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BI Next Generation (Fiorified) Launchpad Login Page

Once logged in to the Launchpad, we will proceed to the Fiorified BI Launchpad Landing

Fiorified BI Launchpad Landing page (default home page)

Fiorified BI Launchpad Landing page where we can see multiple pages hyperlink.
Users can access favorite documents which are pinned as Favourite.

All Favourites view

Like the All Reports (All Documents) page where you can view them either in “List View
(Default)” or “Tile View”, you can view “All Favourites “, “All Recent Documents” and “All
Recently Run” as well in either List View or Tile View. For example, in the following picture,
we can see that “All Recent Documents” are showcased in Tile View.
All Recent Documents in Tile View

Folder navigation is enhanced with quite a few useful changes concerning navigation and
metadata, description of the folder can be now directly available without the need for going
to the Properties window.

New Objects Creation Menu for Folders

Now Hyperlink creation will support even an “HTTPS” URL as well, with this support you
can even create a hyperlink for your favorite SAP Analytics Cloud Story and mark it
Favourite so that it will be listed on the Home Page under the Favourites section.
SAP Analytics Cloud Application entry point in BI Next Generation Launchpad Home page

In CMC, under the Applications page, right-click on the “SAP Analytics Cloud” application
and select the “SAP Analytics Cloud Properties” option, configure “Tenant URL”. By default,
this property will be configured with the trial tenant request page of SAP Analytics Cloud.

SAP Analytics Cloud Application configuration in CMC

Opening SAC tenant from SAP Analytics Cloud tile on home page

User Notifications used to appear in banners in the Classic BI Launchpad, in the NextGen

BI Launchpad experience this feature got revamped and centralized. Introduced the
Notification icon in the top right corner, with count displayed next to the icon representing the
number of Notifications.

Documents Opened Currently in BI Next Generation Launchpad

Using the cross icon available next to the document name in this drop-down menu, you can
even close the currently viewing document as well, and we will be landed back on the Home
Close Currently Viewing Document from application drop-down list

Web Intelligence Application entry point in BI Next Generation Launchpad

Web Intelligence document is HTML 5 without the need for Java and in functionality on par
with Java Report Panel of BI 4.2. And not only that, even the WebI Rich Client in BI 4.3 as
well revamped with the same interface as in BI Launchpad, thus completely removing the
dependency on Java.
Choose Data Source to create Webl Document

We can select the “Modify” option of the Contextual Menu for the “Web Intelligence”
document, to edit the same in BI Launchpad, similarly for the “Crystal Report for Enterprise”
document as well to edit it in the Crystal Reports for Enterprise Client Application.

An intuitive interface to manage your Instances

Filter by Instance Object Type, i.e Web Intelligence, Crystal Reports, Publication, etc

Filter by Instance Object Title

You can manage the multiple Instances at once by selecting the desired instances all at
once, you can Run Now or Delete them at once

Users of BI Launchpad will now surely be delighted as you can now manage your Instances
all in one place like the interface what Administrators have in Central Management Console
i.e., Instance Manager.

BI Workspace Application to create

Interface for BI Workspace Creation and/or Editing

Auditing Level Metric Value corresponding to each Auditing Status

Configuring watch in Monitoring application to get alert when Auditing gets Switched OFF

       Automation Framework and Agent services are merged and renamed as Workflow

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