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FAT Procedure for OTS EDISTAMUNT20T-P5S-0TSFATOIOL REINSTRUVENTATION OF ALBAR GAS COMPLEX avlon Ot ~2029%0.-20~Page 250128 S28061-PSS-OTSFAT-O1O, 82 ‘Annexure-2 Factory Acceptance Certificate Peed eee customer Sonata Preto eousTannevt2017 Systm Acsplance Cerise apleable tte OTS (Ener Digi Tr) Str oly Medel Aceon Test Foci espace Tet Cl retest oe Eesonon devon athe OTS no Dal) ss a sen tenn aca wth "Tho ots pected by tis Tes Fan 1 have ben compl succes, Te sad ioms can ba easedo th nn pot hase, ave bean comple cuszetly, oxo fer mina dante However. hese mina detons do nt Feta up ie esa the eid asa et et aes. 1C tave otan conpisos. Tho sos ams spect ty he contoingspectcaone camel be roeated Retest tobe ganze, ch ai A ehorwection aust ke veckdand ymplencntee rr progect phase Chefire Ze teAletn tn the ai PIG HOV Fowl Pent Nan (erate Prt Nana Ean arson Alora Sane Catena Poprtny ? EMERSON. OTS FAT Review Sonatrach-STAH Docanant ie ame: ALAAR OTS. FAT MOM Authorizations Devspe DeSLascsngneer | evened Pregame Distribution | Mares orahos croaeh [ lied = [Roubovan Ancaster | Sonar iP Eres 4 sens ‘Sena verter — Ee MBI Otne | Sno Pon ie {© Emerson Avtamaion Soto. Alighis sored, Urauthazed cation. inl rin pati Drotites.Trogararia erst he cacmant ae ned by ro te Emareon Aton Selon ‘Goupolcompantos Ulessoherwce are on wing yt parte, any mloraton prongs nthe ‘et le pea any nab ned ot Saeed witout oreinn en es a er in “ Ow KA © Emeran hutaralon Slain, lighisesered, Unathrizs duccaton, in whol orn pat Prahite.rdamarks righ hs cau ae comedy ona. te Emeran Arathor [rsp compari, Union cherso aoe wrong by tp, ay nfrmaton promo nthe ‘Scents carta or replay ane may note used dsccsed wou he eprssedviten emir ! Enowen Auumnaton San, MEG GO BN Kd Fn aa e3— Page ts eran Pj Na 258684 | Complete OTsscope FAT (rain 2/14 Zane Ares | ne NA 45a Carman ea} was anna From 08 Feb 2021 013" eb 2001, Ths ATs conduct using Remote ernment MS Team) Sortrach ste team, Emerson teteom, | Emaran CSS ad Star have sensed ts FA. % [mere ewined erstrach var OTS stem dan | WO Na ndespettion rom the FAT. ference for the As approved FAT procedure {Go1STAvOT017 956015 447-0101) and OTS FOS Document ESTAMMWNTROL7 955 OTS FSP 020) [Earn eam demonstrated peda fenstrom |W a revaus MAT (rain and lsed the punches from WAT ith Sontach, | Emerson expaned ne cope ae acceptance era of | We wa {heOTS Px fora Wane and Common hea defined inthe FAT procedur an OT £05 Document || ForOTStarcware and lof Metro cect, Emerson | Sowihtinonan | Ar Tain@ | OPEN trond tox reas OF rata ae Suc Seto ste ‘class arent OS oomph ein SCADA ot Soe ech nye ot ng socom Tn ose | Extn = meron teom ast wilistal al OTs \orkeraton/machre sper Sytem Architect a Irate te OTS roread er anavach operations an ‘eriston once Tran SCADA cbnets are eave [Emerson eam szestulydemonstotethe OTS. wie Wi Scone FT incleingall FOO ane a3 seararas per sand FAT proce. 7 | al abervations shied by Sonatrach eam daring FAT | Soavoovenanan | aawebav | OPEN recaptured in the or of punch some the panes ‘re ready implemented tested wt Sonatach Aelow sth summary of punch: oe 26 ‘oper: 13 eles Anand wth this MoM for Pune at. Sire can Coomera & ety we od 4 a EMERSON Cam Ped Nab 258 ell esreto take eed open puncher at apstesbieandeompleteit eat afte FA. [5 Tinconcson, compete OFSscope ais uccentaly | nA comleted and wires by Sontrch, 2. EMERSON 4/3 «Mx Qe DOA ls Ae Alrar OTS HMI Punch List SIC101 on graphic ARGT_T1_COMP_C_171 is incorrectly Inked to the -Feb-21 rT afitFeb?t _lacong control module Closed a2-Feb-21 _|xv165, ink to be modified to 04 x¥137 (ARGT_T4_Prop_Refrg2_PR) 2] (08xV137 position tobe on the discharge of C153) closed 3/iFebs2i [On HMI, Xv122 / 0123 (All wans) check the feedback signal [closed i-rob-21 __{ForTrain1/2/3, F128 ony display name to be corrected, FVIAAA to be renamed as FV14 0 be renamed as al od a5 FV144 and FV1448 to be renamed as FV145, ees [ARGT_T3_CE_BSISI: Display tog names forall tags showing Train2 to be s[i2Fe>21 corrected for Train 3 lopen [12-Feb21 _|xv406 mismatch feedback on the graphies [Oper lOpen error on Propane refrigeration graphics Train @ -Feb2 72 fe21___|(anot_T4_pROP_REFRG2_PR) Closed 8[12-Feb-21 [Display tag to be enable for 140406 [closed JARGT_T24_COMP_C. 472 - Static valve dynamas to be Inked to the respective correct control modules p2Feb-21 Jvaz0, pvats, 9 Connect PICs to the valves on the graphics closed T0[i2-Feb-2i [Add 408 and 409 valve on graphics ANGT_124_COMP_€_472 Closed [ARGT_T4_IN_SEPI_PR- O4XV103 to be provided on the V101 1[22Fe>21 [condensate outlet line Closed 12]3-Feb-2___]14XV423 Color mismatch on HMI [Open T3[13-Feb 21 |PID dynamo needed for PvAi8 and FVAIO (ARGT_Z4_COMP_C_471) [Open 1a] 13-Feb-21__JARGT_Z4COMP_C_ 471: Add 14PIC4S5 on V472 top going to are [Open onl 7 ye FN Me 313,

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