(Group G) Basic Engineering DMS 2423 Assignment and Presentation

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RAMLI DAUGLAS 1200903149

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................3

2.0 Case Study.............................................................................................................4

3.0 Purpose..................................................................................................................4

4.0 Structure.................................................................................................................5

5.0 Standard Operating Procedure..............................................................................6

6.0 Conclusion..............................................................................................................7

7.0 Reference...............................................................................................................8
1.0 Introduction

Pneumatic hammers are utilised mostly in development and construction

domains. Furthermore, this pneumatic hammer can be utilised not just for
building, but also on ships or in the marine industry. For those who are unaware,
this pneumatic hammer operates by utilising compressed air as a source of
power. When air is compressed, it creates an elastic coupling between the
compressor and the working piston. Air is delivered from the compressor to the
cylinder and then through the piston, which causes the falling section to
reciprocate. A separate electric drive is used for the pneumatic hammer.
This pneumatic hammer comes with an electric generator that may power a
lamp or an electric power tool, making it simple to use. In fact, it is simple to use
on board since it employs a pneumatic lubricant that is connected to an air
interval that activates the air hammer. This can help the hammer operate better
and last longer.
This pneumatic hammer, as we all know, can be used on ship. When a
rusted component of the ship needs to be tapped, this pneumatic hammer is
required. Due to its exposure to sea water, the ship may rust, causing damage
and corrosion to various elements of the ship. When exposed to sea water for an
extended period of time, it can rust badly, causing ships to break down swiftly
and causing massive ships to sink. As a result, this pneumatic hammer may be
used to remove rust from a ship since the high air compression allows the rust to
be removed quickly.

Figure 1.0
2.0 Case Study

As we know, hand tools, power tools, and also other machines are often, always
used especially in industrial activities on land or at sea such as maritime purposes.
This is so, power tools and machines, especially those that contain power by
compressed water or pneumatic tools including chipping, drills and even air hammer
are very dangerous to users, especially workers who are performing tasks. So, with
that, all precautions must be observed when performing tasks especially those
operating the following tools. Among the accidents that may occur are such as
accidental striking, fatigue and strain or hearing problems due to exposure to
excessive machine noise.

2.1 History / Previous Accident

There have been several accidents in the last few decades, of which we can refer to
1918, in Bedford and Bloomington, Indiana. Which most workers working in the field
of stonecutter, have given many complained about them experiencing "dead fingers"
and suffered numbness in both hands, loss of sleep, nervousness, limbs "going to
sleep," and headache. Instead, the condition worsens when they also suffer from
Raynaud’s Syndrome, the effect of the symptoms that have already been described.
This is because, the effects of work using tools such as pneumatic, are exposed to
the vibration that has been produced by the machine for too long. Thus, there was
an estimated 1.5 million workers in the U.S. suffering from this Rynaud’s Syndrome.

3.0 Purpose

The purpose of this pneumatic hammer is to be used in improving or maintaining a

ship, especially on the part of the ship that has rusted, where this is called hull
maintenance which is "chipping". This is so, this tool works to remove rust, weld
spatter, or even old paint from ironwork to be repaired with new paint and a safer
surface, especially on the hull. This happens because a part is exposed to sea water
which has a very high density that can remove paint and damage parts of the ship
when left too long or not maintained at a set time. Therefore, if this pneumatic
hammer does not exist or is not used, then every ship that sails is likely to be
damaged, due to the lack of sophisticated power tools capable of repairing the ship
and this is what causes severe accidents such as ship sinking and in turn will cause
losses. high against damage to ships and goods carried.

4.0 Structure

On the Pneumatic hammer, there are several important parts to ensure that this
machine will run smoothly and safely. For example, have such as motor, handle,
crank mechanism, piston buffer and even pick. Most importantly, there are parts,
namely the motor, which is like the heart of the machine. This is so, with the
presence of the motor is able to turn on every other parts and structure.

In addition, there is also a bearing which connects the motor with a crank
mechanism that will rotate the shaft which will produce a circular motion that will give
the effect where the piston will move along with the pneumatic chamber.

Next, it will give a strong impact through the striker which is this part that will give the
main role to give a impact to the intermediate chamber, where it is in the same area.
And from that, the energy that is in the piston will continue to go to the buffer and
then move the pick to hit the treated material.

Figure 4.0

5.0 Standard Operating Procedure

A standard operating procedure is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an

organization to help employees perform routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve
efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance while reducing
miscommunication and failure to comply with industry rules. When operating
pneumatic hand tools workers must wear safety glasses when operating the
equipment. In addition, long and loose hair must also be curbed while operating this
equipment. Next, safety shoes must also be worn when operating this equipment. In
addition, rings and jewelry should not be worn while operating this equipment as it
can cause accidents. The last is that hearing protection must be used when
operating this equipment to prevent earache.

Pre-operational safety checks.

The first pre -operational safety check is to make sure there is no danger of
slipping in the workspace and sidewalks. The second is to find and make sure the
employee is familiar with the operation of the ON/OFF switch/lever. The third is to
check the condition of all hoses and fittings. Hoses that are damaged or in poor
condition should not be used and should be disposed of immediately. The latter is
that damaged equipment cannot be used must immediately report the suspected
machine or equipment.

Operational safety checks.

The first operational safety check is that the pneumatic tools must be checked
first to confirm that the tools are securely fastened to the air hoses to prevent
them from being accidentally disconnected. The second is to disconnect tools
when not in use, before being serviced, and when changing accessories such as
blades, bits and cutters to make things safer. The third is to maintain the tool
carefully and follow the instructions in the user manual for lubrication and
accessory replacement. The fifth is to make sure the tool is clean and lubricated,
and store it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The sixth is to do not
use equipment that exceeds the recommended rating and beyond its intended
use. The latter is to always use fittings, valves and equipment that are
appropriate for the equipment used.
Figure 5.0

6.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, from the topics that has I been studied, that Pneumatic hammers are
utilized mostly in development and construction domains. Among the benefits of this
Pneumatic hammers facilitated is for ship and the other shipping industries. It’s can
help the industry to lift the things. It also can help the worker to facilitates they works.
As we known the power tool is important things to facilitates and succeed in a job.
Lastly, we found that, the uses of this tool is very useful to facilitate and speed up the
work. As we known that are many types ways to upgrades and repair the ships. Its
namely, operational safety checker and so on.
7.0 Reference

1. Wikipedia, (2021), Jackhammer (disambiguation), Wikipedia the free

encyclopedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackhammer.

2. (2019), The Danger of Air Hammer and other Pneumatic Tools. Mr.Manhole.

3. (2019), What is chipping? Tools, Precautions & Protections. CultOfSea

Maritime Knowledge. https://cultofsea.com/deck-work/chipping/.

4. (2013), Standard Operating Procedure, Pneumatic Hand Tools.


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