled down the floor, losing even his left arm.

The black flame that had wrapped around his body disappeared.

“Isn’t this composition somehow familiar?”

The sound of the approaching reaper's footsteps.
Octane clenched his teeth.


How did I get here!

'One step forward.'

You just need to go one more step.

Then you can become a great warchief who will leave a name for posterity.

Octane rested her forehead on the floor.


In that state, he raised his body with the power of his abdomen. But I woke up
a little late. Cloud was already right in front of him.

Cloud reached out and grabbed Octane's neck.


Octane raised his head and spat out the saliva he had collected. Medusa's
sting. The moment it seeps into the skin, all living things die instantly.

iron puck-

The poison sting landed exactly on Cloud's cheek. A poison that quickly
permeates the moment it comes in contact with your skin. Black blood vessels
protruded from the site of the poison sting.

Black blood vessels began to spread all over his face. Eventually, when it
touched Cloud's eyes, thick, thick drops of blood flowed out instead of tears.

There is no doubt that poison passed through.

But Octane didn't laugh.

“There are so many miscellaneous things. Is not it?"

The more he shed tears of blood, the more the black veins disappeared.

'What is this...'

Medusa's poison is a poison that even Warchief Lugar was reluctant to use,
saying it was too venomous.

How to detoxify that poison so easily?


The term “detoxification” is a bit strange.

Because that was close to detoxifying rather than detoxifying.

But is that even possible?

“What are you… As long as you’re human… gagging…”

Cloud tightened his grip on Octane's neck. There is nothing you can do even if
you are short of breath. Octane gritted her teeth in her resentment.

“Damn… it was just one step forward…! If it wasn't for you...!!"


Cloud released Octane's head.

His breath was released, and Octane took a breath he had been unable to
Cloud spoke to him and to the shaman who was only watching from afar.



“The guy who tried to call me even while performing this kind of ritual. Call
me now.”

The shaman looked at Cloud with a dumbfounded expression. What is your

intention? Are you serious? How should I react?
Octane shouted at him as he was freezing.

“Shaman, what are you doing? Descend him quickly!”

The shaman, barely awakened by Octane's cry, looked at the altar. Thousands of
souls were united as one. In fact, it is no different than being reborn as a single

The best bowl for lychee.

Now that the preparations are complete, there is no reason to delay any longer.

The shaman looked at Cloud and began to memorize the spell.

“Treasure of intellect, sorcerer of the millennium. The king of death who

laughs at the living. Sacrifice and vessels are prepared for you.”

The shaman's utterances were more like praise to the lich than a spell.
Indeed it was.
Because this spell had no coercion.
All I had to do was send an invitation to Richie saying that he had a table set
up, and all he had to do was sit down and eat.

Shaman and Octane knew that.

Nevertheless, the two orcs had no doubt that the lich would come.

Because he was the first to reach out to them, he was the hero's greatest
enemy, and he was the one who possessed greater power than the hero.
Also, Octane and his gang paid the price he demanded.

So it made sense for him to come.

Did he respond to the wishes of those two orcs?

A powerful magic wave spread around the altar. Not only the shaman, but also
the octane flew away without being able to overcome the wave.

Octane quickly raised his head to examine the magic wave that blew him away.

The altar that became the center of the magic wave.

A black mist emitting an ominous energy enveloped it.


Octane's sense of being a warrior was speaking to him. That's dangerous. that
it should not be touched. So he laughed.

“Hero, what did you say earlier? Do you want to harden it? ha ha ha! Yes, he
has come. how about Don't you regret what you just did? Doesn't he hate himself for
acting foolishly?"

Because it was on his side.

On the other hand, Cloud didn't care what Octane was talking about. He did not
take his eyes off the altar and took out the treasure chests, the holy sword, and
the branches of the world tree that occupied his waist.

And waited.

Neither excited nor afraid, he looked at the dark mist and ominous mana in an
indifferent state.

In order not to miss the moment when the master of the altar descends.

As a result of waiting so long.

“What, you’re not coming.”

The black mist engulfed the altar and disappeared.

Octane's pupils shook.

“Hey, this can’t be happening…!?”

* * *

Inside a deep cave located in the eastern part of the Empire.

About one hundred and nine corpses were lying there, and on top of them, a man
chanted a spell while looking at a black book.

When all the spells were cast, the souls that had been imprisoned in the corpse
escaped and began to unite.

Looking at it, the man laughed.

"done. done!!"

The ceremony was successful.

He approached the soul that radiates strong energy with his eyes full of


Something suddenly popped out with a black mist and stabbed me in the chest.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head.
A bare arm bone was visible.


Why are the bones coming out?

The one I summoned must have been a succubus...?

His thinking did not last long.

The bony palms that pierced his chest squeezed his heart and burst.

His grand ambition to seduce a succubus like that was futile.

“Calling right in front of the hero... Even if centuries have passed, is an Orc
still an Orc? stupid.”

The owner of the palm that took the man's life appeared from the black mist.
A bone clothed in silk.
it was lychee

“It’s been a long time since I’ve reached the human world. So, shouldn't he
have some fun?"

he snapped his fingers.

The corpses that filled the cave rose one by one. The man who had great
ambitions to summon a succubus was no exception.
They lined up in two rows and went out of the cave in an orderly fashion.

The army of the dead who lost their senses.

Its owner, Richie, looked up at the clear sky and smiled.

“Let’s go diligently. It seems like a lot of troops will be needed to play with
the heroes of the time.”

EP.147 End of Harvest

A party in the cloud that grows day by day.

On the other hand, Gith's party, which is sponsored by the Sadokhoe, suffered a
lot of damage from this incident.

Hearing the report, Kelridan, one of the members of the Social Reading Society,
issued an order arbitrarily.

- Kill it.
You can't kill a warrior.
Because it was the same as the unwritten rule of the continent.
If you kill it, things get too big.

But the hero's party members are fine.

It won't be without a fuss, but it will soon calm down. You would think that
the main enemy of the hero, the Demon King, was responsible for the assassination.

Of course, this was a story when the assassination was not discovered.

If you find out, the social reading society will be in trouble in many ways.

So he sent in his own direct direct blood vampires.

Each vampire possesses skills comparable to those of the Imperial Platinum


The five of them saw Leslie and Eri separated from their main unit, and decided
it was a great opportunity to assassinate them, but they were blocked by someone
who came out of nowhere.

“I can’t go.”

That someone was none other than Shedia.

When they met Shedia, the first emotion they felt was puzzlement.

“You… weren’t you the last test subject? I heard that you were killed along
with the 1st assassination on the last mission?”
“It wasn’t exactly what happened, it was a disappearance. Unlike the others,
there were no bodies. I thought I was lucky enough to run away, but maybe... Hero,
were you by Cloud's side?"
“Somehow the people who followed Cloud died, was it your work? I must have
thought it was Cloud's work... This, it was dark under the lamp."
“Anyway, it went well. Shedia was the only subject that could use the power of
the shadows. Kellydon-sama will sigh more.”

The vampires started chattering with each other. The topic of conversation was
Shedia, but they didn't even care about Shedia.

Just a little special 'livestock'

To them, she was just that.

“Shedia, we will carry out the orders Kelidan gave us. You wait here.”

"no. And you can’t go.”

Shedia drew a short single-edged sword and took a stance.

The vampires' faces hardened.

“What did you just say?”

“You’re going to hurt Leslie, aren’t you? That's not allowed."

"sister? Did I just say you were my sister?”

A vampire laughed as if he had heard a funny noise.

“I think the year I killed my older sister made me a step-sister. When are you
planning to kill her?”

Shedia's eyes darkened.

“You die for me. very painful.”

“Don’t worry. At least you won't die until the study of the power of the
shadows is over. It can be painful enough to make you want to die.”

The vampires raised their blood.

Shedia hid herself in the shadows again.

* * *

“It can’t be like this… It can’t be like this…”

Octane looked at the lost altar in disbelief. To be honest, I can understand

the sentiment. Because this is a bit of a funny situation even to me.

'Eat the altar.'

What the hell were they trying to summon?

Even if you're a decent demon, give and take is the default. I mean, those who
eat the altar think they're the same thing.

I'm not saying that it looks out of place.

'Something is very cold.'

I pretended to be cool at the most, but it turned out to be a dog form.

“I can't do this... I can't do this! What have I done for you!!!”

Octane howled bitterly.

oh my, you are boring

I walked slowly and trampled his head.

When he brought the sword to his neck, he began to tremble, perhaps because he
did not want to die.

“Stay still.”

I can't cut it cleanly... Uh huh...

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh...”

Octane's throat was cut in half, and he was in agony, unable to die. She must
be unable to breathe properly as she sees blood entering the airway. Perhaps you
are feeling the sensation of drowning.

So, why do you struggle with what would have been easy if you stayed still and
choose the hard road?

He sighed and cut off the rest of the hair.

The severed head was left to roll around, and a hand was placed on the man's

With Octane's death, he felt souls trying to escape from his body.

'They're all big guys one by one.'

Swallowing the whole thing is too much of a burden on the body.

The vessel in this body has been overloaded ever since it devoured the souls of
the previous warriors.

In the end, he picked one out of the souls and absorbed only one. You feel a
burning sensation in your body. When the pain was gone, I could feel the renewed

When I opened my palm, a small amount of dark red black salt rose.

A flame that denies the divine used by Lugar.

We'll find out about this fire later...

“Where else are you? Come on."

He beckoned to the shaman who was trying to sneak out of the confusion. The
shaman who was sneaking with his heels on his heels stood tall. He turned his head
to his side and started muttering something.

Is that bastard memorizing orders now?

“If you do nonsense, you die-”


A black mist from the shaman's staff filled the auditorium. A fog similar to
the fog that engulfed the altar.

'Is it the power I received from him?'

It was the moment when he was about to move his body to chase the fugitive
shaman. The black flame, which was small but had a certain presence, was
extinguished by an unknown force.

The cause is probably this fog.

'Is it the power to suppress the pattern?'

Indeed, I wondered how these assholes killed Lugar, but it was all thanks to
the mist.

He must have blocked his vision and the glyphs with fog, and then pushed them
with numbers.

But then and now is different.

There are no orcs here to oppress me.

Because I killed them all on the way in.
So this is just a waste of time.

I thought so.



Until I heard the woman's desperate screams and the shaman's screams.

'Was anyone alive?'

Also in this castle?

I hurriedly ran and found the survivors, them.


There was a knight who passed out after being beaten by Gis and Adreana, a
woman who mistook me for her half-sister.

* * *

It was thanks to her party's thief, Mara, that they were able to survive. Mara,
who has a great sense of her own, sensed the commotion outside her prison and
escaped from the prison with them.

But even if they escaped from prison, they have nowhere to go.

The secret passage they entered was blocked, and the outside of the castle was
teeming with orcs.

Fortunately, there were few orcs in the castle.

So they were hiding in the Duchess's room...

“Heh.. heh heh..!”

The orc shaman slammed the door and entered. Seeing the shaman, the girls were
nervous. I don't know why I came in in such a hurry, but if he finds out, I'm sure
it's going to cause a lot of trouble.

- Please just go back.

They sincerely wished for it, but the shaman didn't seem to have the heart to
do so. He scoured the room, grabbed his closet door and opened it.


The waitress hiding in the closet bit his lips. The shaman was bewildered by
the unexpected sight. The knight quickly drew his sword and stabbed the shaman.



The shaman struggles on the floor while holding on to the shoulder stabbed by
the sword. Adreana, who had been hiding under the bed, popped out and took his
breath away.

"Whoa... Whoa... Damn it..."

The gentleman grinded his teeth.

I tried to live somehow for my mother who will be waiting in my hometown...

'I'm too young to live.'

Soon, the orcs who heard the shaman's scream will come running.

'At least one more guy.'

Don't take me to the underworld.

The waitress was determined and glared at the unknown fog. Through the fog, she
could see a small figure approaching to be called an Orc.

After a while, the owner of the in-young appeared.

The owner of Inyeong was a man even the staff knew.


Adreana widened her eyes and walked over to him.

“Why are you here?”

“That’s what I want to ask.”

He looked around and sighed when he saw the shaman's corpse.

“It’s dead.”

"uh? Couldn't you just kill me?"

“No, I was just trying to ask a small question, so I don’t mind. Were you
better off than that?”

“Yeah, thanks to Mara. As usual, I'm just killing time quietly, but Mara-"

“I’ll hear more about it later. Templars and Orcs are fighting outside right
now. I've been away for a while, so I have to go back soon."

Cloud interrupted Adreana. She asked in a surprised voice, not offended.

"order? So, did you come too, Geese?”

“No, he didn’t come. It hurt less.”

"Oh, I see..."

“Now, let’s stop talking.”

Cloud turned his back and left the room and walked down the hallway. The women
followed him cautiously.

As we proceeded through the fog, the knight spoke to Adreana.

“I was having a friendly conversation with that person, what happened?”

"yes? Ah... Well, I just happened to get a chance to talk. I was able to
communicate better than I thought. So that's it. yes."

“Did you talk to someone other than Gis?”

“…what do you want to say?”

"no. Just curious..."

The moment he came out of the fog, the knight was speechless.
It wasn't just her, but Adreana and two other women as well.
The scene unfolding in front of them was that shocking.

"what are you doing? Aren't you coming?"

The corpses of orcs filled the wide hallway floor.

Standing on the still-dried blood, Cloud said.

"...cloud. Did the knights even come into the castle?”

"What are you talking about. The knights are fighting the orcs outside?”

“Then you’re saying you came all the way here alone?”


The four ladies looked down the hallway again.

The orcs' corpses were piled up in piles, but not a single human body was
found. This made his words more credible.

The resident here swallowed saliva without realizing it.

'What the hell is that human doing..?'

She knows the strength of an orc warrior.

They are strong and brave for their physique.
Even she, a member of the hero's party, cannot win more than three orc warriors
at the same time.

However, the corpses lying in the hallway jumped far beyond the three.

It was natural for her to be speechless.

“Aren’t you coming? Am I going alone?”

“Oh, no. I'll go!"

Adriana jumped first, avoiding the orc's corpse. Her other women followed Cloud
as she did, and were soon able to get out of her castle.

A battlefield was seen in the distance where knights, soldiers, and orcs were
fighting a mixture.

“I will return to the battlefield. are you?”

Cloud asked.
Then the women looked at each other and nodded at the same time without anyone
saying anything.

“We will go too.”

“Yeah, then.”

They broke into the battlefield.


“We never give in—”


The head of the orc, who had been screaming with a blood stick around his neck,
was cut off. As he had uttered before his death, the orcs did not choose to
surrender. He chose to fight to the end even if he died.

They were orc warriors with greater power than the knights, but the knights had
a brave hero to lead them, and the orc warriors did not.

That was the difference between winning and losing.

That day, the orcs were defeated and the harvest day came to an end with only

* * *

To have a headache.

Too many things happening at once.

First, after the fight, when I returned to the military camp, Shedia was

When I asked who he was, he said he was injured while fighting a vampire who
was trying to kill Leslie and Eri. There were five, but one was missing.

I went straight to the vampire noble to argue with, but he had already run

So I went to Geese and this bastard escaped too? It was kind of funny that the
party members of Gisu denied reality with their soulless faces in the empty tent.

Oh, and by the way, I heard that Leslie and Eri had a fight.

In the future, I think I'll have to struggle again to appease Duke Fabir, who
has lost his temper.

However, there were other things that took my mind off of the things listed

"Mars... Can't we start over again...?"

Ping Tseng 2... Christina came and knelt down in front of Mars and prayed.

'I thought at least one year would come.'

Isn't that humanly too fast?

EP.148 Two Pink Haired Girls

After breaking up with Mars, Christina's life was ruined.

"What are you talking about? You want to demote the party!”

Geum Taeyang and Hyo Woo shouted at the receptionist at the Adventurer's Guild.

“I just told you. You can't keep your party rank at S rank anymore. Starting
today, each of you may be an S-grade, but your party’s grade is an A-grade.”

“Does that make sense? A party with three S grades is an A grade?!”

“Does it make sense that the three S-class adventurers rolled up the S-class
quest twice?”

The receptionist groaned in an annoyed voice.

“Do you know how embarrassing my position is because you blew up an S-class
quest twice?”

Frowning, she rummaged through the desk drawer and pulled out a rolled up
parchment. She opened the parchment and she rolled her eyes and read her content.

“The record is good. The quest success rate is also close to 100%. What's the
matter? The only thing different from that time, Mars, is that this person is
missing. Was this guy the heart of the party?”

Hyowu, Bomuro, and Christina.

Everyone, no matter who they were, kept their mouths shut. The receptionist who
saw it sighed as if he knew now.

“If that was the case, I should have said it from the beginning. Why are you
hiding... Ha, what would be my position in that case? Yes?"

“We thought we could do it ourselves…”

“Why are you judging that? If that's the case, then why is there an
Adventurer's Guild? Why would there be someone like me!”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

Christina hurriedly bowed her head when the receptionist seemed more angry than

In general, I think that if you are an S-class adventurer, you will be able to
attack the adventurer guild, but this was only partially true.
There are also different classes for S-class adventurers.

A tier 1 adventurer with good skills and a good personality.

A tier 2 adventurer with good skills but a dirty personality.
He's not very talented, but his personality is a tier 3 adventurer.
A Tier 4 adventurer with a filthy personality even though his skills aren't
that great.

Here, the standard of 'good' refers to the ability to carry out S-grade quests
with ease.

Adventurers who are usually tier 1 or 2 can attack the Adventurer's Guild, as
is often said.

A manpower who can safely carry out S-class quests that have been issued by
high-ranking people or leave a lot of profit for the guild is that valuable.

An S-class adventurer who can't complete an S-class quest?

This means that they make a living while passing through A-grade quests, and A-
grade quests can be completed with just a few A-grade adventurers.

This means that the workforce can be replaced at any time.

And Mars' party without Mars belonged to tiers 3-4.

Christina is tier 3.
The other two are tier 4.

“Without that bastard, it’s hard to get an S-grade quest. I'm sorry. I'll do
better next time, so please give me an A-grade request."


“Maybe it would be better if it was something like an escort quest… If it is,

it would be better if the escort target was a pretty girl…”


At Hyo and Bomuro's words, the receptionist's expression rotted. Christina

hastily pulled the sleeves of the two men behind her and lowered her head.

"I'm really sorry. From now on, I will listen to the receptionist’s sister so
that this does not happen again.”

Hyowoo and Bomuro looked at Christina with dissatisfied faces. She continued
her apology, hoping the two of them would shut up.

Did her sincerity come through?

The receptionist let out a long sigh and nodded.

"okay. Still, you are an S-class. I won't say anything more. You must be tired,
so go back and rest.”

“Thank you… I, but we are in a bit of a hurry, so can’t we get an A-grade

The receptionist glared at me as if asking if I meant that. Christina trembled
at her body, but she did not back down. It was true that she was short on money.

“There is no A-grade quest that can be performed right now. All the B-grade
quests were taken by other adventurers. There is a C-grade quest, but if you are in
a hurry, would you do that?”

"Ah yes. Then with that…”

"done. There's an S-grade face, what's a C-grade? let's go."

"uh? Now, wait a minute...”

“Wait what? come out."

Hyo-woo grabbed Christina's wrist and started dragging her around recklessly.
When she was led out of the Adventurers' Guild, she swung her arm and struck Hyo-
woo's hand.

"What are you doing?"

“What are you doing? Why are you accepting a C-grade quest?”

“Of course I need money! You don't even have the money to stay at the inn right

“It’s an inn, aren’t there more? For example, over there.”

Christina frowned as she looked at where Hyo was pointing.

“Aren’t you serious?”

What he was pointing to was the shabby inn next to the guild. An inn where most
of the new adventurers, D and C level adventurers stay. The appearance and
facilities are far superior to the inn where she and her two are staying now.

While she was startled, Hyo-woo shrugged and said, “What do you think?”

“In the beginning, the inn we were staying at was too expensive. Does 200 gold
per person make sense for just one night stay? It’s just the three of us for 20

“Instead of being expensive, the facilities are incomparable to those in the

backward places! There is also a separate guard, so you can sleep safely at night.
Meals are also provided.”

“Yeah, I know. Good facilities. I wrote it too, but I don't know. But now you
don't have money? Then you should save it.”

“It’s all because of you! Even if you guys just cut the window...”

“…what to say about the topic of buying earrings…?”

Bomuro pointed to the jewel earrings on Christina's earlobe. She gently covered
the earrings with her hair.

“Hey, I bought this cheap. Compared to the money you guys have spent on the
"okay. Okay, so let's stop and go in. ok?"

Hyo-woo put her arm on Christina's shoulder and rubbed her chest. At the same
time, Bomuro started stroking her ass. Biting her lower lip, she followed them into
the shabby inn.


After several intense affair.

Hyo-woo and Bomuro fell asleep right away, but Christina couldn't.

- Aww, brother. It's too rough.

-I'm going to show you what a beast is today. anticipate!

A shabby wall with no soundproofing whatsoever.

There was no single bed in the small room, and there was only one thin cotton
cloth spread on the floor.
Even though she felt the hard floor on her back, her gaze was on the entrance
to the room, where there was no door that should have been in a room.

The only thing that separated the room from the hallway was a single piece of
purple cloth hanging over the upper door frame.

She could not fall asleep prematurely because of the fear that someone might
come in and harm her.

When his eyelids became heavy, he pinched his thighs and tried to wake him up.

Was it when I pinched it five times?

I suddenly had a thought.

'Why am I doing this?'

Why did you run away after realizing that you had a talent for magic?

Wasn't it just to get a job and live happily ever after?

But why am I doing this now?

'How did this happen?'

Have you ever been happy since you ran out of the house?
Was my judgment on that day wrong?


The judgment that day was not wrong.

Because she certainly had a happy time.


The name of a man uttered by an empty voice.

The man who brought happiness to her exhausted from wandering life for the
first time.
the lover she loved.

She was happy when she was with him.

When I was with him, I was able to endure even the arduous adversity. No matter
how difficult it was, I had the belief that he would somehow solve it.

When something good happened to him, she was happy too. Because he always
wanted to share her own happiness with her.


Now that I think about it, there was a lot of consideration for him.

Christina, even if a woman more beautiful than her seduced him, he wouldn't
fall for it. Rather, she had reassured her that her own lover was her only you.

When I was with him, the luxurious life was maintained no matter how small
luxury she had, or even if Hyo-woo and Bomuro threw money in a brothel.

Because if I run a few S-grade quests, I still have enough money to make up for

Even though the three of them spent so much money, Mars didn't really hold back

He just laughed, saying that colleagues are more important than money.

A tear fell from her eyes as she remembered his bright smile.


Christina remembered that day.

Worst day for her.
The day I was caught being harassed by Hyo-woo and Bomuro.

Looking at her and the two men, Mars shouted, neither getting angry nor

I just smiled bitterly and gave her a choice.

He cared for her until the very end.

"Why me..."

Why did you make such a choice?

What's wrong with following these idiots?
Compared to Mars, they lack face, personality, strength, and everything else.
They don't do anything good to be by her side, they only lower the value of her
being together.

I should have given up on these guys and took Mars' hand.

If I had, I wouldn't have been living in the chaos I am now.

He wouldn't have been despised by the guild's receptionist.
It wouldn't have made other people laugh.
The happiness that Mars gave her allowed her to indulge in bodily pleasures.

Christina realized it too late.

'I miss you Mars...'

I miss the days you were with me

I'm so sorry I made a stupid choice.
So it's very painful...

sniff As I was holding my breath, I heard a noise coming from a room.

- How about the Kingdom of Alitia? Are you still mad?

- Don't talk. The orcs really liked it and attacked it. A whole city was eaten.
-You crazy... It's not going to explode even in our kingdom, is it?
-Even so, the hero of our kingdom led the army and went to support.

Christina's eyes widened as she heard the conversation.

The country where she is currently located is the Kingdom of Prona.
Who is the hero of Prona Kingdom?
Who was the last person you were with Mars?

Lightning flashed in her mind.

'Oh, maybe with that hero.'

Mars must have been suitable for traveling alone, and he seemed to be quite
friendly with that hero.

Christina immediately got up.

I got dressed and sneaked out of the inn with my luggage and money so that Hyo-
woo and Bo-muro wouldn't wake up.

'The Kingdom of Alitia. Oak. city.'

Cristina somehow figured out the city of 'Avila' with only these three words,
and headed there.

And, fortunately, the timing was right and I was able to meet the person I had
longed for.


Mars was surprised with his eyes wide open.

Christina ran towards him and knelt down. Her knees were dragged to the floor
and her skin was peeled, but she didn't care. She hugged one of Mars' legs and
begged, rubbing her face against his thigh.

"Mars... Can't we start over again...?"

* * *

Isabelle was in a good mood.

This is because the information guild has finally released the correct
But the good feeling was quickly swept away.

-Mars... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...


A woman who cries while holding Mars's legs tightly, and Mars looking at her
with complicated eyes.

Even the woman was beautiful and had pink hair as beautiful as Isabelle.


Isabelle quietly prepared to blow a windblade.

EP.149 Two Pink Haired Girls

A woman who was once Mars' lover, but in the end, chose another man instead.
It was not enough for her to suddenly appear, so she got down on her knees and
began to pray, which was very embarrassing for Mars.

“Christina, can you calm down and let go of my legs?”

Mars tried to gently release Christina, who had grabbed her leg. But the more
she did, the tighter she got.

"Mars... I'm sorry... I was wrong..."


At the moment he felt trouble, Mars felt alive and drew his sword without
hesitation. hooo. The sharp winds aimed at Christina were cut off.

Mars' eyes went cold.

Just a blow.
If he hadn't stopped, Cristina would have died.

"Who is it."

Who are you to kill Christina?

The eyebrows of Mars who traced back the flow of the wind trembled. He was more
agitated than when Christina appeared. He had no choice but to do so. Because what
was reflected in his eyes was a childhood friend I missed.

"Isabelle...? Why are you here-”

“Who is that woman?”


“Who is that woman? What are you covering?”

“…does it matter now?”

“Who is that woman? Why do you keep talking back? who. What's with you?"

Isabelle didn't give Mars time to figure out the situation. what should i say
While he was thinking about it, Christina opened her mouth first.

“I am Mars’ lover!”


Isabelle's heart sank.

Did the things you feared happen in the end?
She asked, barely removing her lips that had become as heavy as iron.

“Is what that woman said true?”

Mars shook his head slowly, feeling the atmosphere getting colder than before.

“It used to be, but not now.”

“You mean ‘ex’ girlfriend?”



Seeing Mars replying coolly, Christina put on a sad expression on her face. But
she didn't really deny it. Because it was true that she broke up.

Seeing Christina like that, Isabelle sighed in relief when she realized that
what he was saying was true.

for a while too.

Soon, an unpleasant sensation swelled up.

Not now, but the two were lovers.

Since we were lovers, we must have done a lot of skinship.
From holding hands to kissing and maybe beyond.
It's the story of what I did with that girl who had just recently found out
about something she hadn't done with her for half her life.

Sadness and betrayal towards Mars, anger and murderous intent towards Christina
soared, but she swallowed it with her throat.

Isabelle sighed and said with a look of helplessness.

“I will forgive you.”


“It was my fault to some extent that it happened this way. I can forgive you
for cheating on me once.”

Mars and Christina are speechless in different meanings.

Christina asked Mars.

“Did you date me while you already had a lover?”

“It’s not like that. Isabelle is just a childhood friend…”

“A simple childhood friend? Mars, what are you talking about? We were supposed
to get married when we grow up.”

“No, that was a promise I made when I was very young…”

“Then, was that an empty promise? Am I the only one being serious?”

Isabelle's very disappointing voice.

A cold sweat started running down Mars' back.

“It’s not empty. Because back then, he said it sincerely.”

"okay? thank god."

Isabelle smiled broadly.

It's definitely a beautiful smile. But Mars felt a strange sense of dread.
Just as his mind was about to go far away from a series of incomprehensible
events, a helping hand came down.

“Do it in moderation. Why are you so anxious to eat the kid who just came from
a fight?”

it was cloud
The eyes of the two women were fixed on him. Unlike when he looked at Mars, he
had a vicious gaze filled with irritation, anger, and murderous intent. Ordinary
people would sneak back the way they came, but...

“Look at what, you bastards.”

Cloud is no ordinary person.

It was very fortunate for Mars.

* * *

“Is that so, is Shedia with Cloud?”

“According to the reports of the only living Ed, yes.”

Raymond, Kelidan's henchman, a member of the Social Reading Society, bowed his
head and said.

Kellydon tapped the table with her finger.

“How about Geese?”

“As a result of pouring potions and noble medicinals, the wounds are getting
better. but..."

Raymond muffled his words, and Kellydon, realizing the reason, clicked his

"Looks like you're still looking for Hailey."

"...That's right."
Giss has been looking for her since he was brought to the headquarters of the
Social Reading Society until now, asking for permission to meet Haley.

Naturally, Kellydon did not grant the request.

He was trying to solidify his position in the social reading club by using his
gis, and Haley was such a foe.

"Haley, I don't know how she brainwashed her."

Kelridan is unaware of the trauma of Geese related to her mother.

That's why I couldn't understand his obsession with his adoptive mother, Haley.

Instead of thanking him for the help, he kept looking for Haley, and Kelly Dan
was starting to get annoyed too.

“The fact that Gisu returned would have reached the ears of Haley, too. Is
there any other movement?”

"Yes. It’s strangely quiet.”

“Are you saying it’s okay to take no action? Seriously, you're such an unlucky

In the past, the blood king preferred Hailey the most among the four ancestors.
It was the same no matter what Kelidan and other ancestors did to stand out from

To some extent, only she knew the location of the coffin where he was sleeping.

Kelly Dan had not yet forgotten that miserable feeling. And he had no intention
of going through that misery twice.

Kellydon stood up.

“Where is Gis?”

“It’s in the basement.”


Kellydan left the room first, followed by Raymond. The two walked on the red
carpet spread out in the wide hallway. After some time had passed since he had left
the room, Raymond cautiously opened his mouth.

“May I ask why you are going to see Gis?”

“I heard that Gith’s power was lower than that of other heroes because of her
insignificant bitchiness.”

“It’s embarrassing, but yes.”

“Then, how about a woman (余) fills in the lack of power?”

"...a foolish servant cannot comprehend his master's will."

For Raymond, who didn't understand what he was talking about, Kellydan added a
few more words.
“Blood. If you teach it at your leisure, even Gisu will not be attracted to
other warriors.”

“Are you talking about blood magic? As Kelridan said, if Gis could use blood
magic, it would be, but he is a human. He cannot use blood art.”

Kellydon stood tall and stopped.

“Raymond. Does the hero have to be human?”

Raymond's complexion hardened when he realized his master's will only then.

“…are you going to give him blood?”

Kellydon nodded quietly.

"no. This is an act of turning the entire continent into an enemy.”

“Is it okay if I don’t hear it? Raymond, didn’t my blood skills stand out that

“It’s not… but…”

Kelridan's blood technique is to manipulate the blood in the body to

exponentially increase the body's ability. Thanks to this, unlike Haile and other
Jinjos who control blood outside the body, there is no evidence to specify that it
is blood magic.

“Contrary to the common perception of the continent in the first place, the
hero is not very special. Raymond, do you know about the legend of the champion?”

“Are you talking about the legend that the four heroes block the resurrection
of the demon king?”

Kellydon nodded.

“open long
lived the years He's seen many generations of warriors. Some of them were stronger
than women, and some were not. But I assure you that
No one was stronger than the Blood King. Of course. They can only block the
resurrection of the Demon King or defeat him only when the four of them come

Not all four, but by mobilizing their respective colleagues and troops.

“The hero is special

She also agrees that she is a human being. There is no human being with a stronger
potential than a hero. But even when viewed as a whole
If you ask me if I'm special... Well, at least I can't agree to open it."


“The Blood King said it himself. You are not stronger than the Demon Lord, but
you are not weak either.”


Raymond's face spread astonishment. Seeing that face, Kelly Dan smiled

“Yeah, I wonder
will be. He is so mighty, so why do we live in hiding? Why are humans the masters
of the continent? Yeodo
I did, so I asked the Blood King. But he did not give a definitive answer.”

I didn't get an exact answer, but I realized something.

It wasn't because of their weakness or the Platinum Knights of the Empire that
they lived in hiding.

“Our bloodline
According to the will of the blood king, he lives in hiding, avoiding the eyes of
humans. Elves follow the will of the World Tree, and dragons do not pursue their
ambitions according to the will of the Dragon King.
It is thanks to all that a lowly human being can be the master of the continent.”

“Then why is the Blood King... and why the World Tree and the Dragon King give
such orders...”

“I don’t know.
I'm just guessing that some kind of discussion was going on between them. But what
I want to say is this. A hero is special, but that
That is true in the human world. And that he is being 'considered' of other races
than humans, heroes, or blood relatives. Raymond, they never
Nothing special.”

Raymond's eyebrows trembled.

It was because it seemed as if he had heard a story that went beyond his own
fountain that destroyed his view of thinking.

“Why did you say this to me?”

“There is no particular reason. It was just that the woman’s heart was willing
to tell me.”

Kelly Dan smiled.

He started walking again.

“Did the hero of the empire have the name Frilite?”

"That's right."

“That warrior is useful. Leisure I can say that I am the best among the
warriors I have ever seen.”

“This is the first time Kellidan has acknowledged a human being.”

“That’s why the hero is a decent human being. As there are such heroes,
wouldn't it be okay if at least one hero disappears?"


Kelridan said to Raymond, who was puzzled.

“Get ready. As soon as Gith's recovery and training are finished, we will
recover Shedia and kill Cloud at the same time."

Leisure yourself.
EP.150 Two Pink Haired Girls

Christina and Isabelle.

The two women had a one-on-one interview with Mars, led by Cloud.

First up was Christina.

It was before she could even speak properly as she entered the tent.
Mars bowed his head.

“Christina, I’m sorry. But I can't take your heart."

“Hey, Mars…?”

Christina was confused for a moment, but she worked hard to regain her
composure. Didn't you come expecting this kind of rejection? She brought out the
words she had prepared to persuade him.

“I understand how you feel. It's going to be complicated when the lover who
left comes back like this. I know. That I made a lot of mistakes and hurt you a


“I thought a lot before coming here. Can I do this? I think this might hurt you
more. by the way..."

Christina's palm covered the back of Mars's.

“No matter how much I think about it, I couldn’t do it without you. i can't
live without you I've been feeling the pain in the last few months."


“I swear. It will never happen again. I'll only look at you for the rest of my
life. I'll do it really well. So, can you forgive me just once?”

pathetic plea.
He might be shaken once in a while, but Mars didn't.
He shook his head.

“Hyou and Bomuro

Mr., the expression on your face when you and the two of you mixed in, your voice
is still clear. I will definitely never forget it in the future. every time i see
I'll remember that scene, and I'll doubt you whenever something happens. I don't
think that's a healthy relationship.”

“I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen. I'll do my best so that you
don't recall the past, and I'll do my best to restore your trust..."


Despite Christina's plea, he did not fall for it and drew the line resolutely.
The hopes and expectations she had since hearing the news of Mars.
It crumbled and made her chest swell.


Tears ran down her cheeks.

“Well, then why did you do that?”

"at that time?"

“I did that to me. I told you to choose whether to go with them or with you...
Well, didn't that mean we could go back to the way we used to be?"

Looking at Christina crying, Mars smiled bitterly.

“Right, it was. If you had chosen me, I would have tried to go back to the way
I used to be.”

“Well then…!”

“But you chose Hyou-san and Bomuro-san.”

"...that was... a mistake... I was so embarrassed that I made the wrong



Mars interrupted her and said.

“I am a human too. When you get hurt, it hurts and it hurts. To be honest, I
haven't expressed my feelings in a while, but it was very difficult. I don't want
to be hard anymore. So please.”

forget me

Mars slowly pulled his hand from under Cristina's palm.

Her eyes trembled.

“Oh, no. Mars. I guess I was too hasty. I shouldn't have thought of being
forgiven right away by you... Ha, for a while, it's okay to be an ordinary
colleague, so let's go together. And slowly, the relationship-”

“Time out. come out."

Cloud entered the tent and grabbed Christina's wrist.

“What are you doing?!”

“The interview is over. come out."

“Wait a little longer. I mean, the conversation with Mars isn't over yet!"

“In my mind, I want to do the same, but people outside make a lot of

“Hey, let this go! Mars! Mars!!"

“Oh, it’s really annoying.”

As Cristina resisted as hard as she could, Cloud sighed and grabbed her wrists
and ankles. He lifted her up, draped her over her shoulders, and went out of her

“That guy is really…”

While Mars smirked, Isabelle entered the tent.

Mars wiped his laughter and swallowed his saliva.

'It's here.'

Mars cared more about Isabelle than about Christina.

She thought she was doing well in the village, but it was not enough just to
suddenly appear.

Mars took a deep breath and relaxed.

Meanwhile, Isabelle smiled brightly.

"Long time no see. I miss you, Mars.”

* * *

Dark night with moonlight.

Two beautiful women with pink hair are facing each other at a certain distance.

“Why did you call me tonight?”

It was Isabelle who arranged this meeting.

Thinking about how to get Mars back, he called Christina and dragged him to a
corner of the city.

There was nothing more to drag, so Isabelle brought up the subject right away.

“You said you came here because you wanted to do well with Mars?”

"...Right. why. What's wrong?”

“Is there a problem?”

Isabelle laughed softly.

He quickly erased his smile and said with a cold expression.

“Of course there is a problem. Shameless bitch.”

“What, what?”

“You said you cheated?”


Christina's eyes widened. Biting her lip, she asked.

“Did Mars say it?”

“Mars and I have known each other since we were very young. There are no
secrets between us.”

That's a lie.
Mars did not tell us anything about Christina. What she uttered was nothing
more than a guess, an analogy made by overhearing the conversation inside her tent.
Although she had just seen Christina's reaction she learned that her guess was

“What did you come back with? Did you really think Mars would take you back?”


“If you don’t answer, you must have been sincere. It was a dumber year than I
thought. Meet a bitch that Mars cheats on what's wrong?"

“Hey, what are you so good at?”


“Are you also playing with a guy other than Mars?”

"I? other man? when?"

Isabelle, who opened her eyes wide as if she was genuinely puzzled, felt that
Cristina was not good enough.

“Don’t step away, Mars has told you everything! Was it the baron's son? You
said you had a secret meeting with him every night?”

“Oh, what? what did you say If that was the case, we resolved the
misunderstanding through conversation during the day.”

“Will Mars really believe you? The word of the bitch I secretly met with
another man every night? Wouldn't he rather think that he had been abandoned by him
and came to himself? Doesn't that make more sense?"

“Did you get dumped by the guys you were with? Tttttttt, so you should have
chosen a man well.”

“Not abandoned! i threw it away And don't turn around!!!"

“Or not, why are you angry? Are you stabbed?”

"Shut up!"

The ground began to shake around Christina.

Isabelle sighed as she looked at the cracked ground.

“You’re just getting excited about this… you’re still young.”

Isabelle clapped her palms.

At that moment, a heavy wind pressure hit the ground.

Cristina was startled, but for a moment she lost control of the land.

“What are you doing!”

I was trying to take control again and do the same thing Isabelle just did...


The earth did not move according to her will.

“Hey, why is this...?”

I've never had anything like this before...?

Cristina is perplexed.
She struggled to control the land, but it was a futile effort.

Control of the land passed to Isabelle.

Isabelle raised her index finger.

The sand then climbed up Christina's legs, wrapped around her, and then
hardened and bound her.
Christina clenched her teeth and struggled to get out of the restraint, but she

Isabelle walked towards her.

“You don’t have to worry about the relationship between me and Mars. Mars and I
have a deeper relationship than you think.”

Christina glared at Isabelle with poisonous eyes.

There is nothing at will

At the very least, I wanted to make that damn bitch feel bad.

“A deep connection?
under! Yeah, by the way, are you more than just childhood friends? Could you do
anything more than hold hands? I was Mars's lover. Hands are basic, kisses, and
Mixing and having sex!? It's a relationship so deep and deep that it can't even be
compared with you, me!"


Isabelle arrived at Christina's face.

The expression on his face without a single smile is cold.
Christina, who woke up late, was a little frightened.

“Well, what is a lie?”

“Mars is not a man with a wide, broad waist. I couldn't possibly have mingled
with you."

Isabelle grabbed Christina's chin and forced her to open her mouth. She then
grabbed her tongue and pulled it out.

“Still, the kiss seems to be true…”

She drew her dagger.

Christina's eyes widened as she saw the dagger.

Feeling an ominous feeling, she struggled with her arms and legs, but, of
course, the restraints were not released.

The sharp blade touched his tongue.

The moment Cristina is about to yell at her to stop with her unpronounced words


The pink flesh was cut off.


"Noisy. Mars You must be tired, but what do you do when you wake up?”

Isabelle immediately covered her mouth, so Christina couldn't even let out a
cool scream.

Swallowing the endless stream of blood through her throat, Cristina looked at
Isabelle with trembling eyes, unlike before.

Help me.

Isabelle receiving those desperate eyes.

“Right hand, left hand. Of the two, which hand held Mars the most?”

You asked a really simple question.

Unable to answer that simple question, Christina desperately shook her head.

Isabelle tilted her head.

“Are they both similar?”

EP.151 Rich

“Are they both similar?”

The sand began to tighten Christina's arm.

-town! Oops!

Christina's scream to stop was interrupted by Isabelle's palm.

That was the moment her arm was about to break.

“Are you going to do that?”

The sand that was tightening Christina's arm stopped at the sound of a man's
voice from somewhere. Isabelle turned her gaze in the direction she heard her
voice. As she expected, Cloud was standing there.

“Are you going to do that? What does that mean?"

“Literally, just let it go. Put your tongue back together.”

“Why do I have to do that?”

“When Mars finds out that you made him that little guy, he’ll be very happy.

“Are you threatening me now?”

“Oh, you threaten me. So, let go of that right now and put your tongue on it.
If you don't want to see Mars look down on him."


Isabelle clicked her tongue as if she didn't like it.

However, Christina's restraints were released. I don't like either Cloud or
Cristina, but I didn't want to be hated by Mars.
She threw a cut tongue and a potion at Christina, who was slumped down.

Having recovered her tongue, Christina hastily put her tongue to the cut and
started pouring potions.

“Would that be the case?”

Cloud approached Christina's side and squatted next to her.

“In the room next to me

There's only one candidate for a saint named Ophelia, right? Go to him and ask him
to treat you. Then, she apologizes to Mars tomorrow morning and leaves.
and never come again If I catch my eye one more time, I'll cut off my fingernails
first. okay?"

Christina nodded and left in a hurry. Seeing her behind her as she ran, Cloud

“I thought I’d get a word out, but it’s not.”

How light-hearted did you come?

Cloud shook his head and stood up. His gaze now turned to Isabelle.

“Who did you contract with?”


“Don’t take the shichimi. The magic that you have now is not entirely yours.”

As Cloud remembers, Isabelle in the game 'The Story of an Affair' was not on
the strong side.

Rather, she was weaker than the people around her, and there were many events
that occurred as a result.
But now, in front of him, she was emitting a vast amount of magical power.

And that magical power did not blend in with the surrounding nature and gave
off a foreign energy.

As an elementalist, it doesn't make sense to say that her magical powers don't
match with nature. Therefore, rather than saying that she has grown up, it was
reasonable to think that she was borrowing her magic power by contracting with

“What kind of floating cloud are you talking about? My magic isn't mine? What's
the contract?"

“Would you like some shichimi?”

Then there's nothing I can do.

It's not that there's no way to find out who the contract was with.
Because you can trace the flow of magic back.
But in the process, Isabelle will feel great pain, and if that happens, she
will run to Mars and tell him everything like Noh Jin-goo running to Doraemon.

He will suddenly become lumpy.

'I'll have to make Mars look for it.'

I hope he won't ignore Mars' words.

“Anyway, I look forward. Treat yourself well.”

Isabelle raised her middle finger.

“A cheesy year.”

Where else did you learn that?

Cloud turned his back and left in the direction Christina had just left.

As he disappeared, Isabelle mumbled.

“How do you think I have what you want?”

If someone you don't know sees it, it might look like you're talking to
yourself, but you weren't talking to yourself.
Because there was someone who answered her words.

-yes. definitely there

A woman's voice resounded in Isabelle's head.

- Branches of the World Tree... With that alone, I can fulfill my ambitions.

The alluring voice, dripping with color, was full of greed.

“I don’t care about your ambitions. Keep your promise.”

-don't worry. As long as you bring the branches of the World Tree, I will
connect you with a man named Mars as promised. I'll make it a hundred years old.
“Isn’t that what promises are all about?”

-yes? Ah, you're talking about the cloud. Can't you just say that? Defeating
the hero is originally my job, right? Oh, it's okay to play with it a little before
you kill it?

The succubus queen let out a sensual laugh.

* * *

It has been several months since the all-out war with the Orcs ended.
Avila, a city that suffered catastrophic damage, was still in sorrow.

It was inevitable that half of the citizens were murdered.

It means that whoever survives is going through the pain of loss.

Some overcame the pain and got up, but others did not.

The Duke of Fabir belonged to the latter.

After losing his beloved wife and son, he was devoured by feelings of hatred
and revenge, and he was devouring himself day by day.

It looks like a duke who should take the lead in restoring the city, so the
future of the city was only dark.


Katarina's voice woke me up from my thoughts.


“I just wanted to know what to think.”

“It’s nothing. How about a carriage? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

We are currently leaving Avila on our way to the Empire. We had a little time
left before the Imperial Social Church opened, but we decided to leave early.

It is several times better to rest in the capital of the Empire than to rest in
a provincial city that is engulfed in grief.

"yes. not uncomfortable at all If I put my mind to it, I think I can sleep in
this state.”

“That’s good.”

He smiled at her and looked at the other party members in the carriage.


Eri stares at Leslie as if to kill him, and Leslie zealously ignores her gaze.

“… Please, I pray to Almighty Iries.”

Marietta praying and Ophelia closing her eyes and praying in the same way, but
not memorizing prayers.

“Mars, ah-ah.”
“Isabel. I'll just eat…”

Isabelle, who unilaterally sends a love attack, and Mars, who is burdened.
Neria looked at it again with envy.
Suddenly, Neria turned her head and looked at me.

I averted my gaze.

Then, by chance, Shedia's eyes met, and she opened her eyes wide as if she
remembered something and reached out to me.


"moonstone. I still haven't received my last job!"


I'll welcome you.

* * *

“Yes, warrior. Confirmed.”

The soldiers guarding the front of the Imperial Palace opened the gate of the
drawbridge blocking the carriage. The carriage entered the palace a little and
stopped, and we got off the carriage.

“This is the Imperial Palace...”

Guernsey Mars, overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the imperial palace, exclaimed

with exclamation. Isabelle clasped her arms around Mars's and clinged to it.

“It's a wonderful place. Is not it? Let's have our wedding here.”

“Uh, huh..?”

Mars groaned and tried to pull her arm out, but Isabelle held her tight and
wouldn't let her go.

It reminded me of a conversation I had with Mars shortly after Isabelle


-I do not know.


- Whether I still like Isabelle or not. Even if she likes her, does she like it
as much as she used to? don't know my heart

- Are you embarrassed? chase me?

-Until it's necessary...

Is it because of the many experiences I had on the trip?

Could it be because of the experience I had with Ping Tseng 2?

Mars wasn't sure of his feelings for Isabelle.

'I want to scold you for a blind date.'

I can't stand it because I'm afraid that the bitch I turned around will cut off
even the fingernails of the noble girl. If that happens, Isabelle can be fucked
even Mars by hitting her second.

I took my luggage out of the wagon and lifted it.

“Let’s take a look in the room after unpacking and then let’s go inside… huh?”

As I was about to enter the palace, I saw an old butler running from afar.
No, I'm not running.
You walk as fast as you run.

“...Brother, is that possible?”

“If you survive 40 years in the Imperial Palace, it will be possible. What else
are you in such a hurry for?”

It's just too much for the customer service.

'Did something happen?'

My thoughts were exactly right.

The old butler took us to a room.

A middle-aged man in platinum armor sat in front of a table in a room decorated
like a conference room.

He introduced himself as the leader of the Platinum Knights and talked about
the reason he called us without hesitation.

“The undead army is moving north. They said they were raiding the Principality
of Polycia. The Frilite Hero and the Platinum Knights set off to fight back.”

Undead army?
That's what the Rich guys use.
why did it suddenly come out

While I was puzzled, Leslie's expression grew serious.

“What did you just say? Where are you raiding?”

EP.152 Rich

Principality of Polycia.
A land of wild barbarians who worship power.
The capital of this country, which seemed to have all it had, overflowing with
vitality, was crumbling.

The strong walls were broken or melted, and the remains of the collapsed
buildings were rolling around.

It was different from the tournament in many ways.

While everyone was in shock, Leslie suddenly whipped his horse and ran out

A few startled party members followed her.

I, along with some of the Platinum Knights who had come with me, looked around
and made my way forward.

“…there are no bodies.”

A member of the Platinum Knights murmured.

“There isn’t one.”

I pointed to the body I had just found. The body was laid on a pole and his
lower body was crushed.

“The mutilated corpse is still there. But it is true that the number of corpses
is extremely small.”

In this case, it is divided into a hopeful interpretation and a negative


The former said that they evacuated quickly and suffered little damage, while
the latter said that the bodies of the dead joined the undead army.

'The latter is much more likely.'

The reason can be pointed out that the damage to human beings is extremely
small compared to the damage to the building.

I looked around and continued in the direction Leslie ran. She was in the
backyard of the palace, in the cemetery where the successive dukes were buried.

If this is normal, should it be taken for granted?

All cemeteries were dug up.

Everything from the 1st Grand Duke to the relatively recently renamed Grand

This means that even Leslie's father's body has disappeared.

“Ah… Father…”

Tears the size of a pea ran down Leslie's cheeks. She wept bitterly, but did
not cry.

He cried quietly, then slowly and coldly hardened his expression, revealing his
“I don’t know who did it, but the price of daring to mock the Prince of the
Duchy will be very expensive.”

She got on her horse and swung her head. I asked her.

“Where are you going?”

“Even so, there will be no survivors. We plan to find survivors and find out
the truth of the matter.”

I turned my gaze to the Platinum Knights.

“What do you not know? It was like a signal left by the knights who left

“I kept looking all the way here, but couldn’t find it.”

“It means it could be somewhere else. So let's do this. You Platinum Knights
look for signs the advance squad may have left. We will find survivors.”

"All right."

The Platinum Knights turned their heads and set off first. While they searched
for the signal of the advance, we also scattered and searched for survivors who
might remain.

'I think I've been around quite a bit, but I haven't seen a single one.'

He rode around and shouted, but no one responded.

'I have to go back and look around the cemetery.'

Another party member may have found a survivor.

The last cemetery I visited.

In an empty place like the cemetery of the princes, a man was kneeling and

* * *

“There was no other hell like Hell.”

Said the man whose name was 'Jerry'.

He was the only survivor of the castle.

“It happened in the middle of the night

It was work. While he was sleeping, the bells announcing the enemy attack were
spread throughout the city. Most people, including me, are members of a group of
I thought it was an attack and didn't take it seriously. But that wasn't the case.”

Jerry trembled with a look of horror on his face as if he had recalled a

terrible memory.

“The first was a dragon. Even with a rotten body, a dragon is still a dragon.
The wall that had not allowed any monsters to invade for hundreds of years melted
with one breath.”

He continued to speak even though he was trembling.

“Actually, the gates melted, but it was okay. Because the walls were high. But
a monster broke through the weakened wall and came in.”

“What if it was a monster?”

Jerry turned his head and looked into my eyes.

“I, I don’t know what to call either. It was just a monster. Humans and
monsters alike, monsters that cling to this and that!”

“It’s a ragged golem.”

“You call it a ragged golem? Ah, anyway, from the moment that golem broke
through the walls, everything was a mess. The undead rushed into the collapsed

Jerry kept his mouth shut, as if he didn't want to recall what happened after
that. Leslie frowned as he paused at the most important point.

“Is that the end? Only the undead came in and left this place, the center of
the Principality of Polycia, in ruins?”


Jerry's expression contorted.

He wrinkled his expression and looked at Leslie, as if he had just lied to him
with a frightened face.

“Did you just say...? Dragons, unknown monsters called ragged golems, and
endless undead swarms?”

"okay. I just said Undead or anything, in the end a monster. It can cut muscles
and it can break bones. It is hard to believe that the warriors of the Principality
of Polycia, proud of such things, have been defeated.”

"Yes? Ah... it was. Princess... No, the Archduke did not see it.”

Jerry grinned.

It was an obvious mockery.

He continued before Leslie, who was sobbing, screamed.

“What do you do when you cut the flesh? sticking again What do you do when you
break a bone? Every broken bone powder sticks back together.”

"...I beg your pardon?"

As it is. They don't even die. As the Archduke said, even if he cuts off his neck
or breaks his skull, he will recover and attack again.
On the other hand, this one? When you die, you just die. Better to just die.
Normally, when you die, you become an undead and put a sword on your comrade's
Because I picked it up.”

Jerry raised his bare arms.

“As you can see, I

I fell weak. There are even cowards. No matter where you look, it's not a
warrior's lumber. He was a bastard doing chores. and thanks to that
lived He died as soon as it happened. The Archduke's proud warriors? They are all
already dead. Being dead is not enough to become an undead
He even killed his own family. I saw it with my own eyes.”


“While those proud warriors were dying, what was the Archduke doing while I
watched it? What the hell did he do that he is yelling at me?”


Leslie shut her mouth.

With a cold expression that doesn't feel any anger, sadness or anything.
I sighed and slapped Jerry in the back of the head.

“When we heard the news, we ran right away. I know it's hard, but stop."


Jerry crouched right away. There was an awkward silence for a while. Slowly,
Jerry's expression turned white as if he had just begun to see what he had just
done objectively.

“I, there…”


As he was about to speak, Leslie first apologized. The Grand Duchess bowed her
head slightly to Jerry, who was nothing more than an ordinary commoner.

“I ended up getting annoyed by my personal feelings. Even though there is

nothing wrong with you.”

“Ah… that, yes. I am fine.”

It didn't look good at all.

It was time to laugh at Jerry, who was very burdened.

all the way- all the way-

The sound of horseshoes was heard in the distance.

“Soldier! I received a letter requesting support from Jeonseo-gu from the

advance team!”

A member of the Platinum Knights has delivered the news of Frylite.

In addition to Frilite, 20 members of the Platinum Knights.

The battle against the undead army was defeated.

* * *


Frylite raised her palm.

Seeing it, the four Platinum Knights and the younger siblings stopped.
Frillite, hiding behind the tree, leaned her head out and looked ahead.

- Uh huh...

Dozens of undead who lost their senses were moving along the mountain road.

“Did you grow up here too?”

Kicking her tongue, she descended the hillside and joined the party.

“Is this blocked too?”

"Yes. Dozens of undead were searching.”

In response to Frilite's answer, a member of the Platinum Knights drew an x on

the map. The map he has was full of x marks.

"Alex. Please guide me on the next path.”

“There is no way left, Frylite-sama. It was just the last road left.”

"...is it."

There was silence on the left.

There is no way left.
Because what this meant was obvious.

In the subdued atmosphere, a platinum knight raised his hand.

“I will stay.”

“Youth, lad. What about your mother if you stay? I remain.”

“Your second wife

How long have you been trying to make a widow? And even if I remain, I remain. I
have a lot of property left behind, so I don't have to worry about my mother's old
So, people with families, if you have a conscience, get out of the house.”

The other knights couldn't say anything more about Youth's resolute and
determined words.

“...your mother, I will do my best to look after you.”

It was all I could do to say such clichéd things.

Frilite put her hand on Youth's shoulder.

"sorry. It’s all my fault.”

"no. Why is that the hero's fault? Frankly, it's weird to expect dragons to
hide under the ground and shoot breaths. Poor little cubs. I don't think it's going
to be a head-to-head match..."

Whispering Youth.
He quickly smiled.

“I’ll give you revenge later. That is enough for me.”

“Hey, you bastard. What kind of revenge is revenge when it is not enough to
think about how to come back alive?” “Yes. Don't be shy and come alive. Then I will
introduce you to my little sister, who you used to sing to me every day.”

The Platinum Knights beat him down. But they all knew. The odds of him coming
back alive are slim. He, his party, was also well aware of it.

"okay okay. can't you just live In any case, I won't let you die at will."

Still, he grinned.

Frillite and the Platinum Knights went up the mountain slope again, and the
dozens of undead that were passing through the mountain path were turned to ashes
in an instant.

Having killed the undead, the wizard who controls them must have noticed.

Except for Youth, who decided to stay, they had to leave quickly.

“Soldier. It has been a great honor for me to have fought by your side for the
last few days.”

“...so am I. I am proud to have traveled the battlefield with a knight like


“Heh, that’s also an honor.”

After a short conversation, Frillite and the party started to run away again,
except for Youth.

-A knight recognized by Frylite, Youth Aner, is here!!! Come on, you bastards
of skeletons!!!

You can hear the shouts of youth from afar.

The Platinum Knights grinned, but Frilite couldn't.

It was her fault that he died.

It had to be her, not him. She said she had to defend those who survived, even
if she had to sacrifice herself.
Because that's the responsibility.

But frillite can't do that.

Because she was the daughter of the Perdiak family and a warrior of the Empire.
The world will not tolerate her sacrifice.

Because of that, all she could do now was to hate her incompetent self and go
far away from it.

EP.153 Rich

In spite of Youth's sacrifice, Frillite and his party were again blocked in front
of them.

“Go first, I will follow soon.”

The first to sacrifice was Rod.
He valiantly swung his axe and pierced the path in front of Frylite.

“Tell my sister something. I want you to meet a decent guy, not a gnome-like

Next is glass.
Although he was worried about his only sister, he did not spare his life.

“You can just keep going in this direction. I wish you all the best.”

Finally, Alex.
After showing Frilite the way with a map, he rushed towards the undead group
without even having time to say hello.

Every time the subordinates sacrificed themselves one by one, Frillite's heart
sank. guilt and shame. Those two emotions made her steps heavy.

If only I was a little better.

If only I had expected a surprise attack.

That thought could not be erased from my mind.

even though it's not the time.

- Uh huh...

Frillite stopped at the sound of the undead's cry from before. As she leaned
against the tree and looked in front of her, she saw a line of undead walking with
her ragged golem in the lead.

Frylite clicked her tongue.

'I'm almost there.'

Alex told me that a little further away from here you'll find a city that's not
as big as the capital of the Principality, but it's pretty big.

If you just enter there, you can somehow promise the following.

Now that you have a rough idea of the enemy's forces, it will be easy to plan

'Should I break through head-on?'

Wouldn't it be better to just ignore the fact that we don't have much left to
the city anyway and run?

'Then what about the children?'

She is not alone now, but with her younger siblings. If we make a head-on
breakthrough, will it be possible to protect the children from the necromancer's

Frilite couldn't say for sure.

Even if she were alone, she was not confident enough to break through the siege
while protecting the fragile children safely.
'What should I do?'

Shall we hide the children nearby for a while and come find them with the
city's soldiers?
There is no guarantee that the children will be safe until she returns, and
there is no way ordinary soldiers who came out of the fortress walls could face
that endless army of undead.

Is there any other way other than this?


It may be, but it doesn't come to mind.

And even at this moment when she is troubled, the Legion of Death is getting
closer and closer.

'What to do... is it decided?'

Frilite laid down the siblings she was holding in her hands.


A girl who was two years older than her brother looked at Frilite with a
terrified expression on her face. But Frillite did not give her child a glance.

The steps don't stop either.

- Huh...?

When an undead found her and was about to cry out to announce this, she drew
her sword and slammed into the ground.

As the ground she stepped on went down, the head of the undead, who was making
a sound, flew through the air.

The undead, who saw the sudden appearance of frillite, tried to run at her, but
it was already too late.

Frillite put her mana-condensed greatsword on the floor. When she burst her
mana, which had been condensed to her limit, red swords poured out in all
directions around her.

The bodies of the undead rushing towards her were cut off by foot, touching the
thick sword.

-Take it off!!!

The ragged golem who had been walking at the forefront came running late. It
slammed down the huge ax held by its eight arms vertically.

Frillite pulled out the sword she had stuck on the floor as if she were cutting
it towards the ragged golem.

Red mana wraps around her sword.

It was not enough, so the area of the blade gradually expanded and it took the
shape of a huge sword.

Biggie of the Perdiak family.

[Dragon Killer Sword]


A giant axe blade and a ragged golem were cut at once.

Frilite looked back at the undead that had been defeated.

Unlike on the battlefield, it was not playing.

After all, regeneration seems to have been the necromancer's ingenuity.

She harvested the mana loaded on the bayonet.

He looked at the siblings and pointed the direction of the city with his sword.

“If you run over there, there will be a city. When you go inside, tell them to
prepare for the attack of the undead corps. Show me this and they will listen to

Frilite removed the ring engraved with the Ferdiak family pattern and placed it
on the girl's palm.

“Uh, your sister..?”

“I think I should stay here for a while.”

“Can’t we just go together..?”

The girl pulled the sleeves of the tailcoat worn by Frilite. Noticing that her
girl was anxious, Frillite patted her child's head.

“It will follow soon. It’s just a little bit left.”

"lie! You guys didn't come after telling me that before too! If you don't go, I
won't go either! I will fight the bad guys too!”

The boy whined and picked up the spear the undead was holding. The child's arms
trembled and the window swayed precariously. Frillite grabbed the spear and hit her

“Thank you for the words, but you are not old enough to protect anyone yet. It
is a position to be defended.”

“Don’t treat me like a child! my dad did I am also a true warrior. I can
protect you too!”

Frylite's eyes widened. She then smiled slightly as she squatted down to make
eye contact with her child.

"sorry. My thoughts were short. Age has nothing to do with being a man.”

Frilite pulled out a dagger for self-defense from her arms. It is a dagger made
of rare metal, Oriharkon, with a scabbard engraved with the Ferdiak family pattern.
The precious dagger she handed to her child.

“Take it. If this is the case, you will be able to wield it, too.”
An ultramarine blue dagger that shines brightly.
The boy carefully handed it over.
Frylite patted the child's head.

“If you are a real man, you will know who the first person to protect is.”


The boy's gaze turned to his sister, his blood.

Frillite's smile deepened.

“As long as your parents are away, you are the head of your family. Come on. As
the head of the household, protect your only sister.”


a boy with a dagger

I grabbed my sister's hand, holding it tight with one hand. I started running in
the direction the city was. My older sister, the girl, followed me over and over
I looked around, but the boy didn't look back until the end and ran away.

- I'll sacrifice my life for the sake of my two children... I don't know if I'm
the kind of warrior I've seen in a while.

An unpleasant voice penetrated Frilite's ear. She smiled and turned back. A
skeleton was floating in the sky, flapping its robes.

The undead who came through the trees and bushes under him filled it.

“You speak as if you’ve met many warriors.”

-I am a wizard who has lived for a thousand years. Of course, I've seen a lot
of warriors. Among them, there were altruistic people like you, and there were also
selfish people on the contrary. I personally like warriors like you.

“I never asked about your preferences.”

Frilite turned the sword upside down and put the tip of the sword on the floor.

“Listen, necromancer. I, Frillite de Perdiac, tell you. You cannot get through
this place.”

- That's a funny bluff. Hero, it may be possible for you to defeat me, but it
is impossible to defend it. It's because you're alone compared to I'm a corps.

Richie laughed and raised her left hand.

- Still, I wonder how far you can stop it. Let me take a look somewhere.

When he snapped his finger, the undead, who had been meek until then, started
running forward like hungry dogs.

Some undead rushed towards the frillite, but most were not.

Their target is a brother and sister running away from behind Frilite.
The frillite was nothing more than an obstacle in the way.

“I definitely said it.”

no, it was just

A red aura rose from the frillite. Her red energy spread quickly and formed a
huge circle around her.

“You can’t get past this place. My words are the law, and the one who breaks
the law pays for their sins with death.”

The land that shines red.

On top of that, weapons made of red mana were created. Swords, axes, spears,
etc. were made regardless of whether they dared to disobey her orders and punished
the undead.

The fallen undead did not recover even with Lich's magic.

Frilite gave her one final warning.

“Please read it.”

Frylite de Perdiak.
<Unique Magic>
[Monarchy Order]

Magic of an overwhelming scale that is hard to think of as an individual's


The wizard, who had lived for a thousand years, burst into laughter as if
delighted, rather than atrophying.

-is it. If I am a corps, are you a lord? It's a battle between the army and the
monarch. That's interesting. Well! It will be very fun.

A faint blue light rose from the skull's empty eye sockets.

- Freelite. don't admit it I underestimated you.

Kugu Palace.
The floor cracked, revealing two decaying dragons that had been hiding under
the ground. The two dragons fluttered their rotten wings and soared through the

hey hey hey!

The ragged golems let out a loud, disgusting cry.

The pride of the Principality of Polycia, the barbarian warriors and the
successive grand dukes became undead and lost their wisdom and burned only the
battlefield, and the continent's greatest knights, the Platinum Knights, quietly
raised their silver swords.

- From now on, I will do my best.

As Lich waved her hand, large and small magic circles began to cover the sky.

- Please don't disappoint me by dying too soon.

Richie snapped his fingers.

Regardless of his orders, the undead were no longer a clutter of miscellaneous

things. In the true sense of the word, they became a corps and marched towards

* * *

“Aiken Hard?”

It is the name of the city where the frillites and the rebels retreat.

It was an unfamiliar name, so I asked Leslie.

“How long will it take to get here?”

“No matter how fast it is, it takes two days.”


I got on the horse.

“Where are you going?”

“Two days? From now on, I have to run diligently.”

“You don’t have to.”


“There is a way to move quickly.”

EP.154 Rich

“Is there a way to get there faster?”


Leslie nodded and asked to follow, and took the lead and entered the castle.
The inside is just as messy as the outside. Ignoring her and following her, there
was a staircase leading down to her basement.

Leslie went down the stairs without hesitation, and we followed.

I followed her down to the first basement floor.

It was an empty space with nothing.

"what's this. You don't have anything?"

Leslie did not respond to Eri's grumbling. She made her ice dagger and slashed
her in the palm of her hand and clenched her fist, dropping drops of her blood on
her floor.
Every time a drop of blood fell, a red magic circle began to be drawn on the

Eri, who was grumbling at him, as well as other party members shut their mouths
while Leslie explained the magic circle.

“Unlike other kingdoms, the Principality had no warriors from generation to

generation. The principality, unable to receive the help of a hero, had to defend
the country on its own.”

The magic circle was about half completed.

The magic circle in which the runes were densely written was sophisticated to
look at, but when I read the runes, I could get a rough idea of what the magic
circle was for.

“The Principality’s warriors are valiant and strong. But being brave and strong
doesn't mean you can win a war. Winning a war requires strategy. So it was made…”

“Teleport magic circle.”

“It’s also Cloud-sama. You noticed.”

Leslie nodded in affirmation.

Eri widened her eyes and looked at the magic circle on the floor.

“Teleport magic circle? this?"

"yes that's right."

"lie! How can the old men of the tower allow dangerous magic like teleport

“Of course, we didn’t get permission from Mato. There's no way those old men
would hand over their privileges, right?"

"What? Then I stole-”

“My distant ancestors were granted permission by His Majesty the Emperor, who
was then favored by His Majesty.”

While she was explaining, the magic circle was already completed. The dark
basement was filled with the red light emanating from the magic circle.

“As this magic circle was created for strategic use, it can move from dozens to
at most hundreds of people. But now, one person is the maximum.”

“Isn’t that a bit extreme?”

"I can not help it. Originally, there should have been mana-filled crystal
balls here, but those are gone. It must have been stolen when they raided.”

Leslie's expression contorted with anger.

'It's not easy to see Leslie acting so emotionally.'

It seems that he was very angry about this.

She sighed and straightened her expression.

“Teleport magic requires a lot of mana because it is activated by considering
all the variables. It’s only possible to send one person out only when Eri and I do
our best.”

"me? Why am I suddenly here?”

Eri asked, bewildered.

“Eri, it’s an emergency right now. I ask for your cooperation.”

"under! When are you going to ask me to cooperate with you when you shamelessly
steal my research? Do you have a conscience?”

“If that is the case, I apologize. Please forgive me.”

Leslie nodded her head toward Eri. Eri stammered, seemingly embarrassed by the
sudden situation.

“What, what… Blood, when you need it, you don’t feel any sincerity, right? And
an apology doesn't remove the fact that you stole my research...!"

“Eri, I’ll ask you too. It's very urgent. Even if it’s right or wrong later, I
hope you’ll cooperate with Leslie for now.”

“To the cloud... uh...”

At my words, Eri's momentum softened.

She took a deep breath and asked Leslie with a dissatisfied expression.

“What can I possibly do?”

When Eri began to cooperate, things went smoothly. Under Leslie's leadership,
the two prepared teleport magic.

I said it was amazing that two people could use such a large magic, is it
because of the magic that Eri studied?

When Leslie revealed that, strength was put on Eri's shoulder, and the magic
was smoothly prepared.

“Are there any items related to Frilite-sama? With that, coordinate tracking
becomes possible.”


I handed over the fragment of the broken Ferdiak House Royal Plaque. Eri's
complexion turned pale blue when she saw the torn VIP plaque.

“Okay, Cloud? Me, me, why did it break?”

“How did you happen?”

“How did you happen? Are you crazy?! What kind of thing is that?

“Coordinate tracking is complete. It's not too far from Aiken Hard. I'll start
sending. Eri?”

"iced coffee!! okay! I got it!!”

Eri mumbled something to herself and prepared magic with Leslie.

The red magic circle began to turn blue. Leslie said before it was completely
covered in blue.

“It will fall slightly above the original coordinates to avoid collisions.”

At the same time as those words, the magic circle shone blue and obscured his
vision. I closed my eyes for a moment, and the sensation of the stone floor that I
felt on the soles of my feet disappeared.

Feeling floating, I opened my eyes and prepared to land...

“...is this a little bit higher from where you look?”

When I saw the undead that looked the size of a bean, I sighed.

Immediately after that, I crashed.

* * *

Dozens of swords and spears flashed after the decaying dragon. As the dragon
crossed the sky, avoiding swords and spears, it opened its jaws, and a green
decaying breath poured out toward the ground.

The red swords rotated round and round to block the breath pouring towards the

- Shut it off!

The ragged golem jumped as hard as he could with the run. The five axes he
threw flew away. Frilite's eyes turned towards the ax and the ragged golem.


Ten spears flew, deflecting axes and piercing the ragged golem.

Huge axes that bounced off fell and split the pitiful undead in half, and
hundreds of barbarians rushed towards the frillite from behind the undead.

Naturally, a baptism of spears and swords poured out towards them.

The barbarian at the forefront begins to fall. When half of them were left, the
distance from Frylite was less than ten steps, and most of them fell before they
took eight steps.

But there were also those who survived.

The beings that barbarians sacrificed their bodies to protect.

They are the greatest warriors of the Principality of Polycia and the Grand
Duchess of all time.

The distance between them and Frylite was only two steps. They tried to shred
the frillite with their own weapon skills.

Not taking her eyes off the cutlery that was facing her, Frillite concentrated
on her magic a little more.
A red glowing sword formed right next to her.

The sword moved faster than any other sword she had ever made and used her


The weapons of the archdukes being combed out.

All the attacks that tried to shatter Frilite only rubbed her skin, and they
had to pay the price of failure.
The great swords made at the close range of the archdukes cut through their

- Apparently, he can't move while using magic. He could have avoided it enough,
but if he dared to block it with magic.


-It is often said that silence is affirmation. I don't agree with that
statement, but it seems to be the case this time around.

Richie smiled and raised her hand.

- Then where... Taste the endless despair.

As he waved his hand, all the undead who had been watching from a suitable
distance rushed at Frillite at once.

At the same time, magic started pouring from the magic circles that filled the

Frillite's eyes roll busily.

The pouring magic blocked the sword by turning it round and round, and the rush
of the undead was blocked by stabbing them with long spears.

But, no matter how she was, it was unreasonable to block them all.

Because her concentration and stamina had limits.

The sword that was blocking the magic broke, and some quick undead ran to avoid
the spear blade.

Each time, Frilite filled the gap with a newly made sword and spear, and her
mana and mental power were greatly reduced.

She began to wear out with blood and sweat, but the undead did not. Of course.
Because they are the military and frillites are individuals.

Even if they have power comparable to that of the military, an individual is

still an individual.

There is a limit to an individual's stamina, and when the stamina drops, the
combat power decreases.

The reduced fighting power does not reach the army, and the individual is
ultimately defeated.
It is a battle between the individual and the military.

From the moment when the line of stopping the undead began to break through one
by one, Frilite sensed defeat.

The word death flashed through my mind.

In the past, the conversations we had with him are also included.

-If I'm wrong, will you cry for me?

-uh. will cry I will cry so much that my tears will make a river.

Unlike usual, he was serious without playfulness.

-I'm not joking. If you don't want to see me die of dehydration, consider

Recalling his face, Frilite smiled.

My heart was beating as fast as my heart would burst, and my mind was fading
away, but there was a smile.

'I miss you.'

I haven't seen you in so long

As before, I thought we would meet again someday when the time came, but it

Killing monsters that threaten people, greeting nobles, and smiling businessly.
Killing cultists who threaten the continent, greeting people in the church, and
smiling businessly.

As I repeated them over and over again, there was no time or time to meet.

'I never dreamed that I would miss someone.'

Goddess is also very savage.

When you don't have much thought, you connect the kite like that, and when you
really want it, you cut the kite like this.

'I don't want to die.'

Until I met you, I never dreamed of this. For the sake of my mission, I thought
it would be okay to die.

I have changed like this.

It's all your fault, Cloud.

Don't worry though.

Because I will not give up on the cause for the sake of my private feelings.

There are a lot of things I want to share with you, and there are a lot of
things I want to do with you, but that’s okay.
Aren't I a warrior?

You can carry this with you.

So be patient too.
Don't cry or cry like I said before,
Don't hold on to unnecessary vengeance,
Just do your duty as a warrior silently.

Frilite had dispelled the magic.

The mana that had dyed the earth red was removed, and darkness that could not
see an inch ahead enveloped her.

Of the hundreds of swords and spears, all that was left was a thin one-handed
sword stuck on the floor in front of her.

When he raised his head, he saw the undead running ravenously under the gentle
moonlight and Richie acting as if he was in another world alone from afar.

she smiled

'cloud. my friend If there is a place called the afterlife.'

Let's share the festivities there.

Frilite reached out towards the red shining sword.

The moment you grab the handle and pull out the sword-

Whoa whoa. bang!!!

Something fell in front of her at high speed.

Frilite was puzzled and walked through the rising dust. When she saw something
that had fallen, her eyes widened and she panicked.


That something was the cloud.

He was lying flat on the floor.

As soon as he saw him, all sorts of thoughts ran through her mind.

The moment she came to her senses and reached out towards him, he opened his
eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he frantically rolled his eyes to and fro.

Cloud, who finished understanding the situation, turned his gaze to Frillite
this time.

He looked at Frilite, then gently stretched out his arm and pinched her cheek.

“…what are you doing now?”

“I just want to give you a pinch.”


Frylite let out a smirk.

EP.155 Rich

Are you kidding me in this situation?

Really, it's cloud-like.
Frylite let out a smirk.

The smile, Bourne Cloud, narrowed her brow and pulled Frillite's cheeks

"...Isn't it pulling a little harder?"

Frilite complained, but Cloud ignored it and pulled the ball on the other side
in the same way.
Both of her cheeks suddenly stretched like marshmallows.
If anyone could see her, she looked so soft that her authority as an aristocrat
and a warrior would collapse.

It was when Frilite sighed and was about to remove his hand.

“You have two lives? Why don't you run away?"

Her hand, which had gone up to Cloud's words, came down smoothly. She was
speechless, unable to even answer his questions.

have nothing to say?


No matter what I did, the reaction back from Cloud was obvious.

“No, you can’t say it. I can only guess what you were thinking.”

Of course, the response that would come back was the same even if I didn't

Cloud laid Frilite's cheek. Instead, she wrapped her arms around her head and
tightened her grip.

“Are you crazy? Are you crazy and fight them alone?!”

“Cloud… it hurts… can you help me a little bit?”

"Quiet! Because you're saying it hurts!"

“Um… I see.”

Cloud seemed more angry than expected, so Frilite quietly kept her mouth shut.
In this case, she also had nothing to say.
“What did you say last time? what? Do I know my status, roles and
responsibilities? Who knows, what is he doing here?”


“Frlitte? Did you even eat your ears during a fight? not really. Did you just
have a good conversation with me?”

“Oh, I see. I was wrong. I'll apologize properly later, won't you let me go?
Now is the time…”

Her lips, which were about to say no, stopped.

This is because the undead corps, which had been running greedily until a while
ago, were now standing idly and watching her scold.

In particular, in the case of Richie, he was leisurely watching as if it was a

true story.

'...that guy must be killed.'

Frylite made a promise to herself.

“Fleelite!!! Are you listening to me?!”

“D, I’m listening..!”

* * *

“There are many things I want to say, but for now, I will stop here. That’s not
the case.”
“Are there any left..?”

Frillite looked tired, but Cloud nodded her head firmly as if she was ready.

"Of course! You go back anyway.”

-home? You sound pretty cocky.

Richie, who had only been watching from afar, intervened.

The undead corps began to step on the ground.
thud! thud!
shaking ground.
Two decaying dragons flew over it, showing off their presence.

- Do you think you will be able to break through this army and return safely?
Then you are a very optimistic kid.

Cloud's gaze turned to Richie.

“Are you the master of this undead army?”

-Yes, the new warrior.

“I am Cloud. Thank you for waiting."

-cloud? Ah... Kreas, is it the hero who defeated that child?

“I don’t think he was the size to be called a kid.”

- For you humans

Maybe it is, but I am different. I've watched the sea change masters twice, so to
me it's like a child. Then the child
I'm so sorry. Not long after he became the master of the sea, he became the Four
Heavenly Kings.

"What is he saying now."

- It's a story you don't need to know. Let's get back to the basics. Hero, how
did you plan to break through my army and escape?

Cloud tilted his head.

"escape? Why are you running away? We'll catch you."

-Hey, are you saying that even when you look at this army, you can say
something like that? It's like the hero of a comeback who defeated Kreas. So what
were you planning to do?

Richie asked with interest, but his intentions were close to ridicule. Cloud
took out his holy sword and put it on the floor instead of hanging out with it.


With the Holy Sword as the center, there is one small magic circle on the
floor. One larger magic circle than that.
One magic circle bigger than the second.

Thus, a total of three layers of magic circles overlapped.

Cloud knelt down on one knee and muttered.

“Pure white horse, protector of the pure virgin. As master, I command you to
answer my call.”

The overlapping magic circles rotated at different speeds like a clockwork.

The magic circle began to shine divinely.
A dazzling brilliance faded away from the surrounding area, and a pure white
horse stood in the center of the magic circle.

The word was different from ordinary words in appearance.

He had thick, sharp horns on his forehead and angel wings on his back.

- Hehehe!

The horse, which raised its paws and roared once, found the frillite and
approached her and rubbed her head.

Frylite patted the horse's mane while puzzled.

“What does this mean? It looks very strange.”


“You call it a unicorn? What a pretty name.”

When Frillite smiled, the unicorn began to cry 'whispering' as if in a good


“You seem to be a summoning beast that follows people well.”

“It’s not about following people well, it’s about following virgins.”

Cloud approached the unicorn. Then the unicorn began to cry low... It was an
attitude that seemed to be stabbed with horns at any moment.

“Isn’t this your summons? Why do you hate you?”

“I told you, you like virgins. He hates people who have sexual experience,
regardless of gender.”

“Okay… um? Wait, Cloud. What did you just-”

Cloud slapped the unicorn in the back before she could ask anything, feeling
some discomfort in the conversation.

“No matter what this bastard is. Do you not recognize the owner?”

Then he grabbed the unicorn's horn and pulled it out.


A unicorn howling in pain.

Seeing the veins of blood running down the unicorn's forehead, Frilite was

"cloud?! Why are you picking it up?!”

"it's okay. Grow up again.”

After answering calmly, Cloud wiped the blood from the horns and put in divine
The unicorn's horns filled with divine power simmered and melted, and Cloud
polished it up and made it into the shape of a sword.


Frilite was handed the sword with a shaky expression on her face. However, she
could not help but be astonished when she felt her powerful energy contained in the

“What is this, this mighty power?! Wasn't it all about adding a little bit of
energy to refine it?"

“This guy is a fantastic animal after all.”

Cloud said as he climbed onto the unicorn's back. Unlike before, Unicorn showed
no sign of resisting him.

He patted the back of the saddle he was sitting on.

“Hurry up. It doesn't look like they're going to wait any longer."

Frylite looked at the undead and the lich.

As he said, the undead were starting to move little by little. It means that it
is not strange at any time when you run into it. Frilite quickly sat down behind

Cloud has taken a hit.

As he pulled the reins, the unicorn slowly stepped forward.

The speed increased little by little, and when it reached the running speed of
an ordinary horse, the black flame that flowed from the cloud wrapped around the
body of the unicorn.

It was a frillite who was terrified, but soon realized that the black flame
didn't do any harm, and she was puzzled.

“Cloud, what is this?”

“I don’t know the details because I also gained strength a while ago. I just
wrote it because I thought it would work well for the undead.”

He said reassuring the unicorn by stroking his mane.

“Unbeknownst to you, you have come to use a number of strange powers.”

“Well, yes. Rather than that, I'm going to run in earnest now, so hold on
tight. Don’t try to hold on with your legs alone.”

“Um… I see.”

Frilite coughed and wrapped her empty arms around Cloud's waist.

Cloud pulled the reins and spoke to the unicorn.

"let's go."

- Hehe!

As if responding to his words, the running speed of the unicorn gradually

increased. The speed at which ordinary horses run has far exceeded it.

- Whoa.

The distance from the undead corps got closer in an instant.

Before colliding with the corps, the unicorn jumped up. Stepping on the heads
of the undead, he continued to move forward.

The saddle shook dangerously, but the unicorn's kick was stable.

- Shut it off!!

Black flame was transferred to the head of the undead that was stepped on by
the unicorn. The black flame started from his head and descended down the body,
setting fire to the entire body of the undead.

Not only the undead stepped on by the unicorn, but the undead who even rubbed
against the black flame were burned to powder by the black flame.

“You have a lot of firepower.”

Frilite said as he cut through the jumping undead.

Due to the firepower of black flames and the swordsmanship of frillite, most
undead could not reach them.

However, the Platinum Knights were not a tolerable undead. They were able to
draw swordsmanship to the subject of the undead.
blue or red.
They drew their swords in their own colors and rushed towards the unicorn.


Seeing that the brightly shining platinum armor had been worn out, Frillite
hesitated for a moment.

The moment you are determined to cut them.

“To the sky.”

Cloud flipped the reins and the unicorn flapped its wings and soared into the

The undead members of the Platinum Knights went helplessly out of the wind
pressure caused by those wings.

“If it’s hard, there’s no need to call. After all, if you cut one guy, it’s all


Frylite's eyes turned to Richie. A red pupil shimmering with murderous intent.
Frillite's hand holding the sword was strong.

- A flying horse. I didn't know you could evade my army like this.

Rich smiled and waved his hand.

A huge magic circle was created around him.

- Then avoid these anywhere.

Countless black chains poured out of the magic circle.

“Frilite, hold on tight.”

"i get it!"

As Frilite hugged his waist tightly, the movement of the unicorn changed

Chains flying in somersaults in the sky and the decaying breath of the dragons
were avoided by a single stroke.

However, avoiding the attacks did not end it all.

“Cloud, surrounded!”

The chains didn't fly in the first place hoping they would be beaten.
He just flew towards his designated seat.
The dragon's attack was also just a trick.
Black chains intertwined like a net.

A dense net made of chains approached to surround them, and the two dragons
blocked the way to escape from the net.

“Frilly. When you give the signal, be ready to ring.”

I didn't ask stupidly.
It was clear what she had to cut.


Tightening netting.


The mouths of the two dragons were smeared with decaying liquid.

It is a desperate crisis situation.

But strangely, Frylite was not anxious.

It was thanks to the feeling he felt in his chest.
She slowly drew her sword.


Cloud stroked the unicorn's mane once, then flicked the reins.


- Hehehe!

The unicorn raised its front paw.

Golden horns that rose again on the empty forehead.
The pure white horse lowered its front paws and slammed into the sky.


The air exploded.

The unicorn and the new types of the two warriors have disappeared, and all
that is left is the black flame that collapses helplessly.

The light in Richie's empty eye socket flickered.

'has disappeared?'

Did he even use short-range teleport magic?

'A high-ranking mage that a hero can use Blink? No, wait...'

Lich's eyes saw a piece of the chain mesh shattered.

He realized then.
They didn't teleport.

'Move at a speed that I can't even see...'

Richie's thoughts did not continue.

A sacred sword made of unicorn horns cut through Lich's skull vertically.

EP.156 Rich

As Lich's skull split vertically, the undead collapsed all at once like a toy
without batteries.


A unicorn descended from the sky and landed by gently trampling the corpse.

Cloud and Frylite got off the unicorn.

“Is it over?”

Frylite murmured as she looked at the bones of the lich that fell from the sky
and shattered.

Cloud picked up the fragments of Lich's skull that had been shattered. He
scanned the shards, placed them in his palm, and clenched his fists, grinding them
to a powder.

Then the bone fragments of the other Lich were also crushed to dust.

Frillite looked at the dust blown away by the wind with blank eyes.

“Something is missing.”

“A fight is what it used to be.”

"is it. Is it over…”

Frilite put her golden sword on the floor. She then started walking around,
looking around.

Cloud, who was about to ask what he was doing, shut his mouth when he saw her
taking the Platinum Knight's corpse from among the corpses.

Instead of speaking to her, he wandered around and found the body of a knight
in platinum armor.

“You don’t have to help. This is my responsibility.”

“Don’t be mean. Can't you help me with something like this between friends who
risk their lives?"

Cloud ignored Frillite's suggestion and continued to search for the body of the
Platinum Knights.

She smiled bitterly at his actions and continued what she was doing.

how many hours have passed

After much hardship, the two found 20 bodies among thousands of corpses.
“It’s harder than you think, this.”

Cloud collapsed on the floor and said.

Finding a specific corpse from among thousands of corpses was quite a arduous
task even for him with superhuman stamina.
Frilite knew it too, so she sat next to him and expressed her gratitude.

"Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to find it quickly.”

“What do you have like this? What are you going to do now?”

“Well. I honestly don't know either. Originally, a splendid funeral was held
for the innocent knights, but this is the first time that so many have died.”

The knights are advanced personnel.

They've been taught combat skills since childhood, so they're like a single

To some extent, it is safe to say that war is decided by the quality of the

And the Platinum Knights are arguably the best among them.

Twenty such Platinum Knights died.

So far, there have been one or two dead, but never suffered so much damage.

Therefore, Frilite felt a strong sense of responsibility and guilt.

“...don't make a face like that. It's not your fault."

Frylite shook her head.

“Do you know who the worst commander is? He is an incompetent commander. Even
though he has an eccentric personality and is a commander who reveals money and
flair, it is said that being able is better than being incompetent.”

Her gaze turned to the corpse of the Platinum Knight lying on the far right.

“Lexus. He was the man who was going to marry the lover he had been dating for
a long time when this was over. He begged me to come to her wedding.”

Her eyes turned to the body next to her.

“Alton. He is the third of seven siblings. He was a man who shouted loudly that
he would make the brothers who have supported them all the way through the years of

Her story of the dead Platinum Knights continued. Despite being tiring, Cloud
listened to her to the end.

Only when she had finished talking about the dead knights did he smile a

“I know the details of the subordinates.”

“Because they were comrades who had been together for a long time. This is
quite natural.”

“No, of course not. How much do you think the world has to do with being
interested in subordinates? You are good enough.”

“Then what do you do? In the end, incompetence.”

Frilite brushed her bangs with her right hand. Thanks to her, her bizarre
expression stood out. Her eyes trembled and she bit her lip as if she was holding
on to something.

Cloud made her head rest on his shoulder.


“It’s just the two of us here. If you are tired, you can put it down for a


He gently stroked her hair. Maybe it's because her warm touch relieved her
tension for a while. Water began to form from the corners of Frylite's eyes.


She hardened her expression and tried to put the tears back, but it was
impossible to get them back.

The more I tried to do that, the more intense my emotions became.

“I am your friend, not your subordinate or superior. You can show me as many
tears as you want.”

That was the decisive blow.

Like a clogged spring, tears and emotions that had colored her chest black such
as guilt, shame, and sadness burst out.

“It’s all… it’s all because of me. They died because I was incompetent.”
“They all had their own lives and families. All of them died. Because of my
“Why am I so incompetent? I've worked hard all my life, so why is it still not
“I ruined everything. It ruined the lives of them and their families.”
“Cloud, this sounds pathetic, but I am so scared. It would be wise to go
directly to their families and inform them of their death, but I am too afraid to
visit them.”
“I am very afraid to face their hatred and anger.”

Frylite de Perdiak.
She is definitely a strong woman.
He has lived with a responsibility that is several times that of other people
on his shoulders, and he has enough power to stand alone against the undead army.

But apart from that, she is also a person.

A person with emotions.

A person who feels guilty for his or her mistakes and is hurt by the rebukes
and hateful remarks of others.
Frillite, she's not as iron man as people usually think.

She is just a woman with a slightly strong heart who tries not to expose her

“Frilly. Do you think you haven't done your best in this fight?"

"...did my best."

“Is there anyone among the Platinum Knights who resented you?”


“You did your best, and no one even blames you. Then it happened?”


Cloud pressed her index finger to Frylite's lips, blocking her words.

“Yeah, the families of those people will feel differently. Whether you did your
best or not, whether it's your fault or not, I can just blame you. That will ease
the pain a little bit.”

Cloud met Frilite's red eyes.

"Come with me."


“I want you to go with me when I tell the news of your passing to your
subordinates’ families. Let's eat together even if we are cursed, and let's be
beaten together even if we are stoned. It will be less painful if the two of you
share it. is not it?"

“Cloud… I appreciate the heart, but this…”

"know. It's your responsibility. that's what you always say And every now and
then, you know what I always say?”

Cloud smiled bitterly.

“We are friends.”

After a dark night, the sun rose over the broad horizon.
Cloud's smile illuminated by the scarlet sun.
There was a charm that attracted people.

Frylite stared blankly at him.

As Cloud tilted her head and was about to ask why there was no answer, Frilite

“Cloud, marry me.”

* * *

As soon as Richie woke up, he was faced with a white room without a single
"This place?"

Where are you?

Why am I here?

He went back in his memory to find out why he was here.

'I was defeated by the hero.'

In other words, pretending to be defeated.

He is an immortal wizard who has lived for a thousand years.

The level to be obsessed with by the body has already been surpassed.
Even if the body is destroyed by a sword filled with holy power, it can be
revived if the Life Force Vessel, which contains vitality, is intact.

It means that you can fight endlessly with the hero if you put your mind to it.

But he didn't.

From the beginning, he didn't want to play clowns like the Four Heavenly Kings.

I was just trying to enjoy this job because I had no choice but to do it.

'After that, I tried to return to the Life Force Vessel...'

The warrior, Cloud, approached and grabbed a fragment of his skull and said:


At the end of that, I lost consciousness, and when I came to my senses, I was

'What is this...'

Recognizing that he was sitting on the chair, Richie tried to stand up, but his
body could not be removed as if it had been attached to the chair.

He looked at the chair, wondering why he was here, and was slightly surprised.

'Does the chair have wheels?'

Not only wheels, but also handles for unknown reasons were also attached, and
the material of them was also something that Richie did not know.

As he was panicking, the front door opened and a silver-haired beauty in a

black suit appeared.

She bowed politely and said.

“Welcome to Leah's house. sir."

EP.157 Rich
Richie couldn't understand the status quo.

Where is Leah's room, and where is the woman who identifies herself as Leah,
grabbing the handle of his chair and dragging him?

And how wide is this place, so even if you go forward, you only see a white

Why is this wife and daughter Leah pretending to be human when she is not even

No matter how rich he lived for 1000 years, he didn't know what he didn't know.
So he decided to just be honest and ask.

“Hey, Miss Leah. There is one thing I want to ask you, but…”

Richie's tone was kinder than ever before.

It's a strange place when I wake up, my body doesn't move, and the smile of a
woman named Leia is somehow ominous.
I had no choice but to do so because I was in a state of loss of leisure for so
many reasons.
Even at this moment, he was thinking pathetic thoughts like what would happen
if Leah ignored his words.

“Yes, what is it?”

Fortunately, Leah answered in a friendly voice.

Richie asked cautiously.

“Where is this place..?”

“Hey, I just said it’s Leah’s house. Why are you asking again what you heard?
Are you too old to understand?”

"No... So that Leah's... No, I was just asking what your house was doing..."

“Oh, was that the story? You said that from the beginning. If so, do you see
that door over there? Just go through that door and you will know, so please wait a

The door Leah pointed to was not far away, so Richie waited patiently for the
door to open.

Moments later, the door opened and he vomited his flagship at the sight beyond.

- Whoa!!!
-Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help
me. Help me.

A straight hallway that stretches out like the hallway you just passed through.

However, unlike the previous empty hallway, chairs were arranged at regular
intervals at both ends of the hallway.

Humans and monsters were sitting on those chairs, all screaming with painful
“Hey, what is this...?!”

“Now that I have seen this image, I have to introduce it officially. Welcome to
Leia's battery room~."

“Bear, battery?”

“Do you not understand the word “battery”? You can think of it as a fuel room

Richie was confused by Leah's clear voice.

“Are you very surprised?

it's okay. Because everyone is like that. It's a bit inhumane to me. But aren't we
kidnapped by anyone? here
All the guys there are screwed up. Most of the humans in the C-class fuel room here
are warlocks or low-level witches, and what are the monsters and horses?
Even if you don't... .”

Richie, who had hardened in shock, did not hear her words at all. Either way,
Leah was talking to her.

“The room you are going to enter is the next room, the B-grade fuel room. It’s
a place that only strong people can enter, so you can brag about it wherever you

With that said, Leia dragged Lich into the next room. The Class B fuel room was
also a hellish road to the Class C fuel room.

It was on the way to an empty seat. The purple-haired beauty shouted at Leah.

“Lee, Leah! I'm sorry! I did not know! Please forgive me just once!!”

The witch of pharmaceuticals, Eriache.

A witch is a being who can defy the providence of all things through a
contract, even in a limited way.

Eriache, who had been living as a witch for hundreds of years, was a witch
belonging to her own tycoon.

Now, she was crying and pleading with Leah with an unsightly face.

"yes. no way~ Then why did you touch the master?”

“I didn’t know he was such a person. I'm only Lorian...he just followed the
contract he made with that bastard...!"

“Anyway, did you do it? The sins you have committed do not go anywhere, so
please take your punishment.”

As Leia spoke with a laugh, Eriache's facial muscles began to tremble.

she was upset
The fact that she, who is the senior leader of many witches, is crying because
she is caught by that blue young girl.
And it was so unfair and resentful that all of this happened because of that
Lorian or Lorean or something.

"profit..! Hey, you psychopaths! Why is that my fault?! I didn't know! I didn't
know anything, Mr-"

“Your mouth sucks.”

When Leia snapped her fingers, a gag came out of nowhere and covered Eriache's

"town! Oops!!”

Even with the restraints on, Eriache opened her eyes and shouted to herself.
Leah ignored her because there was nothing she could do about her yes.

Richie took advantage of her attention elsewhere and tried to use magic, but it
was impossible. Mana existed here, but strangely, it did not move according to his

Leah turned to Lich.

"sir. Don't be silly. If you don't want to be locked up here for the rest of
your life."

Richie's jaw began to tremble hard.

“My, what am I doing wrong to Miss Leah?”

“There was nothing wrong with me. Instead, I must have done something wrong
with my master. Or would you not have sent it to me at the risk of getting caught?”

“The owner of Miss Leah? Who is that…”

In an instant, a man's face flashed through Richie's mind.

“Are you talking about Cloud?”

"cloud? Oh, I guess it's called by that name there?"

Leah nodded her head.

“Well, anyway. Don't worry too much, we'll send it to you once you fill your
quota. If you look carefully, there will be rich people like you, so if you are
bored, let’s talk.”

At the end of those words, Leah clapped. Richie's vision, which he had tried to
resist, was obscured.

* * *

“Cloud, marry me.”

The words Frilite uttered out of nowhere.

At those words, Cloud's thinking hardened.


'What do you think I am?'

Cloud thought about whether the word marriage had a double meaning, but there
was no such thing.
Marriage is just marriage.

Cloud was bewildered by the sudden proposal, and Frilite, who saw it, dyed her
face red and waved her hand.

“Oh, no. That's not it. I mean...”

Oh, that was a joke.

I took it seriously and ruined the atmosphere for nothing.

It was the moment Cloud was trying to relieve.

“Hey, didn’t you say last time… that you want to join our family as the son-in-
law of Daryl…”

Frillite wiggled her fingers and spoke like a girl who was uncomfortably shy.

I'm not kidding.

Cloud's expression hardened when he realized this.

“...Did I do that?”

“It was. I must have said it when we rode together to subdue the ogres!”

“Uh, uh… I remember. But why are you screaming…”

“Ah… Mi, I’m sorry.”

An awkward silence passed at the same time as her apology.

Frillite broke the silence that was painful for each other with a cough.

"Anyway! I thought about it a lot, and after thinking about it, I asked my

Cloud felt the back of his neck stiffen.

'Why are you asking that again...'

As Frylite said, Cloud is right that brought up Daryl's son-in-law first.

But wasn't that a joke to raise the mood?

But if you take it seriously and even ask your parents, what will you do?

'Now I can't even call it a joke.'

From the moment parents were mentioned, the word joke became an irrevocable

All Cloud could do now was to hope that Frilite's father would reject him.

But, as always, things didn't go the way he wanted.

“And my father agreed, saying it wasn’t bad.”

Don't you agree too easily?

Your daughter's life is at stake.
Damn it, think about it and decide!
Cloud vomited his flagship inwardly.

“Well… there was one condition at stake, but there was no problem. It has
already been achieved.”

“What was the condition?”

"You were taking off the infamous nickname of 'incompetent warrior'. And you
did a great job defeating the Four Heavenly Kings. I am proud of you."

Frilite smiled and looked at Cloud. He also stared at her with her smile, but
her feelings were different from hers.

He was half liberated.

'There's no way out...'

Marriage to Frylite?
To be honest, it's not bad.
No, it's rather good.
Because she is beautiful and her personality suits him well.

But there is a problem.

Cloud already has a lover named Katarina.
There is even Leslie, who claims to be fiancee.
No matter how much experience he had with women such as Lauren or Cassia
without them knowing, marriage was a different matter.

'...there may be sword fighting.'

inevitably happens
I could be sure of this.

"cloud? Why are you making such a blank expression from before?”

“Frilly. There is one thing I want to ask you, is it okay?”

“Tell me. What are you curious about?”

Looking at Frillite's puzzled expression, Cloud swallowed his saliva.

“What do you think about polygamy?”

EP.158 Rich

“What do you think about polygamy?”


At Cloud's outrageous question, Frillite couldn't help but be shaken, even for
a moment.

Doesn't that mean a man has multiple wives?

What's the cloud asking about him?

Could it be that he is saying that he wants to have a wife other than her?

'...it can't be.'

He is a simple man who gives up his achievements for the sake of the citizens
and accepts his departed colleagues again.

I don't know if it's any other guy, but it wouldn't be possible for him.

So, why did he ask such a question?

A lightning bolt struck her mind as she pondered.

'There is no need to think limitedly to polygamy.'

The essence of polygamy is that one spouse has several spouses.

If you change your gender there, you will become monogamous.

It means that a woman has several husbands.

In other words, Cloud asked such a question because she was afraid that she
would make another spouse.

Frillite, who had been thinking up to that point, trembled slightly.

'Am I not that trustworthy?'

It's not unusual for Cloud to have such anxiety. In fact, in the case of a
woman-headed family, there are cases where several sons-in-law are employed.

Cloud is also in a position to become Daryl's son-in-law, so you might be

worried about that.

But she never thought of a spouse other than Cloud.

If it hadn't been for what he said, she wouldn't have had much interest in

So, I couldn't help but feel a little sad at Cloud's attitude.

'Still, I should reassure you.'

Because trust is important.

Frilite opened her mouth with a cough.

“Polygamy. It's not a bad habit. There are few alliances that are as effective
as marriage alliances.”

He did not directly deny polygamy. Because depending on your point of view, it
may sound like an insult to other nobles.

“But aside from that, I don’t like those things.”

Cloud spoke quickly before misunderstanding her true meaning.

“Healthy couple
Mutual trust is the most important thing for a relationship. And that trust can
only be built when each person dedicates his or her time and emotions to the other
have. Having multiple spouses makes that impossible. So I don't like polygamy or
polygamy, and I have no intention of doing it.”

Frilite nodded her head with her arms crossed.

She rolled her eyes and glanced at his expression.

"I see..."

Somehow, the reaction is not cool.

Did you talk too vaguely?
Maybe this mood is good?

'Joke. Let's make a joke.'

Like Cloud did, she joked lightly.

“But why the expression? Have you ever wanted to become polygamous?”

Immediately after throwing the joke, a scene was pictured in her mind.

Frilite, the sight of Cloud playing with another woman while she is working.

I was just imagining it, but something came up that made me cry.

She put her hand on Cloud's shoulder, smiling awkwardly.

said with a forced smile.

“Don’t even dream. Do you understand?”

"yes? Ugh... I see..."

* * *

Cloud and Frylite won the battle against Lich.

The two entered a nearby city, Aiken Hard, with the body of a member of the
Platinum Knights.

“Aiken Hard welcomes the visits of the warriors Frilite and Cloud.”

The owner of the Eiken Hard, the butler of the Robert family, bowed down. He
was a middle-aged man with gray hair.

Frylite nodded her head.

“Thank you for the welcome. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to be provided with
a bath and a place to rest.”

“The two of you are undead.

You are the benefactor who saved Aiken Hard from the Legion. A benefactor should
be treated like that. There are two counts staying here too.
You have commanded me not to lack. So please rest in peace.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah, and if you excuse me, could you please accept the Count's invitation to
dinner? The Count wants to hear the story of the two heroes who stopped the undead

“It’s a story that doesn’t even have to be called a heroic story… but let’s
take an invitation to dinner. Cloud, are you okay?”


"thank you. The maids behind you will take care of the warriors. I'll see you
later then."

The butler withdrew, and Cloud and Frilite had different maids.

“I’ll see you in a little bit.”

“I do. Let me rest.”

After parting for a while, the two took a break in their respective rooms after
washing their bodies.

That was when some time had passed.

The butler knocked on the door of the room Cloud was provided with.

"what happened?"

“There are people out there claiming to be Cloud-sama’s party.”

“Ah, it looks like you have already arrived. That's right, maybe."

Cloud had sent a unicorn to make it easier for the party to come to this city.
Perhaps it has arrived now.

"Where are you?"

Cloud followed the guidance of the butler and headed for the stable. In the
stable, there were a unicorn, Eri, Ophelia, Neria, and a frillite with a strange

He wondered why Frylite was here, but no time was given to ask it.

“Cloud okay?!”
“Are you hurt?”

It was because three women had gathered and started to look at him.

Cloud smiled and pushed them away.

"it's okay. There are no injuries, so don't worry."

“I saw undead lying on the floor on the way. If I had known it would be so
dangerous, I wouldn't have sent it alone...!"

Neria trembled and blamed herself. It wouldn't change if she came, but he
didn't feel bad about her worrying, so he smiled. It was when he tried to appease
her heartbroken Neria.

“That’s right. That's right. Irion.”

Frilite has led the unicorn. Without even asking what Cloud was doing, she
dragged the unicorn towards Eri, Ophelia, and Neria.


The unicorn groaned and pulled its head back.


An awkward silence passed between Cloud and Frilite. Meanwhile, Eri, not
knowing why the unicorn is behaving like that, frowned.

“Right, then
I see, did that word cover that person? I'm better off, I hate Neriana and Ophelia
outright. It's amazing to be able to fly, but
How hard it was to ride this far... Where did you get such a thing?”

While Eri was doing this, Frilite patted her mane to calm the unicorn.

Then he pushed the unicorn's head toward Eri.

The unicorn was slightly offended, but did not avoid it.

He pushed towards Neria.

The unicorn was blatantly displeased and avoided his face.

In the case of Ophelia, she stiffened her neck and refused to even come close.

“What, what?”

The three women were bewildered by Frilite's sudden action. Whether they do it
or not, Frilly lite hardened her expression.

"cloud. Obviously, when you first summoned the unicorn, the unicorn avoided
you, right?”

"...It did."

“But now that I see you, even your colleagues are avoiding you?”

She turned her head and looked at Cloud with a cold expression.

“A very unpleasant imagination floats in my head and cannot be erased. What do

you think? Is it just my overreaction?”

Cloud swallowed his saliva.

Frillite's cold gaze upon receiving it for the first time was very painful.
He opened his mouth, trying to be as calm as possible.

“I have to.”

“All the remnants of the cult that were captured by me started with that sound.
Then, he rationalized his actions by giving a fair excuse. I wonder how you are.”

"okay. I'll explain. I'll explain, so can't you put that sword down?"

"Well? Ah... I'm sorry. It’s a habit.”

“I think it’s good to break that habit.”

"i get it. fix it from next time."

“Can’t we fix it now?”

"cloud. Were your tongues that long in the first place?”


cloud's back
A cold sweat started running down my back. Considering his point of view, it is
enough to tell the truth. Then Frilite's misunderstanding will be cleared up. But
what about them?
Wouldn't he get hurt again because he voluntarily reveals the past?

The moment I saw Frilite's pupils slowly losing their light, the thought

“Lorian. scratch. scratch."

Cloud said, pointing to Eri, Neria, and Ophelia in turn.

“I think this explains it well enough.”

“What… ah.”

As she tilted her head, she let out a sigh as if she had noticed.

“Really, was it like that? understood."

"okay? I'm glad. then..."

“Now there is one left. To whom did you pay tribute?”


Cloud left his seat and ran away.

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