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An Ecological Risk Index for Aquatic Pollution Control – A

Sedimentological Approach

Article  in  Water Research · January 1980

DOI: 10.1016/0043-1354(80)90143-8


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1 author:

Lars Håkanson
Uppsala University


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Water Research Vol. 14, pp. 975 to 1001 [X)43-1354/80/0801-0975502,00/0
qD Pergamon Press Ltd 1980. Printed in Great Britain


L , ~ s H~KANSON
The National Swedish Environment Protection Board, Water Quality Laboratory Uppsala,
Box 8043, 750 08 Uppsala, Sweden

(Received June 1979)

Alitraet--The aim of this work has been to penetrate one of many possible avenues towards a potential
ecological risk index to be used as a diagnostic tool for water pollution control purposes, i.e. to sort out
which lakes/basins and substances should be given special attention. The work is based on the thesis
that a sedimentoiogical risk index for toxic substances in limnic systems should at iea~,account for the
following four requirements:
1. The concentration requirement
2. The number requirement

Cd= C] ffi --;

iffil iffil el


the degree of contamination;

C ~ = the contamination factor;
E'~-t -- the mean content of the substance in question (i) from superficial sedimed~ (0--1 ern) from
accumulation areas. At least 5 samples, which provide an even area cover of the lake/basin
should be taken.
C ' = the standard preindustrial reference level" determined from various European and American
lakes to be (in ppm): PCB ffi 0.01, Hg = 0.25, Cd ffi 1.0, As ffi 15, Cu = 50, Pb ffi 70, Cr ffi 90
and Zn = 175. These are the substances discussed in this approach.
3. The toxic factor requirement
4. The sensitivity requirement
8 8
R I = ~ E r ' f f i ~ Tr'.C:
i=1 t •l

RI ffi the requested potential ecological risk index for the basin/lake;
Er ~ = the potential ecological risk factor for the given substance (i);
Tr' ffi the "toxic-response" factor for the given substance, i.e. PCB = 40. BPI/5, Hg ffi 40' 5/BPI,
Cd = 30" ~/5/~/BPI, As = 10, Pb ffi Cu = 5- ,~/5/~/BPI, Cr ffi 2" ~5/.,/BPI and Zn =
1. ,j5/,¢"BPI, where BPI ffi the bioproduction index.
The results have been tested on 15 Swedish lakes representing a wide range in terms of size, poilu-
tional status, trophic status etc.

INTRODUCTION AND AIM OF THE WORK industrialized world today of the necessity of estab-
It is indeed no problem to find research topics within lishing such ecologically valid indicator systems, and
the aquatic sciences which are both practically/ although a great deal of research is done within this
economically and intellectually/scientifically interest- topic, there is a very large gap between what is done
ing and relevant. One such research area, which is of and what should and could be done.
increasing significance, concerns the very complicated The purpose of this work is to discuss, from a prin-
problem to establish (both quantitatively and quali- cipal point of view, an approach, a m o d e l for an
tatively) ecological effects in the aquatic milieu from ecological risk index to be used in aquatic (limnic)
various types of contaminants and to develop valid, environmental pollution control, i.e. a risk index
simple and rapid indicator systems, which may be which provides a fast and sirr~vle quantitative value
used with acceptable accuracy in environmental pol- on the potential ecological risi~ of a given contami-
lution control. There is a growing awareness in the nation situation in a given lake or fresh water system.

976 LARS H AKAN~)"-

The subsequent model has several limitations and samples are comparatively easy to collect in the field,
presuppositions which should be stressed already (3) the sample representativity in time and space may
from the very beginning: be evaluated in a rather simple way, and i4) the
The approach concerns only limnic systems. adopted analytical procedure can generally pro,,ide
The desired risk index must of necessity be a crude both cheaper and better data from sediments than
instrument. However, the philosophy has been that a from, for example, water samples, because the concen-
blunt battle-axe is better than no weapon at all, and trations are generally much higher in the sediments.
in this context it may be appropriate to cite some The aim of the approach is that the requested risk
lines from "Water Quality Criteria" (EPA, 1972, p. index should express the potential ecological risk of a
179): given contamination. The focus is on toxic substances.
i.e. substances that give rise to toxic effects on various
"Recommendations biological levels (tissue-organ-organism-system), e.g.
Since forms of species of metals in water may by disturbing the permeability in the cell membrane,
change with shifts in the water quality, and since the the formation of hormones, or the structure and toro
toxicity to aquatic life may concurrently change in
as yet unpredictable ways, it is recommended that mation of regulating proteins. Consequently. we will
water quality criteria for a given metal be based on primarily discuss elements like Ag, Be, Cd, Co, Cr,
the total amount of it in the water, regardless of the Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, V, Zn, substances like
chemical state or form of the metal, except that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and well-
settleable solids should be excluded from the analy-
sis (Standard Methods, 1971)." known environmental poisons like PCB, DDT etc,
and will largely avoid nutrient elements (N, P, orga-
To meet the requested demands for accuracy, sim- nic-C), which may influence water quality in quite a
plicity and rapidity, the risk index discussed in this different way, which in fact often cancel out, or
context will be based exclusively on sediment data. balance the effect of many toxic substance (metals).
There are several reasons why a focus on the sedi- It should also be noted that the desired risk index
ments may be fruitful in this case: (1) data from the primarily is intended to express the threat towards
sediments provide time-integrated mean values of man by increased concentrations of toxic substances
considerable time-stability compared to data on pol- in fish for consumption. This is easy to say, but in
lutants from, for example, water samples, (2) sediment practice as well as in theory, it is very difficult indeed

Table 1. Factors affecting the toxicity of metals in aquatic systems (modified after Belier et al.. 197T)

/ Ion

. f Inorganic Soluble ~ Chelate
I. Metal--Form ~ O r g a n i c / Colloid
Particulate ~ Sorption

2. Presence of other substances ~ Addition
- Antagonism

~ Geographical position JJJ~

Geology of drainage area , ~ - - " ~
Dissolved oxygen
3. Water system Morphometry of basin ~ - Salinity
Hydrological conditions "~,,~ Alkalinity
~"- Trophic level
Level of bioproduction
Residence time

~ ~ Size
_ , ~ Sex
4. Biological system ~ Food supply
~ ~ " - Activity
~ ' - System of protection
~-" Adaptation to metals
Ecological status
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 977

Table 2. Metal associations in sediments (from FiSrstner. 1977a)

Mineral detritus Metal bonding mostly

(mainly silicates) in inert positions

Heavy metal Precipitation as a

hydroxides result of exceeding
carbonates solubility proeuct
sulphides in the water Course

p H ~ lelectr., attraction)
Clay minerals
(sorptionl Chemical sorption
(exchange H" in SiOH,
AIOH and AI(OHhl

p H / /
Bitumen. lipids Chemical sorp.tion
Humic substances (COOH-, Ol-i~-groups)
Residual organics

~ Physico-sorption

p H / - - Chemical sorption
Hydrous Fe/Mn-
oxides Co-precipitation
by exceeding the
solubility product

pH ~ - - Pseudomorphosis
Calcium carbonate [ (supply and time)


to establish toxicologically valid risk limits. The enor- results, one should stress the necessity of using a well-
mous literature on mercury may illustrate the dimen- established standard procedure when determining the
sion of this problem (see NHT, 1970 Taylor, 1975). In sediment concentrations o f the given substances.
USA and Canada, for example, the "blacklisting" Intercalibration and standar~ltzation work has been
limit is 0.5 mg methyl-Hg per kg pike. In Sweden, the done in several countries; for Scandinavia see, e.g.
authorities have decided that mercury is half as dan- Zink-Nielsen (1975) or SIS (1978).
gerous, here the "blacklisting" limit is 1.0 mg/kg. In It should be noted that one has to use a sediment
second place, the risk index should also express the sampler which provides a minimum of disturbance
potential ecological hazard of a contamination in a even for very loose deposits (see e.g. Hhkanson, 1973;
wider biological sense, i.e. the risk of destroying the Axelsson & Hhkanson, 1978).
"weakest links in the ecological chain" which consti- It must also be stressed that this work is not pri-
tutes and characterizes a given lake. This is, naturally, marily addressed to the sedimentological experts, but
even more complicated. A schematic illustration of rather to ecologists or limnologists in general with
the complexity which is involved when discussing the interest in toxical risks, and i6 administrators work-
toxicity of various substances in aquatic systems is ing with environmental pollution control. Conse-
given in Table 1. A literature survey in the topic has quently, some of the sedimentological issues discussed
recently been published by Bianck et al. (1978). The are rather well-known to the professional sedimento-
first order governing factors which determine the eco- logist, but I have chosen to include a thorough dis-
logical effect or risk with a given metal pollution are: cussion, since it is a major point that the sediments
what substance (metal)? presence of other substances? may be regarded as a source of valuable ecological
what lake (water system)? what biological system? If information and that this information can be used
we focus on metals in sediments, which is of primary outside the normal sedimentological frames of refer-
interest in this context, then Table 2 will illustrate the ence.
processes and complications involved. WORKING HYPOTHESIS
Since any risk index will depend on the choice of
the analytical technique, and since different prep- The working hypothesis of this work is that the
aration and analytical techniques may yield different potential ecological risk index (the requested RI-
w.R. 14 8 - D

value! lot a given lake or defined sub-basin may be altering: erosional areas dominate where no iine
expressed from the following four premises: material is deposited, in such areas there may be
1. The concentration requirement which empha- hard bottoms (rocksl, or very consolidated glacial
sizes that the Rl-value should increase when the sedi- clays (for example, varved ctayt, or coarse bottom ma-
ment contamination increases. This may be revealed terials isand, pebbtesi. Since we will use sedimenl data
by a comparison between preindustrial deposits from to establish a risk index, it is obviously not suitable to
deep sediment levels and recent deposits from super- utilize material from transportation or erosional
ficial sediments. zones, because such deposits may be very old.
2. The number requirements which states that a complex and impossible to interpret. Consequently.
lake or a sub-basin polluted by numerous substances all data must emanate from accumulation areas. This
should have a higher Rl-value than an area contami- implies that one has to avoid sediments from the fol-
nated by only a few substances. lowing environments: rivers and other similar high
energy environments where very turbulent and/or
If we have an index that meets these two require- hydrodynamically complex situations dominate;
ments in an acceptable way, then this index would be between islands where the topographical bottle-neck
a good instrument to describe the contamination effect may be apparent: areas close to river mouths.
status of a given area (what elements contaminate, where the bottom dynamic situation may be governed
what concentrations, etcl. However. this is only the by river action and where bottom conditions often
first step on the road towards a risk index, which show considerable variablity in time and space; areas
should be related to ecological effects and ecological on sub-aquatic slopes with inclinations greater than
risks. 4-5°0 (height vs length), where fine recent material
When such an index is required one must also con- very easily may be resuspended.
sider: The relationship between the bottom dynamics and
the physical, chemical and contaminational status of
3. The toxicity factor requirement which implies
the surficial sediments of Lake V~inern is illustrated in
that the risk index shbuld account for the fact that
Table 3. The significance of knowing what type of
various substances have different toxicological effects:
dynamic situation that dominates at and around the
some are highly toxic, others slightly toxic. There is a
sample site is clearly shown in this table, and also in
very wide range here--from extremely poisonous sub-
Table 4, which gives the same type of information for
stances like PCB and mercury via lead and copper to
Lake Lilla Ullevifjarden, a small bay in the northern
iron. The requested Rl-value should differentiate
part of Lake M/ilaren. Sweden, unaffected by direct
between mildly, moderately and very toxic substances.
municipal or industrial pollution. The contamination
4. The sensitivity requirement which means that
in Lake V~inern is toally dominated by mercury from
the risk index should account for the fact that various
a chlor-alkaline plant in the northern part of the
lakes and water systems do not have the same sensi-
basin. These two tables show that practically all exist-
tivity to toxic substances. In waters of low pH and
ing sediment pollution is to be found in the loose
bioproductivity, for example fish tend to have higher
deposits within the accumulation areas. Table 4 also
mercury concentrations than in waters of comparable
illustrates the fact that elements like Fe, Mn and P
Hg-contamination bul with more neutral pH and
are unsuitable as sediment parameters in a risk index
higher bioproductivity.
because their appearance is often governed by
Now, based on readily accessible sedimentological physical/chemical processes in the sediments which
data, we will discuss one possible avenue towards an cannot unambiguously be linked to contamination.
ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control, These elements often show very complex sedimentolo-
which takes these four requirements into account. gical distribution patterns {see for example Williams
et al., 1976: Kemp et al., 1976),
T h e concentration requirement
How. then, can the bottom dynamic situation be
In this section we will not discuss possible effects of determined for a given sample site'? There are two
bioturbation, diffusion, compaction etc on the vertical simple ways:
gradient of elements in lake sediments. The focus will
be on a comparison between old, preindustrial depo- la~ The ETA-diagram (Fig. 1), which may be used
sits and recent, superftcial deposits. to determine the potential bottom dynamic situation
The following problems concerning the concen- without any sedimentologicat work. The only two
tration requirement must, however, be discussed. things that have to be known are the water depth at
l. The problem of the bottom dynamic situation the sample site and the effective fetch, which very
lerosion-transportation-accumulationt,see Hhkanson • quickly and easily can be determined with a trans-
(1977a,b). In this context, accumulation areas prevail parent paper put on the map (see Beach Erosion
where fine material (medium silt and finer) is being Board, 1972; H/tkanson, 1978).
deposited continuously; transportation areas domin- tbi From the water content of superficial sediments
ate where fine material is deposited discontinuously, (14/o ~, In this case one has to collect and analyse
i.e. periods of accumulation and transportation are sediments to determine the bottom dynamic situation,
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 979

Table 3. The relationship between bottom dynamics (erosion-transportation-accumulation) and the physical and chemi-
cal status of the superficial sediments (0--1 era) of Lake Viinem. Mean values and standard deviations (in brackets). From
H/tkanson (1977b)

Erosion Transportation Accumulation

Number of analyses 14 16 84

Physical status Water depth, m 14.9 (9.7) 22.6 (10.3) 42.8 (22.5)
Water content, 0/ws 40.3 (14.5) 64.0(17.9) 84.0 (10.9)
Bulk density, g c m - 3 1.58 (0.24) 1.27 (0.19) 1.10(0.08)
Organic content, ? / d s 1.5 (0.8) 4.5 (2.3) 9.7 (5.3)
Chemical status Nutrients mg g- ~ ds N 0.78 (0.33) 1.14 (0.46) 2.7 (0.53)
P 0.30 (0,24) 1.07 (0.80) 1.5 (1.O)
Contaminating Hg 0.026 (0.028) 0.27 (0.48) 1.34 (2.13)
elements, ppm ds Cd < I 0.7 (0.5) 1.4 (0.8)
Cu 13 (9) 26 (10) 30 (7)
Pb 34 (I7) 64 (36) 104 (34)
Zn 110 (63) 240 (125) 430 (21 o)
Ni 22 (9) 31 (12) 28 (7)
Not contaminating Ag <I <1 <1
elements, ppm ds B < 20 < 20 <20
Be <1 <1 <1
Bi < 10 < 10 < 10
Cr < 50 < 50 ~<50
Mo <20 <20 <20
Sn <20 <20 <20
V 110 (46) 150 (47) 130 (29)

but the analyses are very simple indeed--to dry about areas can vary within vast limits, from lake to lake
5 g wet sediment for 6 h at 105°C and express the and between different sub-basins in a lake--from
water content as wet sediment. The following rule of Wo_~ = 75 to Wo_~ ---, 100. In general terms, one may
thumb limit may be used to differentiate zones of ero- also conclude that the physical character of superficial
sion (winnowing) from zones of transportation: sediments in a given lake or sub-basin vary compara-
Wo-i = 50. This may be considered a general border- tively little within the accumulation area and much
line, which is valid for most lakes. To determine the within the transportation and erosional areas. Very
limitation between areas of transportation and ac- often there exists a marked relationship between
cumulation, one has to know the prevailing character water depth (relative water flepth) and the physical
of the accumulation bottom deposit s in terms of character (water content) of~he superficial sediment.
Wo_~. There is always fi marked relationship between Some of these general principles have been illustrated
lake type and sediment type, but the physical charac- in Fig. 2, which shows the relationship between water
ter of the surficial sediments within the accumulation depth and water content of superficial sediments in

Table 4. The relationship between bottom dynamics (erosion-transportation-accumulation) and the physical and chemi-
cal status of the superficial sediments of Lake Lilla Ullevifj~irden (which belongs to Lake M~ilaren). Mean values and
standard deviations (in brackets). From H~kanson, (in press): raw data from Ryding & Borg, (1973)

Erosion Transportation Accumulation

Number of analyses 15 10 • 14

Physical status Water depth, m 13.0 (5.3) 17.5 (5.4) 31.6 (8.0)
Water content, °o ws 32.6 (9.0) 67.4 (9.6) 94.1 (2.3)
Bulk density, gcm - 3 1.72 (0.15) 1.26 (0.10) 1.03 (0.02)
Organic content, % ds 4.6 {2.2) 10.7 (4.6) 24.3 (2.5)
Chemical status Nutrients and indicators
of nutrient status
Nitrogen, mg g- ~ds 0.6 (0.4) 3.4 (1.2) 10.7 (1.5)
Phosphorus. mg g- t ds 0.8 10.4) 2.8 (2.1) 1.6 (0.5)
Carbon, mg g- 1 ds 0.5 10.5) 2.7 (2.0) 10.4 (1.7)
Chlorophyll. #g g-1 ds 5.3 (4.2) 18.5 (9.4) 167.1 (45.5)
Not contaminating, chemically mobile
elements (see also P)
Iron, mg g- 1 ds 24.6 (10.4) 53.5 (14.4i 41.3 (3.2)
Manganese, mg g- 1 ds 0.8 (0.8) 3.5 (2.6) 2.5 (1.5)
Contaminating elements
Zinc, #gg-~ ds 41 (19) 111 (27) 189(17)
Nickel. #g g- ~ ds 28 (13) 51 (13) 73 (7)
Chromium,/ag g- ~ds 23 (8) 40 (8) 57 (10)
Copper, ~tg g- 1 ds 18 (9) 31 (13) 59 (6)

Effective fetch of transportation and accumulation can be given b~

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 I k m /
the water content 75°,>.
2. The problem concerning natural background
E rosion ~winnowing levels. This issue has been discussed from a principle
point of view in an excellent manner by F/Srstner
=. ~ , Wider co.ant (1977a~ b). This is a central question in all projects
dealing with the case of lake sediments as indicators
of pollution, This problem can be treated in two quite
different ways. One extreme is to establish a general
J geological reference level, for example, based on the
i Accumulation
data introduced by Turekian & Wedephol (1961), and
40 J
then utilize this standard reference level for all com-
parisons. The other extreme is to establish a preindus-
Fig. 1. The ETA-diagram. The effective fetch is a measure
of the free water surface over which the winds may trial, or precivilization level, for every sediment core,
influence the waves (from H~ikanson, 1977al. for example, from certain pollen horizons (Kemp er
aL, 1976). In the first case, all local variations are
Lake Ekoln (a northern sub-basin of Lake M~ilaren) ignored, in the second case all local differences are
and Lake V~inern, Sweden. From these two diagrams emphasized. From a principle point of view, the first
we can see that there exists a marked relationship approach is considered most relevant and useful in
between water depth and Wo_~, that the spread the present instance, because the local variations can
around the regression line decreases with water depth be very considerable, even within one and the same
and that the curve asymptotically reaches a lake.
Wo_l-value in the accumulation zone that we may call The necessity of utilizing certain defined reference
the characteristic value for the accumulation area values, in this risk index approach, may be illustrated
(W~_a). This value is often somewhat larger than the by the following example:
mean value for the accumulation area.
Lake Freden may either be defined as the last lake
Now, the following rule of the thumb may be given within the drainage area of River Kolbiicks~n. or the
when the borderline between transportation areas and first sub-basin in Lake M~ilaren (see Fig. 3). In most
accumulation areas is requested. cases this may be looked upon as a simple and rather
irrelevant matter of definition. However, when dis-
W~_~ Limit T-A cussing natural background levels, and sediment con-
80-85 75
tamination, this is an issue of considerable impor-
85 -90 78
tance, because for many elements the natural back-
90-95 81
ground contents are quite different in the sediments of
>95 85
Lake M~ilaren and the lakes within the River
That is, if the characteristic water content of the ac- Kotb~icks~n's water system (see Table 5). The natural
cumulation area for a given lake is, for example 81 ,%, background levels differ very much for Pb, Zn,
then one can predict that the limitation between areas Cu and Ni. These differences are probably primarily

Water c o n t e n t ( W O_ 1 ) Water content (Wo- ; i

40 80 0 40 80

Lake Ekoln t
-- 40 ~ 40-

5 I
= regmUion I

o line I
t ---- = I standard
---- - 1 standard
80 deviation 8O

ts I i 75

38.3m 106 m
T r a n ~ ) ¢ t at ion --~ ! *-- Ac c u m u t e t ion
Transportation - ~ ~ Accumulation

Fig. 2. The relationship between water depth (relative depth. Dp) and water content of superficial
sediments (I4/o-0 in Lake Ekoln (a small eutrophic lake) and Lake V~inern (the largest lake in Sweden--
oligotrophic). From H/lkanson (197%).
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 981


5 1Okra



F!g. 3. Map illustrating the geographical position of the lakes within the drainage area of River

due to geological conditions (there are many mines and money to be saved and practical and administrat-
within the drainage area of River Kolbiick~n). Now, ive advantages connected with the use of general
if for environmental pollution .control purposes we reference values--once these have been determined,
want to discuss the sediment contamination in Lake no sampling and analysis of other sediments than sur-
Freden and compare it with other sub-basins in Lake ficial deposits from accumulation areas would be
Miilaren, then we would get certain "sediment enrich- needed. The main disadvantage would be a lower
ment factors" or "contamination factors", and, if one resolution, but in environmental pollution control,
does the same thing for the lakes in the River this negative effect is outbalanced by the many posi-
Kolb~ckshn water system, then one would get quite tive aspects.
different "sediment enrichment factors" for Pb, Zn, The obvious questions at this point are: what stan-
Cu and Ni for Lake Freden. This may lead to un- dard preindustrial reference', values should be used?
necessary confusion. and, what substances should be included in the risk
This is only one example illustrating the disadvan- index? The second question will be discussed in the
tage of not using defined, standardized, preindustrial next section.
reference values in this context. But there is also time To be able to give a relevant suggestion about
preindustrial reference values, I have used data from
Table 5. Natural, preindustrial background about 50 lakes of varying size, geographical position,
values (in #g g-~ ds) for various elements in trophic level and other iimnological characteristics,
Lake M~ilaren and in a type lake (Lake see Table 6. The standard preindustrial reference level
V~istersjtin) within the River Kolbiickshn
water system (data from Hhkanson. 1979a) (C~,) for the actual substance has been defined as the
mean plus one (1) standard 'deviation. To emphasize
Lake River Kolb~icks~n the fact that these values ar~crude reference values, I
M~ilaren water system have also levelled out this sum (~ + sx) according to
figures given in Table 7. This is a statistical definition
Hg 0.095 0.13
Cd 1.0 1.1 which takes into account the fact that different sedi-
Pb 135 39 ment types in different lakes and sub-basins may have
Cu 65 38 different concentrations of the substances in question;
Zn 145 410 if the data only show a low degree of scatter, then
Cr 130 27
Ni 85 20 (~ + sx) will be close to ~; if, on the other hand, there
is a great spread, then this is accounted for in a stat-

Table 6. Reference literature on sediment data on natural background levels of various elements

Source Elements Lake

Bengtsson & Fleischer 11971) Ca, Cu. Fe. K. Mg, Mn, N, Na, P. Trummen
Pb. Zn Hinnasj6n
Ryding & Borg (1973) C. Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P. Zn M~ilaren
F6rstner & Miiller (1974) Cd. Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb. Zn Bodensee
F6rstner (1976) As, Cd. Cr, Cu. Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn Michigan
(data cited) Morana
Kempetal.(1976) AI, Be, C, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe. Hg, K. Mg, Erie
Mn, N, Na, Pb, S, Si, Ti. V, Zn
H~.kanson (1977b) Ag,, B, Be, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, N. V~inern
Ni, P, Pb, Sn. V, Zn, DDT and PCB V~ittern
Miiller et al. (19771 Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe. Hg, K, Li. Ni, Constance
Pb, Zn and PAH
H~tkanson (1979) AI. Cd. Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, N, Ni. P, V~istersj6n
Pb, Zn and Oil ~stersj~Sn
Johansson (1978) Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe. Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, L. H'~lsj6n, Tolken,
Zn Horredssj6n, ~). Oresj6n
Lithner (1978) As, Cd. Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb. Zn 30 lakes in the Skelleftefi
area inorthern Sweden)

istically definable and relevant way. Data from sedi- 3. The third problem that will be discussed in this
mentary rocks are included in Table 7 for reasons of section concerns the thickness of the sediment layer.
comparison. It should be noted that when establish- This is a most important question for, at least, two
ing these reference values most work has been focused reasons:
on PCB, Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, As and Cr. It should
also be stressed that sediment data on PCB in prein- (1) It is generally very difficult to collect good
dustrial deposits are very rare and that the C~,-value samples if thin layers are utilized ( < 1 cm), since the
for PCB (0.01 ppm) has been estimated primarily from superficial sediments may be very loose, with water
Lake V~ittern data (H/tkanson & Ahl, 1976). Since contents over 90%.
PCB is a product of the industrial era, one could (2) Thick layers provide a less accurate resolution
advocate that the preindustrial reference value should in time, especially if the rate of deposition is low
be zero. However, to get an appropriate correspon- ( < 2 mm y r - t ) and the bioturbation is intense. Thick
dence between the C~.-values, as the "upper limited" layers will also give crude mean values, since the ver-
for natural background levels, I have used the value tical gradients g ~ e r a l l y decrease with sediment
0.01 for PCB. depth.

Table 7. Contents of various elements /in gg g-1 ds) in sedimentary rocks (from
Bowen, 1966) and preindustrial reference values as determined from the lakes listed
in Table 6

Sedimentary Mean values Standard Preindustrial

rocks from listed lakes deviation reference values

A8 0.05 ~<1
AI 4000-80,000 26,000 . . . . . .
As 1-13 8.6 5.9 15
Cd 0.035.-0.3 0.58 0.41 1.0
Co 0.1-20 18.5 10.9
Cr 10-100 48.7 34.4 90
Cu 4-50 28.7 12.5 50
Fe 4000-50,000 26,700 9200
H8 0.03-0.4 0.12 0. I 1 0.25
Mn 50-1000 860 260 --
Mo 0.2-2.5 ~<10 -
Ni 2-70 49.7 20.5 --
Pb 7-20 34.9 32.9 70
Sn 0.5--6 < 10
V 20-130 ~ 150
Zn 15-100 110.6 55.3 175
PCB 0 -~ 0.01"

* Estimated.
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 983

From a theoretical viewpoint it would be preferable Extremely rare elements, like most elements with
to collect, analyse and compare sediment data from a atomic numbers larger than 50, and substances which
known and comparable timespan. However, this cannot be analysed in a standardized manner may
would either require extensive work to determine the also be abandoned;
rate of deposition, e.g. using the Pb-210/Cs-137 tech- Major. elements (Si, At, K; N a and Mg), which
nique (see Robbins & Edgington, 1975 or Edgington m a k c up the largest group of the sediment matrix,
& Robbins, 1976), or the use of sediment traps (see carbonate dements (Ca and Mg), which constitute the
Hhkanson, 1976 or Gardner, 1978). It is easy to see second largest group (15%) and nutrient elements
that this would lead us too far, despite the fact that it (org.-C, N and P), which account for approximately
would be theoretically attractive. Consequently, one I0% of the total sediment weight, should all bc dis-
may conclude that the layer 0-1 em should be used as regarded in the risk index which focuses on toxic
a standard in all subsequent discussions. substances.
4. The last question to be brought up in this
There are, of course, niany aspects that one can put
section concerns the set-up of the sampling; not
on the choice of the desired l~rameters, and the sub-
merely the fact that one should use good instruments
sequent suggestion should be considered just as a
which permit "undisturbed" samples to be collected,
and that the 0-1 crn layer should be used, but
rather--how many samples would be needed to get (I) Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn have been given a priori;
an appropriate statistical validity of the requested (2) Some representative for the well-known lipophi-
mean values? And according to what principles lic group of toxic substances (PCB, D D T , etc) should
should the sampling program be conducted? Regard- be included. I suggest PCB.
ing these matters one may point out that at present (3) Some representative for the group of trace ele-
no study has been published, as far as the author is ments which quite often appear with a similar pattern
aware, which gives a thorough analysis of representa- in lake sediments, e.g.,Cr, Ni, V, Mo, and Co, ought
tive sediment sampling. While waiting for such a to be included. I suggest Cr.
study, we may say that at least 5 samples from ac- (4) I also suggest that As is included because some
cumulation bottom deposits, which provide an even forms of As are very toxic, and because As appears to
area cover, would be needed from the lake or the behave in a very special way in aquatic systems. For
sub-basin to make a proper estimate of the requested the latter reason As is used in this context as a type
mean value. This demand is especially valid for large element.
lakes, whose sediment character may vary rather These arc the eight substances that will bc dis-
much. cussed. All thesc substances can today be determined
in a standardized manner in lake sediments. Knowl-
The number requirement edge also exists concerning their appearance in sedi-
ments, water and biota to substantiate a discussion
This requirement is based on the reasonable assump-
concerning their impact on the requested risk index.
tion that, under otherwise comparable conditions, a
Other interesting and relevant substances or groups
lake polluted by many substances should be attri-
of substances cannot today meet these requirements
buted a higher risk index than a basin contaminated
(e.g. PAH, oil and grease).
by fewer substances. At the outset, one can emphasize
Finally, to establish the physical status of the super-
that the risk index cannot be based on all toxic sub-
ficial sediments, one must also determine the water
stances and that it should always be based on the
content (Wo_~). W h e n discussing the sensitivityof dif-
same parameters. The question is: what substances?
ferent lakes and sub-basins, we will use the nitrogen
To answer this question one may sort out some prin-
content (N) and the ignition loss (IG, the organic con-
ciples that may be used in making the selection:
tent). W0_~, N and IG can be Considered as necessary
Among substances which occur in a similar Way in co-paramctcrs.
lake sediments, one could choose one for the risk To concludc, wc may say that the subsequent dis-
index as a typical representative; cussions concerning the requested Rl-value will be
Certain substances and elements have, for different based on the following eleven parameters: PCB, Hg,
reasons, a special interest for environmental pollution Cd, Pb, Ag, Cu, Cr, Zn and co-parameters W0_~, N
control. A group of experts at the National Swedish and IG.
Environmental Protection Board has recently dis-
cussed this particular issue and arrived at the conclu- THE C O N T A M I N A T I O N FACTOR AND T H E
sion that the following metals should (must) be DEGREE OF CONTAMINATION
included: Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn (T. Ahl, Uppsala,
To describe the contamination of toxic substances
Sweden, personal communication). These five ele-
in a lake or a sub-basin, we may define a contami-
ments must naturally be included in the requested
nation factor (Ciy) accordingly:
risk index;
It has already been stressed that Fe, Mn and P are C) = C~_,
unsuitable in this context; C~ (1)

Cb-~ = the mean content of the substance (i = PCB,
Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Cr, Cu, Zn) from at least 5
sample sites which provide an even cover of
the accumulation area. The value should be
given in ~g g-~ ds (=ppm);
C~ = the preindustrial reference value for the sub- Z~ ~-~
~mZZ Z<~
stance (see Table 7).
The contamination factor (C~) accounts for the
contamination of single elements. If C71~__~;~ C~. we
can define the substance as contaminating or
enriched: if C6_~ < C~, then the element should not
be characterized as contaminating in this context.
The following terminology may be used in this risk
index approach to get a uniform way of describing the ~..~¢,~ ~= ~.:~---
. ~ ~~ ~ : ~ ~'~
contamination factor:
~.~-~,~ "~=
C~r < 1 ~ low contamination factor (indicating .~= ~ = ~ ~ .~.
low sediment contamination of the .- ~.,~ ~.~ o ~
.~.~ ~_~ ~.,. ~ ~
substance in question); ..~ ~ ~-~ ~ = ~
1 ~< C~r < 3 =. moderate contamination factor:
3 ~< C} < 6 =. considerable contamination factor;
C} >~ 6 =. very high contamination factor.
In the subsequent part. the practical use of the
C~-concept will be illustrated for 15 Swedish lakes,
which represent a considerable range of lake types.
Background data on lake area, pH, total-P, total-N,
chlorophyll-a, bioproduction index (BPI, see below),
and trophic level are given in Table 8. A general refer-
ence to each lake is given in the last column.
Mean values from superficial sediments (0--1cm) "a
from accumulation areas for Wo_a, IG, P, N, Hg, Cd,
Pb, Cu, Zn and Cr are given for the investigated lakes
in Table 9. It should be noted that we do not have any
data on As from any of these lakes and data on PCB
only from Lake Vhttern. To be able to carry out a
general and principle discussion I have assigned hy-
pothetical values where empirical data are missing.
The contamination factors for the given substances
may then be calculated (see Table 10). Before discuss-
ing the information in this table, we must also define
the deoree of contamination (Ca), i.e. the sum of all
contamination factors (C~-) for a given lake: ~6

~ ' ~. C 6 - 1
C~ = C/= ~ (2)
i=1 i=1 Cn
With this approach, we 'have a contamination
factor (C~-), which accounts for the contamination of
single elements according to the concentration re-
quirement, and a Ca-value, which accounts for the
total (the number requirement) of the sediment pollu-
tion within a basin or lake.
The following terminology may be used to describe e, .-~
the degree of contamination (C,rvalue):
Ca < 8 ~. low degree of contamination:
8 ~< C~ < 16 =- moderate degree of contamination;
16 ~< C~ < 32 =~ considerable degree of contami-
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 985

Table 9. Mean values from superficial sediments (0-1 cm) from accumulation areas. Data from H~tkanson (1977b. 1979).
Figures marked * have been estimated from a very limited and dispersed set of data

Hg Cd Pb Cu Zn Cr
W0-t IG P N
Lake (% ws) (% ds) (rag g- 1 ds) (~g g- ~ds)

Viinern 84.0 9.7 1.5 2.7 " 1.34 1.4 100 30 430 ~ 50
Viirmlandssj6n 85.2 10.6 1.5 2.9 1.80 1.5 100 29 460 ~<50
Viittern 82.1 11.9 1.3 3.6 0.16 1.3" 150 45 450 ~<50
M~ilaren 83.8 I 1.0 1.5 4.6 0.50 1.5 130 100 390 140
Blacken 86.6 9.6 2.1 4.9 0.26 1.8 70 120 550 250
Hjiilmaren 88.7 12.3 1.8 7.6 0.30* 1.8" 100 50 150 70
Bysj6n 84.3 11.6 1.2 4.9 0.34 1.4 63 15 300 16
V~sman 88.9 17.2 2.8 3.9 3.00 5.3 900 85 1030 34
Haggen 87.8 14.6 1.9 5.2 0.20 2.7 140 27 310 16
Ovre Hiilen 89.7 11.3 4.0 6.2 2.04 4.5 230 89 1270 48
Norra Barken 87.9 11.2 2.4 5.7 0.95 8.7 810 100 2140 46
Stora Aspen 84.1 9.9 1.4 4.6 0.47 4.8 980 100 1990 2591
Am~ningen 89.3 9.5 2.1 6.6 0.28 2.5 380 51 1610 440
Ostersj6n 83.5 18.2 1.1 5.2 0.63 1.9 140 130 1260 780
Freden 82.8 10.1 2.0 5.2 0.35 3.0 83 67 1060 430

Ca I> 32 ~ very high degree of contamination dominated by the pllution of one element--mercury.
indicating serious anthropogenic The main polluting source is a chior-alkaline plant in
pollution. the northern part of V~rmlandssjSn, the eastern main
basin (see H/tkanson, 1975; and SNV, 1978). Large
To get a better view of the contamination situation
areas in northern V~irmlandssj6n are "blacklisted",
in the investigated lakes, the information in Table 10
which means that fish (i.e. 1-kg pike) contain more
is transported to Table 11, which illustrates the rank-
than 1.0 mg methyl mercury per kg. Lake V~inern has
ing order according to Ccvalues as well as the
a low bioproduction, and the trophic level may be
sequence of the contamination factors. An alternative
characterized as oligotrophic (or mesotrophie), which
way of comparing and illustrating sediment contami-
implies that the lake is sensitive to metal contami-
nation in terms of C d - and C}-values is given in
Fig. 4 for the investigated lakes within the drainage
The Ccvalue is 15.9, which is on the borderline
area of River Kolbiickshn.
between moderate and considerable. The contami-
The pollutional status in some of the investigated
nation factor for Hg is 5.4, which is considerable,
lakes may briefly be described accordingly:
close to very high. There is a small contamination of
Cr (C} = 0.6) and Cu (C} = 0.6), and moderate con-
(I) Type case: Lake Viinern (Viirmlandssj6n)
tamination of the other substances (Zn > PCB* >
The contamination profile of Lake V~inern is totally As* > Cd -- Pb).

Table 10. Contaminations factors (C}-values) and values illustrating the degree of sediment contamination (Cd) in 15
Swedish lakes. It should be noted that all figures marked * are hypothetical

Lake PCB Hg Cd Pb As Cr Cu Zn Ca = ~ C)

V~nern 2.0* 5.4 1.4 1.4 2.0* 0.6 0.6 2.5 15.9
V~irmlandssj~Sn 2.5* 7.2 1.5 1.4 2.0* 0.6 0.6 2.6 18.4
V~ittern ,5.0* 0.6 1.3" 2.1 1.5" 0.6 0.9 2.6 14.6
M~ilaren 4.0* 2.0 1.5 1.9 2.0* 1.6 2.0 2.2 17.2
Blacken 4.0* 1.0 1.8 1.0 2.5* 2.8 2.4 3.1 18.6
Hj~ilmaren 5.0* 1.2" t.8" 1.4 3.0* 0.8 1.0 0.9 15.1
BysjSn 2.5* 1.4 1.4 0.9 2.5* 0.2 0.3 1.7 10.9
V~isman 4.0* 12.0 5.3 12.9 5.0* 0.4 1.7 5.9 47.2
Haggen 3.0" 0.8 2.7 2.0 3.0* 0.2 0.5 1.8 14.0
Ovre Hillen 5.0* 8.2 4.5 3.3 4.0* 0.5 1.8 7.3 34.6
Norra Barken 7.0* 3.8 8.7 11.6 4.0* 0.5 2.0 12.2 49.8
Stora Aspen 5.0* 1.9 4.8 14.0 8.0* 28.8 2.0 11.4 75.9
Am~nningen 4.0* 1.1 2.5 5.4 4.0" 4.9 1.0 9.2 32.1
OstersjSn 4.0* 2.5 1.9 2.0 5.0* 8.7 2.6 7.2 33.9
Freden 4.0* 1.4 3.0 1.2 3.0* 4.8 1.3 6.1 24.8
Reference lake 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0

A:', A
N tl /X A A A

~ tt II
~V A~ ~=. -e
~A AA~ A
A A%~t ~A b~
¢., ..~ "<
II A < N . A
A A A A~I ~ II
~~lll) ~=m

G} Alk,~. U

i A*~ A
% %
'=.= ~N < <
A ~ A II
~1~1 A A *~ A A A~


' i


N :0

2 .~ ~ o ~.~
~ Z >00-<
g ~£ > Q} ~ 91 9 L > ~ g>P~
q$!q £X~A

(P3) uo!leu!meluoo jo ~oJ$~CI
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 987


Cf6 7
c~ q
• C~
"> " Cf3
> C~

IIg-i ,4
, C~

Cd=l .-1

> Cf

Cr*O. 2 10.9
Vtismn 1~-12,9 Itg*12.0 2n=5.9 Cd-S.3 As*=S.0 FCB*=4.0 Cu=l.7 Cr=0,-I 47.2
Ostra Ililler* 11g-8.2
2n-7.3 PCB*-S.O Cd=4,5 As*=4.0 Pb=3.3 Cu-I.8 Cr=O. S 34.6
liaggen PCB*-3.0 As*=3.0 Cd=2.7 ~22,0 |lg=0.8 Ct.l=O.S Cr=D. 2 14.0
Xorra Barken 2n=12.2 Pb=ll.6 G.128.7 I"CB*=7,0 As*=4.0 I|g=3.8 Cu=2.0 Cr=O.S 49.8
ASPEN Stora Aspen Cr=Z8.8 Pb=14.0 Zn-ll.~ As'=8,O PCB*=5.0 Cd24.8
Cu-2.O IIg=1.9 75.9
Amlimlingen 2n=9.2 Pb=$.4 Cr=4.9 PCB'-4,0 As*-4.0 llg=l.l Cu-l.0
Ostersj6n Cr-8.7 2n=7.2 ,Xs*~5.0 PCB*=4,0 Cu=2.5 ttg=2.S 1~-2.0 Cd=1.9
AMANN)NGEN Frcden Zn-6. i Cr24.8 ]~B*--I. D COt3,0 ,lst=3.0 tlg=1.4 Cu=l.3 Pb=l. 2 24.8




Fig. 4. Contamination factors (C~) and the degree of contamination (C~) for 9 lakes within the drainage
area of River Kolbiicks/m. Figures marked * are hypothetical.

(2) Type case: Lake Blacken (M~i/aren, Hjiilmaren, Fre- low for Cr (0.4). The very high contamination of Pb,
den) Hg, Zn and Cd is quite typical for the type of mining
industry which is primarily responsible for the metal
Lake Blacken is a eutrophic sub-basin of Lake
pollution in Lake V~isman.
M/ilaren situated in the western parL south of Lake
This serious contamination of Lake Vhsman was
Freden (see Fig. 3). One major tributary, River
not known until the data from the sedimentological
Torsh/illa~n, enters Lake Blacken. Within the drain-
control program were published (Hhkanson, 1979).
age area of this river there are many metal industries.
Previously Lake V~sman was considered to be the
The pollutional status of this river has been throughly
least polluted, largest and most attractive lake for rec-
studied (Schelin, 1975).
reation and fishing in the whole drainage area.
The characteristic feature about the contamination
This lake has one of the lowest bioproduction
in this basin is that many substances appear with
indices of the lakes in the drainage area, and is hence
moderate contamination factors. The Ccvalue is 18.6.
one of the most sensitive to metal pollution.
The highest empirically determined contamination
factor is that for Zn (C~ = 3.1). Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb and (5) Type case: Lake Ovre Hillen
Hg appear with moderate C~-values.
This lake is "blacklisted" because of high mercury
content in fish (1-kg pike). It should be noted that
(3) Type case: Lake Bysj6n (Haggen)
Lake Owe Hillen is moderately eutrophic and has a
This lake does not directly receive any industrial or lower Hg-contamination, judging from the sediment
municipal waste water. Lake Bysj0n is mesotrophic data, than Lake V~isman. This indicates how serious
and moderately polluted--the Ccvalue is 10.9, All the the situation may be in Lake Viisman.
studied substances appear with low or moderate This lake receives direct waste water from various
C~-values. For further information about Lake metal industries in the Ludvika-region. The degree of
BysjSn see H:~kanson (1979). contaminatioh is 34.6. Hg and Zn are present with
very high C~-values, PCB*, Cd, As* and Pb with con-
(4) Type case: Lake Viisman siderable sediment contamination, Cu with moderate,
The contamination profile in Lake Viisman is quite and Cr with low C~,-values.
different from the one in Lake Bysjtin. The metal pol-
(6) Type case: Stora Aspen (Norra Barken, Arn~nn-
lution of the sediments in Lake Viisman is very high.
The C~-value is 47.2, which is the third largest of the
ingen, Osrersj6n)
investigated lakes. The contamination factors (C~-) are Lake Stora Aspen leads the "'pollution-league", The
very high for Pb (12.9) and Hg (12.0), considerable for degree of contamination is extremely high, C~, = 75.9.
Zn (5.9), Cd (5.3), As (5.0Oo*) and PCB (4.0*, figures The contamination factor for Cr is 28.8, which is
marked * are hypothetical), moderate for Cu (1.7) and about the double that for Pb (C~ = 14), which in turn

is the second highest C}.-value recorded in the investi- system. Thus. the "'main-road'" in this model goes
gated lakes. The C[r-value for Zn is also very high from contamination of water-sediment biota-fish
111.4). In Lake Stora Aspen Hg and Cu appear with mail.
moderate contamination factors. I have chosen to discuss the toxic factor concept
To conclude, we may say that the contamination from one major angle- "'the abundance principle", i.e.
character may be described in a uniform, adequate from the well-established general thesis saying that
and standardized way by means of the contamination the potential toxicological effect of a substance (ele-
factor and the degree of contamination. The choice of ment) is proportional to the abundance, or rather the
terminology and limits between various classes can rarity, in nature of this substance lelementi.
always be discussed and this set-up is only meant to To evaluate this "'abundance principle" in this con-
give one alternative. The basic philosophy is that the text the following methodology has been used:
work with aquatic pollution control must have a uni-
(11 The basic material for the evaluation is given in
form frame-work. So far we have only discussed the
Table 12. It illustrates the abundance of various ele-
"'easy points" of this approach, dealing with concen-
ments in igneous rocks, soils, fresh water, land plants
trations and numbers, which lie far from ecological
and land animals, i.e. different types of geological and
risks and effects,
biological media. When reliable data become avail-
The crucial question is now: Does the type of con-
able from other types of media, especially from the
tamination that characterizes, for example, Lake
fresh water environment, it would be natural and
Stora Aspen imply potentially higher ecological risks
beneficial to make a revision of the results given in
than the type of contamination that dominates in the
this context,
other lakes'? To answer this type of question we must
(21 The relative abundance, as given in Table 12. of
also take into account the toxic factor requirement
the elements Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb. As, Cd and Hg have
and the sensitivity requirement. These two require-
been ranked in these five medias, lit should be noted
ments are very difficult to penetrate and fulfil in a
that PCB is treated separately later on). The element
reasonably adequate way,
with the highest mean concentration has been given
T H E TOXIC FACTOR R E Q U I R E M E N T the value 1.0 etc. The result is shown in Table 13.
From this table it is evident, for example, that the
In this section we will discuss the problem of put-
mean concentration Of Cd is 500 times lower than the
ting sedimentological, toxicological and ecological
corresponding value for Cr in igneous rocks.
ranking factors on the parameters PCB, Hg, Cd, Pb,
(3) In the lower part of Table 13, we can see the
As, Cr, Cu and Zn. The whole approach is built on
"abundance numbers" for the seven elements, metal
standard sedimentological sampling and analytical
for metal, in the five media. The sum of these five
procedures ("total concentrations"). The problem can
"abundance numbers" for every metal is given to the
be discussed from many angles, and this approach
right, in the column marked
will only focus on some of these. In this risk index
approach, the toxic factor should primarily give infor- 5
mation about the potential transport avenues of toxic E.
substances to man, and the threat to man. Secondar-
ily, the toxic factor should give information about the 14) To balance for the effect of extreme "abundance
even more complex threat to the aquatic ecological numbers", which in some cases (e.g. Cr and Cuj add

Table 12. The abundance of various elements (in ppm) in igneous rocks, soils, fresh
water, land plants and land animals (from Bowen, 1966)

Igneous Fresh Land Land

rocks Soils water plants animals

Ag 0.07 0,1 0.000l 3 0.06 0.006

AI 82,000 71,000 0,24 500 4-100
As 1.8 6.0 0,0004 0.2 ~<0.2
Cd 0.2 0.06 < 0.08 0.6 -<.0.5
Co 25 8.0 0.0009 0.5 0.03
Cr 100 100 0.00018 0.23 0.075
Cu 55 20 0.0l 14 2.4
Fe 56.300 38,000 0.67 140 160
Hg 0,08 0.03--0,8 0.00008 0.015 0.046
Mn 950 850 0,012 630 0.2
Mo 1.5 2,0 0.00035 0.9 < 0.2
Ni 75 40 0.01 3.0 0,8
Pb t2.5 10 0.005 2.7 2.0
Sn 2.0 10 0.00004 <0.3 <0,15
V 135 100 0,001 1.6 0.15
Zn 70 50 0.0l 100 160
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 989

Table 13. Relative abundance of various elements in igneous rocks, soils, fresh water, land plants and land animals

Igneous Fresh Land Land

Order rocks Soils water plants animals
1 1.0-Cr 1.O-Cr l.O-Zn 1.0-Zn 1.0-Zn
2 1.4-Zn 2.0-Zn 1.0-Cu 7.1-Ctt 67-Cu
3 1.8-Cu 5.0-Cu 2.0-Pb 37-Pb 80-Pb
4 8.0-Pb 10-Pb 25-As 167-Cd 320-Cd
5 56-As 17-As 31-Cd+ 435-Cr 800-As
6 500-Cd 240-Hg 56-Cr 500-As 2130-Cr
7 1250-Hg 1670-Cd 125-Hg 6670-Hg 3480-Hg
5 4
~ "'Abundance
1 number"
Cr 1.0 1.0 56 435 2130~ 2623 493 110
Zn 1.4 2.0+ 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.4 4.4 I
Cu 1.8 5.0 1.0 7.1 67~ 81.9 14.9 3.4
Pb 8.0 10 2.0 37 805 137 57 13
As 56 17 25 500 8005 1398 598 140
Cd 500 16705 31 167 320 2688 1018 230
Hg 1250 240 125 6670~ 3480 11,765 5095 1160

+ From F~rstner & MOiler (1974). 4

+ Largest value--not included in column marked ~.

unappropriate weight to the sum. the largest value 1976: Cato, 1977, HAkanson, 1977b: Edgren, 1978 or
(marked with +) in Table 13 has been omitted for Harding & Whitton, 1978) have directly, or indirectly
every element. The remaining four "abundance through the data introduced, provided indications
numbers" have been summed up in the column that most basins have a rather unique pollutional
marked "fingerprint" in the sediments. This may be true if nit
4 types of sedimentological environments are con-
sidered, but there are still general geochemical rules
1 that are applicable in defined environments, e.g. the
The "abundance numbers", which will be subse- well-established fact that elements like Fe, Mn and P
quently used, are given in the last column in Table 13. are readily mobilized from anoxic sediments.
These numbers have been obtained by division by 4.4 A measure of the "sink-effect" ("Bindungsfestig-
(for Zn). This gives the following sequence: keit", see F6rstner & Mtiller, 1974) has been calcu-
lated by comparing the "natural background values"
for fresh water (see Table 12) with the preindustrial
It must be noticed that the "abundance numbers" reference values (C~,) for lake sediments (see Table 7).
given in Table 13 are not equivalent to the requested The actual data and the obtained "sink-factors" for
toxic factors. There are at least three aspects that first As, Cd. Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn are given in Table 14.
must be discussed: (1) the "sink-effect", (2) the "prob- This is, of course, a simplification of a very compli-
lem of dimension" and (3) the "PCB-problem". cated matter, and one would like to have data of
(1) The "sink-effect" means in this context that the much better validity, but despite this, the method gives
various substances make different "fingerprints" in the quantitative data of certain relevance. According to
sediments, they have different tendencies to be de- the last column in Table 14, we can see that Cr has
posited in the sediments, which in turn may depend the lowest "sink-factor", which implies that Cr gives
on very many reasons (see Tables 1 and 2). The cen- the "heaviest fingerprint" in the sediments, and that
tral questions in this context are: Is it possible to give Hg has the highest "sink-factor", which consequently
a relevant general "sink-factor" for the elements in means that relatively much Hg may be found in the
question?--If yes, with what method? water compared to the sediments. The ranking order
It is, in the first place, obvious that any general set is:
of "sink-factors" would only provide a rough picture
Hg< Cd=Cu <Pb<Zn <As<Cr
of the existing diversity in nature. But in this context,
even a rough "sink-factor would imply a step forward. We can now make a correction in the "abundance
It should also be noted that there must be consider- numbers", which accounts for the "sink-effect". by
able differences between "sink-factors" for different multiplication by the "sink-factors".
sedimentological environments (like river-lake and The reason why we should multiply is, of course.
marine-limnic). Here we are only concerned with that the "abundance number" should be transformed
lakes or sub-basins in lakes. Previous sedimentologi- to sedimentological toxic factors, which should
cal investigations (see for example Cranston, 1974: account for the "'sink-effect"--to get comparability
F6rstner & MiJller, 1974: Baccini, 1976: Kemp et al_ one must account for and strengthen the influence
99(1 L',RS H \KANSO',

Table 14. Determination of the "'sink-factor'" for As. Cd, Cr, C'~1. Hg. Pb and Zn
Water data from Bowen (19661. Sediment data from Table -

Natural background
concentration m Preindustrial reference "'Sink-factor'"
fresh water salue for lake sediments Me in water
Element (ppmt (ppm) Me-i~i s ~ m e n t s /~7~
As 0.4 15 27
Cd 0.2 1.0 200
Cr 0.2 90 2
Cu 10 50 200
Hg 008 0.25 320
Pb 5 70 71
Zn 10 175 57

from elements with weak "'fingerprints" (and high ments is very fragmentary and on the whole much
"sink-factors"). This gives the following "'corrected more limited than for the metals in question. On the
abundance numbers": basis of existing knowledge on PCB {see, e.g. OIsson.
1977), it does not seem possible to discuss, for
Zn = 57, Cr = 220, Cu = 680. Pb = 920, As = 3780,
example, "abundance number" and "'sink-effect'" for
Cd = 46000 and Hg = 371 200.
PCB in limnic systems. However. we may safely
(2) The "'problem of dimension", which in this con- assume that the sedimentologicat toxic factor for PCB
text means that we must give the "corrected abun- should lie in the same order of magnitude as that of
dance numbers" an adequate dimension, order of Hg.
magnitude, so that these numbers may be used subse- Thus, in the following PCB will be attributed the
quently as sedimentological toxic factors and be com- Sti-value 40. Table 15 gives a summary of the estab-
pared with the contamination factors (the C~--values). lished sedimentological toxic factors for the eight sub-
The requested sedimentological toxic factors (St i- stances in question.
value) for the given substances should thus describe
and interpret (1) the "abundance principle", (2) the
"sink-effect" and (3) the "dimension-problem'. THE SENSITIVITY REQUIREMENT
It is obvious that we cannot accept a range from
Zn := 57 to Hg -- 371 200. This does not match the In this section we will discuss the fact that the sen-
dimensions of the contamination factors. One possible sitivity to toxic substances varies from lake to lake.
solution to this problem, which maintains the given The aim is to get a sedimentological "sensitivity
order between the elements, may be the following: factor" which may be utilized in this risk index
(1) In the first place we divide all "'corrected abun- approach. This means that we will not discuss impor-
dance numbers" by 57, i.e. a normation with respect tant parameters that cannot be determined by sedi-
to the element (Zn) with the lowest "corrected abun- ment analyses, e.g. retention time, or parameters that
dance number". This gives: may be determined from the sediments but for which
today's knowledge is incomplete and/or impossible to
Zn = 1.0, Cr = 3.9, Cu = 11.9, Pb = 16.1, As = 66.3. evaluate, e.g. sediment pH for water pH, sediment
Cd = 807 and Hg = 6510.
alkalinity for water alkalinity and the impact of sedi-
(2) Then, to get reasonable dimensions and still ment Eh (red. ox. potential). It is well established that,
maintain the given order between the elements, we for example, water pH, salinity, alkalinity have a con-
take the square-root of these figures, i.e.: siderable effect on toxicity of various metals, e.g. Hg
and Zn, but it is not sufficiently known, at least to the
Z n - - 1.0, Cr =2.0, C u - - 3.4, P b = 4 . 0 , As=8.1,
author, how the result should be interpreted if these
Cd = 28.4 and Hg = 80.7.
parameters were determined from sediment samples.
(3) Then. to emphasize the uncertainty of the There is also insufficient knowledge, according to the
method, we may round off the values accordingly: present author's opinion, on the impact of sediment
Eh on the given substances, to include Eh in this
Z n = I, C r = 2 , C u = 5 , P b = 5 , A s = 10, C d = 3 0
discussion. All these factors can be determined from
and Hg = 80.
the sediments, and when adequate empirical data and
(4) These seem to be reasonable sedimentological knowledge are at hand. I think these parameters must
toxic factors for all elements, except Hg, which prob- be accounted for in future sedimentological risk
ably has got too high a value, e.g. compared to Cd. indices. This is a very interesting avenue of research.
Without further discussion, the value for Hg may which with all probability will provide both practi-
therefore be reduced to 40. cally important and theoretically interesting results, in
(51 In general terms, one may conclude that the this approach, however, we will base our discussions
available knowldge on PCB in limnic waters and sedi- on one important factor, namely the bioproduction.
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 991

Table 15. Sedimentological-toxic-

ological factors (St~-values)for the
eight substances in the risk index

Substance St;-value

PCB 40
Hg 40
Cd 30
As 10
Pb 5
Cu 5
Cr 2
Zn I e~

Many formulae and methods describing the trophic

level or the level of bioproduction have been pro- I

posed and are based on nutrients, plankton, bottom

fauna, morphometry, etc (see Ahl & Wiederholm,
1977). In this particular context there are some re- N
strictions that we must put on the desired bioproduc-
tion index: it should be linked to the sediments; it E
should be based on parameters that can be analysed
in a cheap, fast and simple manner, enabling it to be
widely used; it must provide an adequate and useful 0 , A
measure, which may be adopted in the formula we
want to obtain. E
In accordance with well established knowledge, we
may point out that the trophic status of a lake may be
correlated to the nitrogen content of the sediments ._=
(Hansen, 1959, 1961; Horie, 1969). It is, of course, t. A

practical to utilize an index that has been previously

tested with promising results against other types of :E v~
indices indicating bioproduction level, for example ;E
the BPI-value as defined by Hkkanson (1975, 1980).
The BPI-value for any given lake or water system
may be obtained by determining the ignition loss (the .1
IG-value) and the nitrogen content (the N-value) of
sediment samples. The BPI-value is then defined as Lg
the N-content on the regression line for IG -- 10°;o.
The nitrogen content is determined, quite simply, t.

according to the standard Kjeidahl-method. The IG- o

value is given as the ignition loss of dried sediment
samples (550°C for 1 h). The N-content is given in ;E t~
rag g-~ ds, the IG-content in °/ods (ds = dry sub-
The relationships between the BPI-value and other
parameters indicating/characterizing trophic status
and/or degree of bioproduction are illustrated in
Table 16. The correlations between the nitrogen con- "6=
tent and the organic content (IG) in superficial sedi-
ments in some of the investigated lakes are given in
Table 17. There is very often a strong correlation
between the N-content and the IG-content; corre-
lation coefficients (r) in the order of 0.9 are not rare. .~ .,_. ._.9.
m ~

The relationship between BPI and total-P, which is

a frequently used measure of trophic level (see Wetzel,
1975), is illustrated in Table 18 and Fig. 5 for 15 ,4.- ÷ ÷

Swedish lakes/basins.
With the presuppositions valid in this context, we
may conclude that the BPI-value is easy to determine
992 L ~,r~s H xKAXSO-,

Table 17. The relationship between N-content and IG-content in superficial sedi-
ments (tY l cm), given as the correlation coefficient It! and the equation of the
regression line. BPl-values, and values of chlorophyll-a from the 4 major Swedish
lakes and some defined sub-basins. Based on NLL-data

Lake:basin ~ ~ Regressmn line BPI /rag m - 31

Hj~ilmaren 21 0.96 N = 0.59-IG + 0,34 6.3 26

Mhlaren 18 0.97 N = 0.40. IG + 0.36 4.4 11
V~inern 95 0.86 N = 0.29. IG - 0.02 2.9 2
V~.ttern 90 0.78 N = 0.24. IG + 0.42 2.~ 1
Blacken+ 24 {).73 N = 0.38. IG + 1.23 5.0 10
V~isterhsfjhrden~ 18 0.81 N = 0.57. IG - 0.64 5.1 24
Dalbosj6n~ 32 0.87 N = 0.32. IG - 0.06 3.1 15)
V~irmlandssjiSn¶ 63 0.84 N = 0.30 IG - {).09 2.9 2.2

+ Blacken is a basin in Lake Miilaren.

V~isterhsfj~irden is a basin in Lake M~ilaren.
Dalbsj6n is the western main basin in Lake Viinern.
¶ V~irmlandssj/Sn is the eastern main basin in Lake V~inern.

from superficial sediments, and that it gives a suffi- degree of bioproduction and Hg-load (see H~kanson,
ciently good resolution in terms of lake bioproducti- 1980):
vity. Hence, it may be a useful tool to describe lake
sensitivity in this particular respect. The question is: 4.8,1og(I+ Hg~o'~200
How should the BPl-value be explicitly linked to the F(Hg) = (3)
sedimentologieal toxic factors (the S(-values)? (pH - 2)-log B P I '
We may illustrate the principle problem behind this where
question by means of a type substance-mercury, F{Hg) = the content of methyl mercury in l-kg pike
which in this context is one of the best studied of all in m e g - t wet weight;
environmental pollutants (see Taylor, 1975). Mercury
Hgso = the weighted mean Hg-content of superficial
is also one of the very few, if not the only, toxic sub- sediments, 0 - I cm, in ppb;
stance for which there exist, if not sufficient then at
pH = the mean pH of the water system;
least empirical data enabling a qualitative and quanti- BPI = the bioproduction index.
tative linkage between discharge--water/sediment
c o n t a m i n a t i o n - - l a k e status---content in fish---ecologi- This formula, which is based on a large but frag-
cal effect--threat to man. mentary empirical material, shows; for example (1)
The following formula describes in quantitative that data from the sediments may be of great rele-
terms the relationship between the Hg-content in fish vance {BPI and Hgso), (2) that additional water data
(i.e. methyl mercury in l-kg pike) and the main gov- ipH) may be needed if a further resolution is
erning factors that influence this value: water pH, requested lit is theoretically possible to use pH data
from the sediments also in this context, but that has
not been empirically demonstrated), (3) that the BPI-
Table 18. Empirical data on total-P and the bioproduction
index (BPI) from 15 Swedish lakes of varying size and value, at least in this particular case, can be a useful
limnological character. Data from various NLU publi- measure of lake sensitivity to toxic substances.
cations If we try to use the general knowledge available
concerning the appearance of the given substances
TotaI-P Area
Lake (/~g 1V ~ BPI lkm-') pH (PCB, He, Cd, Pb, As, Cr, Cu and Zn) in limnic sys-

Vhsman l3 2.0-4.0 54.3 6.8 8

Ovre Hillen 19 4.5-5.0 4.4 7.1
Leran 26 3.7-5.4 2.8 6.9
Norra Barken 22 4.5-5.8 28.0 7.0
Siklra Barken 27 4.4-5.3 20.5 7.0
Stora Aspen 23 4.3-6.2 5.9 7.2
Magsj6n 30 5.1-5.5 1.2 6.9
Ostersji~n 31 4.1-5.7 1.3 7.1
Freden 48 4.5 5.8 5.0 7.2
Noren 21 4.7 -5.2 1.6 7.0
Triitten 58 5.0-6. l I ~0 7.2
Viittern 5 2.9 1856 7.6 o lo 20 30 4.0 50 60 70(/~/t)
V~inern 8 2.9 5648 7l Total-P
Blacken 34 5.0 9t 7.5
Storhj~.lmaren 70 6.3 388 7.5 Fig. 5, The relationship between total-P in water and the
bioproduction index for the lakes listed in Table 18.
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 993

terns of different bioproductivity (see, e.g. Bowen, risk factor (Er ~) for a given substance and the poten-
1966; EPA, 1973; Beijer et al., 1977; Olsson, 1977), tial ecological risk index for a given lake or sub-basin
then the following arguments can be put forward: (RI).
(1) All the metals, except for As which is assumed to
show a special pattern in water and sediment, appear THE RISK FACTOR AND THE RISK INDEX
to be related to the degree of bioproduction in, princi-.
pally, the same way as Hg, i.e. the negative effects To quantitatively express the potential ecological
tend to increase with decreasing bioproduction. In risk of a given contaminant in a given lake, we may
this approach, I have assumed that this effect is great- define the risk factor (Er i) accordingly:
est for Hg and on the same order of magnitude for the Er i = Tri'C}, (4)
other metals, i.e. Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu and Zn. Thus, I will
not try to differentiate the impact of bioproduction on
TrY= the toxic-response factor for a given sub-
the risk index for these five metals.
(2) PCB, and other lipophilic substances as well,
C~ = the contamination factor.
seems to respond in the opposite way, i.e. the negative
effects of PCB are assumed to increase with increasing The following terminology may be used to describe
lake productivity. the risk factor:
Based on these two principles, and the previously
discussed sedimentological toxic factors (the St i- Er ~ < 40 ~ low potential ecological risk;
values), we may define a factor called the toxic- 40 ~< Er i < 80 ~ moderate potential ecological
response factor (TrY-value), which accounts for both risk;
the toxic factor requirement (the St~-value) and the 80 ~< Er i < 160 * considerable potential ecological
sensitivity requirement (given by the BPl-value) in the risk;
following way for the given substances: 160 ~< Er ~ < 320 ~ high potential ecological risk;
Er i >i 320 = very high ecological risk at hand
Substance St~-value TrY-value for the substance in question.
PCB 40 40. BPI/5 Table 19 summarizes the risk factors for the investi-
Hg 40 40' 5/BPI gated Swedish lakes.
Cd 30 30' ,J5/~/B-PI In analogy with the previous discussion concerning
As 10 10 the contamination factor (C~) and the degree of con-
Pb 5 5' V'5/v/BPI tamination (C4), we may now define the requested
Cu 5 5" ,~'5/,,,/B~i potential ecological risk index (RI) as the sum of the
Cr 2 2"\,!51~,113p] risk factors, i.e.:
Zn I 1-v/5/x/BPI 8 8
RI = ~ Eri= X Tri'C}' (5)
i=l /=1
The toxic-response factors (Tr *) are analogous to the
The following terminology may be used for the RI-
contamination factor (C~). The T#-factors have been
established accordingly for the eight substances:
Ri < 150 =, low ecological risk for the lake/
PCB: The TrY-factor should increase with increas-
ing BPI-value. The TrY-value has been related to an
150 ~< RI < 300 ~ moderate ecological risk for the
intermediate BPI-value (BPI = 5.0), which may be
looked upon as a reference or a normative value in
300 ~< Ri < 600 ~ considerable ecological risk for
this context; i.e. all comparisons are related to con-
the lake/basin;
ditions characteristic for moderately eutrophic lakes.
RI >/600 ~ very high ecological risk for the
Hg: The TrY-factor should decrease with increasing
BPl-value. This relationship should be more marked
for Hg than for the other metals. From Table 19 it is evident that the RI-values and
Cd, Cr, Pb, Cn, Zn. The TrY-factor should decrease the Er~-values provide a good resolution for the inves-
with increasing BPI-value, but the range should be tigated lakes; from RI = 1201 for Lake V~isman,
smaller than for Hg. The normative factor chosen is which leads the "risk-league" to Lake BysjiSn
V'5/x/BPI. (RI = 231).
As: The TrY-factor should not be related to the BPI- The RI-values for the investigated lakes have been
value, independent of lake bioproductivity. ranked in Table 20.
After this discussion concerning the four basic The potential ecological risk of the contamination
requirements (the concentration requirement, the in the lakes may now be described in quantitative
number requirement, the toxic factor requirement and terms in the same manner as was previously done for
the sensitivity requirement), and the sedimentological the contamination factors and the Ccvalues. This is a
and toxicological presuppositions which have been step forward compared to the earlier discussion which
emphasized, we may define the potential ecological only considered concentrations.
~.R 14 ~- I

Table 19. Risk factors (Eri-values) and risk indices (RI-values) for the investigated lakes and for a reference lake lwith
C) = 1 for all substances and BPI = 5.0~. It should be noted that all figures marked * are hypothetical and only included
to illustrate the working principle

Substance (St~-value)
Lake PCB Hg Cd Pb As Cr Cu Zn RI = S- Er'
(BPl-value) 40 40 30 5 10 2 5 1 ~~ 1

V~inern, 2.9 46* 372 55 9 20* 2 4 3 51 I

V~irmlandssj6n, 2.9 58* 497 59 9 20* 2 4 3 652
V~ittern, 2.9 116" 41 51" 14 15" 2 6 3 248
M~ilaren, 4.4 t41" 91 48 10 20* 3 11 2 326
Blacken, 5.0 160" 40 54 5 25* 6 12 3 305
Hj~ilmaren, 6.3 252* 38* 48* 6 30* I a 1 380
Bysj6n, 4.2 84* 67 46 5 25* 0 2 2 231
V~isman, 3.2 102" 750 199 81 50* t 11 7 1201
Haggen, 3.2 77* 50 101 12 30* 0 3 2 27_¢
Ovre Hillen, 4.9 196" 335 136 17 40* l 9 7 74t
Norra Barken, 5.3 297* 143 254 56 40* 1 10 12 ~13
Stora Aspen, 4.9 196" 78 145 71 80* 58 10 12 650
Am~inningen, 5.0 160" 44 75 27 40* 10 5 9 3"70
()stersjtin, 4.9 157" 102 58 10 50* 18 13 7 415
Freden, 5.2 166" 54 88 6 30* 9 6 6 365
Reference lake, 5.0 40 40 30 5 I0 2 5 1 133
(C~- = 1 for all

We may now use the data to point out some differ- (2) Type case: Lake Viinern
ences of principal interest in pollutional profile
The contamination profile of Lake V~inern is totally
between some of the investigated lakes.
dominated by Hg. The risk index is 511, which is high
That is, a comparison between the results given in
and signifies that the take, especially the eastern main
Tables 11 and 20.
basin--V~irmlandssj6n, is seriously affected by the
(1) Type case: Lake Stora Aspen Hg-contamination. This is in good agreement with
the available knowledge on Hg in sediment and fish
This lake is in the pole position in terms of the in the lake (see SNV, 1978). The risk factor (Er i) for
Cd-value. But it is "only" in fifth position in the "risk- Hg is 372, which corresponds to about 75~,~ of the
league". The reason for this change is that Lake Stora
RI-value. The rest of the investigated substances in
Aspen has a contamination profile which is domin-
Lake V~inern give only moderate or small risk factors.
ated by three elements, Cr, Pb and Zn, with rather
low sedimentological toxic factors (STY). For example,
(3) Type case: Lake Vi~sman
Cr has a contamination factor of 28.8, which is very
high, and a risk factor of 58, which is moderately Lake V~sman has, up to now, been regarded as a
high. clean lake with large Secci-disc transparency and
The sequence of the C~-value is: excellent fishing. The given contamination profile
does not agree with this positive view of Lake
Cr> Pb>Zn>As* > PCB*>Cd>Cu>Hg
Viisman. There are strong indications that the metal
And the sequence for the risk factors is: contamination was initiated in 1976 with dredging
operations in Lake Saxen, which is located very close
PCB*> Cd> As*> H8> Pb>Cr > Z n > Cu
to Lake Viisman in north-west. We will not discuss
Thus, if we take into account the toxicity of the sub- this "affair" in this context, only state that this serious
stances, the "sink-effect" andr the lake sensitivity, then contamination has not been previously known.
we get a different picture of the contamination. The The results from Lake VEsman may be used to
potential problem is not with Cr, Pb and Zn as might illustrate the advantages in control work to have
have been anticipated, but rather with PCB*, Cd and access to the contamination factor and the Cd-value
As*. as well as the risk factor and the RI-value. In Lake
It should be noted that, for example, Pb has a V~isman we have large contamination factors for Pb,
rather low sedimentological toxic factor, which only Hg, Zn and Cd, which indicate the source of the pol-
signifies that Pb is one of the elements which gives a lution, but not necessarily the ecological significance
rather strong "fingerprint" in lake sediments and has of the contamination. The risk factors may be used to
been attributed a moderately high toxic value accord- distinguish which substances should be paid the most
ing to the "abundance principle". It does not in any attention: in this case it is Hg and Cd. The Zn-
way imply that Pb in general terms is a relatively pollution, for example, may be attended with low
harmless environmental pollutant. priority.
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 995


A A ~ U AA

~A A
A ~~A I I A A
A ^


~.~ ,~

0 II1




~1 fflltl I tli



I'N ~ ' ~ : ~_ I~I i~I

,.1 Z:O>~

009 ~ I~l 009 >III ~ 00C 0~I > I!!

~[qe~p!suo~) ~leJ~poiN

(I~1) x~pu! ~s!8


Fable 21. The relationshap between the contamination factors {C)) and the ('i,..-~alues li.e. the mean
content in ppm of the substance in superficial sediments 0 1 cm from accumulations areas! for a gixen
risk factor {Er') of 50 and a constant bioproduction index IBPII of 5.0

Contamination Preindustrial Mean superficial

Toxic factor factor reference level >ediment content
Substance ISt'-value) !(.'::.-value) !C',-valuei i(",~-~-value)
PCB 40 1.25 0.01 0,013
Hg 40 1.25 0,25 0.31
Cd 30 1.67 1.0 1.67
3ks 10 5.0 15 75
Pb 5 10.0 70 700
Cu 5 10.0 50 500
Cr 2 25.0 90 2250
Zn l 50.0 175 8750

To get a proper understanding of the factors upon the obtained values provide a frame-work for com-
which this sedimentological model is built, we may parisons. The approach provides data in a quick,
perform the following tests: inexpensive and standardized manner, which are to be
looked upon as reference figures--a discrepancy from
(1) What is the significance of a risk factor of, let us
this reference value may often be just as important
say, Er~= 50'? This is the limit between low and
and informative as a value which seems to agree with
moderate potential ecological effect.
prevalent knowledge.
Assume that the lake has a BPI-value of 5.0.
(2) It is even more interesting to apply the same test
The result for the given substances is shown in
to the limitation value between high and very high
Table 21.
potential ecological risk, i.e. E f = 320. The results are
The toxic factors in the second column are to be
given in Table 22.
looked upon as normative constants. The contami-
For moderately bioproductive lakes, with a BPI-
nation factors in the third column are determined
value of 5.0, we can see from this table that a sedi-
from equation (4), i.e.:
ment contamination of Zn = 56,000, Cr = 17,700,
Cu = 3200, Pb = 7780, As = 780, Cd = 10.7,
Hg --- 2.0 and PCB -- 0.08 would yield the same eco-
logical risk factor ( E l = 320). It is very difficult
The preindustrial reference values for the sediments indeed to really check the validity of this information:
(C~,) are to be considered as constants. ecological risk--for what biological systems, species,
The mean superficial sediment contents for the organs? The values for Hg (C0-1 i = 2.0) have, how-
various substances (last column) have been deter- ever, a substantial relevance, since many blacklisted
mined from equation (2), i.e.: eutrophic lakes and basins have C~_l-values in this
range, e.g. Lake Ovre Hillen (C0-1 -i = 2.04) and Lake
o-1 = Q - C . .
Nedre Hillen (C~_ L = 1.54) (see H~kanson, 1979).
The last column illustrates that a sediment content But this is only one aspect. If we take the value for Zn
of, e.g. 8750 for Zn, 2250 for Cr, 700 for Pb, 1.67 for as another example, then the first notation is that
Cd and 0.3l for Hg, would give rise to a comparable C~_t-values in the range of 60,000 are very rare
moderate ecological risk in lakes with moderate levels indeed. Such sediment contents have been obtained in
of bioproduction (BPI = 5.0). zinc-sand deposits outside zinc-mines, e.g. in northern
The crucial point is not that this should always be Lake V~ttern (see H:~kanson & Uhrberg, 1976). In
valid, which evidently cannot be true, but rather that northern Lake V~ittern the bottom fauna has been

Table 22. The relationship between the contamination factors iC~.) and the C~_ t-values (in ppm) for a
given risk factor (El) of 320 and a constant bioproduction index {BPI} of 5.0

Contamination Preindustrial Mean superficial

Toxic factor factor reference level sediment content
Substance (StCvalue) {C ~--value) (C~,-value) (CIj- ~-value)

PCB 40 8.0 0.0l 0.08

Hg 40 8.0 0.25 2.0
Cd 30 10.7 1.0 10.7
As 10 32.0 15 480
Pb 5 64.0 70 4480
Cu 5 64.0 50 3200
Cr 2 160 90 14,400
Zn i 320 175 56,000
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 997

considerably altered and emaciated (see Grimhs, the F{Hg),=, is quite good; r = 0.43, which is signifi-
1973). But is this due to high Zn-contamination? Or is cant at the 900o level.
it a consequence of contamination from other ele- The correlation between the contamination factor
ments appearing together with Zn, e.g. Cd or Cu? It is {C~s) and the F(Hg)mv-value is significant at the 75%
at present more or less impossible to answer such level, r = 0.31 (The same thing is, of course, also valid
questions, and in this context we have to accept the for the mean/median Hg-content of superficial sedi-
results for what they are---namely, readily determined ments}.
diagnostic values indicating that further investigations The correlation between F(Hg),mp and maximum
should be focused on elements appearing with high or Hg-content of superficial sediments is rather low;
very high risk factors. r = 0.22, which is statistically significant at the 60°,/o
level. The necessity of using several sediment samples,
A C O N T R O L TEST which provide an even area cover of the lake/basin,
increases with lake size,
It has already been emphasized that it is often very
The negative correlation between the bioproduc-
difficult or impossible to make a clear-cut verdict as
tion index (BPI) and the F(HgLm~-value is significant
to the cause of a given ecological disturbance in a
at fhe 75°o level, r = -0.31.
water system. It may be hard enough to distinguish
The negative correlation between pH and Hg-
an antropogeneous disturbance from natural fluctua-
content in pike is rather good in this particular ma-
tions. Consequently, it is very difficult to adequately
terial; r = -0.61, which is significant at the 99°~o
test any ecological risk index or risk factor; this prob-
lem is rather analogous to tile difficulty in interpret-
The correlation between F(Hg),=p and lake area is,
ing, e.g. LC50-values. It should also be added that at
as expected, not significant.
present there is a very fragmentary knowledge con-
One conclusion of this test is that neither pH, BPI
cerning ecological effects for most substances and ele-
or Hg-content in sediments can alone be utilized to
monts in limnic systems. The following test should be
adequately describe the Hg-content in 1-kg pike. but
regarded with these facts in mind. The aim of the test
taken together, as in formula (3), they will provide a
is that it should illustrate the benefits and limitations
very effective diagnostic tool to estimate a probable
of this approach for one type element: mercury. The
Hg-content in fish.
crucial points are to link registered concentrations of
The results from Table 23 may also be used to
Hg in water and sediments io Hg in fish and then to
illustrate the significance of the working hypothesis of
effects on man or in nature.
this approach, namely that by accounting for the
Analysis of meat from 1-kg pike is the generally
toxic factor requirement and the sensitivity require-
accepted reference measure, which has been used for
ment, we get a better resolution and a more adequate
many years to account for the variation that depends
result than by using just the contamination factor.
on species of fish, age, size, sex, fish organ etc. W.¢ will
Considering mercury in lakes, we may emphasize
subsequently compare the contamination factor for
that formula (3) "tells most of the story", the risk
mercury (C~s) and the risk factor for Hg (Er as) with
factor gives a lesser resolution, but still a significant
empirically determined mean Hg-contents of 1-kg
"part of the story", and the contamination factor pro-
pike, F(Hg),mp. To illustrate the applicability of for-
vides very rough information on the potential ecologi-
mula (3), as a more sophisticated diagnostic tool in
cal risks.
aquatic pollution control, compared to the Eri-value
and the C~-value, we will also show the correlation
between the theoretically determined Hg-contents in COMMENTS AND SUMMARY
1-kg pike, F(Hg), and the F(HgLmp-values, as well as
the corresponding correlations between F(Hg),mp and The aim of this work has been to penetrate one of
the factors that are functionally related to the F(Hg)- many possible avenues towards a potential ecological
value, i.e. pH, BPI and Hg-content of superficial sedi- risk index to be used as a diagnostic tool for water
ments. The lakes in this particular test have been pollution control purposes. It is evident that the diffi-
selected because from these lakes there are, if not ade- culties increase exponentially on the way from dose to
quate then at least empirical data covering a broad response, and that any risk factor or risk index will
range of the actual factors, i.e. pH 4.8-7.6, BPI yield only a limited resolution. This approach is
2.5-5.2, Hgmax (i.e. maximum Hg-content of superficial focused on lake sediments and parameters that may
sediments) 310-10 400 and Hgso (or Iqg) in the range be determined in a rapid, inexpensive and standard-
80-2040. The raw data utilized in this test emanate ized manner from a limited number of sediment
from various sources (see H:~kanson, 1980). The result samples. It is built on a working hypothesis that a
is given in Table 23. risk index should account for, at least, the following
It may be noted that: four requirements:
(1) The concentration requirement:
The correlation between F(Hg), and F(HgLmp is
very good indeed, r = 0.86. A. Accumulation bottom deposits from the 0-1
The correlation between the risk factor (Er H~) and sediment layer:


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~

~2L ~,
U.J _~ ~ ~

~'~' O
~1 ~ ' ~ - ,


.~ ~ A

0. ° ~ . °

._~ ~._~


oo ~

soNwl so~lel so~l
m ~ s ~ q l o ~ Jo^!~i pu~ImJ~A xs~oo l s ; ~
An ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control 999

B. Minimum 5 sediment samples providing an even ence values for lake sediments, accordingly:
area cover of the lake/basin.
Cr (2) < As (27) < Zn (57) < Pb (71)
C. Standardized set of natural background levels or
rather preindustrial reference levels (C/,) for the sub- < Cd = Cu (200) < Hg (320)
stances to be considered. These levels have been de- C. The "dimension problem", saying that the
termined from about 50 lakes from Europe and requested risk index must be based on factors of com-
America, accordingly (in ppm): PCB = 0.01, parable dimension.
Hg=0.25, CA=I.0, As=15, Cu=50, Pb=70, D. A "sedimentological toxic factor" (St~) for each
Cr = 90 and Zn = 175. They represent the "upper substance has been derived from these premises. The
limit". St~-value is a constant analogous to the preindustrial
D. A quotient between the mean content of super- reference level (C~). The following values were
ficial sediment (~0-1) and the preindustrial reference obtained:
level (Ci.), i.e.:
Zn= 1 <Cr=2<Cu=Pb=5
c}= c: <As= 10<Cd=30<Hg=PCB=40
(4) The sensitivity requirement, saying that different
where C~ is called the contamination factor.
lakes/basins have different sensitivity to different toxic
(2) The number requirement, which is built on the
following ideas:
A. "A sensitivity factor" should, in the present con-
A. For practical purposes only a limited number of text, be based on the same sediments as used to deter-
substances can be used, determined from sediment mine the contents of the toxic substances.
samples as "total content". B. The bioproduction index (BPI-value) has been
B. Substances appearing in a similar manner in used as a "sensitivity factor". The BPI-value is deter-
limnic water systems may be represented by one type mined from data on nitrogen content and organic
substance. content (ignition loss = IG) as the N-content on the
C. This approach should account for toxic sub- regression line that corresponds to IG = 10%.
stances, and the following have been selected: PCB, C. The bioproduction index, BPI = 5.0, which is
H& Cd, As, Cu, Pb, Cr and Zn. characteristic for moderately eutrophic and biopro-
D. The degree of contamination (C~), which ductive waters, has been used as a reference concern-
accounts for the number requirement in a quantitat- ing lake sensitivity.
ive way, is defined as the sum of the contamination D. A "toxic-response" factor Err i) which accounts
factors (C~), i.e.: for the "seclimentological toxic factor" (St~) and the
sensitivity requirement, as this is given by the BPI-
c,= Ec> values, has been defined in the following way for the
J=l actual substances:
The C~-value and the C4-value may be used to give a
PCB = 40. BPI/5, Hg = 40.5/BPI, Cd = 30.x/~/
standardized description of sediment contamination.
~ , As = 10 (independent of BPI), Pb = Cu = 5"
This is the first step towards a risk index.
.v/-5/~/-B-P-i,Cr = 2. ~/5/~/B--P-[and Zn - - 1..jcS/,,/B-PI
(3) The toxic factor requirement should account for
the fact that various substances have different toxic (5) The potential ecological risk factor for any given
effects (compare e.g. LCS0-values) in aquatic systems.
substance has been defined as:
The following principles have been discussed:
Er i = Tr" C~
A. The "abundance principle"---saying that there
exists a proportionality between toxicity and rarity.
(6) The potential ecological risk index for any given
The "abundance number" has been determined from lake or basin has been defined as:
concentrations in igneous rocks, soils, fresh water,
land plants and land animals. The following order 8

was obtained between the metals: RI = Z Er;


Zn (1.0) < Cu (3.4) < Pb (13) < Cr (140) These results have been tested on 15 Swedish lakes
which represent a great spread in terms of size, pollu-
< As (140) < Cd (230) < Hg(ll60) tional status, trophic status, etc. The main purposes
with these tests have been to illustrate the general
B. The "sink-effect", saying that different elements working principle of this risk index approach and to
make different "fingerprints" in lake sediments. A show how these concepts may be used in practice in
"sink-factor" has been determined from the quotient environmental pollution control issues.
between the natural background concentrations in The use of the risk factors and the risk index means
fresh water for the metals and the preindustrial refer- that a second step towards a diagnostic tool to estab-

lish ecological effects has been taken. The main Edgren M. c1978) Tungmetaller i Malarens och Ostersj6ns
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These are 5 important issues that have not been Consequences, Correctives (Edited by Rohlich G. At),
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