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Module No. & Module 3: Linear Equations and Inequalities


Lesson No. and Lesson 1: Linear Equation and Its Application


Learning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to :


a. Write linear equation in standard form

b. Solve linear equation in one variable

c. Give and explain the steps in solving word problems

d. Translate English phrases and sentences into mathematical expressions

e. Solve word problems

Time Frame 9 hours

Introduction Hello students! Today you will be learning about Linear Equation and Its Application.

Activity Solve:

Xeelyn is 8 years older than her brother. In 3 years, she is twice as old as her brother. How
old is Xeelyn at present?

Analysis How did you solve the problem given? What mathematical statement you are using? What
are the steps you follow to solve the problem? What is the correct working equation? Did you
all make it, getting the correct answer?

Abstraction Linear Equation in One Variable

A linear equation in one variable x is an equation of the form ax+b = 0 where a and b are
real numbers and a≠ 0 .

An algebraic equation may sometimes true, sometimes false, depending on the value of the
Example 1. The statement 3x-5 = x+5 is an equation, where 3x-5 and x+5 are the two
algebraic expressions that are separated by an equal sign.

The equation 3x-5 = x+5 becomes a true statement when x=5 because

3(5) -5 = 5+5

15-5 = 5+5

10 = 10, a true statement.

But it is a false statement when x=1 because

3(1) -5 = 1+5

3-5 = 1+5

-2 = 6 , a false statement because -2 ≠ 6.

A conditional algebraic equation is an equation that is true for some value of the variable x.

Solution of an Equation

The value of the variable that makes the algebraic equation true is called the
solution of an equation.

Example 2. In the equation 3x-5 = x+5 value of x = 5 is called the solution of the equation

Example 3. The equation 4 x- 5 = x+1 has a solution of 𝟐 .

To show that x = 2 is the solution of 4 x- 5 = x+1:

Substituting x=2 to the equation,

4 (2)- 5 = 2+1
8-5 = 3
3 = 3.
Hence, at x= 2, the statement 4 x- 5 = x+1 becomes a true statement ; therefore 2 is
the solution.

Equivalent Equations

Equivalent Equations are equations having the same solution or solution set.

Example 4. The equations 2x-4 = x+2 and 3x-4 = x+8 are equivalent equations because the
2 equations have the same solution, which is 6.

To show that 2 equations are equivalent equations:

Substitute x = 6 to both equations,

2x-4 = x+2 3x-4 = x+8

2 (6) -4 = x+2 3(6)-4 = 6 + 8

12-4 = 6+2 18 - 4 = 6 + 8

8=8 14 = 14

Since at x=6, the given equation becomes Since at x=6, the given equation becomes
a true statement; therefore 6 is the solution a true statement; therefore 6 is the solution
of the equation 2x-4 = x+2. of the equation 3x-4 = x+8.

Since the two equations have the same solution; therefore 2x-4 = x+2 and 3x-4 = x+8
are equivalent equations.

Example 5. The equations 2x+ 1 = 3, x-2 = 1 and 3x =6 are not equivalent equations since
the solution of the equations 2x+ 1 = 3 is 1 and the equation x-2 = 1 is 3 and 3x=6 is 2.


Solving an Algebraic Equation means finding the solution of the equation or

finding the value of the variable that makes the equation true.

Example 5. In Example 3 above, you may ask on how we get the number 2 as the solution
to the equation 4 x- 5 = x+1.

To solve for 4 x- 5 = x+1:

Solving the equation using the transposition method,

4x-5 = x+1
4x-x = 1 + 5
3x = 6
Dividing the expressions found in both sides by 3,

3x/3 = 6/3
x= 2.
Therefore, x =2 is the solution of the equation 4x-5 = x+1.

In solving linear equation in one variable, the following steps are performed:

a. If fractions appear in an equation, place the parentheses around each numerator and
clear fractions by multiplying both sides of the equation by the LCD of the fractions;
then remove parentheses and combine similar terms.
b. Transpose all terms having the unknown variable at the left side of an equation and the
remaining terms at the right side of an equation.( Note: Every time the term is
transferred/ transposed from one side of an equation to the other side, the signed of the
term will change, from positive (+) to negative (-) or negative (-) to positive (+)).
c. Divide both sides by the numerical coefficient of the unknown variable.
d. To check your answer, substitute the computed value of the unknown (which is the
solution) in the original equation.

Example 6. Find the solution of each the following:

a. 5x – 3 = x+5

b. 2.5 x – 3.7 = 13.5 – 1.8 x

3𝑥 5 𝑥 1
c. - = -
10 2 6 2

ℎ−2 ℎ−2
d. =
7 6

5−𝑥 7 𝑥−2
e. = −
6 6 2


a. 5x – 3 = x+5

Transpose x to left side and -3 to right of an equation,

5x-x = 5+3
4x = 8

Dividing both sides by 4,

4x/4 = 8/4

x =2


Substitute x= 2 in the equation 5x-3 = x + 5,

5x-3 = x + 5
5(2) -3 = 2+5
10 -3 = 7
7 =7

b. 2.5 x – 3.7 = 13.5 – 1.8 x


Multiply the whole equation by 10,

10 (2.5 x – 3.7 = 13.5 – 1.8 x )

25x – 37 = 135 -18 x

Transpose -18x and -37,

25x+18x = 135+37

43x = 172

Divide the terms of both sides by 43,

43x/43 = 172/43



Substitute x= 4 to the equation,

2.5 x – 3.7 = 13.5 – 1.8 x

2.5(4) - 3.7 = 13.5 – 1.8 (4)

10-3.7 = 13.5 -7.2

6.3 = 6.3
3𝑥 5 𝑥 1
c. - = -
10 2 6 2


3𝑥 5 𝑥 1
Multiplying the whole equation by the LCD of , , , and , which is 30,
10 2 6 2

3𝑥 5 𝑥 1
30( - = - )
10 2 6 2
3 (3x) +15 (-5) = 5 (x) +15(-1)
9x -75 = 5x -15

Transpose 5x and -75,

9x-5x = -15+75

4x= 60

Divide the terms of both sides by 4,

4x/4= 60/4

x = 15

3𝑥 5 𝑥 1
Substitute x=15 to equation - = - ,
10 2 6 2

3(15) 5 (15) 1
- = -
10 2 6 2
45 5 15 1
- = -
10 2 6 2
45+5(−5) 15+3(−1)
10 6
45−25 15−3
10 6
20 12
10 6

ℎ−2 ℎ−2
𝑑. =
7 6


ℎ−2 ℎ−2
Multiplying the whole equation by the LCD of and , which is 42,
7 6

ℎ−2 ℎ−2
42 ( = )
7 6
6(h-2) = 7( h-2)
6h-12 = 7h -14

Transpose 7h and -12,

6h-7h =-14+12
-h = -2

Divide the terms on both sides by -1,

-h/ -1 = -2/ -1
h = 2.

ℎ−2 ℎ−2
Substitute h=2 to equation = ,
7 6
2−2 2−2
7 6
0 0
7 6

5−𝑥 7 𝑥−2
𝑒. = −
6 6 2

5−𝑥 7 𝑥−2
Multiplying the whole equation by the LCD of , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 which is 6,
6 6 2

5−𝑥 7 𝑥−2
6( = − )
6 6 2
1(5 − 𝑥) = 1(7) + 3[- ( x-2)]
5-x = 7 + 3 (-x+2)
5- x = 7 +3(-x)+ 3(2)
5-x = 7-3x + 6

Transpose -3x and 5,

-x + 3x = 7+ 6 – 5
2x = 13 -5
2x = 8
Divide the terms on both sides by 2,
2x / 2 = 8/ 2

5−𝑥 7 𝑥−2
Substitute x = 4 to equation = − ,
6 6 2
5−4 7 4−2
= −
6 6 2
5−4 7 2
= −
6 6 2
1 7+3 (−2)
6 6
1 7−6
6 6
1 1
6 6

Application: Word Problems

Translating English Phrases and Sentences to Mathematical Expressions

In solving word problems, it is very important for us to know on how to translate

English phrases / sentences to mathematical expressions.

Example 7. The following are English phrases translated to mathematical expressions.

English Phrases Mathematical Expressions

the sum of x and y x+y
two more than x x+2
twice of y increased by 5 2y+5
x less 5 x-5
x diminish by 5 x-5
x less than 5 5-x
x subtracted from y y-x
product of x and y xy
thrice the square of the sum of x and y 3 (x+y)2
80 increased by 20% 80 + (20%)(80) or 80 + (0.2)(80)
the sum of 3 consecutive integers x + (x+1) + (x+2)
the sum of 3 consecutive odd/ even x + (x+2) + (x+4)
twice Xen’s age 3 years ago 2 (x-3)
Xen’s age in 10 years x+10
½ of 500 1
( )(500)
the average of 1, 5, 10 1 + 5 + 10

Steps in Solving Word Problems

The following are the suggested steps in solving word problems:

1. Read and understand the problem.

2. Identify what are the given.
3. Know what is being asked.
4. Represent the unknown using variable or letter.
5. Write the correct working equation.
6. Solve for the unknown using the correct working equation.
7. Check your answer.
8. Write your answer in complete sentence.


1. Number Problems

Example 8. A rope 75 feet long is cut into two pieces where one is 11 feet longer than the
other. Find their lengths.


Represent the unknown,

Let x be the smaller piece of rope.

Let x+11 be the larger piece of rope.

Working Equation:
x + (x+11) = 75

Solve for x,
x + (x+11) = 75
2x+11 = 75
2x = 75 -11
2x= 64

Divide both sides by 2,

2x / 2 = 64/ 2
x = 32 ft

Substituting x=32,
x+ 11 = 32+11 = 43 ft
Check your answer:
Use the working equation,
x + (x+11) = 75
32+43 = 75

Therefore, the lengths of the two pieces of rope are 32 ft and 43 ft.

Example 9. Find two consecutive integers whose sum is 73.


Represent the unknown,

Let x be the first integer

x+1 be the second integer

Working Equation:
x + (x+1) = 73

Solve for x,
x + (x+1) = 73
2x+1 = 73
2x = 73 -1
2x= 72

Divide both sides by 2,

2x / 2 = 72/ 2
x = 36

Substituting x=36,
x+ 1 = 36+1 = 37

Check your answer:

Use the working equation,
x + (x+1) = 73
32+43 = 75

Therefore the two consecutive integers are 36 and 37.

Example 10. Find two consecutive odd integers whose squares differ by 32.


Represent the unknown,

Let x be the first odd

x+2 be the second odd

Represent the squares of the two consecutive integers,

x2 be the square of the first odd
(x+2)2 be the square of the second odd
Getting the difference of the squares, we have
(x+2)2 - x2

Hence, the working equation is

(x+2)2 - x2 = 32

Solve for x,
x2 +4x + 4 - x2 = 32
4x = 32-4
4x = 28

Divide both sides by 4,

4x / 4 = 28/ 4

Substituting x=7,
x+2 = 9

Check your answer:

Use the working equation,
(x+2) 2 - x 2 = 32
(7+2) 2 - 7 2= 4
81 – 49 = 32
32 = 32

Therefore, the two consecutive odd numbers are 7 and 9.

2. Geometric Problems

Example 11. The length of a rectangle is three less than four times its width and its
perimeter is 19 cm, what are the dimensions?


Represent the unknown,

Let W be the width of a rectangle.

Let L= 4W-3 be the length of a rectangle.

Formula: P = 2W+ 2L
Given : P = 19cm

Working Equation:
19 = 2W + 2 (4W-3)

Solve for W,
19 =2W + 8W-6
-2W-8W = -6-19
-10W = -25
Divide both sides by -10,
-10W/-10 = -25/-10
W = 5/2cm

To solve for the length , substitute W=5/2 to 4W-3,

Length = 4W-3= 4 (5/2) – 3
= 10-3
= 7cm

Check your answer:

19 = 2W + 2 L
19 = 2 (5/2) + 2 (7)
19 = 5 +14
19 = 19

Therefore, the width and length of a rectangle is 5/2cm and 7 cm, respectively.

Example 12. If the width of a rectangle is 2 cm more than one-half its length and its
perimeter is 40 cm, what are the dimensions?


Represent the unknown,

Let L be the length of a rectangle.

Let W= L+2 be the width of a rectangle.

Formula: P = 2W+ 2L
Given: P = 40cm

Working Equation:
40 = 2W + 2L

Solve for L,
40 = 2 ( L+2 ) + 2 L
40 = L+4 + 2L
40 = 3L+4
-3L = 4 – 40
-3L = -36

Divide both sides by -3,

-3L /- 3 = -36/-3
L = 12cm
To solve for the width , substitute L=12 to L+2 ,
1 1
W= L+2 = (12)+2 = 6+2 = 8 cm
2 2

Check your answer:

Use the working equation,
40 = 2W + 2 L
40 = 2 (8) + 2 (12)
40 = 16 +24
40 = 40

Therefore, the width and length of a rectangle is 8cm and 12cm, respectively.

3. Age Problems

Example 14. Jill is twice as old as Jim and Jim is three years older than Ken. The sum of
their ages is 61. What are their ages?

Let x be the age of Ken.

x+3 be the age of Jim.

2 (x+3) be the age of Jill

Working Equation: x + (x+3) + 2(x+3)= 61

Solve for x,

x + (x+3) + 2(x+3)= 61

2x+3+2x+6 =61

4x+9 =61

4x = 61-9

4x = 52

x= 13 year old

Hence, Ken is 13 year old.

Solving for Jim’s age,

x+3 = 13+3 = 16 year old

Solving for Jill’s age,

2 (x+3) = 2 (16) = 32 year old.


13+16+32 = 61


Therefore, Ken is 13 year old, Jim is 16 year old and Jill is 32 year old.
Example 15. Michele is four years younger than Steve and three times older than Sean. If
the sum of their ages is 74, how old are they?

Let x be the age of Steve.

x – 4 be the age of Michelle.

74 – (x+x-4) = 74-2x+4 be the age of Sean

Working Equation: x - 4 = 3(74- 2x+4)

Solve for x,

x-4 = 3 (74-2x+4)

x-4 = 222 – 6x +12

x+6x = 222+12+4

7x = 238

Dividing both sides by 7,

7x /7 = 238/7

x= 34 year old

Hence, Steve is 34 year old.

Solving for Michelle’s age,

x-4 = 34-4 = 30 year old

Solving for Sean’s age,

74 – (x+x-4) = 74 – (34+34-4) = 74 – 64 = 10 year old.


34+30+10 = 74

74 =74

Therefore, Steve is 34 year old, Sean is 10 year old and Michelle is 30 year old.

4. Work Problems

Example 16 . Dion can clean the house in 3 hrs. Princess can clean the same house in 5
hours. How long will it take them to clean the house if they work together?

Let x be the number of hours needed by Dion and Princess to clean the house, working

Tabulating the given information, we have,

Total No. of hours Needed Fractional Part of the Job

to Clean the House Done in 1 Hour
Dion 3 1
Princess 5 1
Together x 1

1 1 1
Working Equation: + =
3 5 𝑥

Solving for x by multiplying the working equations by 15 x ,

1 1 1
15x ( + = )
3 5 𝑥
5x + 3x = 15
8x = 15
x = 1 hrs

Therefore, Dion and Princess can clean the house together in 1 hrs.

Example 17. How long will it take Lucas and John, together, to plow a field which Lucas
can plow alone in 5 days, and John in 8 days?


Let x be the number of hours needed by Lucas and John to plow a field, working

Tabulating the given information, we have,

Total No. of hours Needed Fractional Part of the Job

to Clean the House Done in 1 Day
Lucas 5 1
John 8 1
Together x 1

1 1 1
Working Equation: + =
5 8 𝑥

Solving for x by multiplying the working equations by 40 x ,

1 1 1
40x ( + = )
5 8 𝑥
8x + 5x = 40
13x = 40

Diving both sides by 13,

13x/13 = 40/13
x=3 hrs

Therefore, it took Lucas and John to plow a field in 3 hrs. , working together.

5. Mixture Problems

Example 13. Determine how many liters of a 7% acid solution and how many liters of
12% solution should be mixed by a chemist to obtain 6 liters of a 10% acid solution?

Let x be the number of liters of the 7% acid solution

6 – x be the number of liters of the 12% acid solution

% of Acid No. of Liters of No. of Liters

Solution of Acid
7% acid solution 7% X 0.07x

12% acid solution 12% 6-x 0.12 (6-x)

Mixture 10% 6 0.10(6)

Working Equation: 0.07x+ 0.12 (x-6) = 0.10(6)

Solve for the unknown,

0.07x+ 0.12 (x-6) = 0.10(6)

Multiplying both sides by 100,

100[0.07x+ 0.12 (6-x) = 0.10(6) ]

7x+12(6-x) = 10 (6)

7x+72-12x = 60

-5x = 60-72

-5x = -12

Divide both sides by -5,

-5x / -5 = -12/ -5
X= 2.4liters


6-x = 6-2.4 = 3.6 liters

Therefore, the chemist should use 2.4 liters of the 7% acid solution and 3.6 liters of the
12 % solution acid solution to obtain 6 liters of a 10% acid solution.

Example 14. One alloy contains 80 % gold (by weight) and another alloy contains 55%
gold. How many grams of each alloy should be combined to make 40g of an alloy that
contains 70% gold?


Let x be the number of grams of alloy that contains 80% gold

40 –x be the number of grams of alloy that contains 55% gold

% of Gold No. of grams No. of grams

of gold
80% gold 80% x 0.08x

55% gold 55% 40-x 0.55 (40-x)

Mixture 70% 40 0.70(40)

Working Equation: 0.80x+ 0.55 (40-x) = 0.70(40)

Solve for the unknown,

0.80x+ 0.55 (40-x) = 0.70(40)

Multiplying both sides by 100,

100[0.80x+ 0.55 (40-x) = 0.70(40)]

80x+55(40-x) = 70 (40)

80x+2200-55x = 2800

25x = 2800-2200

25x = 600

Divide both sides by 25,

25x/25 = 600/25

x= 24grams


40-x = 16 grams

Therefore, one must combined 24 grams of 80% gold alloy and 16 grams of 55% gold
alloy to make 40g of 70% gold alloy.

Application Exercise No. 13. Solve each of the following equation:

a. 3y-4 = y + 2
2𝑥 𝑥 𝑥 6
b. -3 =5-5

c. 0.23 – c = 0.95 -2c

5−𝑧 3−11𝑧 1−2𝑧
d. 3
=3+ 5

Exercise No. 14. Solve the following problems:

a. Find three consecutive even integers whose sum is 74.

b. Find two numbers whose sum is 7 and the larger one is three times the other.
c. The longest side of a triangle is twice as long as the shortest side and 2cm longer
than the third side. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 33cm, what is the length of
each side?
d. If one angle of a supplementary angle measures 42 degrees more than half of the
other, what are the measurement of the two angles?
e. How many grams of pure gold must be added to 100 grams, 50% pure, to make a
mixture of 75% pure?
f. A man is 27 years older than his son, and ten years from now, he will be twice as
old as his son. How old is each now?
g. A certain Doctor’s age is now seven-ninths of what it will be 18 years from now.
How old is he now?
h. How long will it take workers A and B, together, to finish a job which can be done
by A alone in 5 days and B alone in 7 days?

Closure Congratulations students, I’ m sure you have learned a lot on Linear Equations and on how
to solve word problems. Get ready now for the next lesson on Linear Inequalities.

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