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R Region I

Cablong, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

SY 2022-2023
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer for each of
the following questions. Write the Capital letter on the space provided before the
_______1. Which invention from the 17th century allowed for the development of modern cell theory?
A. X-rays B. Computers C. The Light Microscope D. The Scanning Electron
_______2. Rudolph Virchow's observations helped to disprove was commonly held belief of the time?
A. Evolution B. Atomic models C. Spontaneous generation D. The existence of molecules
_______3. Which correctly matches the scientists to their contribution to cell theory?
A. Hooke - discovered and named the "cell"
Schleiden - stated all plants are composed of cells
Leeuwenhoek - discovered "animalcules" in pond water
B. Hooke - discovered "animalcules" in pond water,
Schwann - stated all animals are composed of cells
Virchow - all cells come from pre-existing cells
C. Leeuwenhoek - discovered "animalcules" in pond water
Schleiden - stated all animals are composed of cells
Schwann - stated all plants are composed of cells
D. Schleiden - all cells come from pre-existing cells
Schwann - all plants are composed of cells
Virchow - all plants are composed of cells
______4. What is the main function of the chloroplasts found in plant cells?
A. To manufacture chemical energy from food B. To remove waste materials
C. To absorb light energy and make food D. To control the shape of the cell
______5. The expanded version of the cell theory includes the following except?
A. Cells carry genetic material passed to daughter cells during cellular division.
B. All cells are essentially the same in chemical composition.
C. Energy flow (metabolism and biochemistry) occurs within cells.
D. All of the Above
_______6. Describe how the protist, amoeba, gets its food?
A. Uses cilia to sweep food in its oval groove.
B. The pseudopodia surround and engulfs its prey.
C. The protist paralyzes its prey with its flagella to adsorb the food.
D. The chloroplasts capture energy from sunlight to make food.
________7. How are multicellular and unicellular organisms different?
A. Multicellular organisms have more than one cell and are smaller than unicellular
B. Unicellular organisms have more than one cell and are larger than multicellular organisms.
C. Unicellular organisms have one cell and are smaller than multicellular organisms.
D. Multicellular organisms have one cell and are larger than unicellular organisms.
________8. Fungi and bacteria are both single-celled organisms. What do they most likely have in
A. Both fungi and bacteria are large organisms.
B. Both fungi and bacteria can carry out all life functions in their one cell.
C. Both fungi and bacteria need sunlight and nutrients from the soil to be able to grow.
D. Both fungi and bacteria are highly specialized to do only one job so they must work with
other cells to obtain food.
_______9. Which scientist did NOT contribute to the cell theory?
A. Robert Hooke B. Albert Einstein C. Theodor Schwann D. Anton Van
_______10. Which of the following is NOT true about cilia?
A. They contain microfilaments.
B. They contain microtubules.
C. They contain motor molecules.
D. They are surrounded by plasma membrane.
_______11. It contains large amounts of water and stores other important materials such as sugars, ions
and pigments.
A. Vacuole B. Vesicle C. Thylakoid D. Lysosome
_______12. Which of the following pairs do not match?
A. Nucleolus; Rrna B. Cytoskeleton; microtubules
C. Lysosome; synthesis D. Plasma membrane; lipid bilayer
_______13. Which of the following is one of the relationships that exists between ribosomes and
A. Lysosomes produce enzymes used by ribosomes.
B. Lysosomes are located near ribosomes on the rough ER.
C. Ribosomes produce enzymes used by lysosomes.
D. Ribosomes produce lipids that are stored in lysosomes.
______14. Which of the following is typical of both bacterial and eukaryotic flagella?
A. Both are anchored in the cell by a basal body.
B. Both are utilized for movement.
C. Both contain microtubules in the flagellum.
D. Both are surrounded by a plasma membrane.
______15. This is a package created by the Golgi body that contains lipids or proteins.
A. Cell B. Vesicle C. Vacuole D. Cytoskeleton
______16. This is where DNA is stored and protected, which is why they call it the control center.
A. Nucleus B. Lysosome C. Chloroplast D. Mitochondria
______17. These are small holes in the nuclear membrane that ribosomes and RNA and other materials
can enter and leave from.
A. Cytoplasm B. Cellular Pores C. Nuclear Pores D. Transport Proteins
______18. This surrounds all cells. It controls what materials can come into and out of the cell.
A. Cell Wall B. Cell Capsule C. Nuclear Membrane D. Cell Membrane
______19. This is a package of enzymes that breaks down lipids, carbohydrates and proteins for the
cell. It also breaks down old organelles.
A. Vacuole B. Vesicle C. Lysosome D. Mitochondria
______20. Which kingdoms are made up of prokaryotes?
A. Plantae and Animalia B. Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
C. Protists and Fungi D. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
______21. Which of the following is an example of Bacteria?
A. Protozoa B. Amoeba C. Thermophiles D. Streptococcus (strep throat)
______22. A fungal cell has a cell wall made of _______________. This is also found in the
exoskeletons of insects.
A. Glucose B. Sucrose C. Chitin D. Chloroplast
______23. Where is DNA located in Prokaryotic cells?
A. Nucleus B. Cytoplasm C. Rough ER D. Ribosomes
______24. This prokaryote is found in hot, sulfurous locations.
A. Acidophiles B. Thermophiles C. Amoebas D. Amoebas
______25. Protozoa are an example of __________________ eukaryotes.
A. Multicellular B. Huge C. Unicellular D. Bacterial
II. Cell Organelles and Their Functions
Directions: Below is the list of the organelles found in plant and animal cells. Match the
organelle with the function it carries out inside a cell. Many of the cell organelles will be used more than
once. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Cell Membrane 8. Cytoplasm 15. Nucleolus
2. Cell Wall 9. Cytoskeleton 16. Nucleoplasm
3. Central Vacuole 10. Golgi Apparatus 17. Nucleus
4. Centriole 11. Leukoplast 18. Ribosomes
5. Chloroplast 12. Lysosome 19. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
6. Chromoplast 13. Mitochondria 20. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
7. Chromosomes 14. Nuclear Membrane 21. Vacuole
__________ 1. This is the control center of the cell.
__________ 2. This is made of DNA and is the storage area for all genetic information.
__________ 3. This is the site of protein synthesis in a cell.
__________ 4. This porous structure surrounds the nucleus, keeping it intact.
__________ 5. This internal membrane system is so extensive that it accounts for more than half the
total membrane in a cell.
__________ 6. When newly formed proteins leave the rough endoplasmic reticulum, they are
transported to this organelle, where the proteins are sorted and packaged.
__________ 7. This part of the cell manufactures the ribosomal units.
__________ 8. This part of the cell is surrounded by a very thick outer membrane to protect the rest of
the cell from its strong enzymes.
___________9. The portion of the cell that exists outside of the nucleus.
___________10. The part of the cell that controls what enters and leaves the cell.
___________11. The part of the cell where chromosomes would be found.
___________12. These are involved in the formation of the spindle apparatus, which functions during
cell division.
___________13. This part of the cell contains strong digestive enzymes to break down proteins,
carbohydrates, and lipids into small molecules that can be used by the rest of the cell.
___________14. These are the most numerous of the cell’s organelles.
___________15. This serves as the powerhouse of the cell.
___________16. The place where lipids are manufactured.
___________17. This part contains the instructions for making and other important molecules.
___________18. This organelle consists of two types of fibers called microfilaments and microtubules.
___________19. This is the semi-fluid portion found inside the nucleus.
___________20. This is the site of photosynthesis in a plant cell.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name
Date: ____________

Prepared by:
SHS Teacher II

Noted by:
SHS Assistant School Principal II


Principal IV
General Biology 1/ WW 1

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. C
20. B
21. D
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. C

1. Nucleus 11. Nucleus
2. Nucleolus 12. Centrioles
3. Ribosomes 13. Lysosome
4. Nuclear Membrane 14. Ribosomes
5. Rough and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum 15. Mitochondria
6. Golgi Apparatus 16. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
7. Nucleolus 17. Chromosomes
8. Lysosome 18. Cytoskeleton
9. Cytoplasm 19. Nucleoplasm
10. Cell membrane 20. Chloroplasts

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