NTR Hero 199-208

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199 Mismatch

“We must raise the army and punish those wicked bats immediately. Your Majesty and
the Pope, what are you hesitating about!”

long round table.

A middle-aged man clad in black full-plate armor exclaimed as if urging. He may
look like a knight because of his outfit, but he is no ordinary knight.
Leonard Ekin.
He is the head of the Leonards, one of the five Dukes of the Empire.

Fabre Loki, the head of another duke's family, tried to stop his furious

“How do you feel?

I understand. I would like to lead the army and invade the territory right away and
reclaim the lost territory. But this meeting isn't just about winning niggas
Isn't the purpose of removing them up to their roots? So take it easy.”

“I’m the guys

I had to run away leaving my young son in a surprise attack. Do you understand how
I feel? funny sound! Yeah, that's how you say you want to understand
Please, I hope that your next target for those bats is your estate.”

“…I admit that my remarks were frivolous. But your remark goes far beyond

The atmosphere of the conference hall became cold as the two dukes fought. In that
atmosphere, only the heads of other dukes, the emperor, and the pope were able to
calm down.

Except for them, the marquis, the counts, and the people below them trembled,
hoping that sparks would not strike them.

Looking at the pathetic action, the emperor sighed.

"Sir Ekin and Sir Loki, both of you take it easy."

“But Your Majesty!”

“Sir Ekin. Do you intend to defy the Huangming?”


in the word yellow

Ekin bit his lip in dissatisfaction, but had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.
The method of reclaiming the territory that fell into the hands of a vampire is
different from that of the emperor.
Because there was no choice but to mobilize the army of the dukes and the paladins.

In such a situation, it was one of the subordinates to go against the emperor's


As Ekin shut his mouth, the meeting room became quiet.

The emperor looked back at the nobles who attended the ceremony and said:
“I have sent a messenger to the warrior.”

“When you say warrior, are you referring to Cloud?”


As the emperor nodded, the atmosphere in the conference hall became slightly

“Yes. There was still one hero left on the continent.”

“If you are a hero who has defeated even the Four Heavenly Kings, you can easily
deal with bats.”
“I was puzzled when I didn't let him join the expedition, but your Majesty's
insight was looking into the future like this. I am respectful.”

When the tension was relieved, the nobles trembled at the emperor to see if their
true nature came out.

Meanwhile, Duke Jenkinson opened his mouth.

“What are you going to do if the hero doesn’t follow the Yellow Order?”

There was silence in the conference hall at his words.

The nobles wanted to say something stingy to him who poured cold water on him, but
that was impossible because he was a duke.
He just sat quietly and hoped that the emperor would point out his rudeness.

And, as expected, the emperor frowned as if he was slightly offended.

“I don't follow the twilight... What do you mean, Sir Jenkinson? You'd better
choose your words carefully."

Jenkinson didn't mind the Emperor's low voice. Unlike Ekin, he did not have any
major problems with the estate. Thanks to you, I had some spare time.

“It is literally. What if he doesn't go against the twilight and subdue vampires,
or vice versa?"

Another noble interrupted Jenkinson's words.

“I heard that for Cloud, Gis is the ultimate supporter. There's no way he can't
get attached to vampires with gimmicks, right?"

“Well… isn’t everyone used to killing emotions for a while for the sake of future

The nobles kept their mouths shut. The nobles here are all heads of one family.
They knew best that private emotions should be excluded when deciding on the
family's affairs.

But the emperor shook his head.

“I don’t know if it’s anyone else, but he’s not like that. If he had tried to
covet power, he would have used his own young queen to devour Prona's kingdom

“There is no lust for power.

do you? That's good. But one question remains. Will he really obey the decree? of a
previously engraved oath
Please do not mention stigma. Your Majesty is well aware that a stigma has no
effect on someone who is about a hero, don't you?"

“I will. But he will come.”

“Why are you so sure?”

“Isn’t he a human after all? There's no way I'd want to live in a world where
vampires are the mainstay."

“The evidence is a little weak.”

“Actually, there are more solid reasons than that.”


“Brave, Cloud is said to be engaged to Frilite de Ferdiak, the wife of the Ferdiak

At those words, all the nobles widened their eyes and turned their eyes to the
head of the Duke Perdiak family.

After the meeting started, he nodded in affirmation, who had been silent

The nobles were astonished at him.

It is because they all remember being seriously injured while trying to arrange
the engagement of their son and Frylite in order to make a line with the Ferdiak

As in Lorian's case, the absence of a reply was just aegyo.

“What the hell...?”

What the hell did Cloud do to be able to get engaged to Frylite?

To the question that implied such a meaning, the head of the Perdiak family
replied that he had only done what his daughter wanted.

As the nobles, dissatisfied with the answer, tried to inquire further, he stared
at him with his own life.

That alone ended the situation.

Jenkinson smirked and nodded.

“...Anyway, it's definitely a good argument. As long as he loves her, he will not
do anything against her empire.”

the emperor replied

“If the hero plays an important role in this matter, I plan to not only forgive
him for his previous sins, but also give him an honorary title. A man marrying a
woman from the imperial duke's family should be treated like that."

It was a time when the other nobles responded that they were right, and they were
about to tremble again.

The door to the conference room swung open, and a knight in red armor rushed into
the conference room.
No nobles blamed the knight's rudeness.

Because it was like an exhibition situation now. I just wanted to know why that
knight sprinted through the conference hall door to the point of being rude.

“It’s low!”

"What? it's daytime We can't attack now unless the vampires are crazy."
“Did you even hire mercenaries?”
“This is the capital of the empire. A mercenary like that would look over this
place? Did all the mercenaries existing on the continent form an alliance?”
“Taking money from a vampire and betraying the same human being… That’s why dirty
fabrics are not allowed. Your Majesty, as soon as this is over, you will slaughter
those filthy seeds!”

The nobles, who thought the enemy attack was a betrayal of the mercenaries, spoke
out indignantly.

“I am not a mercenary!”

The knight shouted and cleared the misunderstanding of the nobles. He looked at
the knight with the curious eyes of the nobles.

“You’re not a mercenary? So who are you? Maybe in another kingdom-”

“It’s a vampire!”

“The sun was bright and vampires attacked? Make it sound that makes sense!”

“Yeah, that’s why the sun is weird. Unlike usual, the black one, the black one…”

“Speak straight! What is the sun?”

“Stop it, Sir Ekin.”

The emperor stopped Ekin from urging the knights. He said looking back at the
other nobles.

“In words
It seems that something strange has happened that is hard to explain. Better go and
see for yourself. Also, right now, all the elite troops of the empire have
is not it? There is no need to fear vampires under the sun.”

No one objected to the Emperor's words. As he said, Duke Wu and other nobles had
brought their elite knights and soldiers from their respective families.

They saw the current situation as an opportunity to break the momentum of the

Until I left the palace.

“Oh my God, Iris. What am I looking at?”

A priest muttered in dismay. His reaction was on the gentle side. Others spit out
swear words or sat down, giving away the kind of dignity that they normally judged
like that.
Their reaction was not unusual.
Because the scene unfolding before their eyes was unrealistic.

The blue sky centered on the black sun was dyed bright red.

Above that sky, pale-faced vampires were floating, flapping their huge bat wings.

They were so numerous that if they had been united rather than sparsely, they
could have obscured the sky a little bit.

At the center of the group of vampires divided into four, there was a vampire with
unusual energy.

Perhaps they are Lord, the leader of the vampire group.

“...that article was correct.”

Jenkinson smirked and drew his sword.

“I told you not to bring your family.”

I thought this would be the safest place on the continent as all the nobles of the
empire gathered, but it seems that I was wrong.

Apparently today is the last day for him and his family...

Also, maybe it would be the end of the empire.

* * *

-A week before the sun in the imperial capital turns black.

"Your Majesty's orders?"

"Yes that's right."

“Then let’s go, okay? As soon as you pack your bags, you leave. Go ahead and tell

"All right. By the way, can I ask you just one thing?”

"it's okay. ask."

“Hey, that’s the dragon that the warrior is sitting on, isn’t it?”


“Apart from how you captured that powerful dragon, why did you pull out the
dragon’s heart?”

“I have something to make with this.”

“If you say you’ll make it…?”

“You want me to ask you one thing? Stop asking questions and go back.”

“Oh, yes. Excuse me. then..."

The Emperor's messenger bowed his head and left. Like a herald, he ran fast. Only
after the new herald became invisible did Cloud begin to build the poison.

A poison made from dragon hearts.

The dragon blood poison, which has to be condensed dozens of times to produce only
one or two drops, is one of the deadliest poisons that even kills old dragons.

And what Cloud was trying to create was that blood poison.

EP.200 bad luck

There is a saying that is floating around in the world.

The capital of the empire is the capital of the continent.
It wasn't wrong.
An empire with overwhelming wealth, military power, and advanced technology was
truly the loser of the continent.
To add a little exaggeration, the quality of life of the citizens of the imperial
capital was better than that of a baron of a kingdom.

The life of one citizen is better than the life of a nobleman.

In a class-based society, it's a huge thing that can't be imagined.

However, the myth of such an empire was in danger of coming to an end.

“Jinhyung! Keep your formation!!”

shouted Jenkinson in a city shrouded in screams and screams.

“We leave the vampires in the sky to the wizards and priests, and we deal with the
vampires who have descended to earth! Don't scatter, keep your formation! Get the
first row of shields! The crossbowmen are loaded and waiting in the second row!
When I signal, I shoot!”

“Jenkinson. Citizens are also mixed around the vampires.”

“It’s not even our Young Jimin after all. When you signal, shoot. Those who do not
shoot will be sentenced to death for disobeying orders. Ready... Shoot!”

The crossbows pulled the trigger.

shot shot

Arrows poured out regardless of citizens and vampires.

- Whoa!
-My Faal!!!

The power of arrows condensed with mana was truly amazing. Citizens hit by arrows
were either pierced or torn in limbs.

The improved crossbow also reloaded faster.

pouring once again

While human corpses were added to the arrows, the vampires were also not intact.
Because it is much stronger than ordinary people, piercing the body can be avoided.
There was, but nothing could be done until the arrow was pierced.

But there was no problem.

Their food was everywhere.

The vampires roughly pulled out arrows embedded in their bodies, and whether they
were alive or dead, they inserted their fangs into the nape of a nearby human and
sucked the blood.

As the human body shrank like a mummy, the hole in the vampire's body healed.

It is a sight that can only be seen when using a high-end potion that is precious.

This is the secret that vampires have been able to keep alive without eradicating

Of course, the healing effect of vampires wasn't that great in the first place. If
that was the case, the continent would have become a world of vampires earlier.

It is thanks to the 'Black Sun' that even an ordinary vampire can show such

However, humans dealing with vampires did not know that fact.

“What the fuck is that!?”

“If I have a hole in my body, it will heal right away, right? How do you deal with

Agitation spread among the soldiers who witnessed the vampires' extraordinary
healing powers. As all of them were elite soldiers, no one left the formation or
anything, but the broken morale was unavoidable.

In the clash with the approaching vampires, their formation was too easily

What broke out and unfolded was a melee battle between humans and vampires.

"ha ha ha! Humans, seeing you face to face like this, they are no different from
wild beasts! I'm soft and weak-"


The vampire who ripped a soldier in half was decapitated by Jenkinson's silver
sword. The cross section of the vampire's neck that had been cut by the silver
sword shuddered and burned.

After slicing three more vampires nearby, Jenkinson looked at the situation. A
battle between humans and vampires. At first glance, they look similar, but if you
look closely, the Empire side was inferior.

'The difference in military force is too great.'

The skill gap between a soldier and a vampire is seriously huge.

At least the head of the Perdiak family, knights, and priests had more than one
share, so the front line was barely maintained.
However, as time goes by, the number of soldiers will decrease, and the Empire
will be outnumbered.

While humans are exhausted, vampires will drink blood and maintain their stamina
in the midst of a melee.

If this goes on, the battle is inevitable.

If only the battle went like this.

'You have to endure for a reversal.'

If there is a black sun on the vampire side, the Empire also has a trump card.

- In preparation for such a situation, there is an arrangement prepared by the

Empire since ancient times. It works only if I go by myself. If we succeed in
making it work, the unfavorable situation will be reversed in an instant.

The Emperor's words filled with confidence.

Although the exact story was not known, Jenkinson and other nobles had no choice
but to believe it, and were fighting the vampires to buy time for the arrangement
to work.

'Your Majesty, please make it work quickly.'

As Jenkinson prayed, he cut down the vampire that was trying to harm his

* * *

“This way!”

The emperor and his elite knights sprinted down the halls of the imperial palace.
Thinking of the soldiers who would be holding out outside, I could not delay even
the slightest bit of time.

Fortunately, the vampire's demons did not reach the Imperial Palace. They quickly
reached the emperor's bedroom.

The emperor grabbed the candlestick hung on the wall next to the luxurious bed and
turned it to the right.

- Giggiggigigi.

An incontinence formed on the wall, and it came apart and went down.

There was a stairway leading down to the basement through the wall.

The knights looked at the stairs leading to the basement with their eyes wide
open. I never imagined that there would be such a device in the emperor's bedroom.

“I have no time to admire. Come down.”

“Oh, yes!”

The emperor and knights went down the stairs. After going down for a while, a long
hallway was revealed. The emperor thought as he ran with his knights.
'After this is over, I'll have to kill these guys first.'

The existence of this arrangement is one of the top secrets passed down only to
the emperor from generation to generation. Aside from the fact that their existence
was known, the exact location could not be known.

'Besides, maybe even the others might be able to purge.'

After the fierce battle with the vampires, there is a high probability that the
power of each family is weakened. I was worried because the power of the nobility
had only increased recently, but it turned out well. You should purge all the
things you don't need right now.

The emperor believed in the power of arranging passed on to the empire. Therefore,
he did not think of a future in which the Empire would be defeated. He ran,
remembering what to do after the commotion was over, and as a result, he reached
right in front of the arrangement.

An obsidian pedestal at waist-high height of an adult male and an obsidian goblet

connected to the pedestal.

If you put the royal blood in this cup, the arrangement will work.

The emperor, who was about to cut his hand, tried to draw his sword and stopped.
His sword cutting power is so good that if he makes a mistake, he can be cut with
the palm of his hand.

“Hey, do you have a dagger...?”

The emperor's eyes widened as he turned his back to borrow the dagger. Obviously
there were no knights who should have followed him.

“What are you doing with this arrangement?”


The emperor stiffened at the voice he heard from behind.

'I didn't feel any footsteps.'

undetected by the emperor

and caught behind him. He was at least several numbers ahead of the emperor.
Perhaps all the knights who followed him were also killed by him.
If all the knights were capable enough, there was no chance that the emperor would
win the fight.

The only possibility is repentance.

The Emperor opened his mouth without moving a single finger.

“Who are you?”

“I thought you were going to attack me all the time, didn’t you? The emperor is
the emperor, right? My hair is back.”

“…have you ever heard this voice?”

“Did you think of it now? I was almost sad to know that I had forgotten.”
Gis said with a smirk. The emperor frowned.

“Why did you betray me?”

“Is that just what you say in this situation? Aren't you begging for your life?"

“Did you want anything else?”

“This man, this is the kind of person who doesn’t listen to other people. He was,
after all, the tallest person on the continent, so there was no need to listen to
the things below him. Is not it?"


“Yeah, did I ask why you betrayed me? That’s right, of course.”


Gis kicked the Emperor's back with all his might. The emperor flew forward and
rolled on the floor. The Emperor turned his body and swung his sword upward. Gis
grabbed his sword. When he applied force, the sword cracked and shattered.

Seeing that his sword was easily shattered, the emperor widened his eyes as if in

Gis frowned at the pathetic appearance.

“I thought I was going to die of fucking shit to see bastards like you flirting
with their boss. How angry I was every time you spoke with a solemn voice,
swearing, swearing, and commanding.”

Just thinking about it, Gis started to trample on the emperor as if he could get a
fever again.

puck! puck! puck! puck!

“Ouch. Whoops! Cuckoo!”

“Look at this. A yangban whose name is the emperor can't do anything right now."

The emperor, who had resisted at first, stopped moving at some point. Gis stopped
stepping and grabbed the emperor's hair and lifted his head.

“Your baby
It's because it's Frillate, it's not cheap. I couldn't touch you because that bitch
was protecting you
I'd say But now that bitch isn't there? In that case, you have no choice but to
betray! is not it?!"


“How are you feeling now? How does it feel to be trampled on by a person who
ignored you as a mean person? How does it feel to fail in the face of a rebellion
right in front of you?”


“Don’t just moan like an asshole, just react! How are you feeling?!”
At Gisu's shout, the cavity rumbled. The emperor licked his lips helplessly.



“Save me...”

“Hey, damn it.”

Gis threw the emperor's head on the floor. His face, which had been filled with
anger and joy, was now filled with only disappointment.

“Annoying bastard… to say that even such a thing is an emperor and a protector,
that frillite was a year with nothing in his head.”

“I, please…”

Gis sighed as he looked at the emperor with an earnest voice.

“Do you want to live?

Then answer my question. Actually, on my way here, I took a sneak peek at the
Imperial Palace, didn't I? But there aren't any women? of course the empress
There weren't even any maids. I think they hid in a secret place among
themselves... right?”


“Hey, hey. Don't look behind yet. Search after you tell them where they are.
Especially your wife, the Empress. If you help me find that bitch, I will ask my
mother to spare her even as a slave.”

“My… wife…?”

"okay. Damn, every time I see you, how stupid are you? Did you have a hard time
pretending not to? So come on tell me If you tell me, I'll save you. really."



“I’m sick… you bastard…”

Kaak huh.
The emperor spit blood-stained saliva on Gith's face. Gis's expression wrinkled.

“Even if you save me, it’s a shame. Yeah, don't say it if you don't want to.
'Cause I can find it myself Look forward to finding your wife. Something very
interesting is going to happen.”

Gis giggled and laughed as if he was happy just imagining it.

The emperor listened to the laughter and prayed.

Please someone stop that demon...

And that was his last.

“Look behind. A weak bastard after all.”

Gis sneered and cut off the emperor's head with a dagger.

EP.201 Mismatch

The situation was changing every moment.

As Jenkinson expected, the soldiers could not overcome the physical gap with the
vampires, and they fell one by one.

When they were outnumbered, the battlefield became increasingly defeated.

'Your Majesty has failed.'

Jenkinson and the other nobles endured considerable time against the vampires.
More than enough time for the arranging of the empire to work. But the arrangement
of the empire did not work.

What this meant was clear.

Either the emperor failed to activate the arrangement, or the arrangement itself
was a lie.

...but now it doesn't matter what the truth is.

Because this fight has now become a matter of 'live or die' rather than 'win or

In this kind of fight, the more you delay, the more likely you are to die.


Jenkinson shouted and called the lieutenant, who didn't know where he was. At the
call of the master, the lieutenant, Albert, managed to remove the vampire that had
been attached to him and answered the call.

“Give me an order!”

“Take care of the soldiers. They leave the city as soon as they are settled.”

“Are you going to the Imperial Palace?”

Jenkinson paused for a moment before answering with difficulty.

“No, it goes right out.”

"Yes? But in the Imperial Palace, the Duchess and Confucius…”

“It was too late to return to the Imperial Palace. If you procrastinate even a
little, you will die.”


“Stop answering questions and get the soldiers fixed quickly!”

The lieutenant was dissatisfied with the master's shouting and followed the
orders. Seeing that his lieutenant was taking care of the men, Jenkinson turned his
head to look at the other nobles.

They too, like Jenkinson, realized things had gone awry and were preparing to
escape. Several aristocratic groups were already in the process of escaping.

Jenkinson clicked his tongue.

'It's only when you're so quick.'

This could be isolated in an instant if you are late by mistake. If I did, I

wouldn't be able to use my hands and I would die.

But fortunately, his disturbing imagination did not become a reality. It was
thanks to his knowledgeable but capable lieutenant who quickly gathered the
soldiers and formed a formation.

“Jenkinson, we have brought the soldiers back as you commanded!”

"great. Listen up everyone! With me and the knights at the forefront, we will
break through to the west gate…”


Something flew at high speed and crashed into the wall. At the sound of a great
impact, our eyes naturally gathered, and the dust disappeared and a new figure of
the person who had been hung on the wall was revealed.

“Sir Ekin?”

It was Ekin who was hung on the wall with an unsightly appearance.

- Cool

luckily not dead

He was coughing and vomiting blood. However, even if he did not die, the sight of
the dukes of the Empire was a huge shock to the people of the Empire.
Amidst the silence, a sweet voice echoed through the battlefield.

“Hey, are you alive? I hit it pretty hard.”

He spoke as if he was surprised to see an insect that luckily survived.

The eyes of the Imperials turned to the master of the voice. There was a handsome
man with long blue and silver hair fluttering. He frowned as if displeased when he
felt the gaze of the humans gathered around him.

“How dare you look into the woman’s face even though she didn’t even allow her to
have fun. I have to pluck out both of her eyes—”

Kelridan accurately caught the surprise attack of the two knights while they were

While the two knights were astonished, Kelridan clicked his tongue with a look of
“These are servants who have no manners.”

When Kelridan gave strength, it shattered like a thin stick of black energy. Soon
after, his palm gripped the faces of the knights who attacked them.

“Disrespect to a woman. Apologize with your humble life.”


Kelridan's fingers dig into the faces of the two knights, crumpling their heads.
While the imperial people were overwhelmed by that ridiculous power, a scream
erupted from another place.

“Red Mist! Watch out for the fog! Killing people aaaaaaah-?!”

A soldier was warning the others and was swallowed up by the mist without
realizing it. After the mist passed, a corpse was left that was bare bones.

It was a shocking situation in many ways, but it would have been better if it had
ended here.

Because they had a small hope that they might be able to survive if they were
lucky, although the odds were slim.

However, the events that followed put a wedge on the Empire's people.

“Undead? Are vampires beating the undead?”

“There are more than that!”
"fuse! Oh god!!”

A large-scale undead from someone suddenly appeared.

“Hey, arrows of blood are falling from the sky!!”

“What the fuck are the wizards doing?!”

Because the wizards could not handle the blood magic of a female vampire, arrows
of blood poured out from the sky.

"I, I can't fight anymore... This is Hell- Hell?!"

The soldiers fleeing to the alley, avoiding everything, were killed by swift

A situation where there is no Abigail Hwan.

It was then that the nobles, including Jenkinson, realized one thing.

The fact that the bosses of vampires called Lords have not participated in the
battle until now and have been by their side.

'Even so, I was thirteen.'

In fact, the black sun

From the moment he woke up, the victory or defeat of the battle was decided. The
black sun created as a result of corrupting the arrangement left by the warriors of
the Kalita Kingdom.
Unlike the real sun, it amplifies the power of vampires.

The imperial people have been able to withstand such vampires until now, thanks to
the nasty hobby of a Lord, who wanted to see humans struggling to survive.

If the Lords had done their best from the beginning, there would already be only
corpses left here.

This means, in a word, that they were playing with the rods.

Those who realized the truth burst into laughter at the flooding emptiness.

What the hell did we fight so desperately for?

In any case, those who did not know the details of the story despaired at the map
of hell that unfolded before their eyes, and those who knew the story broke their

It was the moment when all the dead human beings were about to fall into the abyss
of despair.


there was light

When everything was dark and red under the black sun, it radiated a brilliant
golden light alone.
Humans looked towards the light as if possessed by something, and could see thanks
to it.

“I will not tolerate any more genocide.”

Beautiful women with rings emitting sacred light floating above their heads.

Oddly enough, the women also had wings, and unlike vampires, their wings fluttered
with white feathers like that of a swan.


Someone said in disbelief.

Of course, the angel is the servant of the goddess Iries. An ordinary person
cannot even see a shadow for the rest of his life. Because of this, not only the
man I was talking about earlier, but also the reason of Darin humans said that they
were not angels.

However, the instinct engraved in their genes recognized their existence.

Kelidan said to the three angels.

“Angel... I never expected to see you in a place like this. Is it possible to pass
from heaven to the underworld so easily?”

"no. Descending from heaven to the lower world is inherently impossible unless the
Goddess permits it. However, the earnest prayers of the believers made it

Beneath the angels floating in the air, the Pope and other priests were foaming
with their eyes closed. Their wretched appearance convinced how the angels could
have descended.

Among the three angels, the white-haired angel smiled in the center.

“Seeing that the Goddess did not stop us, she must have been moved by the
earnestness of the believers.”

“…so, if you don’t allow it, what are you going to do?”

The smiles disappeared from the angels.

“There are no double warnings. Those who disobey the will of Heaven will be


The energy emitted by Kelridan and the other Lords became more ferocious.

“You don’t seem to have any intention of quietly backing down.”

For some reason, the angel said with a slightly happy look.

“Goddess, children of Iris-sama. He has sent us to your earnest call. So do not

turn your back on duty.”

It meant fighting, not running.

Even if they were angels, it was difficult to deal with all those vampires with
just the three of them.

But there was no need for such a warning. The morale of the soldiers skyrocketed
thanks to confirming that they were angels in the conversation between the angels
and Kellydon.

The white-haired angel widened his eyes as if a little startled, then raised his
sword with a satisfied smile.

“Go. Heaven is with you!”


The soldiers with high morale collided with the vampires once again.

* * *

“Is this an angel…”

“Damn..! Let go..!!”

The angel, who had been caught by Kelidan's neck, struggled in pain. But her wings
were torn, and she couldn't even struggle properly.

"Dark servants... Did you mean to go against the will of the sky..?!"

“How was it that you were the will of heaven? Stop disgraceful heaven and just

Power entered Kelly's hands. Her expression became desperate when she realized
that the force that tightened her neck was unusual.

“Come on, wait!”

angel's body
stretched out Kelly Dunn, who threw her angel's body aside, examined her own
wounds. He was much weaker than he expected, but he was still an angel.
His old-fashioned coat was torn and blown away, and his body was full of cuts.

'It's not dignified.'

Kelridan, licking his tongue, grabbed a nearby human man and sucked his blood.

The wounds from the divine power began to heal slowly.

“Did you kill them all? It would have been nice to have saved at least one of

A sarcastic voice.
Kelridan was expected to be the master of the voice.
When I turned my head, I saw Gis making a cheeky expression.

“When did you come?”

“It’s been a while.”

“Then, couldn’t it be possible to help with one hand at least with that lacking

“It’s because I’ve been a warrior since then. A human being chosen by a goddess
cannot kill an angel, right?”

“Haley didn’t hurt anything like that.”

“You can’t hurt your mother. No matter what country you are, you don’t commit

Gis shrugged his shoulders skillfully. Kelly Dunn frowned and she soon opened her

"done. It would be foolish to want more than what I did for you.”

He said so and held out his hand. Gis recognized the meaning and threw the
emperor's head hanging from his waist. Having received her hair, Kelly Dunn

“Was the person who claimed to be the owner of the continent an ugly-looking

Soon after, he wiped away the laughter and raised the emperor's head toward the
humans who still survived.

“Look, people. Your king is dead!”

The movements of the humans who were trying to resist him to the end stopped.

Kellydon continued.

“In the past, we

The vampire was weak. Instead of being a hero, I was in a position to be attacked
by a single paladin. So we fell flat. Enduring all kinds of humiliation and
raised Over time, we have grown stronger, but you humans have stood still... No, we
have regressed."

His voice was quite elevated. He deserved it because it was the moment when he was
rewarded for the time of the past hundreds of years.

“The result is this. We won and you lost.”

Kellydon smiled. Even though she was a man, she had a pretty alluring smile.

"Now it's your turn to pave the floor."

Despair casts on the faces of men.

"We won't give you time to be stupid like you. From today on, all humans,
including you, are livestock-"

"for a moment."

Haley interrupted the speech. As Kelidan, who became displeased, was about to get
angry, she said with a firm expression on her face.

"I feel an unusual energy from the alumni."

"Unusual energy? Ah..."

Kelridan understood the meaning of Hailey's words when she saw the blue barrier
that began to envelop the entire city.

“You have a guest. Everyone, don’t be arrogant and keep your seat-”


Before Kelidan could finish speaking, Gis ran towards the east gate with a deaf

Haley sighed.

A black sun that greatly increases the power of a vampire.

Blood and lively vampire minions everywhere.
Even people with broken hearts.

Everything was perfect, but for some reason I kept feeling uneasy.

She controlled her troubled mind, remembering the insurance she had in case
something happened.

EP.202 bad relationship

Returning to the imperial capital, Cloud hardened his expression.

“…you did something quite daring.”

We haven't crossed the gates yet, so we don't know exactly what the situation is.
However, as we got closer to the capital, at some point the sun turned black and
the sky turned red.

Cloud had seen this phenomenon in the old world.

A witchcraft that demons offered sacrifices, reverse heaven.

Literally, the power to go against the rules set by heaven.

When the black sun rises, the life of the day weakens and the life of the night
becomes stronger.

So I can't know exactly what was happening in the city, but it was certain that
something was unusual.

“Leslie, Eri. Is it possible to cover this city with a barrier?”

Just as Leslie was about to reply, Eri came in.

"yes! Is it possible!"

Leslie frowned at her reckless remark.

“Are you talking about how wide this city is?”

“This is a place I have been to several times before. I don’t even know that.”

“Then you know how irresponsible what you just said? How wide is this city-”

"can not?"


“You say you can’t By the way, I can It will be a little difficult, but it’s
something Cloud asked for.”

When Eri snorted, Leslie's expression wrinkled with a wounded self-esteem. Cloud
asked, looking at the two women in turn.

“So is it possible? Impossible?”

“...It is possible to reduce the thickness of the barrier and increase the area.
It’s a problem because the strength is weak.”

“That’s it.”

It's enough to catch those who run away for a while.

“Unfold the barrier. As the situation is the situation, cooperate rather than
compete. Please."

They nodded, closed their eyes and memorized the spell. Blue mana gushed out
around them, and then quickly spread out toward the entire city.

The two women opened their eyes only after the entire city was covered with a blue

Leslie let out a long breath.

“If it’s short, it’s an hour, and if it’s long, it’s about three hours.”
Whether Leslie was right or not, Eri didn't question it this time either. Cloud
patted the shoulders of the two women with a look of distress.

"thank you."


Leslie smiled slightly and replied softly. It was natural for her to compliment
her like this. On the other hand, Eri's cheeks reddened after hearing kind words
from Cloud after a really long time.

“What, what? It's not that difficult for me!"

“Yes, thank you.”

“Huh, huh!”

Eri coughed in hopes that he would give him a little more praise. But instead of
praising her further, he led her other party to her gates.

Eri became pale.

Leslie looked at her with pitiful eyes.

“Why don’t you think a little bit about the importance of work?”


* * *

In front of the tightly closed gate.

only ten people
Hundreds of citizens were kneeling with vampires around. You may be wondering why
you are foolishly kneeling on your knees instead of pushing the numbers.
However, the difference in power between them and the vampire was not something
that could be resolved with numbers.

So all they could do was shake their heads with their heads bowed so as not to
offend the vampires.

And the number of such humans was counted by the vampire with his fingers folded.

“788... 789...”

Human bastards... a lot is a dirty lot.

Still, just as the vampire was about to be proud of the fact that he had almost
finished counting, another vampire tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey, hey.”

“I am human. Play with someone else.”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“What's not a problem... Oh, damn it! You forgot how far you counted! why? What
the hell are you doing this for!?”

“Can’t you hear anything over there?”

The vampire turned his gaze towards the direction his comrade was pointing. If you
listen carefully, the hard gate made of rare minerals thumps! thud-! There was a
buzzing sound.

The sound grew a little louder each time it was heard.

The vampire's brow furrowed.



The lower part of the gate was dented. You crush that gate. usually not a match.
Feeling threatened, the vampires exposed their claws.

The vampire who counted the humans said to the other young vampire.

“He’s an unusual guy. We'll be running out of time, so you go quickly and tell
Lord that an intruder has arrived."


The orders of a vampire nobler than himself are absolute.

The vampire, who received the order, flew towards Rod without a single sound.
The remaining vampires raised the tension while looking at the crushing gates.


The gate, which had been dented and crumpled several times, could not withstand
the impact any longer and was torn. The vampire who counted humans blew the capital
through the crack in the torn gates as if waiting for that moment.

A powerful capital that can tear even steel.

The intruder was caught in an outstretched hand and was stopped so easily.


While the vampire who blew up the capital was panicking, the intruder, Cloud,
entered the city. In a fleeting moment, many things were packed into his vision.

Hundreds of people knelt and trembled in terror, and the corpses all around them.
Burned or collapsed buildings, and vampires seen as soon as they entered the city.

It wasn't difficult to figure out the situation.

His expression, which had been hardened, grew even colder.



The shadows by the wall flickered, and Shedia appeared.

“Didn’t I say that instead of giving you all the moonstone, I would like to ask
you one last favor? I'll write that now. Protect Laurene from the Imperial Palace.”


Shedia jumped straight up the building without asking why. Her speed as she ran
across the buildings was very fast. Within a few seconds she had her new form
invisible to the naked eye.


At that speed, we can get to Lauren before she gets angry and protect her.

...and that's what Cloud really hoped it could be.

“Is this guy ignoring us?”


The vampires who were besieging hundreds of humans rushed towards Cloud all at
once. The moment their sharp claws shot at him, three new figures popped out from
behind him.

“This ungodly one!”

Ophelia's mace smashed the head of the vampire who ran to the front. Subsequently,
Neria slashed three vampires at once with a slash, and Katarina treated the
remaining vampires who were hesitant with a splendid sword dance with her spirits.

“Hey, how is this…”

to the cloud
The captured vampire looked at his colleagues who had died in an instant and was
startled. Even if they couldn't beat the knight, they were able to do it to their
opponents. then
I couldn't help but be surprised that my colleagues died without even being able to

The vampire sensed that there was no way for him to live. That is why he did not
beg for his life poorly.

“Hey, these little things dare-”

In a voice trembling with fear, he tried to spit out the blame.

But Cloud isn't going to listen to it all.


Cloud's hand dug into the vampire's chest. He found the vampire's heart and
touched it for a moment, then gave it strength and burst it.


The vampire could not even scream and died. Cloud threw the vampire's corpse at
random. tuk. thump. The kneeling citizens watched the vampire corpse rolling on the

- Are you dead? Is that monster real?

- You heard a scream earlier. The fallen one doesn't even move.

They whispered quietly all the time. In the meantime, a citizen who had the
courage to raise his head and widen his eyes at the sight unfolding in front of

“Hey, hey guys! Let's all raise our heads! All the monsters are dead!”
"What? What is that... huh?! It's real!”

At the cry of courageous citizens, some other citizens also raised their heads.
They, too, shouted in amazement, allowing other cowardly citizens to raise their
heads as well.

"Sah, I'm alive..."

“You rotten bastards. well died Hugh!”
“Hey, honey. Come on!"

The citizens, relieved by the death of the vampires detaining them, murmured
loudly, taking care of their families or cursing the dead vampires.

Then, as if they had made a promise, they became quiet for a moment and looked at
the man standing in front of them.

who is it
Who on earth could so easily kill the monsters they feared so much?

There was such a question in the eyes looking at Cloud.

Citizens wanted him to introduce himself.

But Cloud didn't. He said he was a hero because it seemed like it would only cause
more confusion for nothing.

“Go away.”

Instead, he stepped aside and made a way out of the gate. The citizens blinked
and, one by one, exited the city through the cracks in the torn gates.

- Go, thank you.

While running away, there were citizens expressing their gratitude, but Cloud only
nodded slightly.

Ever since the vampire's heart burst, his gaze was directed in one direction.


The air rumbles and the earth shakes.

Gis, who ran so fast and strong enough to rip the floor, threw a dagger towards

Cloud tilted his head to avoid the dagger, then ran to the side to widen the

Gis smiled at him instead of chasing after Cloud.

“I thought I was going to fall out of my throat while waiting, you bastard.”


“Isn’t that a welcome expression? I guess so. Because there is no frillite year to
protect you now.”

Gisse, holding the dagger in reverse, took a stance.

“Did I say that? If you keep talking, you'll die of me someday. That day will be

Gith's eyes were curved in the shape of a crescent moon. The pupils visible under
the twitching eyelids were red, unlike before. It was a side effect of being human
and learning blood.

Cloud stared intently at Gis who was splitting the yarn to the point of disgust.
When he didn't respond, Gis opened his mouth, annoyed.

"hey. When a person speaks-”

“Why did you betray me?”


“Why did you do this?”

“Ah… was that the story? Anyway, what happened to the Emperor Yangban, you or
someone you haven't seen in a long time, is that something like that? Is it because
you are conscious?”


"answer? Yes, I'll tell you if you're curious."

Gis laughed bitterly. He threw the dagger, then pulled out a new dagger and rushed
towards Cloud.

“Before you fall behind!”

A pair of daggers hurled towards the cloud. Instead of just looking at it, Neria's
shield made of dragon scales blocked the dagger.

As the dagger collided with the shield and bounced off, Cloud leapt at the same

“Yeah, the reason doesn’t really matter.”

Cloud passed by Gith. As the distance between them widened, Cloud's hand was
holding the sword. While he calmed down, Gis shook his body.


With a handful of moans, Gith's armor was stained with blood. It was because of
the moment when they passed by each other, Cloud cut his chest with the sword that
was drawn out.

It wasn't life-threatening, but it wasn't a wound to take lightly.

“In the first place, your opponent is not me.”

Gisu's brow, frowned in pain, frowned even more.

What do you mean when your opponent isn't Cloud?

It wasn't long before I realized the meaning of those words. It's because Neria,
who had her eyes full of life, came forward to her.
“I’m going to leave my opponent to that asshole, isn’t it?”

“That bastard is too much for you.”

“What, what the fuck is this bastard?! Do you think you are my superior because I
left a small wound like this while I was careless? ok?!"


After completing the answer, Cloud ran in the direction where the strong energy
was felt.

“That bastard!”

Geese straight away

I tried to chase after Cloud. But it was faster for Neria to slam his sword at him
than it did for him to kick him off the ground. Gisu who stopped while trying to
The posture was erratic. Because of this, he crossed the two daggers and barely
blocked Neria's sword.

“Your opponent is me. You are the one who will die today.”

Neria gave a lot of strength to the sword in contact with the dagger and growled.

* * *

Cloud and his companions, chasing after the strong energy, reached the city
square. As soon as they arrived, Katarina and Ophelia's complexions became pale
blue at the sight that caught their eye.

As I ran from the east gate to this place and the square, I saw all kinds of
disgusting sights.

However, it was nothing compared to the scenery unfolding in the square.

Compared to the vampires who sit around and dig up human corpses like peasants who
finish their hard work and eat chams.

“It was late. It's too late."

From the central auditorium of the square, Kelridan looked down at Cloud and

“The king of men is dead because you are late.”

Kelridan tapped the spear standing next to him with his index finger. The spear
pole trembled, and the emperor's head hanging from the tip of the spear shook to
and fro.

“The rest… it’s not particularly virtuous.”

Behind the spear stood five crosses. And on each cross were nailed to the limbs of
the dukes.

Seeing the dukes' miserable condition, Cloud moved without hesitation.

Not only Kellydon and the other rods, but also the vampires who were eating the
organs of the corpses as snacks were nervous.
As soon as the fight started, they attacked them all at once and planned to kill
them without giving them time to use their hands.

However, contrary to the expectations of the vampires, he passed Kelidan and

walked to the cross. Then he pulled the nail out of the same red-haired middle-aged

When the nail disappeared, the middle-aged body crumbled forward.

Cloud checked his condition after receiving him.

His condition was not good, but he was still alive. Cloud sighed in relief.

'I almost lost my face to see Frilite.'

Cloud carried Duke Perdiak and laid him in front of Ophelia.

“It’s Frylite’s father. Heal me.”

"yes? Ah yes!"

Confused by Cloud's sudden action, Ophelia came to her senses. As white light came
out of her neatly gathered hands, the wounds of the Duke of Per dyck slowly healed.

Only after confirming that the Duke's complexion had found stability, Cloud took
his eyes off him.

“What are we going to do with this?”

Kelly's expression became much cooler than usual.

“I could have killed you over and over while you opened your eyes to that man.”

He felt great humiliation at the fact that he had been ignored. Either way, Cloud
got up and looked closely at the square.

“Once again, you are blindfolded. Do you want to die?”

Surprisingly, quite a few survived. It was only visible because it was covered by
a corpse, and if he received proper treatment, he would be able to live most of the

“...I thought it was a well-forged sword, but it was garbage just like any other
human. Just die.”

After finishing his judgment, Cloud gave his gaze to Kellydon.

“Do you have the ability to kill?”

At Cloud's sarcasm, Kelly's Dawn laughed as if it were a plastic one.

“Even angels are not our opponents. Not to mention the warriors who are their


Why is it suddenly appearing?

Cloud tilted his head and looked around the corpses. Then he sighed when he found
a winged corpse that had been incinerated and charred.

"To be happy to catch the last angel who came to run for a side job... The name of
the vampire Lord also fell to the ground."

the laughter of vampires

stopped They stared at Cloud with lively eyes. Although they are only side
branches, Ophelia and Katarina, who feel their lives, are out of breath.
I felt blocked. Cold sweat was dripping down and it was difficult to lift a

However, Cloud, who was the one who was actually living, did not show any sign of

Kellydon said still with a cold face.

"end? How do you distinguish the hierarchy of angels?”

“If it had been a real angel, half of the vampires here would have disappeared.”

“It sounds funny. Even the most favored angels of God cannot do such a thing with
just three of them.”

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you. Also, it doesn't matter if they were real

Cloud drew his holy sword. The holy sword, which had been abused as much as it was
being abused, gave off a dazzling light for the last time before it crumbled. He
put his holy sword on the floor.

“Because I don’t want to hide it anymore.”

A white brilliance swirled around the holy sword stuck on the floor.

EP.203 Mismatch

White brilliance swirling around the cloud.

The Lords, including Kelridan, had their skin tingled at the divine power felt
from the brilliance.
They are the apex of vampires, so other vampires will be terrified.

The lower the level of the vampire, the more he suffered from the divine power
that Cloud emitted.

'Pathetic things.'

The moment the lesser Lords were about to step forward, Cloud suddenly reaped his
divine power. The Lords were puzzled by his actions and stopped moving.

'What do you think?'

No matter how vampires were protected by the black sun, the divine power he just
radiated was not something to be ignored. If they fight with such divine power,
even the Lords will have to struggle.

Cloud reaped that divine power.

...Is it possible that I can't use it for a long time?

It didn't take much time for the vampires' thoughts to reach there. However, since
there was no solid ground for it, no one dared to move.

Meanwhile, Cloud used the power of the patterns engraved on his skin.

<Glyph of Behemoth>
- 50% reduction in accuracy
-All stats are increased by 100%.

As the rampage progressed, his vision blurred while his body began to overflow
with vitality.

<Glyph of the Ogre>

-Temporarily doubles strength
- 50% armor penetration

under the influence of lightening

The finer muscle fibers became enlarged. I felt that my strength was stronger than
before. Now, whatever you can get your hands on
To the extent that I have a sense of omnipotence that I can crush it. But Cloud
wasn't drunk on omnipotence.

Cloud was not a weak human being enough to get drunk with omnipotence with only
this amount of power.

“Ophelia, break the barrier.”


Fortunately, Ophelia, who was awake this time, immediately put her hands together
and memorized the prayer.

The holy light that started from her hand was transformed into a barrier that
blocks out special things.
After examining the barrier, Cloud nodded.
This should be fine for the time being.

“You two don’t come out of there.”

"What? Are you going to deal with the vampires here alone?”


“What nonsense!”

It was Katarina who protested.

She feared the hordes of vampires occupying the square, but she didn't want to
leave Cloud alone to fight those dangerous bastards.

“Even if we fight, we fight together!”

Katarina pulled out two curves and tried to get out of the barrier. Cloud looked
at Ophelia.

“Dry it.”


Ophelia, who had been kneeling, jumped up and put her arm between Katarina's
armpits and grabbed her.

“Ophelia?! what are you doing!"

“The warrior’s orders are absolute!”

"what..! Don't let this go?!"

“Gently give up. Katarina-san's strength cannot defeat me!"

"you really!"

Katarina struggles to escape somehow. However, she could not overcome Ophelia's
power, which was rolled over to Cloud in the name of training.

Cloud grinned as he watched Katarina struggling while being caught by Ophelia,

turning to the side and covering her face with a sword.


Kelridan's claws passed by scratching the sword's face.

“I tried to blow my head, but it’s pretty fast.”

The capital that follows straight from the stab.

It was different from what the vampires of the gates showed. There was nothing
good about getting hit, so Cloud jumped back and avoided the capital, widening the

It was the moment he landed on the floor.


A pair of skeletal palms protruding from the ground grabbed Cloud's ankles. The
couple didn't end there. Soon after, more than ten pairs of palms wrapped around
Cloud's legs.

Perhaps it wasn't an ordinary skeleton, so the resistance felt in his legs was

Still, it wasn't to the extent that Cloud couldn't dig out and come out. As he was
about to give his leg strength, a swarm of bats flew around him, bursting with
blood and splashing around him.

The blood splattered in the air evaporated in an instant, turning into a red mist,
and swallowing Cloud as it was.

- What does the blood of a warrior taste like? You wish it wasn't corrupt?

Inside the Blood Mist.

Hearing the laughter of women from all directions, Cloud muttered quietly.
“Lux sancta (Holy Light)”

For a moment, the holy sword shone white.

- bu?! Aaaaah!!!

The blood mist let out a terrible scream and vomited Cloud. The skeletal palms
holding him had long since melted into the divine power, so he was literally thrown
out of the mist.

"uh? Huh?!”
“Come this way!”

In the direction of other low-ranking vampires who only watched the fight.

The vampires tried to attack Cloud in their own way, but Cloud's reaction was

Cloud, which had been bounced off, rotated his body and cut all the vampires that
came near him.

He fell on the vampire corpses and immediately sprinted away. Pavabak! Five
vampires landed on the corpse where he had just been, and put their swords in

When the attack was unsuccessful, they immediately took out the memorization and
threw it. Cloud moved his sword as he watched the flying memorabilia.

[Quick sword dance]


The sword, which moved so fast that it was difficult to follow it with the eye,
struck all the memorizations.

A vampire with a scar on his right eye among the vampires who threw memorization.

Lord, Sigrid was amazed.

“Fast. I think the surprise attack will be difficult for even a geese to react.”

After stroking his chin for a moment, he pulled out his sword stuck in the
vampire's corpse and got up.

“It really hurts. It would have been nice if someone like you had been a warrior
in the Kalita Kingdom. Well… this would be just a fleeting imagination.”

Sigrid could not hide his regretful expression and whistled. At his whistle, the
assassins hiding in buildings, columns, and corpses rushed towards Cloud in unison.

Watching the assassins rushing in front and back, left and right, Cloud narrowed
his brow.


All of the assassins with agile movements were half-human and half-human, with
wolf ears and tails, and fur covering parts of their body.
It was different from Shedia, who was completely human.

Maybe if I hadn't met Shedia that day, or if I hadn't been able to convince her, I
might have met the enemy here now.

'Fight for your life with Shedia...'

Recalling Shedia tilting her head with a blank face, Cloud smiled.

Thinking like that for a while.

Cloud's eyes went cold. He leapt and ripped apart all the dozens of assassins
standing in his way. Cloud, who had arrived in front of Sigrid in an instant,

“da virtutem (give me strength)”

The holy sword, which began to shine white, was now obscured by the light, and
even the shape of the sword was invisible.

Sigrid's eyes widened at the deep divine power contained in the sword.

That's something he should never touch on his body.

But it was too late to avoid.

Sigrid had no choice but to raise his blood skill as much as possible and wrapped
himself in a barrier of blood.

Cloud lowered his sword of light.


The barrier of blood that even high-ranking magic could block once had no effect
in front of Cloud's Holy Sword. Sigrid's body was split in half from the top of his
head to his crotch with a barrier.

Sigrid's torn body turned to ashes before falling to the floor and was blown away
by the wind.

The vampires froze at the shocking sight.

How much divine power has been condensed on that holy sword, so that even a corpse
can become ashes without even leaving a corpse?

The vampires, including the Lords, only then realized.

The fact that they are never in a situation where they have the upper hand...!

Kelidan, feeling a sense of crisis, shouted.

“All at once, attack the hero! Do not choose any means and methods. It's okay if
your allies get caught up in the attack. If only the hero dies, all sins will be

He shouted that and manipulated the blood technique. The blood that had flowed on
the floor gathered and gathered to form a giant sword.
A vampire dealing with the undead, Delta used all his magical powers. The magic
that emanated from him raised the corpses of the knights scattered around him.

Werewolf assassins who lost their masters also lowered their stances with their
thin swords.

Only vampires specialized in blood magic did not prepare to attack.

They were the masters of blood magic, Hailey's family.

Kelridan and Delta chose to attack Haley straight away rather than accuse him.

Every time Cloud mumbled something, the divine power surrounding him grew
stronger. He knew instinctively that if he had delayed any longer, there would be a
situation from which he could not turn back.


The knights waking up from the dead rushed towards Cloud with their torn flesh
fluttering. The assassins hid in the shadows of the undead, looking for an
opportunity, and Kelridan and his family fell from the sky toward the cloud.

The scent of death is felt everywhere.

I'm used to it, so there's no fear or nervousness.

Cloud put the holy sword on the floor and memorized the last spell.

“potestas vincere diaboli” (strength to defeat the devil)

The white brilliance emitted by the holy sword dyed the city pure white.

EP.204 Mismatch

At the same time as Cloud chanted the spell, a white brilliance flashed from the
holy sword. The brilliance covered the vampires who rushed at him, the fallen
humans, the square, and even the entire city.

“Ouch… ahhhhhhhh!!!”

There was no such thing as infinitely warm light for humans and so cruel for
vampires. Her whole body is wrapped in pain as if it is burning hot.

- It may have been in the past, but it is different now. We are strong. Although
it is far short of that of the Blood King, it is enough to slaughter humans. But
why don't you go out?

In the distant mind, Kelly Dan recalled a memory of the past that he did not know

When the Blood King stopped his plan to destroy the kingdom of humans and enslave
them, he dared to raise his voice to him.

It was a disrespect that should never be done to the ancestors, but at that time,
Kelridan was in a state of scorching hatred towards humans. By preventing revenge
against humans, he could never see the Blood King as good.

And as if he understood his heart, the blood king did not blame him for his

-Don't ignore humans. Although their individual strength may be weak, the
collective strength of the group is not weak either. And above all else, didn't
they have a hero? stay away from warriors They deal with miracles.

- What makes a hero so great! Aren't you an arrogant person who at least got some
power from the goddess?! We have been preparing for a long time. miracle? If you
kill them before they even wake you up, that's enough!!

Looking at the evil Kelridan, the Blood King said with a sad expression on his

-Do you know why miracles are called miracles?

The light dimmed and my vision returned.

Kelridan was lying on the rubble of a collapsing street shop building.

The vampires that came into his eyes with difficulty raising his head were
significantly reduced than before.

Where all the vampires that filled the square had gone, only the Lords and some
high-ranking vampires remained.

Even those who remained were not well.

If you lie face down and just vomit blood, you are a yangban. Part or most of
their body had burned to black, or there were many who were on the verge of passing
their breath.

Kelidan, staring blankly at them, realized that the sun's rays were stinging their

Looking up at the sky, I could see why.

The blackened sun no longer exists.

The sun was shining bright as usual and the sky was blue.

When I lowered my head again in vain, I saw Cloud standing tall with the sword on
the floor.

For a brief moment, Kelridan looked like Cloud and the Blood King.

- It's called a miracle because it's an irrational force that turns a perfect plan
and all unfavorable situations.

Kellydon smirked.

“Is this the miracle he was talking about?”

It is an organization that has been carefully nurtured for hundreds of years.

Confusion caused by a fight between the heroes and a portal that suddenly
It was a genius chance.

A black sun was created by the arrangement of the kingdom of Alitia, which was
stolen by Gith, and drove in an instant so that there was no room for the enemies
to defend.

It was the perfect plan.

Everything was perfect and the plan was on the verge of success.

it turned over

Due to the only human being called a hero.

What if this is not a miracle?

“It’s unreasonable. It’s really absurd.”

How can we not say that it is unreasonable to destroy a tower that he has worked
hard to build for his life so easily just because he was chosen by the goddess?

Perhaps even the Blood King knew this would eventually happen.

So that must have been a warning to him.

“What a fucking world it is.”

Kelridan chuckled, grabbing the crumbling piece of wood and getting up. Her broken
body screamed and her bones rang, but she didn't care.

He gathered all the power he had and the power he didn't have to create a giant
bloody sword.

However, even after making it, he didn't even have the strength to lift it, so he
dragged his sword on the floor and walked towards Cloud.

Little by little, as he got closer to Cloud, something simmered in Kelly's chest.

There is no need to wrap it in old-fashioned words.

This was anger.

This was jealousy.

Kelridan, who was about five feet away from Cloud, swung his sword with an ugly
contortion in his face.


The blood bayonet was split in half by the holy sword.

After that, the holy sword is swung once again.

Seeing that dazzling work, Kelly Dan smiled fleetingly.

“Damn it...”

Kelridan's neck flew through the sky.

Silence pervades the square. A vampire spitting blood, a vampire groaning from a
serious burn, whether injured or not, everyone stared at Kelly's neck as it flew

tuk. Thumbs up...

Kelridan's head, which had been rolling on the floor, soon turned to ashes and
crumbled. As her ashes were blown away by the wind, the vampires who had been
wallowing with her wounds screamed as if they had been stabbed by her wretched eros
and rushed to Cloud.

It seems that Kelidan's death was a very outrageous thing for them, seeing that
they fight with evil and endure pain without taking care of their injuries.

Or maybe he gave up thinking that there was no more hole to get out of.

Either way, it had nothing to do with the cloud. He calmly cut down the vampires
that attacked him one by one.

Another lord who tried to run away while the other vampires were dying, Delta was
also slaughtered, leaving only Haley and her family.

At the moment when Cloud's holy sword shone out, Haley, who had hidden her power,
was able to spread a powerful shield and survived her family members.

Cloud said looking up at the vampires still floating in the sky.

“Will you come down? Or will I run?”


Haley descended quietly and landed on the floor. After her, other vampires also
landed on the ground, and Cloud grinned at them.

'Look at these...'

Maybe it was because she wasn't active in the fight from the beginning, but Haley
and her powers didn't do much damage.

So much so that a second round could unfold at any moment.

Haley, if she wants it, that's it.

In fact, the vampires' eyes looking at Cloud weren't pretty either.

“Ophelia. Healing the wounded... Ah, doing it.”

Cloud, who was about to order Ophelia to heal the wounded, was embarrassed to see
her already with Katarina taking care of the wounded.

'I don't think I need help.'

The holy magic he used was not only intended to attack vampires, but also to heal
the wounded.

Otherwise, there was no need to cross over the square and cover the entire city
with divine power.
In any case, the person who was exposed to the light would at least not die from
worsening injuries.

Clearing his worries, Cloud turned his attention to Haley.

A pale beauty with silver hair reaching her waist.

With her long and curvy body, she was looking at him at the same eye level as

Cloud waited for her action instead of moving first.

What choice will the last remaining vampire Lord make in this situation?

will you resist? or surrender?

Cloud's curiosity was soon dissipated.

Haley, she knelt down and bowed her head.

“Please save me.”

* * *

Haley was optimistic when the leaders of the Social Reading Society first
suggested turning the human world upside down.

Like them, she is also a noble nobility of the night.

The lack of good memories of humans also played a part.

At some point, however, she began to feel uneasy about the plan of the social
reading meeting.

The reason can be found in the struggle that was held in the Kingdom of Alicia a
few years ago.

That day, the cloud

The spirit of the final was overwhelming. It was a short time, but enough to
confuse it with the spirit of the Blood King. Maybe a mere human is like a blood
It was unlikely that he had a soul, but it was true that he was concerned.

So, he sent his subordinates to monitor him and try to find out his identity, but
the sending was unsuccessful.

The first Krapa sent was kicked out full of drugs, and those sent after that never

By that time, Haley felt a sense of crisis as well.

To the extent that I think I need to get rid of this anxiety by killing Cloud
before it grows.

But that was impossible.

Even though he was despised for being incompetent at the time, the hero was a

When a hero dies, all human nations, including the Empire, move.
Especially the Platinum Knights.
If they, who boast of the empire's greatest military power, came running in broad
daylight, wielding a silver sword blessed by a priest, no one could stop them
except the Blood King.

Even if the Lords survive, the organization they built will collapse.

If so, how about conciliating him instead of killing him?

It was also impossible.

The hero supported by the Sadokhoe, Gis, was nothing less than an enemy of the
incapacitated Heaven to Cloud.
The social reading group that supported such a gisu would also consider Cloud as
an enemy.

Sponsor anonymously to leave the light behind?

He tried, but he has not received any support since he was left alone.

There is no right way.

I had no choice but to give a warning, so I told the Lords about the dangers of
the person named Cloud.

The rods snorted and flowed through one ear.

Quantum ordered Gis not to touch Cloud. Gis disobeyed the order as if it was
natural and provoked him.

From that point on, Haley felt cramped.

It's a ship that is sure to sink, but it feels like being pushed back by the crew
and forced to get on the ship.

Of course, Haley didn't want to die.

I've lived for a long time, but that's not a reason to give up on survival.

Reluctantly, she found a way to live alone and took action.

First, he withdrew from the fierce struggle for power of the Sadogghoe. The more
power you have, the better, but nothing more important than your life. She also
sparsely participated in the 'plan' meetings and cut her support for him in half.

He also distanced himself from his adopted son, Gis.

He tried to meet her somehow, but Haley refused them all.

Of course, I couldn't completely sever ties with the Social Reading Society.
Because maybe they could win.

Therefore, she became an in-between, taking one step on each side.

A position where you have nothing to lose even if you win or lose.
And in terms of the result, her choice was half right.

Now that Cloud doesn't hit her on the neck right away.

But just because you're alive right now doesn't mean everything is resolved.

“Why do I have to save you?”

She was still on the single line.

If you screw up, you die.

Haley kept her composure and opened her mouth.

“I warn you in advance that what I am saying from now on is not like a threat.”

“What are you going to say… Tell me.”

“I am protecting all the women who were in the Imperial Palace at the time of the

Cloud frowned.

“Do you think it’s a threat?”


EP.205 bad luck

Underneath the huge temple dedicated to Iries.

The women of the imperial palace who had disappeared were hidden there. The
composition of the women varied, including maids, the wives of the Viscount, the
wife of the count, and the wife of the duke.

If they had one thing in common, they were all murmuring with an anxious

-What's going on with this, won...

- Can you survive?
- Iries-sama, please take care of the Empire...

Several women glanced at the vampires guarding the entrance to the basement.
The eyes weren't pretty.
From the women's point of view, they were the bad guys who invaded the Imperial
Palace and imprisoned them in a place like this.

In fact, Haley's kin were protecting the women from other vampires.

However, they didn't know that, and the vampires didn't even bother to say it.
There is no other emotion as convenient as fear in dealing with humans.

'What's going on...'

And Laurenne was also one of the women who trembled with anxiety. She rolled her
eyes, trying to understand the situation.

'I don't think you're going to harm us right now...'

If I had thought of that, I would have harmed him in the Imperial Palace without
having to bother dragging him all the way here.
'Is the situation hiding us when we see them taking turns?'

If you hide it from what?

Why did you do this in the first place?

There was too little information to infer anything. Ignorance soon returned to
fear, and fear caused stress.

Laurenne instinctively wrapped her arms around her stomach.

Now, even if it is called a pregnant woman, it is not awkward to call her a belly.

'No matter what happens, you have to protect your child.'

A warm hand sat on the back of her hand, trembling with determination.

Surprised, she turned her head to see a beautiful blue-silver haired woman with
warm eyes.

“Are you worried?”

“Wow, Empress…! That, that…”

"it's okay. It's natural to be worried. Who can stay calm in a situation like


“Nevertheless, trust us once and wait. There are a lot of talented and strong
people out there, right? It will be fine.”

Empress, she said with a classical smile. The other women, influenced by that
smile, gradually regained their composure.

As the Empress said, the strong army of the Empire is standing outside.

Among them were men and women.

Thinking of their reliable lover or husband, they controlled the creeping fear.

But Laurene couldn't.

Because the man who was supposed to protect her wasn't here right now.


The man who was superior to the man of any woman here was not here because he was
so good.

It was a time when I bit my lips tightly with a sad heart.


A scream was heard from the stairs.

“What, what’s going on!?”

spying on women
The vampires rushed up the stairs. But even after they went up, the screaming did
not stop. The desperate scream continued for a long time, and the scream
When he disappeared, only the sound of trudging down the stairs echoed through the

The women shed tears of joy, thinking that the Imperial Army had come to their

Dirty bloody bastards died well, did you do this by knowing who I was, don't think
about dying nicely, etc.

Excited voices erupted from everywhere.

The Empress also breathed a sigh of deep relief, probably because she was very
afraid inside.

Meanwhile, only Laurenne swallowed her saliva and kept her tension.

Although she is now only a pregnant woman, she was once active as a warrior's
companion. So she could notice the bizarreness of the fight that had just taken

'I heard the vampires yelling and screaming, but I couldn't hear the other
person's voice.'

Perhaps the knights overwhelmingly defeated the vampires without even having to
speak up.

However, Lauren was well aware that reality did not flow so conveniently. It
wasn't the Imperial Army that came down the stairs as she expected.

“When I asked where they went, they were all gathered here.”

Werewolf assassins appeared, flapping their blood-soaked black robes.

The women were perplexed.

They weren't fools either, so I knew they weren't the Imperial Army. Looking at
their cold faces, it didn't look like they had come to rescue them.

Thanks to this, the momentum of the women who had been majestic was quickly

While they crouched and looked around, the last vampire left in the basement came

“It’s like Sigrid-sama’s assassination. How many Georges?”

One of the assassins answered by a giant 2m tall.

“It’s Article 1.”

“You are the captain. Are you moving under Sigrid-sama’s orders?”

"no. We are moving under Gis-sama's orders. He told us to find the women who
disappeared from the palace.”

"...we are moving and monitoring them at Haley-sama's orders."

You are obeying the orders of someone higher than the one who commanded you. So
turn it off Head 1 nodded at the words with such a meaning.
"I know."


“I said I knew. Mr. Krapa.”

The captain swung his sword and spit blood from the blade.

“Our master is very fond of Haley-sama and her blood relatives, who were passive
in their plans. The same goes for other rods. As soon as the plan is finished,
Haley-sama’s blood relatives were to be organized.”

Nine assassins, including the captain, posed with their weapons in their hands.

“It won’t be a big deal if it gets sorted out a little earlier.”

“You guys…”

Seeing the assassins ready for battle, Krapa sharpened his teeth.

He is one of Haley's strongest kin. However, he was not strong enough to fight
against the elite assassination unit of the Zadok Society, and even the entire
first group of Sigrid's assassination.

I could take one or two companions to the underworld, but that was the limit.

Krapa slowly turned her head to look at the women.

"What's the matter, this...?"

"scratch..? Why is he looking for us?”
“That man is crazy and horny for women! Ooh, you're going to tease us...!"

The women suddenly fell in fear when the name of Gis was mentioned in a strangely
flowing situation.

Even the calm empress lost her composure and her eyes were trembling.

... Judging by reason, it was right to give up on them and retreat.

Because he cannot sacrifice his noble life for the sake of a human being.

But he couldn't back down.

- The safety of our hostages depends on the survival of our blood relatives. Don't
leave it to you.

Because it was an order that Haley-sama gave directly, saying that it contained
the safety of the blood relatives.
I had to protect it even if I had to die.

When Krapa showed signs of using blood magic, the 1st team leader smiled and
raised his hand.

Seeing this, the women trembled.

What happened after this was so easy to predict.

Laurenne also gripped the dagger for self-defense and breathed heavily.

The captain lowered his hand.

“Assassination Article 1. Eliminate Krapa and all the women…”

The captain turned his body to the side without speaking. 🤩 A memorization from
behind brushed his cheeks. The leader swung his sword in the direction the
memorization flew.


A gigantic blade of a sword hit his neck and hit the short sword that came in.

The master of the sword did not resist the power of the great sword that was
wielded and accepted it as it was. Flying behind her, she sprinted against her wall
and tumbled her back to land opposite the assassins.

Only then were the women able to take a closer look at the person who attacked the

A black-haired girl wearing a black robe similar to the assassins.


Laurenne opened her eyes and muttered. Hearing that little voice, Shedia turned
her head and waved her hand with her characteristic fierce expression.

“Cloud ordered me to come to the rescue!”

Seeing something like a child, Laurenne smiled mischievously. She is a child with
certain skills, even though she looks like that. Lorenne loosened her tension and
put down her dagger, which she was holding tightly.

“That’s right… Cloud is back…”

You tried to protect me and not forget me.

Tears welled up in Lauren's eyes. As she sniffled, Shedia tilted her head.


“Who’s crying, huh, cry…”

“Isn’t it my fault that I cry? You can't tell Cloud later!"

“Because I’m not crying…”

Lauren snorted.

* * *

Laurenne wasn't the only one surprised by Shedia's sudden appearance.

“Were you still alive? I expected it... But why did you show up now? If I had
succeeded in getting out of the eyes of the organization, it would have been better
to live in hiding for the rest of my life.”

At the question of the leader of Assassination Group 1, Shedia's gaze turned to

the leader. She narrowed her brow and tilted her head.

"Who is it?"
“...the leader of the first assassination group, first.”

"first? It's an odd name."

“It’s just a number given so that seniors can easily identify it, not a name.”

“Isn’t that a name?”


First firmly denied Shedia's words.

“We have not been given names. You are the only werewolf that was given a name.”

Shedia is the only one who can handle Shadow Secret, a vampire's actual secret

She received special treatment among the werewolves.

“When you disappeared, it was quite noisy inside the social reading club.
Kellidan, who took you out, has been severely reprimanded.”

“Did you?”

Shedia asked with an innocent face.

First sighed with a smirk on his face.

“It’s a werewolf who was given a name for something like that… Whoa, I guess I’ll
have to obey my orders.”

First took a silver bell from his pocket.

Servant of domination.
Werewolves, who have been 'educated' since childhood, automatically enter a state
of waiting for orders when they hear the bell ring.

It was originally a tool used by vampires to control the werewolves, but after
Shedia's disappearance, the captains of each group were granted special possession.

One day, when I met Shedia, to bring her back.

First rang the bell.

Daughter and daughter~.

A clear sound echoed through the basement.
The werewolves' ears pricked up when they heard the bell. First was no exception.
Fortunately, he rang the bell himself, so it did not lead to a state of waiting for

He said.

“Shedia. I forbid you to engage in hostilities towards the 1st assassination

group. Also, from now on, you will be organized into Team 1 and carry out my


“Follow… what?”

Shedia spoke out loud so he could understand. First's expression darkened. He

waved the bell again and ordered Shedia.

“You don’t like it?”

But what came back was the word of refusal.

“Hey, how is this...?”

The effect of the Servant of Domination is absolute for werewolves who have been

There have been many werewolves who have dreamed of freedom and treason, but they
all knelt before this servant.

without a single exception.

But the exception has now appeared before his eyes.

First's eyes fluttered wildly.

Shedia placed her hands on her waist and spread her chest, and naturally became a
posture emphasizing the moonstone necklace. The werewolves' eyes widened when they
saw the moonstone.

“Is that a moonstone?”


"I heard it's very precious... Why do you have it?"

“I worked hard and got it from Cloud!”

Shedia said with a proud smile.

Werewolves were ridiculous. Aside from working for the heroes of other kingdoms,
it was hard to understand that she worked hard to get her moonstone.

If it was possible to get moonstones just like that, all of the 1st assassination
groups here should have been wearing moonstone necklaces.

Their expressions of embarrassment were frowned upon.

"...okay. If you had the moonstone, it makes sense to show up now. However, it is
a wrong judgment to have appeared nonetheless.”

First beckoned to the crew. The crew members who received the signal began to

“The moonstone is said to prevent mind control, but in the end, it is only a
possession that is lost if it is taken away.”

It is true that Shedia receives special treatment, but that is because she knows
how to use shadow magic.

Of course, the force is also strong, but even the individual members of the 1st
Assassination Team are not pushed.
They thought so, and it didn't take long for them to realize that they were wrong.

“… take it?”

Shedia's mood changed. Her innocent face turned cold and she shot a ferocious life
around her.

“My moonstone?”

A cold gaze passed through the first set. Every time her eyes met, the members
trembled in surprise.

Something is wrong.

By the time instinct gave the warning, it was already too late.

A long one-edged sword slowly emerged from Shedia's shadow. A single blade without
a cross guard separating the handle and the blade. The moment she grabbed the
handle of her single blade, the lanterns that lit her basement went out all at

"...no way."

A colleague whom the cloud trusts.
And the basis for supporting that trust included her overwhelming inaction.

EP.206 Mismatch

While Cloud and Shedia were fighting each other, Neria was also fighting her own.


Neria's sword swung vigorously through the air. Just as Gisu was about to pierce
the dagger with a grin, a white lion aimed at the nape of his neck and thrust his


Gis gasped and stepped back. After evading the attack of the white lion that was
chasing him with quick movements, he inserted a dagger into the lion's neck.

A single white lion dispersed into particles, and he hid in the particles and
threw two daggers.


The dagger was pierced precisely between the white lion's forehead.
The two white lions that were picked and fell flew away as particles like the
white lions that died earlier.

Gis immediately drew a new dagger. But by then, Neria had already summoned a new
white lion.
Gis clicked his tongue when he saw the white lions threatening with their fangs

“Is it the Lion King’s armor? It's very annoying, that's it."

Instead of responding to his murmuring, Neria took out a potion of mana and poured
it into her mouth. The white lion was useful in many ways, but it also ate a lot of

Not a wizard or a magic swordsman, but an ordinary knight, so it was quite

burdensome for her.

Because of that, I had to bring a lot of expensive mana potions.

It's a shame because Cloud lent the money, otherwise she would have been defeated
by Gis, who ran out of mana.

“By the way, as far as I know the armor was ripped from Lorian by Guy Cloud, so
why are you wearing it? You can't even use it effectively."

Gis, who had been muttering alone, said as if he had realized something, holding
his palms together.

"Aha! It’s for a girlfriend who is weak and weak, and Cloud gave it to me!”


“It would be good. Did you receive a precious gift from your lover?”

"...Shut up!!"

Today's cloud
not the cloud The real cloud is dead. Because of none other than Gis and Neria. Of
course, Gis had no way of knowing that, but he
The very fact that he uttered such words made her burst out in anger.

Neria left her seat and ran towards Gis.

Gis giggled.

'I fell for such a cheap provocation. After all, she's still a bitch.'

There is no easier enemy than an enemy who dares to attack.

She licked her bruised lips as she looked at Neria running forward with her shield
held forward.

'Now, how do you cook it?'

First, cut the tendons in the legs to make them lose their mobility. Then that
bitch will panic and put the lions ahead. The lions themselves are not that strong,
so kill them in an instant and take the potion that Neria has.
After that, it's fun to play with.

It was the time when Gis took the dagger in reverse and tried to put his thoughts
into action. Neria slammed her front paw to her ground abruptly and braked her body
as she rushed forward.

The stone paved road was cut away and bounced into the air. Neria struck them with
her shield and flew them to Gith.

The flying stone fragments obscured Gis' vision.

“What is this...”

Gis frowned and struck the flying stones with his arms. The first thing that
caught my eye as soon as my vision opened was Neria's sword swung in an oblique

“Is it the same thing?”

Neria's sword strike touched the blade of the dagger and flowed softly. During the
brief gap that resulted from that, Gis took out the poison stinger that had been
stuck between her molars and spit it out.

The poison applied to his saliva was extracted from the fangs of the Silver

A poison that is one step more poisonous than the poison of the Cockatrice that I
used before.

Even if I was poisoned, even strong Neria wouldn't be able to survive, but...


Fortunately, she turned her head to avoid the sting.

“Let’s see if we can avoid the next one.”

Gis bit his lip and lowered his posture.

Take a step with your right foot and move your back foot to rotate your body. A
stab with rotational force. Neria raised her shield to block it, but she was pushed
back by a strong impact.


I only blocked one stab with my shield, but my arm is tingling.

As Cloud said, the physical abilities of the hero Gis and the ordinary human Neria
were extremely different. If you fight normally, you can survive, but you won't be
able to win.

But Neria had a way to get through this unfavorable fight.

- If you look and move, it's too late. Read the moves.

A word that Cloud always emphasized during training.

Neria lowered her shield and looked ahead. Gisu's right shoulder shakes.


Neria immediately bowed down, and the dagger pierced the spot where her shoulder
had been.
As I leaned down, my gaze naturally went down, but Gisu's two legs were fixed, and
the dagger striking from the bottom up was also invisible.

-Dagger down, or knee kick.

To counter both attacks, Neria threw herself to the side. Raising her body as she
rolled over her floor, she confirmed her attack by her gibber.

It was a dagger slash with the reverse.

“…you didn’t just play around, did you?”

Gis had a slightly startled expression on his face.

You only dodged a few attacks, but you look like that. How did she usually ignore
her, so she reacts like that?

But Neria decided not to feel bad again.

What matters is the result.

“I don’t have any talent, but I have to work hard. is not it?"

That's why I don't like sarcastic words like that.

“Ah, was there still one thing you were good at?”

that word.

“Sucking a dick. That one is really amazing.”

that word.

“You must have tasted that cloud bastard by now, right? Yes, what do you say?”

Those words...

“You ask. How did Cloud feel about your fellatio practiced with my dick? What
feelings did you spit out?”

...to ignore it.

I have to ignore it and focus on the fight...

That's not going to happen.

Every time Gis puts Cloud's name in his mouth or makes a vulgar sound along with
his name, his body heats up and his chest twists and squeezes.

Right now, I want to tear that spout into eight pieces and set it on fire.

But since I don't have the ability to do that, I hold on tight.

But she couldn't fully control her anger. Seeing the strength in her hand gripping
her handle, and blood in her eyes, she smirked with a grin.

“You guys haven’t done it yet? Anyway, Cloud, you bastard, I'm afraid he's not an

"Shut up! More cloud-”

It was the moment when Neria, who could not stand it, opened her mouth. As if she
had been waiting for that moment, Gis kicked the seat.


It wasn't unexpected, so I wasn't too upset. However, it is also true that he was
a little late in responding.


Gith's kick cuts through the wind.

'It's too late to avoid.'

Can not help it.

should be blocked
Neria moved her shield to the track where the kick was flying.


dull in shield
At the same time as the sound, Neria lost her center of gravity. She is Neria, who
in the first place was pushed behind her with just the sting of Gith. full of power
If I lost my focus for a while without falling over on the kick, it could be said
that I made a good move.

The problem is that no one notices her save like that.

Having regained her body's center of gravity, she hastily looked at Gis.

-Rotate turn kick.

Gis was about to launch a new kick by rotating his body right after kicking. Neria
hurriedly pulled her to the side.


Gith's toe brushed past Neria's mane.

- Back kick.

As soon as she stepped on her foot, she turned around and avoided the back kick by
tilting her upper body back. Her heels brushed past the bridge of her nose.

His nose was ringing and blood was dripping from one nostril.

I've only skimmed it, but that's it. It was clear that he was not allowed to take
a hit.

Neria, awakened by the alarm sent by her instincts, began to read Gith's attack.

It's not that difficult to read the attack if the opponent is a geese, even if you
don't know about it.

It's thanks to Cloud's practice of mimicking Gith's fighting style almost


If she fights hundreds of thousands of times, she will do what is called learning.
- Heading down. Dagger attack after centering. upper left cut. A stab in the
center of the chest. Rotating and slashing diagonally.

Gith's movements were clearly read in Neria's eyes.

The problem is that she can read movements, but her body is slow.

Now, let alone attack, she was in a hurry just to dodge Gith's attack. With just
one mistake, she was almost at risk of being hit, and she was in a dangerous state.

Even if he tried to escape somehow, Gisu's offensive had no sign of ending.

I tried to create a gap using the white lions, but the smooth succession aimed at
both Neria and the White Lion at the same time.

Neria could dodge it, but she's not a white lion.

The lions continued to die, and in the process of dying and reviving, Neria ran
out of mana. Mana potions were practically non-existent because they could not even
afford to drink.


If this goes on and on, and if she makes one more mistake...

'It's over.'

Injured, she will be teased and harassed to death.

Neria, who had been thinking about it up to that point, grinded her teeth.

'...that's never going to happen.'

What mindset have you been training with so far?

What made you sharpen your will to be broken again?

'Take at least one eyeball.'

If all goes well, even an arm.

I'm going to create a disability and make it annoying and painful for the rest of
my life.

It was training for that in the first place, the equipment for it, and the life I
lived for it.

It was the moment when she was determined to use her 'trump card'.


The brilliance that started in the center of the city quickly spread to the
periphery, covering Gis, Neria, and even the entire city.

Their vision was obscured by the white brilliance.


Gisu's confused voice.

Of course, the offensive also stopped.
It was an opportunity for her.

Neria unlocked the power contained in the armor.

Crackle chuckle.
The armor emitted white mana and changed its form.

Helmet's visor
Descending, the sharp, angled iron plate of the lion's face obscured her face. Her
white mane fluttered with condensed mana, and her gauntlets
Nails that could tear anything apart grew, and the seams of the armor, which had
been weak points, were covered with condensed mana, making them no longer weak

The Lion King's armor exerts its true power.

Neria trembled at the mighty power she felt throughout her body.

If this is it, it will reach

You can cross walls you never thought you could reach.


The brilliance that had engulfed the city faded and vision returned.

Gis rubbed his eyes and looked at Neria and frowned as if he had seen something

“What the fuck? That armor also had a transformation function—”

Neria leapt as soon as she saw Gis. She swept past Gis at a speed that she
couldn't even compare with before.


Drops of blood dripped from her gauntlets. Neria turned her head. I could see her
blood dripping from the wound on her cheek just below Gith's eyes.

“I was trying to dig out my eyeball.”

She clicked her tongue in disappointment.

EP.207 Mismatch

Gis ran his fingers through the scar on his cheek.

When I saw the blood on my fingers, I burst out laughing.

“Are you going to dig out my eyeballs?”


Neria leapt vigorously. Her new form disappeared at the same time as her floor
cracked and stones were flying.
When the new model reappeared, her gauntlet and Gith's dagger were facing each

“I’m going to rip off not only the eyeballs, but also the arms and legs.”

Neria said while glaring at Gis.

The vitality of her body that was created by releasing the lion king's armor was
enough to boost her confidence.

Neria twisted her wrist to push the dagger, then thrust her pointed gauntlet

Gisu tilted his head to the side to avoid it with minimal movement, and
immediately tried to counterattack, but Neria's follow-up hit forced him to

She wasn't going to miss him.

Neria, who persistently followed up, continued the offensive. The claws of the
gauntlets, covered in white mana, pierced the wind with a ferocious sound and
rushed to the Gith.

It was a savage attack method that did not use a sword or shield, but she did not
care, as her reason was eroded by the freed armor.

And on the contrary, it worked because it was that way.

Because it was difficult to predict the movement of the raw animal rather than the
standardized swordsmanship. It was the only way to avoid it.

'It drives me to the wall like this.'

Even if it was moth-eaten, it didn't mean she had completely lost her temper. With
her remaining ray of reason, Neria devised a way to deliver the final blow.

Gis rushed to the wall, and his back slammed against the wall, leaving a hole in
his asshole body for a brief moment.

Whoo! Whoo!

In order to make the plan a success, his sharp claws slashed through the air.


Gis took a step back to avoid the attack and hit the back of his head against the


Neria extended her claws while focusing much of the armor's energy on her right
arm. Her target is the heart. Pulling out her eyeballs, plucking out her arms, or
anything else, it was best to kill her in the end.


Nails rip through the flesh.

Neria was sure of her victory and the moment her lips were about to rise-

Her body bounced off the strong reaction force.

She bounced off and stuck her nails on the floor to keep it from flying away.


Only after ten straight lines of about 5 meters were drawn on the floor, Neria was
able to pull herself up. As she tried to get her body up, she frowned at her
throbbing sensation.

Still, he endured the pain and lifted his head.

“Damn bitch… are you going to make me use this?”

Gis, who spoke irritably, looked different from before. The whites of her eyes
were stained red, and the veins and tendons on her body had swelled up to the point
of being unsightly.

Neria narrowed her eyebrows at that strange look.

“Hurry up. I want to kill you.”

Gis wiggled his hand, but Neria only looked at him and didn't move. She was too
hasty to decide that there was nothing good for him to move.

“Aren’t you coming? Baby, I was scared.”

Gis giggled abruptly turned his head and jumped out of his seat. Koo! A louder
sound resounded than when Neria leapt.

Neria turned her head sideways in surprise at the sharply increased speed of Gith.


The tip of the dagger brushed past the helmet.

No, it passed.
The red dagger tore the lion king's helmet so easily.

While Neria panicked at the new light hole in the helmet, Gith's opposite hand
moved. The dagger that rose from below cut through her breastplate and helmet at
the same time.

Neria's eyes widened.

'You cut this helmet so easily?!'

Regardless of whether this makes sense or not, if you don't do anything right
away, you'll die. Neria did not ignore the alarm sent by her instincts. She once
swung the claws of both her hands simultaneously to drive away her gis.

Instead of retreating, Gis pushed her away with the palm of his right hand where
the dagger was placed.

Neria flew away as she was pushed and broke into the building. Trapped on a table
in her building, she flinched as she coughed and vomited blood.

The handprints were clearly engraved on the breastplate.

“What a monster...”

Had the internal organs been damaged?

Every time he tried to move his body, he was engulfed in pain that twisted his

I took a deep breath and tried to stand up somehow, but the gas broke through the
dust generated by the collapse of the wall of the building.

he asked mockingly.

“You didn’t think you could win, did you?”

Am I asking because I'm really curious, or am I just being sarcastic?

Neither one felt good.
Neria, who was far away from this, ran towards Gis, ignoring even the pain in her

"what? Was it real?”

Gis giggled as he saw Neria rushing at him, and kicked her leg as soon as he saw
her suddenly put her foot on the floor.

It wasn't like he was going to get hit twice by the same technique.

He lost focus and kicked Neria's head as she fell.


With the sound of the metal being crushed, the helmet that boasted a sharp angle
fell off.

“Wake up your dream. There's no way you can defeat me with some good armor. I
don't know if it's a Cloud cub or a Lorian cub."

"Shut up!"

“You have to shut up.”

Gis grabbed Neria's neck.

Neria never saw the process, and the cost was brutal.


Neria's head fell to the floor. A strong shock shakes her skull. Gis didn't stop,
and smashed Neria's face in the face with her fist.

A dull sound resounded every time a fist pounded on her face, but fortunately,
there were no incidents that caused Neria's face to be crushed or her to lose

It's because of Gis's moderate power control. The blood technique he used puts a
lot of strain on the body. Thanks to this, Gis couldn't fight Cloud in an intact
state, and he was quite upset about it.

Because of that, I didn't want to kill Neria so easily.

He grabbed Neria's hair and lifted her head up.

“It’s not that I don’t have a bad face.”

The problem is that the stomach is sick.

Gis giggled and asked Neria.

“Hey, do you want to live?”


“Did you lose your ear…”

Gis punched Neria's abdomen with her fist. Her armor shattered and pierced her
stomach. Gis asked again only after her stomach was ragged by shards of her
shattered armor.

“Do you want to live?”


This time he thrust the dagger into her thigh. As she twisted her dagger, her
flesh was torn apart, and her bones were also broken.


Neria broke out in a cold sweat and let out a painful moan.

“Do you want to live?”


Neria picks her breath and doesn't answer.

Gis lowered the dagger stuck in her thigh all the way down.
Her thighs dig deep, and Neria's groan intensified.

After that, Geese's sadistic behavior continued for a long time.

She would have stopped if Neria had been begging her to live, but she didn't, and
after a while her appearance changed to nonsense.

Muscles were torn to pieces and bones were shattered. Her skin, covered in her
blood, added to her pitiful look to her still pitiful look.

Even in such a state, when Neria did not break her stubbornness, Gis became a
little nervous.

Neria said she wanted to save her life and saw the creeps and was planning to
provoke Cloud with it, but that didn't work out.

Of course, you could just kill him and provoke him with a lie, but that didn't fit
Gith's temper.

'Useless stubbornness...'

Yes, it would only increase the pain.

It was around the time when Gisu, who had grown annoyed to the limit, was thinking
about just killing him.
Neria grabbed his wrist.


she said muttering. It was a very small voice, so I couldn't hear it well, but Gis
was sure. Finally she fell.

"what? I can not hear well."


Perhaps it was because of the torture he had done earlier, Neria's voice was full
of power.

Gis chuckled.

“What are you telling me to stop? this? Or this?”

When he asked, pricking her thigh with the tip of a dagger, Neria said still in a
weak voice.

"help me..."

When he heard what he wanted, Gis couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.
After a long laugh, she grabbed her hair and made her bow her head up.

“Do you want to live? Yes, I'll spare you if you want. But what am I supposed to
get to save the bitch who tried to kill me? I mean, it's the least sincere."


“What? hey? Chew?”

Gis tapped Neria's cheek with her hand. Neria asked, pushing her hand away.

“…what do you want?”

“Is there only one more thing I might want from you? Suck it, bitch.”


Neria, who understood the meaning, slowly lowered her head. Gis clicked her tongue
when she saw her hazy eyes and bluish lips.

'Have you bothered me too much?'

She looked insane, perhaps because she had shed too much blood. It's not fun to
play with her in her hazy state.

It was at the moment when Gis was about to sigh as he felt a hand stroking his


A tingling sensation came up as if pierced by a needle.

Gis frowned and looked down, seeing a dagger piercing his thigh.

To say that it was stabbed, it was only in a state of slightly piercing his hard

Neria was spinning her dagger, trying to somehow break through his hard muscles.

'I wanted to hear you, but were you making up something like this?'

Such an obvious and useless thing?

Geese is awesome
No, I couldn't speak well. So she just slapped. Neria bounces off the floor like a
swallowtail and flies away. Her geese offended her
decided to kill It was the moment when I was about to stand up for the finish.


His body staggered with a tingling sensation in his head. He immediately tried to
center his body, but even that didn't work.

In the meantime, the dripping coffee.


It was the time when Gis panicked while wiping the non-stop nosebleed.


laughter was heard.

Gis turned his head in the direction the sound came from.

“Hahaha..! Ahahahahaha-!!!!”

Seeing him puzzled, Neria was holding her belly button and laughing.

Making eye contact with Gis, she stopped laughing and raised the corners of her


The smile that was covered in blood and wounds was bizarre, not strange.

“What trick did you do..?”

Gis gripped his staggering body and said as if swallowing his anger.

“Are you guessing? It's poison."

“Funny! I can't just be addicted to poison! I must have done another trick…”

“Oh, don’t ask me if you don’t believe me.”

“This bitch has a pierced mouth!”

Gis strode towards Neria. A haze spread before his eyes, and his body staggered
from time to time as his head was dizzy. Neria looked at her and smiled.

I couldn't help but laugh.

The man who molested her to satisfy my filthy desires. The enemy who took away
her happy future and the most precious person.

He was such a hated man that he wanted to tear his limbs to death, but he was
also afraid as much as he did.

A piece of trash that scares her so that she can't even dream of revenge.

Such a person is showing such a ridiculous appearance right now, how can they
not laugh without laughing?

So Neria smiled endlessly even when Gisu, who had approached her, kicked her
and trampled her neck with her feet.

"Heh heh... heh heh heh..."

Her throat tightened and she choked, but she couldn't stop laughing. Seeing
Neria's smile, Gis got tired of it.

“She sounds like a madman… You must have an antidote, right?”

Anyone who handles poison, of course, carries an antidote for that poison.
Because he doesn't know when he himself will fall victim to his own poison.
However, Neria spit out mocking words towards Gis, who was telling a common-sense

“Are you there, you bastard?”

“...if you want to die, you have to do that. rest in peace I'll throw your body
as dog food."


What does the body after death have to do with her? If she had had Cloud's
grave, she would have wanted to be buried next to it, but he wasn't, so it didn't
matter what happened to her own body.


In her blurred consciousness, she suddenly remembered the face of a man. A

handsome man with red hair and well-equipped features. I missed that face with an
innocent smile that really suits her.

Even if it's just one last time, I want to see you and die.

But it would be impossible.

In the first place, Cloud looks the same, but inside is a different person.
Even if it was the real Cloud, she had no desire to meet him.

It would be beneficial to both of them to die quietly like this.

Having given up, she did not resist the approaching death. Her deafness becomes
deaf, power drains from her body, and her vision blurs.

Just like that, the chain of her life is about to be completely cut off.

The gig that was trampling on her neck was kicked by someone's foot and fell

Thanks to the breathing, Neria was able to breathe again. But the hiding was
very weak. She's like a candle that won't be strange when it goes out. She saw the
man she had tilted her head to kick her kick.


It was Cloud, whom she so desperately wanted to see, who kicked Giss and saved

Cloud took out a potion and handed it to Neria, who shook her head.

revenge is over

She had no reason to live any longer.

Perhaps he understood her heart, and Cloud did not force treatment. Gratitude
for his consideration, Neria looked at Cloud's face.

It's not ugly, and it has soft red eyes, a tall nose, and a slender jawline.

It was the face of a handsome young man by anyone, but Neria saw traces of his
boyhood there.

'When I was young, I was good-looking, but not to this level.'

If he had known that he would change like this, the girls in the village would
have tried to seduce him instead of tormenting him.

Of course, Neria was going to block it.

Neria smiled.

The fragments of the past she encountered once made her look back on more past
and memories.

And most of them were cloud related.

The mind is depressed and the consciousness is clouded.

Neria, who had lost her mind, saw the cloud in front of her as a real cloud,
even for a brief moment.

enough to take a breather for a moment.

Is that so?

Eventually she opened her mouth.


At first, I didn't want to talk.

Because her apology is nothing to listen to, just to make her feel comfortable.
Even so, when I saw Cloud's face, I couldn't help but say it.

“I thought I was doing well… I thought I could go back to normal if I tried…

but I wasn’t. I guess I'm overconfident of myself I ruined everything…”
No matter how cowardly it was to make her comfortable, even if he wasn't the
real Cloud, it felt like a great sin to die without a word of apology to Cloud, who
was hurt because of her.

“I’m really, really sorry… I love you… I love you… I love you the most in the
world, more than anyone else.”

The things I wanted to say but couldn't.

He squeezed them tightly and said.

Cloud, who listened silently, put a hand on her forehead when the confession
was over.

Neria smiled softly at the warmth she felt on her forehead.

"thank you..."

What I said to Han Ji-soo, not Cloud.

With those words, Neria's weak breathing stopped. Her blue eyes, which had
gleamed in her blue, sank, and her head drooped helplessly.

Cloud closed her eyes.

His hands gleamed white.

It was such a short moment that no one but him noticed.

“Tell that to yourself.”

Cloud smiled bitterly as she looked at Neria, whose soul had disappeared.

“You idiot.”

* * *

Gis, kicked by Cloud, could not stand up immediately. It was because of the
pain that seemed to burn his whole body and the heat that seemed to burn his head.

'Is this poison? Gill!'

Since she was adopted by her adoptive mother, she has consumed a lot of poison
and has developed a strong resistance to poison.

Even if it is a heinous poison, there is a limit to distracting him for a


This has already been tested with the poison of the Silver Serpent. Gith
assumed that he was not poisoned, but rather a cursed curse, and whipped his
trembling leg to barely stand up.

When he got up, Neria had already closed her eyes.

“Did you go back?”

Cloud nodded with a bitter expression.

“Bitch… when you lag behind, even if you lag behind, the curse is lifted and
you die.”

Gis clicked his tongue in annoyance, and Cloud tilted his head at that.
"curse? What curse?”

“The dagger that bitch stabbed at me. You put a curse on it. Isn't it?"

"dagger? Ah... that's a poison, not a curse."

“Damn… no, it’s done.”

Curse or poison, what does it matter now?

Cloud rushed to the center of the city and returned.
The black sun shines bright again.
Geese wasn't stupid enough to not know what this meant.

Kaak, huh.

Gis, who spit out the blood sputum from his mouth, held the dagger in reverse
and took a stance.

“It’s a waste of time. Come on, you bastard.”

“Can we fight?”

Cloud said, pointing to Gith's trembling limbs.

Gis snorted.

“What if we don’t fight? Are you going to let me go?”



Gis frowned as if hearing something he couldn't hear. Either way, Cloud took a
step towards Gis. Gis stepped back, but Cloud approached faster.

In the end, just as Gis gave up on falling back and was about to open his
mouth, Cloud grabbed him by the nape and slammed him down to the floor.

“Of course, it’s not like we’re sending them out in good condition.”

Cloud placed his hand in front of Gisu's belly button. Mana began to condense
on his hand, and Gis also thought something was wrong, but it was already too late.

Cloud's mana penetrated Gith's lower end.

The body that had been poisoned by the blood poison was a disgrace, and, of
course, the danjeon did not function properly either.

Originally, the heavily condensed mana would have blocked the intrusion of
external mana, but the broken Danjeon accepted the incoming mana as it is.


The lower front is cracked and the mana that filled it flows down. Cloud's
mana, which broke the lower end, climbed up the middle battle and destroyed even
the upper level battle that had not yet been opened, and even twisted the optimized
mana circuit.

Gis, unable to overcome the terrible pain, struggled with a scream.

It was a little ugly, but considering the power outage was broken and the mana
circuit was twisted, he wasn't killed or stunned.

A warrior looks like a warrior.

Still, it was clear that if he left it like this, he would get sick and die, so
Cloud took out a potion and fed it to Gis.

It was difficult to feed because he vomited blood from his mouth, but somehow
his condition improved quite a bit.

As soon as he got better, Geese crawled on the ground with his elbows, trying
to distance himself from Cloud. Cloud did not hold back.

just speak plainly.

“The poison you are poisoned with is hemolytic poison. A poison that destroys
muscle tissue and nerves, burns blood vessels using the mana of its ingesters, and
even kills ancient dragons. I won't die though, so don't worry too much."

For Gis, a slightly diluted hemolytic poison was used.

Because Neria didn't want Gith's comfortable death.

“Since we broke the power supply, you won’t be able to drive out the poison
with mana. Even if a small amount of mana accumulates in a broken ditch, the
twisted mana circuit will interfere with mana operation.”

“…what do you want to say?”

“You have to live with that for the rest of your life.”

She hoped that Gis would continue to live a painful life.

At Cloud's words, Gis widened his eyes and then chuckled.

“Is this what revenge is? To make me live a sick life for the rest of my life?”


Gis laughed even louder. The laughter stopped only after the sputum boiled.

“Well… okay. Not bad for revenge. Living with this fucking body would be so
fucking fucking hard. But haven't you forgotten one thing?"

He pulled out a new dagger from his bosom and pointed it at his neck.

“Why do you think I will follow your thoughts?”

“Do you not want to live?”

"I'd rather die than live like this."

Geese wanted Cloud to panic. Cloud's appearance, annoyed by situations that

don't go his way, didn't seem like a bad thing for his pre-death nightlife.

However, Cloud was quiet.

“Then I must give you a reason to live.”


At the same time as Gis narrowed her brow, Cloud snapped her finger. A woman
who flew quickly across the sky folded her black wings and stood next to Cloud.

Gisu's eyes widened when he saw the woman.


The woman was his adoptive mother, Haley.

'Were you alive?'

Rather, why are you standing next to the cloud?

It didn't take long for Gis's question to be resolved.

“Haley. Be obedient.”

“…Yes, Master.”

Haley knelt down, bowed her torso, and kissed Cloud's foot.

“Uh, mother..?”

Gisu's eyes fluttered violently as if he had seen an unbelievable sight.

Cloud drew his sword and pointed it at Hailey's neck, which was kissing the top
of his feet.

“If you die, your precious mother will die too.”

very painfully.

A cool voice emphasized the behind-the-scenes.

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