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Class: BS IT Semester: 7th

Course: HRM Year: 2022

Answer the following multiple-choice questions

Q1: Career Management Does NOT involve

A) Advancement and development of employee careers
B) Transfers, Promotions and job rotations
C) Placement of employee at the right place
D) Giving adequate Salary and rewards to employees
Q2: Which of the following is NOT the purpose of career Management
A) Motivate and retain employees
B) Judging the performance of employee and conveying to him/her
C) Keeping the effective talent at the backup when needed
D) Improving the career ladder of employees
Q3: A career stage in which a person does not learn new skills, knowledge and only use his
previous knowledges to perform tasks is
A) Decline stage
B) Late career stage
C) Mid-career stage
D) Establishment stage
Q4: A career stage where employee is accepted by the company, start developing relations
with coworkers and re began to learn from early failures is
A) Establishment stage
B) Exploration stage
C) Mid-career stage
D) Late career stage
Q5: Coaching and Mentoring: Which of the statement below holds True
A) Coaching is given by Manager and Mentoring is given by an outside Motivator
B) Both are same and can be used alternatively
C) Coaching is always given “on Job” whereas Mentoring is always given “off job”
D) Coaching is based on increasing skills and performance whereas mentoring is about
shaping the mental ability
Q6: Individual vs organizational career development: Which of the following statement/s
holds true
A) Individual career focus on one person and organizational career focus on whole
organizational employees
B) Individual career focuses on helping employees to achieve individual career goals and
organizational career focuses on developing employees for achieving organizational
career goals
C) Individual career involves coaching and organizational career involves mentoring
D) All of the above

Answer the following Question (4 marks)

Q: Suppose you have been appointed as new HR manager of a Mobile company.
Company does not have any emphasis on career development of employees. As a
HR manager what will you do to effectively Manage and improve the careers of
the employees.

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