Lesson 7

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Lesson 7


 Read aloud this conversation:

Kate: Hey, happy birthday.

Suzy: Wow, thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Kate: I got you a little gift. I know it isn’t much. But I hope you
like it.
Suzy: But it’s the thought that counts. I love it!
Kate: So how would you like to celebrate the occasion?
Suzy: Oh, I don’t know. How about a movie?
Kate: A movie it is! There’s that new one with Harrison Ford,
how’s that?
Suzy: That sounds very good. Are you going to throw in dinner
and dancing too?
Kate: Your wish is my command.

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 New words:

count (v) kaʊnt : có giá trị
celebrate (v) ˈselɪbreɪt : vui chơi
throw in (v) θroʊ ɪn : cộng thêm
your wish is my command : xin tuân lệnh chủ nhân

 Note: Useful expressions of reminding a fact:

Speaking of… That reminds me…

By the way,… Before I forget…
I just thought of something.

 Read aloud this passage:

Which day is the most important to you each year? Is it your

birthday? Perhaps the birthday of someone you love? Or an
anniversary? Many people have their own special days and want
to celebrate them in some distinctive ways. But the point is that the
day symbolizes some important events, and that its importance is
recognized by other significant people as well.

As families become more fragmented and scattered, these

holidays may be ever-more important, since they provide a chance
for people to share their lives with each other again.

 New words:

anniversary (n) ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri : ngày kỷ niệm
distinctive (adj) dɪˈstɪŋktɪv : đặc biệt

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symbolize (v) ˈsɪmbəlaɪz : biểu trưng
significant (adj) sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt : quan trọng
fragmented (adj) ˈfræɡmentɪd : rời rạc
scattered (adj) ˈskætərd : phân tán

  Discussion:
1. How do you celebrate your birthday?
2. What do you think would be the perfect gift for a birthday?
3. What do you like to receive on your special days?
4. How do you celebrate your parents’ birthday?
5. What do you prepare for your parents’ gifts?
6. Does the celebration of special occasions always have to be
expensive? Why or why not?

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