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Complex engineering problem

Finite element analysis

Submitted to:

Sir umair munir

Submitted by:
Hamza Khadim Maan 2019-uet-nfcfdmech-36

Complex Engineering Problem


In this report, we will evaluate the solution by using MATLAB code for given problem.


Step 1
In first step we will start the function and input the values of area, inertia and all other
components as shown below.

Step 2
In this step we will make a local stiffness matrix, we will input the values of components and
the matrix form.

Step 3
Now as for first element we will make the local stiffness matrix for the second element.
As shown below

Step 4
Now we will make the global stiffness matrix so by making a (9x9) matrix and add both the
local matrix accordingly we will get the global matrix.


Step 5:

Now we will appl the boundary conditions and find the displacements and create a displace
matrix of (9x1)

Step 6:

Once we have the displacement the next step is to find reaction forces, by multiplying the
matrix with displacement we will get the values.


Step 6:

Finally we will find the reaction forces of both the elements to do so, we will multiply the
displacements with the transformation matrix then multiplying each element with its own
stiffness matrix.

In this report we evaluate nodal displacements, elemental forces and reaction forces. The above
pictures show the nodal displacements, elemental forces and reaction forces that we have found
through MATLAB code and the codes are also shown in the figures.

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