Alcohol Determination in The Clinical Laboratory

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Alcohol Determination in the Clinical Laboratory


Dubowski, Kurt M.: Alcohol determination in the clinical Department of Medicine and Toxicology Laboratories,
laboratory. Am J Clin Pathol 74:747-750, 1980. Four methods The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center,
for blood-alcohol analysis—gas chromatography, enzymatic Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
oxidation with alcohol dehydrogenase, chemical oxidation with
acid dichromate, and osmometry—are briefly reviewed from
the point of view of the clinical laboratory. Advantages and
limitations of these methods are discussed, and their key
features are tabulated. The correlation of the results of blood- of contamination from recently ingested alcohol in the
alcohol analyses with stages of alcoholic influence and their oral cavity.
corresponding signs and symptoms is presented in tabular form. Blood is the most useful specimen when breath is
(Key words: Alcohol determination; Blood-alcohol analysis.) not available, with plasma or serum being physiologi-
cally more appropriate specimens than whole blood.
THE DETERMINATION OF ALCOHOL* in blood However, for certain forensic applications (e.g., in-

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and other biologic specimens is a frequently requested vestigation of alleged traffic law violations) analysis
service in clinical laboratories, and is often requested of whole blood is required because statutory interpre-
on an emergency basis in hospitals. tations of the results of blood-alcohol analyses are uni-
Breath is the preferred specimen whenever the pa- versally based upon whole blood. Collection of plasma
tient is able to participate in the breath-alcohol analysis. and whole blood requires the use of anticoagulants—
The latter has the inherent advantages of simplicity, heparin, disodium edetate, and sodium or potassium
rapidity, and noninvasive sampling, and reflects the citrate or oxalate are suitable if the specimen is not
alcohol content of the arterial circulation, which is to be stored. For specimens to be preserved, potassium
physiologically and clinically more significant than the oxalate (5 mg/ml of blood) and sodium fluoride (1.5
venous blood-alcohol concentration, especially during mg/ml of blood) are an appropriate anticoagulant and
active alcohol absorption. Current instrumentation in- preservative combination for short-term storage at 5 C
cludes devices employing gas chromatography, infra- of initially sterile blood specimens.
red absorptiometry, fuel cell catalysis, and solid-state The many methods for alcohol analysis in blood fall
gas sensing, as well as the older chemical oxidation into about a dozen different categories, of which the
devices. four listed in Table 1 are the most obvious candidates
All quantitative breath-alcohol instruments currently for use in the clinical laboratory. In the author's view,
marketed employ end-expiratory breath. Features and osmolality measurement, while rapid and simple, is not
performance of current breath-alcohol analyzers of po- a method of choice. Estimation of alcohol in serum
tential applicability to clinical laboratory practice have requires the subtraction from the actual osmolality de-
been summarized. 61213 Several of the newer devices are termination result (by freezing-point depression) of the
portable, battery-powered, and self-contained, and assumed normal osmolality value. M Substantial dis-
hence are especially practical for bedside or emergency- crepancies between the blood-alcohol concentrations
room use. When necessary or desirable, whole breath (BACs) thus estimated and the actual alcohol concen-
or the alcohol in a measured volume of breath can trations are possible and have been documented. 2
be readily stored on simple sorption columns for subse- The other methods for blood-alcohol analysis listed
quent elution and analysis. 9 Measurement of alcohol in Table 1 are appropriate for use in clinical labora-
in breath involves some special biologic and chemical tories, and are listed in order of this author's prefer-
considerations, 7 and requires a 15-min "deprivation" ence. Alcohol analysis by gas chromatography can be
period preceding breath-sampling to ensure the absence performed with simple and relatively inexpensive in-
struments and is the current method of choice. Among
Received April 30, 1980; accepted for publication April 30, 1980. its desirable features are rapidity, sensitivity, minimal
Address reprint requests to Dr. Dubowski: University of Okla- requirements for sample manipulation or preparation,
homa College of Medicine, P. O. Box 26901, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma 73190. and inherently great selectivity for ethanol even with
* The unmodified term "alcohol" in this article refers to ethanol. single column/single condition analyses. Essentially

0002-9173/80/1100/0747 $00.70 © American Society of Clinical Pathologists

A.J.C.P. • November 1980

Table 1. Summary of Methods for Blood-alcohol Analysis

Required Sample
Treatment/ Specificity Apparatus Final
Method Separation for Ethanol Requirements Measurement Limitations

Gas chroma- Dilution or Selective for Gas chromatograph, Electrical voltage or Requires calibration
tography headspace ethanol; multiple water bath (for current, via strip at time of analysis
equilibration columns/condi- headspace), strip chart recorder or
tions greatly chart recorder or integrator
increase integrator
Enzymatic Dilution (for Selective for Ultraviolet spectro- Photometric/ Potential interference
oxidation plasma or ethanol; some photometer, visible spectrophoto- by higher alcohols,
with alcohol serum) or interference by photometer, or metric reading some enzyme
dehydrogenase deproteinization isopropanol and some automatic inhibitors
methanol analyzers
Chemical Distillation, None Distillation or Titration or Time consuming;
oxidation with diffusion, diffusion apparatus, photometric/ nonspecific
acid di- dialysis, or photometer or spectrophoto-
chromate aeration spectrophotometer, metric reading
or titration device,

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water bath
Osmometry None for plasma None Freezing-point Osmolality measure- Nonspecific; only
or serum depression ment plasma or serum
osmometer specimens usable;
poor correlation
with blood-alcohol

complete specificity for ethanol is achieved by using space equilibration period. When many blood speci-
multiple columns and analysis conditions. Analysis of mens are to be analyzed for alcohol and analyst time
the "headspace" vapor above a blood or other liquid is limited, automated gas chromatographic headspace
specimen saturated with sodium chloride, after equili- analysis10 or the use of automatic liquid sampling at-
bration at 50 C or other controlled temperature, is a tachments is indicated and yields excellent results in
simple and desirable gas chromatographic technic. It routine use. The principal variants of gas chromato-
is usually preferable to direct injection into the chro- graphic methods for blood-alcohol analysis are listed
matograph of a diluted whole blood specimen because in Table 2 in order of the author's preference. As
it obviates problems of inlet and column contamina- indicated in Table 1, gas chromatography requires the
tion and syringe plugging. Direct injection of a diluted use of simultaneous reference standards.
liquid sample,5 however, may be preferable for emer- Enzymatic oxidation with alcohol dehydrogenase
gency tests because it eliminates the 15-30-min head- (ADH) is a sensitive and simple method for alcohol
measurement. It is a practical method for occasional
or infrequent use because elaborate preparation is not
Table 2. Principal Variants of Gas Chromatographic
needed, and for the same reason, it serves well as a
Methods for Blood-alcohol Analysis
back-up procedure for gas chromatography. The two
Detectors principal variations are measurement of the change in
Flame-ionization detector ultraviolet absorbance at 260 or 340 nm, and visual
Thermistor detector
Appropriate packed columns photometry of a secondary indicator reaction. Several
Solid phase (Porapak®, Chromosorb®, etc.) commercial kits are available for ADH methods; the
Liquid phase (Carbowax®, Hallcomid®, etc.) characteristics and performances of four of these were
Analysis technics
Headspace sampling after equilibration reported by Redetzki and Dees.15 The principal fea-
Direct injection of diluted blood tures of the ADH methods are given in Table 3. Several
Protein precipitation and direct injection instrumental variations have been reported, including
Options: internal standard vs. direct procedures
Quantitation the use of rapid centrifugal analyzers," rapid electro-
Electronic integration/printout of peak areas chemical measurement using a membrane oxygen-sens-
Measurement of strip-chart recording of detector response: peak ing electrode,3 and adaptation to the DuPont Auto-
heights or peak areas
matic Clinical Analyzer®.1 All ADH-based enzymatic
Table 3. Principal Features of Enzymatic (ADH) Table 4. Stages of Acute Alcoholic
Oxidation Methods for Blood-alcohol Analysis Influence/Intoxication
Reactions Blood-
ADH alcohol
Basic Reaction: C 2 H 5 0H + N A D ^ = ^ C H 3 C H O Concen- Stage of
+ NADH + H + tration Alcohol
(% w/v) Influence Clinical Signs/Symptoms
Conditions: pH 8.7-9.6; CH 3 CHO trapped with semicarbazide or
aminoacetic acid
0.01-0.05 Sobriety No apparent influence
Diaphorase Behavior nearly normal by ordinary
Diaphorase: INT + NADH + H+ * Red Formazan observation
+ NAD + Slight changes detectable by special
Pcrox \(\i\ SG
Oxygen Depletion: NADH + H + + '/i0 2 > 0.03-0.12 Euphoria Mild euphoria, sociability,
NAD+ + H 2 0 Mn + + talkativeness
Catalyst Increased self-confidence: decreased
NAD oxidoreductase (alcohol dehydrogenase; EC inhibitions
Diminution of attention, judgment, and
Preparation of plasma, serum, or blood control
Dilution with saline solution or deproteinization with perchloric Loss of efficiency in finer performance
or trichloracetic acid or Ba(OH) 2 + ZnSO., tests

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Final measurement 0.09-0.25 Excitement Emotional instability; decreased
Ultraviolet spectrophotometry inhibitions
A Absorbance at 260 nm (NAD + absorbs) Loss of critical judgment
A Absorbance at 340 nm (NADH absorbs) Impairment of memory and
Visible photometry: measurement of stable red formazan color comprehension
at 500 nm Decreased sensitory response:
Amperometric measurement with 0 2 electrode increased reaction time
Fluorometry Some muscular incoordination
0.18-0.30 Confusion Disorientation, mental confusion;
Exaggerated emotional states (fear.
oxidation methods are subject to potential interference anger, grief, etc.)
by methanol and, especially, isopropanol to varying Disturbance of sensation (diplopia,
extents.1516 Reference standards must be analyzed in etc.) and of perception of color,
form, motion, dimensions
parallel with the biologic samples and controls, as they Decreased pain sense
should be irrespective of the alcohol analysis method Impaired balance; muscular
employed. incoordination; staggering gait,
slurred speech
In view of the advantages of other methods, chemical
oxidation with potassium dichromate in sulfuric (or 0.27-0.40 Stupor Apathy; general inertia, approaching
nitric) acid solution is now one of the less preferable Markedly decreased response to
methods. It requires substantial sample treatment and stimuli
separation of the alcohol from its matrix before reaction Marked muscular incoordination;
inability to stand or walk
with the acid-dichromate reagent. It is time-consuming V o m i t i n g ; incontinence of urine and
in the usual method variations, in addition to being feces
essentially nonspecific for ethanol unless combined with Impaired consciousness; sleep or
complex chemical manipulations. Stability of the re-
agent and simplicity of the final measurement do not 0.35-0.50 Coma Complete unconsciousness; coma:
sufficiently counterbalance these disadvantages for use Depressed or abolished reflexes
in the general clinical laboratory. The method may be Subnormal temperature
useful for back-up purposes for the gas chromatographic Incontinence of urine and feces
Embarrassment of circulation and
or ADH methods, since a negative result conclusively respiration
eliminates the presence of alcohol in the specimen, Possible death
and potential chemical interferants can be detected by 0.45 + Death Death from respiratory paralysis
simple tests on the same distillate.4
Table 4 correlates BACs with alcoholic influence
stages and the corresponding clinical signs and symp- retrograde extrapolation of an experimentally deter-
toms. Great caution should be exercised in correlating mined B AC to an earlier time should be avoided because
BACs with presumed alcohol dosage, and speculative of its many pitfalls.8
750 DUBOWSKI A.J.C.P. • November 1980

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